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Come Back to Me_A Brother's Best Friend Romance

Page 99

by Vivien Vale

  When I take a seat at Emilé’s Hairdressing Salon, my eyes stare back at me accusingly.

  “Usual?” the French accented man behind me asks, and I nod.

  Emilé immediately starts his small talk. Lucky for me I only have to occasionally nod or shake my head.

  It means I can think of my mountain man. It’s been three months, five days, and four hours since I’ve left Dylan, and I can still see his hurt eyes. They follow me everywhere.

  He had looked as if I had shot him myself the day I had agreed to catch a ride with the FBI agent back into the city.

  When I had been asked by the agent if I wanted a lift into town, I had reacted instinctively, not because of any plans on my part to leave the mountain or Dylan. Events had happened too fucking fast.

  Of course I always knew I’d have to come back. I mean, I can’t just disappear. There are work colleagues to inform, insurance claims to file for the burnt apartment and all kinds of other shit.

  But I do miss him.

  My Dylan. My mountain man.

  Not to mention Boss.

  The little bear cub whose mom left him to us to raise just before she died.

  Okay, technically she shoved him to me, but I could hardly take him back to Manhattan.

  I look into the mirror briefly. The chatter has stopped and my hairdresser is holding up a mirror so I can see his handy work.

  “Brilliant as always,” I praise him and pull out my credit card.

  “You’re a little distracted, Cheri,” he says as he charges me a fortune so I look good.

  I dismiss his comment with a shrug.

  “It’s a man isn’t it?” He winks knowingly at me. “They’re all possessed by the devil and only know how to think with their…you know.”

  Instead of a reply, I kiss him on each cheek.

  “Thank you.”

  And then I leave the shop. Outside, people are getting ready to head home. It’s nearly five o’clock. I bite my bottom lip.

  There is still a mountain of work to be done back at the office.

  Mountain. Dylan. My thoughts threaten to stray again.


  I need to focus on work.

  Amazing how much work is involved in getting a company back on track. When I returned from the mountain armed with all the dirt on the directors, I was asked to stay and sort things out.

  Why I agreed is beyond me. I mean fuck, if I’d known how much work was involved, I might have passed on the opportunity.

  I guess I couldn’t say no to their proposal. They offered me a ridiculous amount of money. It would’ve been madness to knock it back.

  But with a growing bank balance comes a lonely heart.

  My feet take me to my favorite café and I grab a take away strong flat white with one of those delicious white chocolate muffins. Might as well have a sugar hit if I’m going to work late.

  No point going home to an empty apartment.

  Back at my desk, I answer emails and work through a shitload of mail.

  The press has been having a field day with the old company and its shocking work practices. It’s been a hard slog to get shareholders on board and upright the sinking ship.

  Dylan would be impressed.

  There he is again, invading every part of me. I can’t seem to shake him off. He’s with me 24/7. Without a picture of him on my desk, phone or at home, I have to rely on my memory.

  No doubt I’m embellishing his features, his muscles but not the size of his cock. His cock was massive.

  What am I doing sitting at my desk and daydreaming about the man’s penis? I try and get my mind back to my job.

  If I’d known how hard this was going to be, I would have…

  I stop. What would I have done? Played Tarzan and Jane for the rest of my life in the mountains as opposed to the jungle?

  What about all the things I love? I try and rack my brain.

  The ability to walk down the road and choose from a hundred different cafes, where to have coffee, or the nightclubs, or restaurants or…I’m running on empty.

  Since I’ve come down from the mountain, I haven’t visited one nightclub, or a single restaurant.

  With a sigh, I leave my desk and start to pace the length of the office.

  Was this really what I wanted?

  Choice. Choice is so overrated.

  Up and down, I walk like a caged animal.

  My hand runs through my hair. It’s smooth and silky, thanks to the ability of visiting Emilé. What the fuck did the state of my hair matter, anyway? With no one to admire it, run their hands through it or compliment it, the whole thing was a waste.

  Okay, so no, I don’t go and get my hair done just so people can compliment me on it. I go and get my hair done because I enjoy the experience, and I don’t want to end up looking like an unkempt poodle.

  Would living with Dylan mean I’d have to give up all my little luxuries? Could there be a compromise?

  The longer I think about this, the more convinced I become that I acted too fast when I just left him alone in the mountains.

  I mean maybe we could talk about us. We probably should talk about us, since we never really got the chance to.

  Now, self-doubt is creeping through me. It was all fine and good to think about going back to him, but would he actually want me living there?

  We never actually talked about living together. There may have been a moment, just before we thought we were going to die, where we confessed our love for each other. But we never talked about us beyond fucking.

  I briefly stop in front of my desk again. Half of the hate mail have been answered. Shareholders have been informed of the companies new policy, namely not to hire hitmen any more to kill people, to stick to the law and not bribe officials and fudge documents to log in areas where it is illegal.

  Today, I just finished my press release announcing our company was putting two million dollars into conservation.

  The majority of my work is done. Anyone can do the rest. Maybe I can even help out remotely.

  I don’t know how long I’ve paced and thought, but I eventually grab my phone and head out the door.

  I scribble a note on my assistant’s desk and stick it on her monitor so she sees it first thing in the morning.

  It takes me no time at all to get organized. Over the last few weeks, I’ve been tempted so many times to just abandon my city life again.

  I’ve got a bag packed, and I’m ready to go. I’ll just have to turn up since I don’t know how to contact Dylan.

  Of course, I’m not sure how I’ll react if he doesn’t want me. It has never occurred to me that he may not live there any more, until I’m…well, on the way.

  How stupid have I been? His fucking cabin burnt to the ground. What if he’s moved on, found a different place to call home?

  I guess it’s too late to stop now.

  I’ll have to go and see for myself if he’s still there, or what’s happened. And I’ll have to hear from him what his thoughts are about us—and our future.


  The hammer collides with my thumb and misses the fucking nail altogether. Fuck, I swear. This is the third time I’ve missed.

  Something is wrong. My mind is all over the place. I’m surprised I’ve come this far in my building endeavor.

  Boss is standing next to me, watching. He can’t understand why I’m jumping around on one foot, cursing.

  At least I keep hitting the same thumb, which means I’ll only end up with one fucking bruise and not several.

  “What do you think, Boss?” I ask the bear and stand back to admire my handy work once the pain has subsided.

  There’s a howl from the bear, which I take to be a sign of approval.

  “How about more nails? Can you hand me some?”

  It’s been surprisingly easy to train Boss. He’s been an awesome apprentice. What’s more is he doesn’t come with all the hang-ups of human apprentices. There’s no complaining about the work hours or
work conditions. Boss keeps his opinion to himself, mostly, and all in all only gets sidetrack from time to time.

  Of course, conversation is a bit one-sided.

  I grab another nail from the massive bear paw and whack it in. This time I don’t miss.

  “There you go, my friend. Nearly all done.”

  We both admire our work.

  At first I pay no attention to the sound of an approaching engine. Since the snow melt, it’s not unusual for the occasional car to take the main road up into the mountain. No one ever takes the little dirt track to my patch of heaven.


  It could have been heaven.

  Emma has been gone a few months now.

  When she didn’t come back after the first few days of leaving, I knew she was never coming back.

  It was a bit too much to hope she’d choose a life with me in the middle of nowhere over returning to the bright lights of the city.

  Who could blame a young woman wanting the creature comforts of the big smoke? Nightclubs, cafes, restaurants and all that shit is what people want—not nature, fresh air and the ruggedness of the mountains.

  It took me a while to get used to being out here by myself, but now I wouldn’t want it any other way.

  Fuck, I miss her though.

  “Do you miss her, Boss?”

  I glance at the bear, who came to us as a baby and was anything but now.

  “Soon you’ll be on your way too, won’t you, my friend?”

  A rock settles in the pit of my stomach. When the bear goes, the last of Emma will leave as well.

  Whilst Boss is here, part of Emma is still with me. I know it’s stupid, sentimental shit, but I might have become a little fucking sentimental over the last few months.

  Boss suddenly turns his big head away from me. He lets out a different kind of howl, not his usual growl when he believes he senses danger.

  Of course, his senses are not as good as mine. The other day he growled at something in the woods, and eventually it turned out that a bunny was hiding behind a tree.

  It was funny to see this nearly grown bear quiver in fear of a rabbit. Before he flies the coop, he’ll have some quick growing up to do.

  “What’s up my friend? Another bunny got you terrified?”

  Laughter has me spin around.

  I nearly trip over my own feet and tumble down the steps of my new veranda. It seems like I’ve finally gone mad. Too much time on my own has taken its toll.

  My eyes see her, but my brain won’t accept it’s her.

  She looks exactly how I remember her. No, she looks better.

  Her smile lights up her face and her eyes sparkle brighter than the most exquisite diamond.

  “Boss I’ve gone fucking mad,” I say to the bear. “I’m fucking imagine Emma standing in front us.”

  “Look how big you are,” my imaginary Emma says and moves toward us.

  Of course she would say that. I mean she hasn’t been here for the last few months.

  Mesmerized, I watch my imaginary Emma walk up the stairs and come toward us. I only snap out of it when Boss bounces up to her and nearly sends her flying down the steps again.

  “Boss,” I growl and walk toward her.

  She’s looking at me from under her long eyelashes. Her lips are drawn up a tiny bit at the corners, hinting at a smile.

  No fucking way. She can’t be real.

  “Hey,” her voice is soft—almost too soft.

  My mouth suddenly feels like sandpaper and I can’t get a single word out. Instead, I nod.

  “I…” she starts and stops.

  We just stand there for a while, like strangers. I can’t think of a single thing to say and she seems unsure herself.

  It’s the noise of branches breaking in the woods that breaks the sudden spell.

  Boss looks up and leaps off the veranda. My eyes search the perimeter.

  It takes me a while, but then I see her. I know it’s her, and it’s not the first time I’ve spotted her.

  “Look,” I mouth and point to the edge of the forest.

  Emma’s eyes widen and I know she’s seen the female bear.

  Baby bear takes a few tentative steps in her direction. Amazingly enough, the wild female bear seems to be waving at him, inviting him to come to her.

  Boss takes a few steps and stops.

  “Go on,” I say, and I’m surprised at how fucking rough my own voice sounds. Surely, I’m not going to be overwhelmed with fucking emotions? I mean, this is what I prepared for over the last few months.

  “Has she been visiting often?”

  My skin burns where Emma touches me. I flinch at little.

  “Sorry,” she mutters, and I see the confusion in her eyes.

  “I’ve seen her a few times, but I’m not sure if Boss has.”

  Emma nods.

  “Dylan,” she starts and stops again.

  I hold my finger over her mouth. Then I lean forward and press my lips against hers. At first I’m gentle, but soon I’m driven by an insatiable hunger and I want more. My tongue forces entry into her mouth and reaches down to her tonsils.

  Emma doesn’t push me away but returns my kiss.

  Possessed, we cling to each other and kiss as if this is the last time we’re ever going to fucking kiss.

  When I pull back, I’m breathing hard and fast. Without looking down, I know there’s a massive bulge in my pants. I can feel my cock pulsing and trying to burst through material.

  Emma is about as turned on as me. Through her flimsy camouflage material, I can see her hard nipples.

  A howl has us move apart.

  “What the fuck?”

  Boss is headed back toward us. He’s thrown his head back and howling as if he’s in pain.

  “He wants our permission,” says Emma.

  The big bear hovers at the bottom of the veranda.

  “Well, let’s give it to him.” I take Emma by the hand. We walk down the stairs.

  Boss stands there, hovering and unsure.

  “Hey, buddy.” I ruffle the fur on the back of his neck. “It’s time, my friend. Time you go and hang out with your own kind.”

  The bear licks my face and Emma giggles.

  “Go, Boss.” She now tells him and gives him a hug. “I’m pleased I came back on the day you left. I hope you’ll be happy with this gorgeous girl waiting for you in the woods.”

  As if these were the words he’s been waiting for, Boss turns and gallops off.

  “I’m going to miss ya, buddy.” I wave after him.

  Is this a fucking tear rolling down my cheek? Fucking can’t be, it’s only a fucking bear.

  “You ok?”

  Emma takes my hand and looks me in the eyes.

  I nod. There’s a huge lump in my throat.

  My eyes move away from the disappearing bear and fix on Emma. Fuck, she looks hot. She’s dressed in green camouflage tights and matching top. Her hair is tied up, and she’s wearing no make-up.

  “You look good,” I start and shake my head. “What am I saying? You look amazing.”

  She laughs and wraps her arms around me.

  “I thought I could start a new clothing brand. Something along the lines of Mountain Girl Range.”

  I shake my head.

  Before we take the steps back up the veranda, I stop and look back into the woods. The two bears are gone.

  “He’ll be alright,” Emma assures me, and I nod.

  Of course he’ll be alright, but I’m still going to miss him. I’d never thought I’d get attached to a fucking bear. And what about you?” I ask and open the door to my rebuilt cabin.

  Emma hesitates.

  “I…I,” she stutters, and I lift her up to carry her inside.

  “Would you like a tour of the new cabin?”

  “Built by you?”

  I nod. “Boss helped.”

  I shut the door and lower her to the ground.

  Her hands rest on my back. Mine find her shirt and p
ull it up over her head.

  “How about we christen the new place?” I murmur as I lean in to kiss her.


  I’m giggling at nothing. I think it’s because I’m happy.

  And get this: Dylan’s giggling, too. For this specimen of rugged masculinity to be snickering away like a schoolgirl on a sugar rush, he must be really happy.

  “I feel like we’ve done this a million times already,” I say between chortles as we climb the stairs together.

  “Done what?”

  “Just…this. This whole routine—walking up the stairs, walking into the bedroom…”

  “But, this is our first time doing any of that.” Dylan lets loose with a deep guffaw. “I’ve barely done any of that at this place.”

  “I know.” I look down at the floor—it’s pine flooring, of course—and blush slightly as we reach the top of the stairs.

  I stop walking, and so does Dylan. He lays a brawny, gentle hand on my shoulder, and I’m instantly tingly—not just where Dylan’s touching me, but all over.

  I miss this feeling. It’s like slipping into my favorite sweater on the first chilly day of autumn.

  Only this is way fucking better, because I’m looking at those chocolate eyes, and they’re gazing back at me with endless adoration, and I’m seriously about to liquefy right into the softwood floor.

  “Why does it seem like we’ve done this a million times?” Dylan has a genuine curiosity in his voice and a genuine warmth in his smile.

  It’s not the kind of smile I see very often back in Manhattan.

  “I don’t know. It just feels...familiar. And comfortable—like something we’ve done a million times, even if this is the first time.”

  “Maybe you can see into the future.”

  There’s something new in Dylan’s eyes—a sparkle.

  I look down again, because I may actually liquefy, and I remember that Dylan already freed me from my top.

  The new cabin christening is well underway already. Dylan’s arms surround me in a cozy hug.

  “I can maybe see the near future.”

  My head is resting on Dylan’s chest as we sway softly, like trees in a gentle breeze.

  “Oh? How near? Like the next couple of hours?”


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