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The Awakening: Liam (Entangled Covet)

Page 17

by Niles, Abby

  “I love you,” she said in a broken whisper.

  “I know,” he forced out around the tears that threatened to spill from his own eyes.

  Then he took her lips, moments from breaking down, needing to feel just her and not the finality that surrounded them. He lost himself in her mouth, her body, and thought of nothing else…just Ava, the woman he loved, in his arms again, the soft gasps of her breath caressing his mouth as he thrust, her warm flesh squeezed around him.

  And when she moaned her release in his ear, her arms tightening around him as if they’d never let him go, he finally allowed his own, knowing they would always have this moment.

  She held him to her, her loving whispers enveloping him, and all he could think was how happy he would be to spend a lifetime in this woman’s arms.

  They’d finally found their way back together.

  But one man could rip them apart again.

  For all eternity.

  Chapter 12

  God, it’d been like he was saying goodbye.

  After making achingly sweet love, Ava clung to Liam as he tucked her against his side, his arm wrapped around her body, keeping her warm from the slight chill in the air. Everything about their lovemaking had been…heartbreaking. The moments of complete anguish that had crossed his face when some terrible thought had seized him had nearly shattered her.

  She tilted her head back, uncertain what to say, but needing to reassure him. “We’ll both survive this, Liam.”

  He turned his face toward her, a forced smile on his lips. “I know.”

  I know. The same words he’d used when she’d whispered she loved him. No ‘I love you’ back. Not that she needed to hear them to know he did, but his refusal to verbally declare his feelings had left dread the size of a rock sitting in her stomach.

  Those words had always come so easily to him before. And now he couldn’t even say them. He used to not be able to walk past her without sliding a hand around her hip, nuzzling his head in her neck and whispering those three little words in her ear. Why was he holding back now? What if, God forbid, something happened to her…to him...and she never again got to hear that special husky timbre he used when he told her he loved her. She burrowed closer into his side.

  The thought of losing him terrified her, but what terrified her even more was making a stupid decision that would wind up getting herself killed and leaving him in that horrible state he’d described. A shiver ran through her body.

  His arm tightened around her and he lifted his head to glance down at her. “You cold?”

  “A little,” she lied, not wanting to add to the burden already weighing him down.

  He sighed and sat up. “We should probably get dressed. You need to get back inside. We’ve been out of sight for longer than we should already.”

  “He doesn’t know, Liam. Detective Calhoun said her team is out in the woods, searching for him.”

  Liam’s hand stilled as he reached for her clothes, his brows furrowing. “No, he probably doesn’t. It won’t last though. He’ll be back, so you need to get inside.”

  “Emma will be home soon, anyway, and I need to get dinner started. She’s going to a play tonight at the school, so she’ll eat and run.” She paused in buttoning her jeans. “Maybe I can meet you later?”

  Hope refused to die.

  No emotion crossed his face as he regarded her, then glanced away. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Ava.”

  Even though she knew he was right, his words hurt and she lowered her gaze to the floor. “Of course…that…that was stupid of me.”

  Already she was making stupid decisions. Making things harder for him.

  She struggled to her feet and was about to hurry back into the house when his hand encircled her wrist and stopped her. Swallowing, she stared straight ahead, refusing to witness the regret she knew would be on his face, the bleakness in his eyes. She’d spent enough time seeing it while they’d made love. She couldn’t take any more.

  “I want you with me, Ava. Believe that. I never want to let you go.”

  But he would. Both pain and elation shafted through her, squeezing her heart tight. The only response she could come back with was the same one he’d used earlier. “I know.”

  She tugged her wrist out of his grasp and left the garage, silently closing the door behind her. Leaning her back against the wood, she pressed her hand to the ache in her chest, truly understanding now why he’d used those words. They both knew how the other felt. But the response wouldn’t change the outcome. They were still not free to be together. Repeating words of devotion, of love, was downright agonizing.

  She pushed away from the door and stepped into the kitchen. Routine. It was what helped her when she’d come back to this house yesterday. It’d be what got her through tonight, and each night, and every day that followed.

  After washing her hands, she dried them on a dishtowel. And just like that, she went on autopilot. She took out a pack of thawed chicken breasts, placed them in a plastic storage bag, and tossed it on the counter. Grabbing a mallet, she slammed the tenderizer hard onto the meat. Then did it again…and again…and again, until she had pulverized it with relentless hits. A sob pushed up her throat and between her clenched teeth as she stepped back, mallet held loosely at her side, staring in despair at the mutilated pieces of chicken.

  “Ava, what are you doing?”

  The sound of her sister’s voice from behind her had her whirling around. “Emma!” She stifled the sob. Forced a laugh. “Um…the chicken pissed me off.”

  “You sure it’s the chicken’s fault?”

  Ava’s eyes strayed to the dog that sat beside her sister with its tongue lolling out. She jerked her gaze back to her sister. “Just been a bad day.”


  “For one.”

  “Want to talk about it?”

  “Please. You have better things to do than talk to your older sister about her pathetic love life.”

  “Sounds pretty juicy to me.” She leaned against the counter, grabbed a cookie out of the cookie jar, and popped it into her mouth. “Though, Liam doesn’t like me.”

  The blunt statement stunned her. “Of course he does!”

  Emma smiled. “No, he doesn’t. You think I didn’t hear the fights you two had over me? The only time you two fought was over me.”

  She’d always worried her sister had heard those late night arguments, but she never let on that she’d overheard, so Ava had never been sure. “Liam never got the chance to truly know you. You were mouthy and always in trouble. He didn’t like what you did, or what you brought into this house when you stayed here. He believed I should’ve had a firmer hand with you. Maybe if I had just taken his advice, instead of bristling every time he told me how I should’ve handled things, then—”

  “What? I wouldn’t have been tripping balls and hit an animal with mom’s stolen car?” She shrugged. “He had a point, Ava. I was completely screwed up back then. I brought drugs into this house. Snuck guys into my room. Remember when Seth stole your wallet out of your purse? Liam was furious and told me I wasn’t allowed to spend the night anymore, which flipped you out, and you started fighting again. I was a bad kid. Why did you stick by me?”

  “You were never a bad kid. You just got in with a bad group of kids. You needed to get away from them, and I didn’t agree with mom and dad on how. I knew how terrified you were after you wrecked mom’s car, but that accident was also the final straw for mom and dad. Juvie wasn’t the answer. You were ready to change, and I wanted to give you the chance to prove that.”

  Emma studied her for a moment before grimacing. “Liam would’ve never let me move in here fulltime. You picked me over him, didn’t you?” She paused. “You’re still picking me.”

  She swallowed. “You’re my little sister.”

  “That’s what I thought. I didn’t want to believe you’d actually do that, so I didn’t let myself think about it. Liam coming back made me have to face
reality.” She pushed away from the counter. “I’m going to move back to mom and dad’s.”

  “Wait. But—”

  “I’m glad you picked me, sis. You’re right. That night scared the hell out of me, but it was your unwavering support that got me through it. Through all of it. You helped me become a better person, supported my art in a way mom and dad never had, encouraged my friendship with Jessica. And look at me now. You did a great job.” Her sister grasped Ava’s forearm and squeezed. “But it’s my time to choose. You love that man out there, and I make you two fight. I’ve always known that, but was too messed up to care. I care now. I’m different, too. Because of you.” An impish smile came to her lips. “I think Liam won’t be so against me staying with you guys from time to time now, either.” Emma kissed her cheek. “I am sorry for everything, Ava, but don’t put your life on hold anymore because of me.”

  After her sister left the room, she took a huge gasp of air as her lungs squeezed tight. Emma had grown up. Ava would always regret what she’d done to Liam, but she couldn’t be sorry for the intelligent young woman she’d helped her sister become. She would be able to conquer anything now. The world wouldn’t be prepared for her.

  A small smile played at her lips as pride washed over her.

  She wanted to go to Liam, tell him what had just happened.

  But there was still one last obstacle they had to conquer.

  So her sister was out of danger for good.

  And they could be as free as Emma felt now.


  Ava flipped through the channels for almost an hour before she gave up and tossed the remote on the cushion beside her. Emma had left for the play a couple of hours ago and had asked if she could just stay with Jessica since they wouldn’t get home until late. Ava had sensed her sister’s true motivation was to give her time alone with Liam, but didn’t call her out on it. She couldn’t explain that right now they had to keep their distance from each other.

  When she’d talked to Jimmy on the phone earlier, she hadn’t been able to explain that to him either. As promised, she’d called him, and his interrogation about what had happened after he left had started immediately. She’d finally appeased him by admitting she would like for her and Liam’s relationship to work out.

  After that, she’d been able to shift the conversation to the coffee shop and away from the darkness looming over her and Liam. Chatting with Jimmy about the café was different than with Becky. He knew the ins and outs of everything that needed to be done, including the nightly bookkeeping. He’d reassured Ava that he’d take care of everything while she was gone. All she needed to focus on was healing and getting back as soon as possible. When she hung up, she felt better, knowing at least one thing that was important in her life was in capable hands.

  Rising, she balanced on her crutches and decided to put the day to rest. Tomorrow was a new day. Maybe the day all this came to an end—a happy ending, where she and Liam could finally be together.

  After she carefully climbed the stairs, she stepped into her room. And froze, as shock erupted all through her body.

  An unfamiliar man with dark hair sat with his foot resting on his knee, his fingers knitted over his stomach as he leaned back in the chair in the corner of her room.

  “Hello, Ava.”

  That voice. Low with menace. Terror engulfed her as adrenaline made her head spin. Flinging the crutches at him, she whirled around. The roar of blood rushing through her veins filled her ears. Time seemed to still. Pain ceased to exist. She should be running…why wasn’t she running? Even though her heart pounded in her chest and her legs pumped beneath her, the walls of the hallway passed too slowly. The stairs were too far away. The door, the outside, might have been miles from her instead of mere feet.

  She was tackled from behind and sent crashing hard to the ground. Air whooshed out of her lungs as the hardwood floor smacked her chest. She couldn’t die. Oh, God. Liam! No! She wouldn’t do this to him.

  When her attacker’s weight lifted and he flipped her onto her back, she immediately shoved out with both feet, hitting him in the middle of his chest. As he went sprawling backward, she scrambled to her feet and down the stairs, the sound of his rough breath right behind her. A scream ripped from her throat, and he responded with an enraged, “Fuck!”

  At the base of the stairs, he crashed his body into her again, sending her careening into the living room, while he rolled a couple of feet away. She staggered back to her feet. Just as she made it to the kitchen, a shove from behind sent her flying. Pain exploded in her head as it smacked against the edge of the counter and she collapsed onto the tile.

  As he flipped her over and straddled her, she screamed, clawed, kicked. Then cold, sharp metal bit into her neck and she froze.

  “It’s time to end this, Ava, don’t you think?”

  “Please,” she whispered, terrified for Liam

  “I bet my mate said that exact same word as she lay dying.” Moisture brightened his eyes as the blade trembled against her skin. “He took her from me.”

  “He-he didn’t.”

  No matter what this man said, Liam had never willingly taken a woman’s life.

  “He did!” Rage peeled his lips off his teeth. He replaced the knife against her neck with his other hand, and pressed down until she was certain he would crush her windpipe. Yanking on his grip, she flailed beneath him, trying to knock him off, loosen his grip. Anything to breathe again.

  “He killed her. Why should he have happiness while I’ve lived in hell because of him!” He ran the blade down between her breasts, then circled the sharp tip around the area below her ribs. “I won’t allow it! I’m taking him into hell with me.”

  No! Her struggles increased, her panic consuming.

  Searing pain stabbed through her as the blade pierced her skin. Inch by excruciating inch, he embedded the butcher knife deep into her side. Numbness spread through her body, leaving her paralyzed, immobile. The only sound she heard was the beat of her heart in her ears as he straightened. Arms slack at his sides, he let his head fall back to stare at the ceiling. A long relieved sigh filled the room.

  “Finally,” he whispered.

  The simple act of breathing felt like the blade was severing every tendon, muscle, and vein inside her. She took shallower breaths, fought dizziness, lifted a trembling hand to hover around the handle.


  Tears scorched the back of her eyes. She’d failed him.

  “You’re dying slowly, like my Eliza.” When he tapped the top of the handle, she inhaled sharply, arching up as agony sliced through her. “I bet he’s feeling it right now. He’ll be confused at first. It’s an odd sensation, like a flare. As your heartbeats slow, darkness will seep in, and then he will no longer be able to deny what is happening. He’ll freak. Panic. Want to save you, but will know it’s impossible because you are already gone.”

  A tear slid down the side of her face. She felt it—the energy bleeding out of her. The difficulty taking a breath. Everything felt sluggish inside her, failing to keep her alive.


  It was his handsome face she wanted to see last. Not this man’s. Not with this horror.

  “He’s off chasing a terrified shifter soaked in propane, along with the rest of SPAC. I wasn’t going to give him a chance to tell you how much he loved you, to hold you while you slipped away. He never gave me that chance. I had to sit in my office and feel the woman I loved leave me forever.”

  Anguish tore at her. Liam would blame himself…live life with that horrible darkness and the guilt of leaving her alone. She had to hang on. Live. Never leave him like that.

  A faint noise came from outside.

  Teeth bared, his head snapped to one side. Fisting his hand around the knife handle, he shoved down, then savagely yanked the blade out. She moaned, hands covering the exposed wound where blood gushed and pooled around her.

  A horrendous crash came from behind her followed by an enraged roar. Th
e madman’s eyes went wide.

  “It’s not possible,” he whispered hoarsely before a flash of golden fur launched over her and leapt onto her attacker. Terrified screeches followed.

  Help him.

  She tried to sit up, but her body refused to cooperate, refused to even move, except for the occasional twitch. The man had the knife. All it’d take was one thrust for the blade to end Liam’s life. She couldn’t lose him. A pitiful wail erupted from her lips. Faint. Like her heart. .

  The shrieks intensified. Her head lolled to the side. The lion was on top of the man. Ferocious snarls rent the air. The man slashed wildly at him with the knife.

  Liam. Don’t leave me.

  A sickening snap sounded, and the lion tossed something into the hair. It landed mere feet from her. Wide, dead eyes stared back at her from the dismembered head. When she opened her mouth to scream, no sound emerged. Agony sliced through her torso as she tried to distance herself, causing her vision to swim. Liam’s beast stepped toward, and all the horror of the last few minutes multiplied at the blood staining the fur around the animal’s muzzle. The last thing she saw before she lost conscious was the bright red drops that dripped from the beast’s jowls onto the floor.

  Chapter 13

  Eight hours later, Liam sat by the hospital bed with his steepled fingers pressed to his lips as he prayed for Ava to wake. After she’d lost consciousness, he’d quickly licked her wound. Even though it had healed, she’d lost a ton of blood. While Val drove them to The Bradley Center, Ava’s heart had stopped twice. The darkness had tried to overcome him while he desperately pumped her chest. He begged her for her to live between each breathe he breathed into her lungs.

  And twice her essence was reborn inside him. In those moments, it took everything for him not to bawl with relief.

  Why had he been so fucking stupid? He should’ve known it was a trick, a way to separate him from Ava. But when he’d heard the running feet outside the garage, he’d hurried to investigate, and found Val and her team rushing toward the woods in hot pursuit.


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