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Zombified (Book 2): Shady Oaks

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by Robinson, Char

  Sean threw Scott a surprised glance. "What's going on?" he hissed. Scott shook his head and frowned. "We're going to have to investigate that."

  Scott hurried over. "I know," he whispered. "Must be survivors because we're the only team out here right now."

  "Well, let's get moving," Sean said briskly. The team was once again in a loose circle around the brothers, and he glanced at them before continuing. "Okay, we're going to check out where those shots came from. Let's be careful and go in slow."

  He glanced around before continuing. "Sounded like the shots came from directly ahead so we'll stay on this street. Scott and I will go first. Keep your eyes peeled and let us know if you see any movement."

  He and Scott turned as one and began to move tactically, using abandoned vehicles for cover as they went down the street. They were almost to the intersection when they heard a shout. Immediately, everyone found a building and plastered their backs against the walls. Sean gave the signal for everyone to remain where they were. Slowly, he and Scott inched their way over to the last building which turned out to be a small drugstore, and Sean peered around the corner. He only needed one good glance before he whipped his head back around and looked at his brother.

  "We have a problem," he whispered. "There are at least four black trucks up the block. I only saw a few people; but they are wearing all black and carrying major gear and high-tech weapons. From what I saw, they've captured a zombie with one of those net guns and were getting ready to put it in the back of a black van."

  Scott frowned. "Let me see," he whispered back. After changing places, he turned so his chest was touching the wall and slowly took a look for himself. After watching for a moment, he eased back beside Sean. "I'll be damned," he said in a low voice. "They're not military - do you think it's the Connor Group?"

  "You read my mind," Sean replied. He grabbed Scott's arm and pulled him back. "Let's go talk to the others."

  With the possibility of the Connor Group being so close by, they simply could not chance an encounter so the mission was terminated and they headed for their pick-up point.

  Fortunately their rides were waiting for them and they were quickly whisked back to Shady Oaks.

  "Guess we should find Charlie and talk to him first," Scott suggested as the town came into sight.

  "Hmm, finding Charlie might be easy," Sean said. He pointed. "Look, there are military vehicles in town. I'm guessing Captain Sears is here."

  Scott grinned with relief, thankful that there was someone in town who could offer them some real assistance if indeed the Connor Group was once again flexing its dangerous muscles. "Gotta love that guy, he has an uncanny knack for always showing up at the right time."

  "He certainly does," Sean agreed.

  As soon as the truck they were riding in came to a halt, the brothers jumped out of the back and hurried off to fill everyone in on what transpired in Harris.


  After a quick briefing from Captain Sears, it was decided that the entire town should hear what he had to say. News of the military's arrival traveled fast and people quickly gathered around the front of the city hall. Charlie and Mick were busy ushering everyone inside when Charlie looked up to see Sean and Scott race past him and over to Captain Sears. After greeting one another, Scott leaned close and said something in the captain's ear, causing him to frown. At that moment, Charlie wished he could read lips.

  Mark Chapman, the town's new interim sheriff, strode purposefully toward them. His election was held at the same time as Charlie's. Since he served as a police officer in Ambrose and Shady Oaks no longer had any officers left, he was quickly put in charge. He needed deputies and he had his eye on Sean and Scott. They promised to seriously discuss the issue with him once Harris was taken care of.

  "I think almost everyone is here, so let's go," he said with a wave of his hand. Charlie and the stragglers still milling around followed him inside.

  Charlie spotted his daughter and quickly took a seat beside her. Although City Hall was on the small side, the courtroom was large enough to hold everyone comfortably.

  "Where's Jake?" he whispered in her ear.

  "Still working" she whispered back. "He thinks he's on to something with his samples."

  Charlie raised an eyebrow. "Really now. Does he think it's possible to make a vaccine?"

  Truthfully, he doesn't know, Dad," she said softly. "But he thinks he has to give it a try."

  "I can understand that," Charlie said agreeably. He nodded toward the front of the room. "Looks like we're about to get started."

  They were sitting toward the back of the room and Charlie straightened so he could get a good look. Captain Sears, Sean, and Scott were sitting on heavy wooden and leather chairs facing everyone. Mark leaned against the wall beside the twins. Once again he wondered what it was they were in such a hurry to tell Captain Sears. He didn't like waiting and was happy to see the captain stand.

  "First, let me say how wonderful it is to be here and to see all of you. Shady Oaks is why my men and I are still out there fighting. With all the hard work you're doing here, I'm sure it won't be long before this beautiful town is once again filled with people."

  He glanced around the room before continuing. "The reason we're here is because we've received reports that the Connor Group is on the move again in this area. We wanted to warn you, and from what I've just learned from the Carter brothers, it seems as though our reports are indeed correct."

  Murmurs erupted from the crowd and he held up a hand to quiet them. "I'll let Sean tell you what they discovered today while they were in Harris."

  Sean stood and quickly filled them in. Charlie felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. Every time they seemed to be getting ahead, something always seemed to happen to set them back, and he was tired of it.

  After Sean took his seat, Sears clapped him on the shoulder and stood. "We will be heading out to see if we can intercept these people in Harris to determine exactly who they are and what they're doing. We will then report back here with our findings and we can decide what course of action to take next."

  He glanced at Mark, who took it as his cue to end the meeting. Charlie noticed that Sean and Scott were again deep in conversation with Captain Sears; he knew they were probably trying to wrangle their way into going along.

  Charlie turned when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Mick gave him a small grin. "Wanted to see what you think of all this."

  Charlie shrugged and shook his head. "Right now I don't know what to think except that we need to do something once and for all about the Connor Group."

  "I agree with that," Mick said. He nodded toward his sons. "Bet you anything they're trying to go with."

  Charlie nodded. "Do you think he'll let them tag along?"

  They watched as Sean and Scott nodded, smiled, and shook the captain's hand before heading off together.

  "By their reaction, I think we have our answer," Mick said.

  Watching Mick's face, Charlie could feel his concern. "They'll be all right," he said, trying to reassure his friend. "They're well trained and they'll be with the best fighting forces around."

  "You mean the only fighting forces around," Mick grumbled. "Can't help it, but I always worry about them."

  "Right now, I'm worried for all of us," Charlie admitted.

  "Let's hope they find these people and they're not with the Connor Group," Mick replied.

  Charlie nodded glumly. He was trying to be cautiously optimistic, but he couldn't shake the feeling that big trouble was headed their way.

  Chapter Three

  After saying goodbye to their wives, Sean and Scott raced over to the waiting Jeep. Charlie stood with Mick and Cindy until the convoy was almost out of town then he went in search of his daughter. He wanted to know more about what Jake was working on.

  Jenny and Jake opted to stay in the apartment building they first used when reclaiming the town and he headed there first. Charlie had his own apartment ther
e too, but was hoping to eventually move in with Judith and Travis when the time was right. He was almost there when Jenny burst out the front door with Jake trailing behind.

  He came to an abrupt halt. "You two going somewhere?"

  Jenny was carrying a paper sack and a blanket slung over one shoulder. Jake carried a large cardboard box and a backpack.

  "I decided Jake's been cooped up in that spare room long enough and we are going on a picnic," she announced with a glance at Jake, who vigorously nodded then grinned.

  "Actually, I do need to get out," Jake admitted. "I've been working pretty hard."

  "Are you going by yourselves?"

  Jenny chuckled. "No worrywart. We invited Brooke and Jimmy along. We'll be up at the Meadows; it's located halfway up Fletcher Mountain right between us and Harris."

  Charlie scratched his head. "I'm guessing that's the place with the big lake that everyone talks about?"

  Jenny nodded. "Yep, it's really beautiful up there. Since so much has happened, we're the first ones going up there this year. We might do some fishing too so Jimmy is bringing the poles and getting bait."

  "Sounds like fun," Charlie said. He stepped to the side so they could pass. "Do you have a walkie and a weapon or two?"

  "Yes Dad," Jenny grinned good-naturedly and stepped over to give Charlie a hug. "We'll be fine, if we have any problems we'll call on the walkie."

  "Looks like you've got everything covered," he said with a smile. "By the way, I was coming to talk to you, but it can wait until you get back."

  "Okay," Jenny said as she readjusted the sack she was carrying. "We'll be back before dusk."

  Charlie waved them on and watched their retreating backs. When Jimmy and Brooke joined them, he gave another wave and after they waved back he headed into the apartment. Once inside he stopped to check the walkie on his hip was turned on and set to the correct frequency. Satisfied, he started up the stairs and stopped again. Now Judith was on his mind and he decided to pay her a visit.

  Everyone in town knew about their relationship, it was hard to keep something like that hidden. He hadn't been in a serious relationship since his first wife, Darla. When she died suddenly of a heart defect no one knew she had and left him alone to care for Jenny, who was three-years-old at the time, he decided to devote himself to his daughter until she was grown and on her own. Now that Jenny had her own life, he was beginning to think of a future with Judith and it was an idea he liked. He spun around and almost collided with Bitsy Jones.

  "Sheriff sent me to look for you," she said. Charlie didn't think he would ever get used to such a deep husky voice coming from such a tiny girl. At sixteen, Bitsy looked more like she was twelve. They had stumbled across her before the zombies were removed from the town. Both her parents were presumed dead and she now stayed with Mick and Cindy Carter.

  He raised an eyebrow. "Did he say what he needed?"

  Bitsy shook her head and started back down. "Nope. Gotta run, Travis and I are going to pick up eggs at the McKenzie farm."

  "Thanks Bitsy," he murmured. She waved a hand and disappeared out the door. As he slowly followed, he wondered what Mark wanted. Being the Mayor would take some getting used to, he thought, seemed like someone always wanted to talk or get his opinion on something. With a sigh, he squared his shoulders and strode out the door.

  Charlie found the new sheriff in his office, along with Dexter Reed. Dexter, his wife Rose, and young son Kevin first joined them at Dave's Place and later went with Charlie to Shady Oaks to help him get Jenny out of the shelter. Dexter was big, meaty, and often acted before thinking, but Charlie learned that deep down he had a great love and tenderness for his family. He and Charlie often butted heads and once Charlie punched him in the mouth for almost getting them all killed while fighting zombies.

  "Take a seat, Charlie," Mark said amicably. He gestured toward Dexter. "Been talking to Dex here, he would like to become a deputy and I'd like your opinion."

  Charlie raised his eyebrows and glanced at Dexter, who gave him a cheesy smile. Charlie wanted to roll his eyes, but managed to refrain, glancing instead at Mark. He hated being caught in the middle. "Can you clarify what you need exactly?"

  Mark frowned slightly as he thought for second, and then grinned. "Let me make this easy for you. I need someone who is dependable, will be on time, and can learn quickly."

  "Well, I think Dexter is dependable, he's a stickler for being on time anywhere he goes, and he is a quick learner," Charlie said slowly.

  Mark smiled and leaned back in his big red leather chair. Once again his grin lit up his dark features. "That's excellent. Now tell me, does Dexter play well with others?"

  Charlie actually felt himself squirming. Buck up, he thought to himself. He straightened and glanced again at Dexter, who was staring a hole in him.

  "At times I'd say no, he doesn't play well with others." When he saw Dexter start to object, he held up a hand. "Sometimes, what's needed is a firm hand and Dexter knows how to get people moving to his commands. I know this can rub folks the wrong way, myself included, but he gets the job done and that's what we need many times."

  Mark narrowed his eyes before slowly nodding. "Very good. I think you've answered my questions."

  He stood and walked around the desk to stand in front of Dexter. Dexter jumped up and the two men shook hands. Mark turned to Charlie. "So we have our first new deputy, I'm going to swear him in right now. Go grab Candice, she can be another witness."

  As Charlie hurried off to find Candice, he hoped Dexter would be a good addition and that their decision to make him a deputy was not a huge mistake they would regret later.


  Sean took his time with the binoculars and slowly scanned the seemingly deserted town.

  "Don't see a thing," he said in a low voice. He turned to look at his brother. "What are the others reporting?"

  "Same thing. As far as they can see into the town, there's nothing."

  Sean frowned and lowered the glasses. "I guess this means we need to get out and do some recon, try to figure out if they're still here and if not, where they went."

  The brothers didn't have to wait for long, within ten minutes they were on the ground with a small contingent sent to scout the outskirts of Harris.

  "Here's hoping we find something," Sean whispered to Scott before they spread out to comb the western edge of town. Scott nodded and waved to his brother as he moved off.

  They slowly moved through the rough fields and small streams they encountered. Sean was about to give up hope of finding anything when a soldier about twenty paces ahead signaled he found something. The team rushed over.

  The soldier was squatting down. "Look," he whispered while pointing. "Tire tracks."

  Everyone immediately began searching for more tracks, which they found.

  Sean trotted over to his brother. "Seems like when they left, they went north," he said in a rush. "I'm guessing there were at least five or six vehicles here."

  Scott nodded. "That's what I'm thinking too."

  “Well, guess we should head back and let them know what we found,” Sean remarked.

  Once Captain Sears was briefed, orders were quickly given. Half the platoon would continue on foot toward the mountain and the other half would bring up the rear in the vehicles. There was only one small dirt road in the area going up into the Fletcher Mountains and it was barely passable, so most vehicles would be left behind at that point. What they would find on the mountain was anyone's guess.

  Sean and Scott traveled in the captain's jeep; Sean suspected that he had promised their father he would watch out for them. Sean sighed and settled back to relax for a moment since there was really nothing else he could do.

  He closed his eyes and felt a poke in his side. He glanced at Scott, who was looking in the other direction. As he closed his eyes again, he felt another poke. He opened one eye. Scott was still looking out the window. "One more and I'm going to throw you out of here," he hissed.

  Scott turned toward him, eyes all wide and innocent. "Pardon me?"

  "You heard me," Sean growled, still looking at Scott with one eye shut.

  Scott flashed him a huge grin. "Ooh, someone is crabby."

  Out of the corner of his open eye, Sean noticed Sears turn toward them. He glanced back at Scott then back at the Captain. Scott followed his gaze and sat up straighter. They sat quietly until he turned back to his maps.

  "Oops," Scott whispered with a soft laugh.

  "You're an idiot," Sean whispered back and couldn't help but smile.

  Scott winked and turned back toward the window. Sean closed both eyes and silently prayed that no matter what they found or got into, they would all come back safe and sound.

  Chapter Four

  "I'm thinking of heading over to the sheriff's office, want to come?" Mick asked Cindy as they pulled carrots from one of their garden plots in the back yard.

  He straightened and arched his back to work out a kink. The yard was filled with raised beds of lettuce, potatoes, beans, onions, and carrots. He enjoyed looking at them and the young apple and pear trees they planted. He liked the yard's privacy fence even more, he felt like it offered them more security while they worked.

  "Are you going over there to check on the boys?"

  "That and to see if there's anything new."

  Cindy looked up. "I think I'll stay here. If there's any news, tell me right away though, okay?"

  Mick kissed her then smiled into her eyes. "Will do. I won't be gone long."

  After checking that both their walkies were on and set to the same channel, Mick headed out. As he walked, he glanced around and smiled. Everyone worked hard to bring Shady Oaks back, and the casual observer would probably never guess what had transpired in the small town.

  Homes were filling up and yards were mowed regularly. Places like the hardware store were open, but business was conducted a little differently now. They used a barter system for most items being sold, but borrowing an item was allowed, as long as it was returned in good condition. The grocery store was now used for stockpiling their non-perishable food, recently canned jars of fruits and vegetables were being added daily.


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