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Destiny's Magick

Page 7

by Rae Morgan

  One of the elders adept in healing had pronounced her healthy, but fatigued. Her loss of consciousness was just her way of dealing with the stress she'd been under the last few weeks, and a serious lack of sleep.

  Drake regretted her current state of exhaustion and the part he'd played. Given more time and space, he could've arranged to meet and properly court her. But Bettencourt and his spies and cohorts hadn't permitted that course of action. Thus, he had to woo her on the ethereal plane, which contributed to her collapse.

  Of course, her discovery of her heritage and her destiny probably hadn't helped the strain on her emotions, either.

  Stretching out a hand, he gently stroked her arm from elbow to fingertips as it lay on top of the covers. Such beautiful skin. Just touching her, even in this casual way, aroused him to the point of delicious pain. He inhaled her scent-vanilla, ylang ylang, and something else peculiarly her own. His mouth watered. It was all he could do not to lean over and lick the pulse throbbing at the base of her neck to see if she tasted as good as she smelled.

  Rhea moaned, then moved restlessly against the engulfing blankets.

  Her moans reminiscent of the ones she produced right before she climaxed during their out-of-body encounters caused his gut to clench and his penis to grow even harder.

  “She's mine.” Saying it out loud underlined the truth of the words in his mind.

  As her movements against the covers became more frantic, Drake couldn't restrain himself. He had to hold her close; let her know that she wasn't alone and that he cared enough to provide more than mind-blowing sex. He wanted her to associate him with comfort, also.

  Who was he kidding? It would comfort him to hold her. She could have been stolen from him forever today, if her grandmother hadn't been there to protect her.

  Drake slipped off his shoes, then stood up. He pulled back the covers and began to edge his way into bed alongside her when the door to the room slammed shut.

  “You promised her until midnight Saturday,” Betsy said.

  With a feral snarl, Drake glared toward the doorway. Elspeth and Betsy stood inside.

  “Don't you know how to knock?”

  “We did,” Betsy said, shooting him an insouciant grin. “You must not have heard us. Busy?”

  “Shut up, Betsy,” growled Drake. “Or, I'll give you the spanking Keir forgot to give you today.”

  “Promises. Promises.” Betsy walked farther into the room, then stopped and looked pointedly at Drake, then at Rhea. “Don't evade the issue here. You promised her she had until Saturday night to get used to the idea. Don't you want her to think you are a man of your word?”

  “I wasn't going to make love to her. Just hold her. She was restless.”

  “Oh yeah, sure.”

  “Really.” Drake pulled the covers back up over Rhea. After one final stroke to her arm, he slipped his shoes back on and headed for the doorway. “Where did you put Yorrick?”

  “That's what we came up here to tell you. Keir put him in the basement storage room. He thought you might have some questions for the bastard. He also didn't think you would want to scare the non-witch employees with your methods.”

  “He would be correct about that,” said Drake as he turned to look at Rhea one more time. “Where are Boris and Igor? I want them to make sure she is safe. That means they need to stand guard inside the bedroom this time.”

  “They're right outside the door.” Betsy turned, opened the door, then motioned the twins inside.

  “Guard her, well, boys. She's the future of this coven.”

  And the love of my life.

  “Gotcha, boss,” the twins spoke in unison, then sauntered into the room to take up their posts.

  “Young man.” Elspeth floated in front of him, blocking his way. “I can't stay here to protect my granddaughter. My spirit form needs to be close to my things, my house, to be maintained at full strength.”

  “I'll keep her safe this time. I promise.”

  “You might not be able to. The evil that was present the last time I was in this building is still here. It is one of your own. But, I'm sure you knew that.”

  Drake nodded. “We banished one traitor, but there is still another in our midst-maybe more.”

  “Only one is left among your people. Bettencourt's radical ideas and evil soul are not attractive to most preternaturals. The traitor is one you've had troubles with before. Look to someone you have punished or humiliated in some way.”

  “Do you know who?” Drake sorted through his mind, trying to recall who among his coven that might be. His mind drew a blank. He had always been fair and even-handed with his followers-except for Bettencourt. And even when he'd banished him he'd consulted and had the full support of the Elder's Council.

  “If I had known, I would have said so,” Elspeth said with a rebuking tone in her voice. “There are too many souls in this building. My powers aren't what they used to be.” Elspeth started to fade away. Her voice grew weaker. “Rhea will know the traitor when he or she comes. She sensed...”

  Drake strained to hear the rest of her sentence, but failed.

  “She said I sensed Yorrick at the house.”

  Drake turned. Rhea sat up in bed.

  He rushed over to her. He took her hands in his, then raised them to his lips.

  “How are you feeling? You scared me.”

  “I'm fine.” Rhea glanced around the room. “I suppose we did the whirlwind thing to get here.”

  Drake smiled, refusing to let go of her hands as she tugged at them “Yep.”

  * * * *

  Rhea threw back the bed covers and swung her legs out of bed-all the while conscious of Drake's concentrated gaze. His desire for her evident in the way he caressed her with his eyes. She could feel the sexual heat. See the evidence of it in the hard bulge in his trousers.

  And her body reacted. Just like Pavlov's dog-Drake had trained her to respond without ever having to touch her sexually. She desired him.

  But, she wasn't a dog. And she resented the fact that Drake, her grandmother, and every person she'd met in this building expected her to lie down and give her body for the cause.

  At the same time, she itched to do just that.

  Damn, these people were driving her crazy. She wasn't sure who or what she was anymore.

  “I need to get away from here.”

  Drake pulled her against his side so fast she hadn't even seen him move. She pushed away from him and sat on the edge of the bed.

  “You can't. It isn't safe.” He knelt by the bedside, but didn't touch her. If he touched her, she wasn't sure what she would do. Obviously, he wasn't either. “I'm sorry you had to hear about the meaning of the birthmarks from Yorrick. But he didn't lie. Theoretically, Bettencourt could take you, consummate the physical relationship, and take over the coven with the resulting power.”

  Rhea groaned. “Why do I feel so guilty? If I don't lie with you, I'll be consigning the coven to the rule of a tyrant. If I do lie with you, I'll never know if I did it because of the fantastic sex or because of love. Plus, I'll lose my self-respect because I felt forced to do so.”

  “I know this sounds inadequate, but I'm sorry that you've been placed in the position of making such an important decision under less than ideal circumstances.”

  “Thank you. I believe you really mean that. And I want to do the right thing. But I'm not sure what I feel for you, other than, you know, the desire thing.” Rhea hesitated. “And I can't promise that I'll figure this out before Saturday night. What happens if I don't?”

  “Something. Nothing.” His brow creased with thought. “Who knows? This isn't the only full moon we've ever had. But, it is the first time since a complement for the Coven of the Wolf has been found,” said Drake. “Don't worry about it. We are-I am expecting too much of you.”

  Great, Rhea thought, now she felt really guilty. He needed her. She could sense it. His desire poured off him in waves and bathed her soul. No one had ever wanted her as mu
ch as this one man-and it was a heady and gratifying sensation. Before she took the biggest gamble of her life, she needed to know one more thing.

  “This power we'd have once we ... uh, conjoined. Why would it be any different than what we've already done together?”

  “The difference is between a stick of dynamite and an atomic bomb. Also, the current power exchange is initiated and controlled by me. I use this amulet made from your hair and a stone from your jewelry,” he raised the pendant so she could see, “to channel my energy to you and supplement yours. I can't call your power. You can't call mine, but can only seek it. At which time, I can choose to provide.” Drake took her hands in his. “Once we conjoin, it's a two-way street. We can call on both of our powers, anywhere and anytime. Plus there is no need for either of us to carry an amulet. I will be part of you as you will be part of me.”

  “That's scary.”

  And a lot of responsibility. Yet, Drake, Elspeth, and the others already seemed to trust her. And she had to admit she'd already started to get the hang of this magick stuff. If she didn't do this, who would?

  “Yes, it is a great responsibility and sometimes a burden, but when used for the good, it is a gift from the Goddess. It is our destiny.”

  Rhea sighed wistfully, then squeezed Drake's hands. “Okay. Let's do it.”

  “Now?” Drake's voice sounded surprised-and strained.

  A quick glance at his pants showed proof that her suggestion had found merit.

  “Yes, now. Well, not exactly now. The room-” Rhea's gaze swept the three very interested bystanders, “-is a tad bit over-crowded for my tastes. I'm not into group sex or voyeurs.”

  “We're out of here,” Betsy said, her voice laced with laughter. “We'll keep old Yorrick on ice. You two just do what needs to be done. Boris and Igor will set up a secure perimeter so you won't be disturbed.”

  Rhea's face burned with embarrassment as Betsy shooed the two grinning shapeshifters from the room. After the door was, quietly, but firmly, closed, she turned to see what if anything she could read from Drake's expression.

  “Oh my God!”

  Within the space of the door's closing and the turning of her head, Drake had removed his clothes, turned back the bedcovers, and fluffed the pillows. He'd also closed the drapes and lit all the candles in the room.

  “Damn. You're fast,” she breathed.

  And, damn, he was gorgeous. All lean, muscled masculine lines and angles. His dark olive skin glistened in the candlelight. His body was covered in just the right places with just the correct amount of silky black hair. His hard and more than adequate penis jutted proudly from his groin. His alter ego's body on the astral plane paled in comparison with the real thing.

  “Only in the preparation of the room, my lady.” Drake pulled her to a standing position, then swept her into his arms. “I promise a night of slow, sweet love. It seems like I've waited for you forever and I'm not going to rush it.”

  “But we only met, sort of, a few weeks ago. Besides you know me. You've had me several times a day.”

  “Ah, but that was out-of-body sex. Fast. Intense. An appetizer. Physical lovemaking is to be savored, like a seven-course gourmet meal.” Drake gently placed her on the bed. “I want to take my time. Learn all your secrets. Absorb your taste and smell into my pores. I want you to know that I cherish and worship you as a mate, a lover and an equal partner in my life, and the world of our coven.”

  Rhea sighed. This just might work out after all. Drake might be an alpha male, but he seemed to be a politically correct one. And he would be her alpha male.

  “Equal partners?” Rhea said. “Does that mean I can control some of our lovemaking?”

  Drake laughed, a low rumble that vibrated throughout Rhea's body and set her blood to pumping. “You mean you grew tired of my direction of our out-of-body lovemaking?”

  “No, not tired. I just wanted to return the pleasure.”

  “And I plan to enjoy that-and soon. Plus, once conjoined, you'll be able to seek me and initiate sex on the ethereal plane.”

  “Oh, I get it. It's that two-way street you mentioned.”

  “Exactly. Anything else you'd like to ask before I start to adore you with my body and soul?”

  “No. Other than I'm nervous. I've only had one real lover, other than you, and he was, well, he wasn't-”

  “He wasn't a good lover?”

  “Yeah. In fact he sucked at it. The out-of-body sex with you was the best sex I've ever had in my life.” She looked up at him from under her lashes. “Although I could have done without it during business hours. And at the grocery store. And-”

  “And at the hairdressers?”

  Damn. He was laughing at her.

  “I mean it. In the future, OBE sex is only for times when I'm alone. I'm not into public sex, either.”

  “Got it,” Drake intoned. “No group sex. No voyeurism. And no public sex.” His eyes twinkled. “What about spanking and light bondage?”

  “Only if it goes both ways.”

  “Deal,” he said as he leaned over to unbutton her shirt while he took her lips with a searing kiss.

  Rhea sat up so he could remove her blouse. As Drake moved from her mouth to lick the curves of her breasts above her lacy bra, she ran her fingers through his thick, dark hair. As he followed a path down her abdomen, she sighed and attempted to return the pleasure by massaging his scalp, his neck, then his shoulders.

  “Off.” She moaned, as he traced a path along the waistband of her slacks. First to one side then the other.

  “Off what?” he rasped.

  “Slacks. Off.” She shuddered as gooseflesh peppered her exposed skin. Not from a chill, but from the pleasure of his tongue on her skin. “Now!”

  “As you wish.” He opened the slacks and pulled them from her limp legs. “You are so beautiful.”

  Rhea watched as he sat next to her on the bed and stroked every inch of her exposed, and overly sensitized, skin. She was wet and ready for the intense feelings she knew he could bring.


  “No, not now. You aren't ready yet.”

  “Yes, I am.” She stared at his large cock. The plum-colored head indicated his extreme readiness. “And so are you.”

  “But I want you to burn, my lady. I want you so out-of-your-mind ready that a mere breath on one of your lovely nipples will push you over the edge.”

  “Do it. I'm telling you I'm ready.” Rhea reached out and pulled him toward her, then grasped his unresisting head and aimed it at her breast. “Just blow.”

  Drake laughed, but obeyed her request, adding his own twist. He leaned over and wet her nipple with his tongue. She moaned. The throbbing between her legs increased with each lave of his talented tongue. Then he blew-a soft, warm breath.

  And she came. Hard. Fast.

  * * * *

  Drake held the precious woman in his arms as she reached her peak. He smiled. Obviously, the out-of-body sexual experience had sensitized her to any sexual overtures by him. Boy, were they going to have a wonderful sex life. No, correction, they were going to have a wonderful life, period.

  As Rhea panted her way through the aftermath, he cuddled her against his body. He was still in awe of her acquiescence. The trust she so freely gave humbled him. He vowed never to disappoint her. He only hoped that her belief in their powers would grow stronger and that she would come to love him. Because all three-trust, belief and love-were needed for the conjoining to be a success. He knew that.

  But, she didn't.

  He hadn't told her, because once she'd committed to give herself physically, he'd become selfish. He loved her, and he couldn't take the chance she would change her mind if she knew that all three elements had to be present. Her logical mind would have led her to the obvious conclusion that she was in no danger of giving the power to Bettencourt, that there was no way Bettencourt could take advantage of the legend.

  Yeah, he was selfish. He had wanted her for himself. Whether th
e power evolved now or later, it didn't matter to him.

  He allayed the small twinge of guilt for his omission with the thought that she still could have been killed by the other side to keep him from having her. Now, at least, she was under his full protection.

  As for Saturday night, he would do what was necessary to protect her and his coven. If he could win her love and strengthen her belief in their power by then, so much the better.

  “Drake?” Rhea touched his forehead with gentle fingers. “What's wrong? You didn't like my coming first?”

  “Don't be silly. I loved making you come with a mere puff of breath.” Drake caressed her head as he lowered his lips to within a hair's breadth of hers. “Let's see how many other ways I can bring you to completion, shall we?”

  “No.” Rhea pushed Drake back and onto the pillows. “It's my turn. Promise me, you'll just lie there and let me do you.”

  Drake placed his hands behind his head, then smiled. “Do with me what you will, my lady. I'm all yours.”

  Rhea's smile promised sensual retribution. And he looked forward to her efforts.

  As his lady explored his chest and nipples with quick, light touches, she followed with her lips-sucking, licking, and nipping. He could tell she was enjoying herself as she took control.

  So was he.

  When Rhea reached his engorged dick, she took her time examining his length and breadth. Cupping his balls, she tentatively licked his blood-engorged glans, then took the head into her mouth in a slow, steady descent.

  He groaned. “Yes, my own. Suck me.”

  A loud boom like thunder intruded on the sensual world they had created in his bed. The first clap of thunder was closely followed by a second.

  Rhea stopped and looked up at him from her spot between his thighs. She licked her lips, her eyes lost their dreamy haze. “What's that noise?”

  “Magick. Black magick,” growled Drake, as he gently disengaged himself from her grasp on his genitals. “Someone is really, really going to pay for this.”


  "Mind over matter."—An aphorism from an unknown source.


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