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Page 5

by Cyndi Friberg

  “I will not allow Raina to be abused.” They kept taking steps forward until they stood nose to nose.

  “You have my vow.” The statement rang with finality and import. “No harm will come to Raina while she is in my keeping.”

  Bandar fell silent, but his reluctance remained.

  Kotto clenched his hands into tight fists. “Because I requested your mate’s involvement, I have tolerated your disrespect. Doubting my vow is insulting and my patience is at an end. Get out of my sight!”

  To Raina’s horror Bandar motioned to Ashley. “Let’s go.”

  “I’m not leaving her with him,” Ashley cried.

  “Yes you are.”

  She started to object again, but something stopped her. Their gazes locked and silence lengthened. It was almost as if… Were they arguing telepathically? What other powers had Bandar given her? Was this why Ashley had walked away from her old life without a backward glance?

  Like an obedient mind slave, Ashley stood and followed Bandar from the room.

  So much for human loyalty.

  There was no way Raina was taking this sitting down. She shot to her feet and moved away from the bench, ready to defend herself if necessary. Even in the midst of her bravado, the thought was ridiculous. These Rodytes were massive, muscle-bound bullies. She had no chance in a physical confrontation. However, she was smart, and determined, so Kotto better watch out.

  Rather than advancing with the overt aggression he’d shown toward Bandar, Kotto stayed where he was and looked into her eyes. “We’re at an impasse and I’m not sure how to resolve it. You don’t trust us, which is understandable. But I can’t give you details about our mission unless you sign a six-month contract and somehow I doubt you’ll bend even that far.”

  “So let me go. I’m sorry things didn’t work out the way you wanted them to.”

  He locked his hands behind his back and strolled toward her. Bandar had chosen the same pose. It must be a Rodyte thing. “If it were just the hydroponic gardens at stake, I might have done exactly that.”

  Her stomach clenched so hard she was momentarily robbed of speech. “And now?” His nonchalance wasn’t fooling her in the least. He was like a cobra, coiled tight and ready to strike.

  “Now I know about the journals, so the situation is much more complicated.”

  “Do you often listen in on private conversations?” It was a lame response, but fear had always scrambled her thinking. When it came to fight or flight, she always ran for the hills. She was a scientist, not a soldier.

  “My men are searching your house in McLean, Virginia.”

  Raina’s heart missed a beat as she heard the statement. She’d met Ashley in Georgetown. Kotto was making sure she realized he knew where she lived. “The journals aren’t there.”

  “If that’s true, they’ll go to Falls Church next and—”

  “You leave my mother out of this!” She took a step forward before she realized what she was doing. “Mom gave me the journals years ago. She wants nothing to do with any of this.”

  “Then tell me where I can find them and there will be no need to involve anyone else.”

  Anger surged up through her fear. She might be a glorified lab rat, but he’d just pushed one of her hot buttons. “I thought people who could travel through space would have evolved beyond threats and intimidation. You’re an asshole.”

  He had the audacity to smile, as if her indignation amused him. “I haven’t threatened anyone. I was informing you of my intentions and giving you the opportunity to alter my course.”

  “The threat was implied and you know it.”

  He stood directly in front of her now, his arms at his sides. She had to tilt her head up to look into his eyes. He wasn’t quite as tall as Bandar or as muscular, but the menace emanating from Kotto made him seem bigger. Hostility pulsed between them, yet there was an undercurrent of something different, something darker. Her fear gradually morphed into a more complex emotion, leaving her anxious and confused.

  “We don’t have to be enemies, Raina.” He said her name with a hushed intimacy that sent tingles down her spine.

  She stepped back and crossed her arms over her chest. Was this how it began with Bandar and Ashley? Did he erode her defenses with an irrational combination of aggression and tenderness? A familiar twinge assailed Raina’s heart. What fierce warrior would be interested in a lab rat? Cold, hard reality trickled through the mental haze. Kotto was interested in her brain not her body. She was a member of Mensa, not a centerfold.

  With her focus restored, she looked at him again. “No one will give me a straight answer. Why the hell are you people here?”

  “Battle born sons are born with paranormal abilities, but they’re latent. We’re unable to access them no matter how hard we try.”

  Encouraged by the admission and desperate for a distraction from the bizarre sensations zinging through her body, she said, “Go on.”

  “Our scientists are working on a way to free those abilities.”

  “And what does that have to do with Earth?” She took another step back, but he followed, maintaining the distance between them. His jutting cheekbones and the exotic tilt to his eyes would make it hard for him to pass as human. And yet, she found him even more intriguing than Bandar. She’d been brought here without her permission, but Kotto had pledged to keep her safe. It only made sense to learn everything she could before she demanded her release.

  “When Rodytes have found their mate, they form a bond. This bond triggers changes in their bodies, making them more compatible with each other and increasing the chances they will produce healthy offspring. It’s during this transformation that our scientists are able to make genetic alterations that will restore our ability to manipulate magic. Or at least that’s the hope.”

  “The process is still theoretical?” She tried not to be intrigued by the concepts he described, but she was a scientist. She had only a basic knowledge of genetics. Still, the temptation to learn more was real and powerful.

  “There has been one successful transformation, which led to an important discovery. The female who survived the transformation was a Rodyte/human hybrid. Full-blooded females of either species don’t survive the procedure. There’s a protein marker in the hybrid’s blood that should allow us to identify others like her.”

  “How many people died before you reached this point?” Raina shuddered. “This sort of medical experimentation is forbidden on Earth.”

  “It’s forbidden on Rodymia too. We did not conduct the experiments. In fact we were instrumental in exposing and shutting down the operation. However, the potential has been discovered. Should we ignore the facts and abandon the potential because we disapprove of how they were revealed or should we continue the research as long as we adhere to moral guidelines?”

  She wasn’t sure how to answer him. Ethics should be black-and-white, but many amazing advancements had been made when people blurred the lines. Edward Jenner tested his smallpox vaccine on the eight-year-old son of his gardener. And stem cell research was the perfect example. The entire industry had been severely hindered by the ethical debate surrounding the creation, harvest and destruction of human embryos.

  Rather than engage in a lengthy debate, she returned to the original issue. “So you’re here trying to find females with this protein marker?”

  He nodded and the purple rings in his eyes shimmered. “That’s one of our mission objectives. I’ll fill you in on the others after you’ve signed the contract.”

  “After I’ve signed the contract?” She tilted her head and narrowed her gaze. “That’s rather presumptuous. I assure you it’s still if I sign the contract.”

  A lazy smile parted his lips and he raised his hand as if he’d touch her. But several inches from her face, he stopped and lowered his arm. “How can I change your mind?”

  “What happens after you locate these women?”

  “We’ll do everything in our power to gain their cooperati
on, but nothing will be forced on anyone. A mating bond will not anchor unless the female is willing, so force is not really an option.”

  “Ruthless seduction, however, is a Rodyte specialty.”

  With a speed that blurred her vision, he clasped her upper arms and drew her toward him. The dark undercurrent swelled and reality tilted. “Is that an invitation?”

  She twisted away, surprised yet relieved when he let her go. “No.” She rubbed where his hands had just been. His grip had been strong, but careful. So why could she still feel his touch so distinctly? “There are many ways to make someone willing. Most humans will allow something they don’t really want to protect someone they love.”

  Again he shook his head. “Coercion taints the bond, leaving it weak and corrupted.” She stared past him for a long time, trying to unravel the implications. But so much was left unsaid. She had so many unanswered questions. His warm fingers curved beneath her chin and he guided her head back around. “We’re looking for allies not prisoners, and each female will gain as much, perhaps more, than the male.”

  “I don’t know what to think. It’s hard to make a decision with only bits and pieces of information.”

  His voice remained low and caressing, his gaze firmly locked with hers. “I’m sorry I can’t be more forthcoming, but we have too much to lose.”

  “Can I think about it for a while?”

  “Of course.” He lowered his hand and stepped back. “I’ll have someone escort you to my quarters and we’ll speak again after you’ve had time to think things over.”

  He was halfway to the door when his statement registered. “Wait,” she called. “Why am I going to your quarters?”

  Pausing long enough to look back at her, he smiled. “It’s infinitely more comfortable than the brig.”

  Chapter Three

  The visitor chime sounded followed by a synthesized voice announcing, “Ashley Kane to see you, sir.” Kotto glanced at the time indicator hovering near the bottom of his holodisplay and smiled. She’d waited almost three hours before pestering him.

  “Enter.” He quickly deactivated the display as the doors parted, allowing her into his office.

  She hesitated near the entrance for a moment then took a deep breath and crossed to his desk. The room was compact and uncluttered, just the way Keyran had left it. He sighed. It was hard not to fixate on his brother’s misfortune when everywhere he turned he saw reminders of Keyran.

  It didn’t matter. He couldn’t let it matter. If he didn’t meet his mission objectives, he would likely join his brother in disgrace. And the next obstacle hindering his success was undoubtedly the reason Ashley Kane had sought him out.

  He motioned to the chairs situated in front of his desk and Ashley sat.

  “Does Bandar know you’re here?” He knew the answer. He just wanted to see if she’d admit it. Ashley could be a valuable asset on numerous fronts, if he could earn her trust. And building trust wasn’t going to be easy while he was locked in a power struggle with her best friend.

  A smile teased one corner of her mouth and she shook her head. “He forbid me to ‘harass’ you about this, but Raina is my best friend.”

  “I swore a vow to your mate that Raina would not be harmed while in my care. Did he explain what that means?”

  She folded her hands in her lap, looking adorably uncomfortable. It was easy to understand why Bandar had fallen so hard for this female. She looked malleable with her guileless eyes and hesitant smile, but there was strength beneath her soft exterior. “I know Rodytes take vows seriously, but—”

  “Raina is your best friend?” Her mate understood the power of a Rodyte vow and had immediately backed off when Kotto spoke the words. Apparently, Ashley had yet to comprehend what was at stake. “Rodyte vows are literal. If Raina is harmed while in my keeping, my life is forfeit.”

  “I know you won’t intentionally harm her. Bandar wouldn’t have left the cube unless he trusted you to protect her.” She paused so long, he thought she was finished, then she added, “But Raina’s situation has been very isolating. Research is her life. She’s sort of lost once you take her out of her natural environment.”

  As Ashley described her friend, Kotto’s mind produced a detailed image of Raina. At first glance, she’d appeared tiny and fragile. Her diminutive body swam in her shapeless clothes, making her appear more waif than competent woman. But flashes of spirit sparked in her reddish-brown eyes, not to mention the penetrating intensity of superior intelligence. And the subtle complexity was echoed in her long dark hair. Only in a certain light did the thick tresses reveal their fiery highlights. She was a challenge. And Kotto loved challenges. He wanted to explore her hidden depths and unravel her mysteries.

  “I’m not sure why that’s a problem.” He’d been so lost in the fantasy he’d nearly forgotten Ashley’s point. “I’m offering Raina an opportunity to further her research. She’ll remain within her ‘natural environment’.”

  “It’s more complicated than that and we both know it.” Ashley sighed and her long lashes swept down, momentarily hiding her eyes. “If her mother is battle born, then Raina probably has the protein marker. I know what that means. She’s a potential mate for one of the battle born.”

  He waited until she looked up to say, “I’m not sure that’s true. The protein marker showed up in a human/Rodyte hybrid. If Raina’s mother was battle born, then Raina has Bilarrian blood as well. I think that makes her ineligible for the program.”

  She didn’t seem entirely convinced. “At the very least, Dr. Irron will want to analyze her genetics. This is no longer a job interview. It’s personal.”

  “Were you harmed by Dr. Irron? For that matter, have you been harmed by anyone on this ship?”

  Her chin came up and anger narrowed her eyes. “What about Letos? He broke into my loft and stabbed me in the chest.”

  “Your injuries were regenerated on this ship. Letos is not part of my crew.” And in the end the technomage had been more help than hindrance. “Technomages tend to play by their own rules. I won’t be held responsible for his actions.”

  She shifted in her seat and glanced away, obviously reluctant to end the debate. “I know how badly the battle born want this, how far you’ll go to further your cause.”

  “Don’t confuse us with our fathers. We have no intention of holding our brides captive and wearing them down until they agree to bond with us.”

  Her gaze shot back to his, suddenly filled with challenge. “That would be more believable if Raina weren’t locked in your cabin right now.”

  “She is locked in my cabin—”

  “For her own protection?” The challenge in her expression intensified. “I’ve heard it all before. Bandar wasn’t exactly subtle while we were…courting.”

  “First, I would like to be Raina’s employer not her mate. Second, if I cannot convince her to work with me in the next day or two, I’ll release her.”

  “In the next day or two?” she cried. “You intend to keep her locked in your bedroom for the next two days?”

  He ignored her outburst and continued his list. “Last, finding her grandmother’s journals is even more important than restoring the hydroponic gardens. Returning the outpost to self-sufficiency is preferable, but we can generate provisions on the ships if all else fails. Do you have any idea where she would have hidden the journals? We’ve already determined that they’re not in her house.”

  “Her office at the university is shared with other researchers, so it could be tricky to search. Besides, a shared space isn’t very secure. She mentioned something about a greenhouse complex, but I don’t know where it is.” After another tense pause, Ashley pushed to her feet. Kotto was almost disappointed that she hadn’t put up more of a fight. He found sparing with these humans invigorating. “When you go to her, explain about the vow. It won’t assure her cooperation, but it might help if she understands why Bandar and I suddenly deserted her.”

  He accepted the advice wit
h a nod and rose as she left the office. He’d scheduled an officers’ briefing for 0600. The renovations of Lunar 9 were ahead of schedule and Kotto wanted to make sure they stayed that way. Once the outpost’s shield generator was repaired, ships would be able to land on the moon. Until then, risk of detection was too great and the battle born were not yet ready to reveal their existence to the inhabitants of Earth. There were interior docking slips as well, but the entrance was tricky especially for larger ships. Luckily for Kotto, the Crusader’s crew was exceptional.

  Striding down the corridor, Kotto entered the command center and watched his bridge officers react to his arrival. If this had been an official Rodyte mission, each person present would have stood and offered their respect with a hand gesture. As it was, most nodded or muttered “Commander” then continued on with his task. Keyran had set the tone for the ship’s operation. Kotto felt more comfortable with less formality as well, so he saw no reason to make changes.

  He walked to the master console and activated an overview grid. Three recon teams had been dispatched earlier that morning. Team one had returned. The location of team two was indicated on the grid, but he saw no record of team three’s position.

  A communications blackout had been issued for all three teams, so Kotto asked the bridge officers, “What’s going on with recon three?”

  “Beacon malfunction,” Sental told him. “Morrin used a com-bot to let us know, but he didn’t elaborate.”

  Kotto nodded and made a quick note in the overview grid. “Anything else I need to know about?”

  “There’s a human female locked in your quarters.” Sental wiggled his eyebrows and someone snickered. Sental’s easygoing personality made him popular with the crew. He’d also been one of the first to work through his resentment toward Kotto and accept his authority.

  “I’m aware.” Kotto assured him with a smile.

  “Would you like some suggestions?” Several more snickers made it obvious everyone was following their conversation.


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