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Smooth: The Sons of Victor Black: A BWWM Romance

Page 9

by Cassie Verano

  “I was getting around to telling you guys about it. I hadn’t had a chance. I mean, after all, it happened last night.”

  “Well, he must have called Martha right away, because she called me late last night. What happened, Madison?” my mother asked.

  I didn’t want to have this discussion with them. My personal life was just that, personal. Besides, I hadn’t even had a chance to process what had happened.

  “Nothing, Mom. It just wasn’t working, so I needed to end this before it went any further.”

  “You don’t walk away from an engagement like that, Madison,” she argued.

  “You do if you don’t love the person, and it’s not the right fit for you,” I countered.

  “He’s been a perfect fit all this time. What changed?” my mom asked.

  “I’ll tell you what changed,” my father began. “It’s that spoiled rich boy she runs around with from time to time. Your sister told me he’s been spending more time with you lately and had moved to town.”

  “Nic!” I said, turning to glare at her.

  Her hands in the air, she replied, “It wasn’t like that, Madi. Honestly.”

  “Sir, with all due respect, let’s not forget we’re discussing my brother,” Greyson interjected. Although he was speaking to my father, his eyes were still on my sister.

  “Greyson, son, I love you like I love my boy. But you and I both know your brother’s spoiled and has no sense of responsibility. He’s nothing like Madison, and I don’t want him being a bad influence on her,” my father said.

  “I agree. I’ve had a similar conversation with my brother, too, but he’s not the same young man you first met. Kent’s grown quite a bit.”

  “That may be the case, Grey, but I still think he’s the reason Madison broke up with Steve. She’s never had a single complaint about the man until your brother started coming to Atlanta more frequently,” my father argued.

  “You guys, I’m grown. I’m capable of making my own decisions. Sitting here, arguing over whether or not Kent influenced my decision to break up with Steve is pointless. I broke up with him of my own accord, and that had nothing to do with Kent. I’m not in a relationship with Kent. He’s just my best friend and nothing more,” I pointed out.

  “Well, that’s not what your sister said. She said she walked in on you and him kissing at Grant’s wedding,” my mother said.

  “Nicole!” Greyson and I both shouted at once, glaring at my sister.

  “You had no right!” I said, standing and pushing my chair back.

  “Madison, calm down,” my mother said.

  “No, Mom. You guys are blowing this out of proportion. If you want to know why I broke up with Steve, I’ll tell you. I broke up with him because I don’t love him. I’m sure he doesn’t love me either. I found him kissing another woman last night at a dinner party. Not only was he kissing the woman, but he was feeling her up, too. Had I not walked out when I did, they would have been undressed in mere minutes. This isn’t the first time he’s pulled stunts like this. His desire for multiple women has been going on for a while,” I blasted.

  My mother shook her head. “You know, Steve told us about that little incident. According to him, the girl took advantage of him—”

  “Mother! Will you listen to yourself?” I cried out.

  “Don’t speak to your mother in that tone of voice!” my father shouted.

  “Guys, can’t we talk about this like adults?” Nicole complained.

  “After you got all this started! You shouldn’t have said a word about that to Mom!” I accused.

  We all began speaking over one another, unable to hear each other.

  A loud whistle pierced the air, rising above the noise.

  Everyone froze and turned to the source. Greyson was angry, and his eyes were stormy grey.

  “This is my home. And I will not tolerate the disrespect you’re showing each other. As long as Nic and I have been married, I’ve never seen this much discord amongst you. I hate the fact that the source of it seems to be my brother. But in reality, I know it’s not Kent. Madison is a grown woman free to date and befriend whom she chooses. That’s not up to anyone in this room to determine. Nic, my love, you were wrong to share what was confidential with anyone without first getting your sister’s permission. And—”

  “Baby, it wasn’t shared with me in confidence,” Nicole disputed.

  “You walked in on something that you shouldn’t have seen. The fact you knew was a technicality borne of your need to control your sister’s life by keeping my brother away from her. Mama Angie, Papa Eddie,” he addressed our parents, “I mean no disrespect to you all. Still, if we’re going to have this discussion, I’m not tolerating another negative word about my brother, especially when he’s not here to defend himself. Little sis,” Greyson said, directing his gaze my way. “You owe it to yourself to be true to yourself. Whatever that means to you, that’s what you need to embrace. But don’t be a casualty of anyone else’s baggage. Not even my brother’s.”

  My heart swelled with love for my brother-in-law. He made a stance for me that I was even struggling to make. But the words he said about Kent...too late. My heart was a goner, and there was nothing I could do about that fact. The only thing I could do was erect the barriers of friendship to try to keep him firmly in his place, and me in mine.

  “If you insist on making this stance for Kent, then I guess there’s nothing further to be said,” my mother said.

  “You’re making this all about Kent, Mom. Not me. My issues with Steve have never been about Kent. Steve and I dated, and it grew into something more. But after some time, I started to realize it wasn’t working for me. But because of this reaction you two just had, I refused to face it. I pushed my red flags and emotions to the back burner and remained in the relationship. I’ve watched this man flirt with every other woman or watched his law partners pair him with ‘clients’ at all these events we’ve attended. I’ve stood back and allowed them to denigrate me and everything I represented. I’ve tolerated feeling as if I weren’t good enough or a part of his circle. Steve’s main desire is to make partner so he can please his father. His ultimate goal is to become a judge like his father. And he’s willing to make that happen no matter the cost. Well, this time, the price he paid was me. And I refuse to allow it to cost me another ounce of humiliation, shame, or discomfort. I loved me enough to walk away from that sham of a relationship. Neither of us was happy, but we were a good pair. I looked good on his arm when he was around his family, his father’s constituents, and anyone who supported the arts. But when it came to the legal world, I was nothing more than a trophy on his arm, and no one ever respected my intelligence. I’m so much more than that, but he doesn’t value me as such. He lost respect for me a while ago. And I realized I helped him to do that by always looking the other way. Last night, I was tired of looking the other way. So, I made a stand for myself and my dignity. If you two don’t understand, then I’m sorry.”

  I inhaled deeply as my parents’ bowed heads, remained lowered. I turned to Nicole next.

  “Nic, you’re my sister and my first best friend. I know we don’t talk the way we used to, nor do the things we used to. But I need to know I can still trust you and count on you to have my back when it counts the most. And right now, I don’t feel as if I can.”

  My sister, who was holding a sleeping Gabby in her arms, skirted her gaze away from me.

  “Greyson,” I started, wearing a warm smile. “Thank you.”

  Standing by my sister’s side with his hands shoved into his slacks, he nodded his head, and with a brief smile, he mouthed the words “You’re welcome.”

  “I think I’ll be going. You all have a good week,” I said, grabbing my purse and turning to leave.

  As I made it to my car, I saw my phone light up with Kent’s name. Tucking my phone inside of my purse, I decided to take time out from everyone.


  I rolled the partiti
on down. “Sweeney, me and Greyson will be a minute,” I said to our driver.

  He gave a brief nod of his head, keeping his eyes trained forward.

  Lifting the partition back up, I turned my partially covered gaze back to my brother.

  “So, what are you suggesting?”

  “Step back from Madison for a while. She’s catching a lot of grief from her family. And while I know she’s an adult fully capable of making her own decisions; she’ll choose you every time. It’s just the way she is about you, Kent.”

  “Grey, if I take a step back from Mads, that might ruin our friendship. I’ve promised her I would always be there. And right about now, that girl needs me more than ever, big bro.”

  “If you want to be there, take a step back. I’m not saying cut Madi out of your life. But don’t find reasons to pop up on her or call her. Let her come to you.”

  I shook my head, not agreeing with his stance.

  “How’d you feel if someone told you to take a step back from Nic?”

  Greyson leveraged his stormy grey eyes my way. “Don’t you dare compare the two. It’s different. My wife and I clicked before we met each other in person. And when I met her, a deeper connection was formed instantaneously. I made it all about Nic from the beginning. And with the brief exception of Heather reappearing, she was always certain how I felt about her.”

  “How’s that different than Mads and me?”

  Greyson’s eyebrows dipped, and his nostrils flared. “Do we want to do this?”

  “Look, I know everyone sees Mads as just a friend. Another girl in my life among the many. But that’s not who she is to me, Grey. The respect and admiration I have for her is unparalleled. I would never do a damned thing to hurt her!” I said, pounding my fist on the armrest.

  “You’re not aware of what the rest of us sees. Because if you were, then you’d know the power you have to hurt her, Kent. She’s crazy about you. I honestly believe the girl loves you. There’s nothing she wouldn’t do for you, but your naïveté about her feelings for you positions you to do what you say you won’t do. She’s broken up with her fiancé. Her family blames you.”

  “I don’t give a fuck! She should’ve broken it off with the cheating bastard. He’s a fool because he didn’t see what he had in front of him.”

  “And you do, Kent?”

  “Hell, yeah, I do,” I said in a low tone.

  Thinking about that for a minute, I lowered my sunglasses, allowing my brother to see the truth in my eyes.

  “I want her, Grey. And no matter what it takes, I’ll prove it to her,” I said through clenched teeth.

  Greyson sat back in his seat, stroking his beard, his eyes pinned on me.

  My brother had never tried to tell me how to live my life before, but he was all over this Madison situation. I realized she was his sister-in-law, and if anything went wrong between the two of us, it could create issues in his home. But I was sure if I could have the opportunity to prove to Madison what she meant to me, hurting her would never be an option.

  “Do you know what she means to me?” I asked.

  Greyson turned his lips down and shook his head side to side. “No. I guess I don’t.”

  “Mads is more than a friend to me. She’s the type of woman that would make me settle down.”

  “That’s just it, Kent. She shouldn’t have to make you. That should be something you want to do.”

  What could I say? I knew I had a reputation for leaving a trail of women in my wake. I also knew it wasn’t going to be easy to prove to anyone I had a change of heart.

  “I do. And I want it with Mads,” I muttered.

  “Well, I guess time will tell. No one can seem to get through either of your thick heads,” Greyson grumbled.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked, my gaze flicking up to his.

  Sighing, Greyson glanced at me before turning away.

  “What do you mean?” I reiterated.

  “Her parents blame you for her breakup with Steve. An argument broke out in my home yesterday. I risked offending my father-in-law by standing up for you and her. I pissed my wife off, too. Madison left the house after giving them a piece of her mind yesterday, and according to Nic, she hasn’t answered any of their calls. There’s discord in a family where there was none. And it’s all related to her relationship with you. The stance she made was that her breakup had nothing to do with you, and the two of you are just friends. I’m not buying it.”

  “Why, because of the kiss?” I sneered.

  “That and her attitude when it comes to you. She’s different around you, Kent. I get to see my sister-in-law around other people when you’re not there, including her ex-fiancé. She’s not the same, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it’s different. So, yeah, the kiss and her attitude make me question what’s going on between you two.”

  “That’s nobody’s damn business but ours,” I growled.

  “Fine. Have it your way. But when things blow up in your face because you didn’t handle this with care, don’t say I didn’t warn you, little brother,” Greyson stated firmly, pressing the door handle down to exit the car.

  I took a moment to inhale and exhale deeply, before dropping my head back against the headrest. Steeling my emotions, I exited the car, too.

  We were heading into a meeting with our father. The one thing I wouldn’t do was go in there with a weakened state of mind. Greyson and I needed to be of one accord. Because if we weren’t, at the first scent of blood, my father would attack.

  “THERE ARE TWO PROPERTIES I’m recommending,” my father’s attorney Bill Shepherd said, sliding the folders across the table towards us.

  Greyson and I both grabbed a folder each, reviewing the details as Bill stated the comps of other properties in the area. We both nodded for several minutes as he spoke, before exchanging folders.

  “Why is this property twice as much as this one?” I said, tapping the one in my hand.

  “One, because the first property is in South Fulton in an underprivileged area, the second is in Alpharetta. Speaks for itself,” Bill explained.

  “Obviously,” I muttered in a low sarcastic voice.

  I hated the disparities in how people viewed the communities based on their socioeconomic status.

  “Two,” Bill continued. “the South Fulton area is undergoing a transition, right? As a result, they’re transforming people’s views of the areas, and there’s no better time to get on this project than now. And three, because the South Fulton property is behind on property taxes and the building is going into foreclosure. So, you’re liable to get a much better deal on that property than you will the one at Alpharetta.”

  “I’ve got a few connections that will ensure we can acquire the property for one million less than the asking price,” my father said, turning away from the window he had been staring out since we arrived.

  Those were the first words he had spoken since Greyson, and I walked through the door.

  Greyson peered at my father over his steepled fingers. “How’re you gonna do that, Dad?”

  “I’ve got some people that owe me some favors. Do you want it or not?” he asked, turning his gaze in my direction.

  Greyson and I both knew the statement was a dismissal of Greyson’s concerns.

  “I want it, Dad,” I said at the same time, Greyson spoke up.

  “I’ve got a few questions. Who does the property belong to?”

  “The Lyon Group,” Bill said. “They allowed this property to go into foreclosure so they could make a move on another piece in New York that was more lucrative. This property is one of the first investments they made when they were just Lyon, Regal, and Haralson.

  “Do we know what the property’s purpose is at this time?” Greyson asked.

  Bill glanced at my father, whose eyes shuttered out his real thoughts. Turning his lips down, he turned his back to us.

  My father clasped his fingers behind his back. Except for a subtle twitch
of his fingers, there was no movement from him.

  “Nothing. Just a bunch of vagrants using it for shelter when the weather turns, and some kids who don’t belong here. It’s become more of a nuisance for the group than anything else,” Bill stated.

  I glanced at Greyson, wondering if he had any further questions. To me, it was a no brainer; this was the property we needed to move on.

  “What are your thoughts, Kent?” he asked.

  “If we’re not dislocating anyone, I’m fine with it, if Dad can get us a sweet deal. It’ll save us money. Those kids can benefit, too,” I said.

  “How?” my father and Greyson asked simultaneously.

  “We can incorporate a youth center to keep the kids out of trouble. That will give them something positive to do, and they won’t feel completely ousted. They’ll have a purpose for their spare time and justification for being on the property,” I explained.

  “People aren’t going to want to invest in a property that will be a refuge for underprivileged kids. The residents you’ll be attracting will be privileged people. It’s business, son, and that’s who you’ll have to pander to,” my father said.

  Shaking my head, I looked at Greyson and said, “We’ll come up with something. Right?”

  “Before this takes effect, we’re going to have to. At least, if you want to be able to live with yourself.”

  I nodded my agreement.

  Bill turned to glance at my father again, who was watching us over his shoulder. A firm nod of his head and Bill gathered the folders from us once more.

  “Okay, guys. It looks like I’ll be getting the paperwork to make a bid on this property and building.”

  “Wait, we haven’t discussed the price yet. Dad, how much do you think you can get it for?” Greyson asked.

  “We did discuss the price, Grey. He said he could get it for a mill less,” I pointed out.

  “But that’s a hundred grand. Who the hell’s going to throw property away like that?” he asked, leaning forward in his seat and clasping his hands on the table.


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