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Succubus Lord 5

Page 13

by Eric Vall

  As we walked through the hall, I could hear music of various genres booming behind the doors of the private rooms. Finally, we landed at another large gray door with a frosted glass window.

  On the window, in a small, business-style font, read, “Sia- General Manager.”

  Megan opened the door and peeked her head into the room.

  “Sia?” she asked coyly. “You’ve got visitors.”

  “Send them in!” I heard the madame’s voice order.

  The blonde opened the door and then nodded to the six of us. We entered behind and saw Sia sitting at a large oak desk with her feet propped up on the top.

  “Welcome, my friends,” Sia mused as she pulled her legs down and leaned forward in her chair. “You have no idea how happy I am to see you here. Megan that will be all.”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” the blonde said, and then she winked at me and closed the door to Sia’s office.

  “You’ve done a brilliant job with this place,” I said as I approached the redhead. “This makes the old Velvet Lips look like a total shithole.”

  “That’s because it was, dear,” Sia scoffed. “It may have been one of the most successful strip clubs in this area, but it certainly wasn’t known for its top-quality service. Now, we’re bringing in new customers left and right!”

  “It must have cost an arm and a leg to get all this stuff renovated,” I pondered aloud.

  The petite succubus just shrugged. “You must spend money to make money,” she explained. “It may have nearly bankrupt us in the short-term, but over the next few years, we’re going to nearly quadruple our investment. If my calculations are correct, of course.”

  “When are you calculations not correct, Superbia?” Libidine joked.

  Sia thought about the question for a second and then raised a slender finger to the air. “There was that one time, back in the early days of the Roman Republic…” she explained. “Oh, and the time I tried to convince you to rejoin Azazel because I thought he was going to crush Jacob. I was dead wrong about that one, and I’m really glad I was.”

  “Ye of little faith,” I said with a sly smile. “At least you know better now.”

  “Correct,” Sia continued. “Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if Jacob could find a way to defeat Lucifer himself at this point.”

  “Let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves,” I warned. “Demons and assassins I can handle, but the Prince of Darkness himself? That might be a little too tall of an order for even all of our powers combined. Let’s just stick to talking about the Daeva for now.”

  Sia’s expression contorted into a frown. “The Daeva?” she asked cautiously. “What do they have to do with anything?”

  “The bounty hunter Azar attacked us with a small force of Daeva,” Libidine explained.

  “That is somewhat troubling.” Sia sighed. “There hasn’t been a large gathering of Daeva in centuries. They generally like to keep to themselves.”

  “What’s so special about these fuckers?” I asked the madame. “They just looked like little black and red demons who were a little bit harder to kill. So what?”

  “Are you familiar with the ancient religion of Zoroastrianism?” she questioned.

  “Not very,” I admitted. “I think I skipped that day in history class. It has something to do with Persia, right?”

  “Correct.” Sia nodded. “In the Zoroastrian faith, the Daeva were seen as entities of chaos. Some practitioners of the religion even saw them as a collective personification of all known evil in the world. They called them ‘the gods to be rejected.’”

  “So we’re dealing with ancient Zoroastrian demons,” I confirmed. “Why is that any different from Gallu or Shax or Zepar?”

  “Because, if this is the case, it’s the first time the Daeva have worked with the Demonic,” she explained. “Ever. These entities were seen as ‘rejected gods’ because neither the Demonic nor the Divine wanted anything to do with them. They were simply too self-serving and unpredictable. If there’s an alliance forming between the Daeva and the Demonic, who knows what other entities our enemies have recruited? All bets are off.”

  “Then we’ll kill them too,” I said as I tried to comfort the succubus. “As long as we’re together and have the Army of the Divine on our side, we will win. Besides, we’re just in this until we rescue the last of your Sisters and kill Azazel. After that, Heaven and Hell can throw their armies at each other forever and ever, for all I care.”

  “I’m afraid we’re in it much deeper than that,” Sia admitted. “Even when Invidia is free and Azazel is destroyed, word of our victory will spread. We’ve already got enemies all over the universe, Jacob. Once you kill the Master of Warfare, one of the oldest demons in existence, don’t you think you’ll have a target on your back?”

  “So what?” I asked with a huff. “We’re never free? We’re going to have to keep fighting for the Divine the rest of our lives?”

  “Uh… This is getting a little too intense for me,” Tris interrupted. “I’m gonna step out and take a smoke break.” The brunette succubus disappeared from view, and then Sia and I continued the conversation.

  “I truly don’t know, Jacob.” She sighed. “Killing Azazel will finally set my girls and me free, but I fear it won’t be the end of our involvement with this eternal war.”

  “Eh,” Todd interjected, “retirement was never in the Toddster’s cards, anyway. You risk life and limb to save the free world, and what does it give you? Jell-o and a bad '70s TV show.”

  “Are you quoting Fast and Furious again?” I sighed.

  “No, bro,” Todd groaned. “I keep telling you that they stole the best lines from me.”

  “Well, we don’t have to retire,” I scoffed. “We can still run our businesses. Ira can still become a politician. Hell, maybe we could even get into the bounty hunting business for a little bit of extra cash. The nine of us and our cultists can still have a blast doing whatever the fuck we desire, but that doesn’t mean we have to be smack-dab in the center of the struggle between Lucifer and the Exalted One.”

  “I would trust Sister Superbia on this one,” Cupi added. “She’s the smartest of all of us. If she thinks the Daeva’s involvement is a major sign of things to come, we should take her word on it.”

  “I… I need a minute,” I said with a sigh.

  “Jacob?” Sia asked, but I shook my head.

  “You all wait here. I just need to walk around for a few minutes and think. I just… yeah.” I stepped out into the hallway, closed the door behind me, and then let out a pent-up breath of anger. I felt a wave of sickness, fear, and anger shoot through my body.

  I didn’t want to fight forever.

  Sia had to be wrong. I loved her dearly, and I valued her opinion on all matters, but everything I’d done so far had been leading to the ultimate defeat of Azazel. What could possibly be left after that asshole was gone and the Circle of Sin was reunited? Sure, Raph had been talking about how the war between the Divine and the Demonic had been reignited, but that wasn’t our problem. Was it?

  Did I have to keep fighting?

  “Psssst,” I heard a familiar voice beckon from off to the side.

  I turned my head and saw Tris standing in the doorway of one of the private rooms. The succubus was holding a joint in her hand, and she motioned with her finger for me to come over.

  “You look really tense, my friend,” the brunette observed. “Come in here and smoke some of this shit. It’ll take the edge off reeeaallll good.”

  “Ya know what?” I shrugged. “That actually sounds great. I don’t even remember the last time I was able to just sit down and smoke one of those things.”

  I stepped into the private room with Tris, and the succubus shut the door carefully behind me. Then, I walked over and took a seat in the chair that was normally reserved for the club’s customers.

  Megan was right, these new rooms were really nice. The interior was made up of warm colors, with the same velvet carpet as the ha
llways and red and yellow curtains all over the wall. In each corner of the ceiling sat a small speaker, assumedly connected to the media console against the far wall.

  Tris handed me the joint and then sauntered over to the media console. “You want some music?” she asked. “You’ll have to give me a recommendation because I don’t know too many tunes here on Earth Realm. Most of the shit we had to listen to at those parties was grating on my ears, but it was what the people wanted.”

  “How about some Pink Floyd?” I asked. “Their music is pretty appropriate for this situation. Real psychedelic and dark and smooth.”

  “That sounds right up my alley!” Tris exclaimed and then typed something into the console.

  A minute later and the speakers around the room started to blare the slow, mysterious musings of the dark side of the moon. Tris nodded in approval at my song choice, and then she walked over and sat down on the floor beside me.

  “Try it out,” she motioned at the joint in my hand. “It’s one of our newest strains. It’s not that strong, I promise.”

  “You think I can’t handle it?” I chuckled. “I’ll have you know that I did four years at a public university. I’ve smoked just about every strain known to man.”

  I placed the joint between my thumb and index finger and then raised it up to my lips. The smell of the stuff was potent, and I was a little worried I was going to get a contact high before I even inhaled any of the smoke. Finally, I took a breath, and the taste of the sweet leaf filled my mouth. I let the smoke waft around in my mouth for a moment before I blew it into the air like a character in a stoner comedy.

  “You really do know your way around one of those, don’t you?” Tris giggled and then snatched the joint out of my hand.

  The succubus took a quick puff, blew a few rings of smoke into the air, and then passed it back.

  “You’re really good at that,” I mused. “It must have taken you quite a long time to perfect that art.”

  “What can I say?” Tris grinned. “I’m really damn good with my mouth.”

  The words were innocent enough, but I could tell that the succubus was trying to come on to me. I’d noticed her giving me the occasional hungry look every now and again, and I’d also caught the brunette giggling with her sisters while obviously talking about me. She may not have been blatant about it, but Tris definitely wanted me just as much as Gula and the rest of the succubi.

  I took another drag off the joint and gave it back to Tris. After a few more run-throughs of the action, my body started to feel completely relaxed, and my mind began to wander to some strange places. Soon, Tris and I were debating the metaphysics of our own powers, the philosophical differences between Heaven and Hell, and even simple shit like Todd’s government conspiracies.

  The two of us sat in the smoke-filled room as we yukked it up and debated the most pointless shit, for God knows how long. Eventually, Tris took the final puff off her joint and sighed.

  “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Jake,” Tris said with a frown, “but I think we’re all out of weed.”

  “That’s a shame,” I agreed. “I was really enjoying myself. It felt good to step away from all the Demonic and Divine bullshit and just hang out with somebody so chill and carefree, you know?”

  Tris looked down at the ground bashfully, but she still had a ridiculously wide grin spread across her face. “Why does the enjoyment have to stop here?” she asked. “There are plenty of other ways we could entertain ourselves, you know.”

  “Oh?” I asked, even though I knew exactly what she was talking about. “What are you thinking, my fine succubus? Changing up the music and dancing? Playing some cards?”

  Tris gave me a playful shove. “Don’t play dumb, man.” She laughed. “You know exactly what I mean. I want to see it.”

  “See what?” I continued to play dumb. “My vintage record collection?”

  The tall succubus fell down on the floor, crawled over to me, and then gently began to caress my legs. “It,” she demanded. “I want to see what Sister Gula saw the other day. It’s only fair.”

  Seeing the sexy brunette on her knees so close to my cock, begging for it to be unleashed, made me hard as a rock, so I stood up from the chair, and then I reached down and undid my pants.

  Tris wasn’t going to wait. The second my belt was undone, the succubus had her hands on my waistband. She yanked downward, and my erection nearly smacked her in the face as it was released from its fabric prison. Tris’ eyes grew wide as she reached up and grabbed my dick by its base.

  “Holy fuck, man,” she marveled. “I-- They told me it was huge, but fuck… I don’t know if I can even fit all of this inside of me.”

  “There’s only one way you’re going to find out,” I suggested.

  The brunette looked up at me with her bright violet eyes. She was nearly drooling at the sight of my cock, and she slowly began to run her fingers along the side of my massive member.

  My dick grew harder at the motion, and the succubus bit her lip in anticipation.

  “Only forty percent of the work?” she asked.

  “Only forty percent,” I chuckled, “but obviously, I can’t help out too much with this part.”

  “Are you sure?” Tris winked and wrapped her full hand around the base of my cock. “I think you can.”

  Without another word, the succubus placed her tender lips against the head of my penis and began to slide it into her mouth. Tris got about halfway down the shaft before she pulled back and repeated the action. She did it a few more times, and I responded with a large groan of pleasure.

  “I feel like I’m doing too much of the work here, man.” Tris giggled.

  The succubus put her lips back on my cock and then reached out and placed both her hands against my ass. She pulled them inward, and my hips thrust forward. At the same time, three-quarters of my dick slid down Tris’ throat. She made a gagging noise, but then looked up at me and nodded without removing my manhood from her mouth.

  “That’s what you want?” I asked.

  The brunette slapped my ass playfully and let out a muffled sound of approval.

  I delicately placed my hands on the back of Tristitia’s head and then began to thrust in and out of her mouth. My cock glided further down the succubus’ throat with each push, and she gave me a moaning approval with each one.

  Tris kept one of her hands firmly clasped to my thrusting ass, but the other began to creep down her body and into her pants. The succubus’ moans grew louder as she began to pleasure herself at the same time.

  This whole sight made me struggle to keep myself from unloading right then and there in her mouth.

  After a few minutes of throat-fucking action, the succubus pulled her hand out of her pants and began to caress my balls tenderly. As she did so, she started to move her head back and forth, countering my own thrusts. She continued to pleasure my dick for another minute or two, and then she held up a hand to indicate I should stop.

  Tris pulled her lips off my dick and let out a long sigh. “It’s a really good thing I did all that weed first,” she said with a giggle. “That really relaxed my throat muscles.”

  “Now it’s your turn,” I demanded as I dropped down to my knees.

  “I’m not gonna argue with that.” Tris shrugged and then laid down on her back.

  I grabbed the brunette’s waistband and gave it a light tug. Instantly, I was greeted with a small landing strip that led down to the juicy pleasure that was located just below. I threw Tris’ pants off to the side and then buried my face in her pussy.

  The succubus gasped at my sudden tongue assault on her clitoris. Then she let out a few hurried groans, and her moans slowly crescendoed into sounds that I don’t think I’d ever heard a woman make before.

  I felt Tris’ legs begin to tremble, and then her hand began to run tenderly through my hair. The succubus tasted sweet, and I wasn’t going to let up until she told me to.

  Finally, the brunette’s moans got close
r and closer together, and her grip on my hair grew tighter. She nearly yanked my brown locks out of my skull when her body tensed up, and she came to a climax. Tris’ body relaxed, but another hungry look from the succubus told me that she wanted more.

  A lot more.

  I hopped up onto my knees, wrapped my arms around Tris’ ankles, and lifted them up into the air. At the same time, I pulled the brunette woman’s body toward me and slid my throbbing cock into her.

  Tris’ eyes rolled back in her head when she felt my hard dick fill up her tight pussy. The succubus was wet as fuck and tighter than a vice, and I let out a gasp of surprise when her tunnel clamped onto my full length. Tris fumbled at her shirt and then yanked it up over her head, revealing her perky breasts and bright pink nipples. The woman’s breasts were not particularly large, but they were round and perfectly proportioned on her slender body.

  I began to thrust in and out of the succubus’ pussy, and she responded with intense sounds of sweet agony. As I pleasured the woman with my cock, I leaned my upper body down and kissed her torso tenderly. I eventually worked my way up to her erect nipples and sucked on them delicately.

  “Oh, Jacob!” Tris moaned. “Keep-- Keep doing that.”

  I obliged, pumping in and out of her as I licked at her breasts.

  I kept going for a solid ten minutes, going back and forth between sucking on her tits and kissing her neck and shoulders. Finally, when it felt like I was going to blow my load, I slowed down.

  I wanted this to keep going for as long as it possibly could.

  “You want to try a different position?” Tris asked happily. “I could go for something new.”

  The naked succubus pulled back, and my erection slid out from her vice-like lips. She rolled over, stood up, and then walked over to the wall. Tris folded her arms in front of her body and leaned up against the velvety curtains. Then, she looked back over her shoulder and grinned.

  “This looks comfortable enough,” she purred. “Why don’t you come over here and fill my body with your baby batter?”


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