Succubus Lord 5

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Succubus Lord 5 Page 14

by Eric Vall

  She didn’t have to ask me twice.

  I nearly ran over to where Tris was standing, grabbed her around the waist, and guided my cock back inside of her. She groaned as it entered and then pressed her face up against the wall.

  Slowly, I started to fuck the succubus from behind. With each thrust of my hips, her tight ass bounced in unison. My motions became so intense that the succubus’ entire body was being driven forward each time I reentered her tight pussy.

  And she loved every second of it.

  Tris gasped, groaned, and nearly screamed with pleasure as I took her from behind. I must have really been getting into it because at one point the succubus slapped her hand over her mouth to cover up her sounds. The brunette took my cock for another few minutes, and then she finally started to show signs that she was headed for orgasm number two.

  I increased the speed of my thrusts, and Tris’ body began to tremble. I felt her pussy lips quiver against my cock as she let out an eardrum-shattering moan, and that was it. My entire body tensed as the first wave of a climax hit me, and my balls tensed as I began to release inside of the succubus. Tris was climaxing in unison with me, and she nearly collapsed against the wall as we both spasmed against each other. It really felt like her pussy was squeezing and milking my cock, and my climax seemed to last for almost half a minute. I felt like I had pumped a gallon of sperm into the slender succubus supermodel, and a river of my cum began to dip down her legs as soon as I pulled my cock out of her tight hole.

  “Damn,” the brunette sighed and slumped back in the chair. Then she turned around and let out a giggle through heaving breaths. She strutted over to where I was sitting, plopped down on my lap, and began to caress my face.

  “That was amazing,” she purred and rested her head on my shoulder. “I feel so full and warm now. Damn, your cock is soooooo good. We need to hang out and get high together more often.”

  “Yes,” I agreed. “Yes, we do.”

  Tris and I cuddled in the chair for a few more minutes, and then we decided that we should probably get back to our friends. We stood and I helped her clean up with some of the sanitary wipes in a cabinet in the room. Then we put our clothes back on and then exited the private room. In no time, we were pushing open the door of Sia’s office.

  The remaining succubi and Todd were all huddled around a small table with a handful of cards and a pile of chips at its center.

  “I’m going all in, Strawberry Shortcake.” Todd chuckled and pushed a large stack of chips into the middle of the table.

  “I fold.” Cupi tossed her cards down.

  “Me, as well.” Libidine sighed.

  “Is this where we say, ‘Go Fish?’” Gula asked innocently.

  “You should probably fold, Sister.” Liby giggled.

  Gula shrugged and then tossed her cards face-down in front of her.

  “I’m calling your bluff, Todd.” Sia grinned and pushed her own chips into the center. “I’m all in, as well.”

  “I’m offended,” the imp scoffed. “You think the Toddster would lie to one of his closest friends?”

  All four succubi at the table said, “Yes,” in unison.

  “Ouch.” Todd sighed. “That kinda stings… but not as much as this! Four of a kind, all kings.”

  “That’s quite an impressive hand,” Sia agreed. “But mine is better. Royal flush.”

  The room was filled with “oohs” and “ahhs” as the madame collected her winnings and Todd looked like he needed to be talked down off a bridge. Sia stood up, walked over to her desk, and placed the chips into a small bag. She then looked up, saw Tris and me standing in the doorway, and smiled.

  “Jacob and Tristitia have returned,” she called out happily.

  “So…” Gula asked coyly. “How did it go?”

  “How did what go?” I said as I played dumb.

  “Just as you said it would, Sister,” Tris purred. “He gave it to me hard, in every sense of the word.”

  “Wait--” I raised my finger into the air and looked over at the other succubi. “You all were in on this?”

  Nobody said a word, but the giggles they gave me were all the answer I would ever need.

  “You lied to me!” Todd exclaimed as terror filled his voice. “You said they were out on a mini-mission, not that they’d be playing the ol’ pork-and-barrel.”

  “I wanted you to keep your lunch down,” Sia retorted. “I know you weren’t going to be too thrilled if I let you know our real plan.”

  “What’s next?” Todd frowned. “Are you gonna tell me that there was weed involved that I didn’t get to partake in?”

  Everybody in the room went dead silent, and Todd must have gotten the hint.

  “Well, shit!” He threw up his hands and sighed. “At least I got to get a few rounds of poker in. That was pretty fun. Which reminds me… Jakey, can I borrow a couple hundred dollars? That’s what I just lost to Sia over here.”

  “Maybe later, Todd.” I rolled my eyes and chuckled. “I’m assuming this was Cupi’s idea?”

  “More or less,” the blonde admitted, “but Liby was the one who wanted it to happen here, and Sia was the one who offered the private room for you guys.”

  “And I was just here for emotional support,” Gula added. “After you ran me raw the other night, that’s about all I could do.”

  “So I’m assuming your time with Sister Tristitia has… relieved your stress?” Sia asked knowingly.

  “Yeah,” I nodded and put my arm around Tris. “I’m not sure if it’s just the weed or the crazy good sex, but I feel like a million bucks.”

  “Excellent.” Sia grinned. “Now that your mind is cleared and your focus has returned, we can continue talking about your current predicament.”

  “Oh, oh!” Todd raised his hand. “Pick me!”

  Sia shook her head and then pointed at Todd like a teacher in a classroom.

  The imp picked up his cell phone and held it up for the group to see. “I’ve actually got a new lead, courtesy of my paranormal blog,” he explained. “Check it out. I posted a new blog about the Daeva and asked my readers to contact me if they had any more info. Well, this guy apparently does.”

  I squinted at the imp’s screen and tried to read the words in the e-mail. It read “Dearest Todd, I hope this message finds you well. You asked your readers for any information on the Daeva we might possibly have, and, well, I might just have some of the answers you’re looking for. However, because these are sensitive secrets, I cannot exchange this info electronically. I currently live in the greater Tucson area and would love it if you could meet me in the parking garage of the old mall near the city’s east side. That’s only an hour or so away from your location, and I’d be happy to tell you everything I know. Please let me know your decision ASAP.”

  “You think he’s telling the truth?” I asked Todd. “Or is this just another crazy paranormal fanatic who wants his fifteen minutes of fame?”

  “It’s worth a shot, Jacob,” Liby suggested. “If he really has information on the Daeva that is that sensitive, we’d be stupid not to take him up on his offer.”

  “What if it’s a trap?” Cupi added.

  “I’d be surprised if it weren’t,” I admitted, “but I think Liby’s right. We’ve got next to nothing right now, and we’d be stupid to pass up this offer. Trap or not.”

  “So,” Gula asked, “what’s our next move, Jacob?”

  I smiled at all of my friends. “It looks like the gang is hitting the road once again,” I explained. “Next stop, Tucson.”

  Chapter 10

  “‘An hour or so’ my ass,” I scoffed as we zipped through the desert highway.

  After all the shit that had gone down yesterday, we had decided to return to our mansion and get a good night of sleep. There was surely much more crazy shit ahead of us, and all six of us were exhausted. Our new informant friend was just gonna have to wait.

  When we got home, Ira was waiting for us. The Sister of Wrath was
excited to hear about how Gula, Tris, and I made the connection, and our two newest succubi explained the nitty-gritty details with their sister while I got ready for bed. Finally, all of my beloved succubi and I hit the hay, forming what felt like a massive pile of naked bodies. I was half tempted to try something with all the women at once, but my orgasm with Tris had been all sorts of crazy, and I didn’t think I had any more cum to give to my women.

  My succubi and I had passed out almost instantly and slept like a rock through the night.

  “It’s a shame this vehicle isn’t bigger,” Ira mused from the backseat. “I would have liked to see Superbia, Gula, and Tris in action. Did you know that I’ve never actually fought beside them before? Usually, I was sent off to handle enemies on my own thanks to my… aggressive fighting style and my healing powers. I could take out waves of enemies all by myself, and they would inflict oh so much damage on me…”

  As she spoke about her previous battles, the Sister of Wrath’s voice sounded like it was on the brink of orgasm.

  “I’m sure you’ll get your chance,” I reassured the dark-haired woman. “We’re going to need all hands on deck when we finally have to make the descent and face Azazel on his own turf.”

  “Don’t remind me,” Ira nearly moaned. “I’m getting all hot and bothered just thinking about it.”

  “Why didn’t the other three come along, Jakey?” Todd asked and then took a drag off his joint. “You said this is probably a trap. Even though I am highly offended that you think one of my beloved fans would do me dirty like that.”

  “A few reasons,” I explained. “Sia’s got other shit to do. Business might be booming at the Velvet Lips, but it’s not going to run itself. Gula told me that she wanted to stay back and practice her cooking. Apparently, she’s got some sort of audition tape she’s making for some chef with a video channel or something like that. She also promised that she’d have a home-cooked meal ready for us when we got back.”

  “Say no more!” Todd nodded. “I’m gonna need one after smoking all this ‘Hunger Pang.’ It’s a new strain Slothy and I made that gives us seriously bad cases of the munchies after we use it.”

  “And that’s why Tris isn’t here,” I continued. “She wanted to hang back and work on her ‘herbology’ for a bit. That, and she said that she thought she deserved a long break after all the stuff she did yesterday.”

  “Sister Tristitia lives up to her name, as you can see,” Libidine giggled.

  “I’m assuming that you invited me along thanks to my political expertise?” Ira added.

  “Right,” I confirmed. “Even if this isn’t a trap, we’re dealing with a ‘Deep Throat’ sort of situation, and we need all the political espionage experience we can possibly get.”

  “You didn’t tell me deep throating would be involved,” Cupi’s voice perked up.

  “Me either,” Libidine added. “Are we all going to be involved? Because I’m not as good at it as Cupi, but I’m willing to give it my all.”

  “You’re perfectly fine at it, Liby,” I promised. “I would know.”

  My comment was met by Todd shoving his fingers into his ears and repeatedly saying “lalalalalala” so that he couldn’t hear.

  “I’ve got this, Jacob.” Ira snorted. “He’s not talking about that kind of deep throat, guys, as much as I wish he were. I nearly choked to death on that thing when we were in the throes of love, and it was marvelous. He’s talking about the informant who leaked information and eventually brought down Richard Nixon.”

  “Who is that?” Liby asked curiously. “Was he some sort of powerful businessman here on Earth?”

  “Wait,” Todd finally entered the conversation, “you don’t know who Richard Nixon is?” The imp hopped up onto the passenger seat, turned around, and looked at the succubi with bulging eyes. “It’s time for a little history lesson, guys!” The imp giggled and cleared his throat. “Four score and seven years ago…”

  Todd then went on to spend the next thirty minutes of the trip blazing through the list of American Presidents, changing his physical appearance and voice to match each one as he told their story. Finally, he got to the current administration, and then he turned back into his regular impish self.

  “Whew,” he sighed, “I guess I paid more attention in Government than I thought. Anyway, now you know who Nixon was, and all about ‘Deep Throat.’ I still can’t believe they thought that was a good name for the guy.”

  “Maybe they were just oblivious?” Cupi suggested. “In our experience, humans here on Earth Realm are pretty prudish compared to us succubi.”

  “Nah,” Todd said with a wave of his hand. “This was the seventies, bro. The era of Woodstock, free love, and anti-conformism. If I had a time machine…”

  “I thought that was the Sixties?” I asked.

  “Woodstock was sixty-nine, bro,” he said. “It was a fine year, but closer to the seventies. Then Watergate happened, and we lost all the orgies. Fucking Nixon, dude.”

  “How did Nixon make it so there weren’t any more org-- you know, I’m good,” I laughed. “I’ll take your word for it.”

  “I know about these things.” Todd nodded. “Speaking of knowing things. We should be there.”

  “Is that it?” I asked curiously and pointed to a two-story structure that looked like it had been abandoned for some time. “That looks like it could have been an old mall to me.”

  “The address matches up, bro,” Todd explained as he glanced at his phone. “He wanted us to meet him on the second floor, near the sign marking the ‘sun’ section.”

  We pulled off the main drag of road and into the old parking lot. Shadow’s wheels rolled over what sounded like a few shards of glass, but she kept moving. We drove up into the bowels of the crumbling parking garage, up to the second story, and then we drove around for a few minutes studying the signs. Finally, we came to a section marked with a large, indigenous-style drawing of a yellow sun.

  I slowed the Jeep to a stop, but I didn’t turn her off. We might need to make a quick getaway.

  “Alright, guys,” I addressed my friends. “Stay on your toes. Something feels weird about this whole situation.”

  The five of us exited the running Jeep Wrangler, walked out into the open space in front of the vehicle, and formed a small huddle. We stood there for what felt like forever, waiting on something to happen.

  “Do you think he stood us up?” Cupi pondered aloud.

  “Or he never intended to meet with us in the first place,” Ira suggested.

  “Internet trolls, Crazy Eyes,” Todd added. “They’re all over.”

  “That doesn’t make any sense,” I retorted. “Why would they ask us to come all the way out here for nothing?”

  “Why would an internet troll do anything?” The imp shrugged. “Because they’re bored, and because they can.”

  “I’m insulted, friend-o,” a deep, demonic-sounding voice arose from the shadows. “You think I would make the author of my favorite blog drive all the way out here just to leave them high and dry?”

  I summoned Hellfire into my hands and whipped around, ready to fight.

  Off in the corner stood a figure in a flowing black robe with the hood pulled over his face mysteriously. The figure put his hands up into the air in submission.

  “Easy there, guys,” he tried to calm us down. “I’m not here to cause any trouble.”

  “Then what are you here for?” I demanded. “You told Todd that you had information on the Daeva that could be useful for us to know, and then you make us drive all the way out of our way to get it?”

  “I have my reasons.” The figure shrugged. “All will be revealed in time, Todd.”

  “I’m not Todd,” I corrected the hooded figure and pointed to my friend. “That’s Todd.”

  “Wait--” the figure’s deep voice sounded confused. “You’re telling me one of the most genius paranormal minds in the world is a three-foot-tall imp?”

  “The one and only!
” Todd grinned and pretended to adjust an invisible bowtie. “It’s so awesome to meet one of my adoring fans in the flesh.”

  “Ugh,” the mysterious figure sighed, “I thought I was talking to a mighty demon slayer, not some wannabe Hornswaggle.”

  “A pro wrestling reference?” Todd gasped. “You really are one of my fans! Even if you are kinda being a little bit of a prick about it.”

  The hooded figure shook his head. “There’s no ‘little prick’ on this end, compadre,” he admitted. “Mine’s so long there’s a danger of split-roasting a babe all by itself.”

  “Well, that’s just vulgar, bro,” the imp said as he crossed his arms. “There are ladies present, you know.”

  “There sure are.” The figure chuckled. “I’d recognize these succubi from anywhere. The mighty Circle of Sin. Or, at least, three of them. Where are the others? Off gobbling down schlongs like a Thanksgiving turkey?”

  “Bro!” Todd exclaimed. “Show some class.”

  “Wait a minute…” Libidine’s eyes narrowed, and she began to approach the guy in the robe. “Chort? Is that you?”

  The hooded figure’s posture went tense. “Uh-- No,” he argued. “I’m just a mild-mannered reporter who wants to share some info with my favorite paranormal blogger. Of course, at night, I take off my glasses, tussle up my hair, and go out fighting crime as Earth’s mightiest protector. They call me ‘The Monster Dong.’”

  “It is you!” Libidine giggled happily. “I’d know that sense of humor anywhere.”

  “Calling it ‘humor’ is a stretch,” Todd muttered as Liby walked closer to the hooded man.

  “Fine, you got me,” the figure’s voice changed into something much more nasal and high-pitched.

  He reached up, grabbed his hood, and then pulled it back. This demon didn’t look anything like most of the supernatural beings we’d dealt with before. His skin was a dark gray, and his facial features were elongated like a snout. At the end of the protrusion sat a circular, pig-like nose, and the demon had two tiny black horns that stuck about three or four inches out of his forehead. Meanwhile, his ears were long and pointed, and his lips were bright pink.


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