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Mosaic Moon

Page 16

by Jamie Craig

  "She was a little scared, actually. I think she got the impression that I wouldn't be satisfied with her if she wasn't, well, you."

  "Oh. I hadn't thought of that." There was a long pause as Gideon digested the information. "But you are, right? Satisfied with her, I mean."

  "Satisfied would be putting it mildly. Very, very mildly. And there's so much..." He paused, thinking about all the doors they had opened, or could open. Thinking about her begging him and the marks the whip left on her breasts. Thinking about how she felt wrapped around him, warm and soft and hungry and giving. "I didn't really know just how much I wanted her before."

  Gideon's arm snaked around Jesse's waist, pulling him into his side as he straightened. "Promise me you'll be careful," he said. "I was a little worried when I walked in on you and the flogger. When she has her walls down, you have a tendency to get swept away, and I'd hate for you to do something you regretted later."

  Jesse wanted to insist that he would never do anything he'd regret later, except he knew exactly what Gideon was talking about. He did have the tendency to get swept away, and not just with Emma. Gideon probably could have killed him a hundred times over due to that very tendency. And he wasn't sure Emma could save him from himself the way Gideon could.

  "You were right to be a little worried," he admitted. "I mean, I was just going to tease her a bit with it. I've never had the impulse to switch positions and actually be the one holding the whip. But then I was, and I didn't want to just tease her any more."

  "Because she liked it."

  "Yeah. She did. A lot. I did, too. But I don't think I should do that again."

  "Why not? The only way you're going to learn restraint is if you get accustomed to how it feels. And I'll just make sure I'm there to keep you from going too far." The tilt of his head shadowed his eyes as he regarded Jesse more closely. "Unless you don't want to. Is that it?"

  "It's not that I don't want to," Jesse said slowly. "I enjoyed it, and I liked doing something that she wanted. But it feels odd. Like wearing clothes that don't fit."

  Turning around, Gideon leaned back against the rail of the bridge, gently tugging at Jesse so that he was flush against his front. "Everything's still new," he said softly. "The important thing is, Emma fits. She fits well. And I like that look in your eye when you think of her." He ground their hips together in small, slow circles. "And I like how you feel when you think of her."

  Jesse closed his eyes, a soft sigh escaping his lips. She did fit. And she loved him. And if he was confused about a few things, they had plenty of time to sort it all out. He ran his hands over Gideon's shoulders and down his arms. "God. I like how you feel when you do that."

  Even though his eyes were still closed, he knew Gideon's mouth was just inches from his. He could almost feel it, feel his own warm breath reflected off Gideon's lips. He tilted his head, seeking out Gideon's mouth, tracing the seam of Gideon's lips with his tongue until they parted.

  The kiss was slow and soft, just the faintest of explorations for two lovers who knew they were in no rush. Gideon moved his hands to the small of Jesse's back, fingertips caressing the curve of his spine, and his hips gradually stopped until their hard cocks were simply aligned. It was as if the added contact would be a distraction from what their mouths were doing. Jesse didn't mind. Each sweep of Gideon's tongue against his was yet another reminder of how much he adored him.

  Gideon didn't keep Jess from breaking away for air, didn't hold his head in place with a crushing grip, but he was still light-headed from the almost gentle caress. The water flowed beneath the bridge, burbling against the rocks, and he heard the distant beat of wings against the calm air. Gideon felt almost cool to the touch in the night's warmth, and Jesse sought out more of his skin with his lips, breaking from his mouth to sample his jaw, his neck, and his throat in slow, careful kisses.

  "Just want you to be happy," Gideon murmured, so softly that Jesse wasn't sure he meant the words to actually be heard by anybody but him. The muscles of his throat worked against Jesse's lips, encouraging him to go even lower. Jess settled at the hollow at the base, and the tip of his tongue came out to trace the sinew in delicate swipes that had Gideon shivering long before Jesse lifted his head again.

  "I know," Jesse breathed, kissing a line along his jaw, back to his mouth. "I adore you, Gideon. Maybe I was wrong, and love is as simple as that."

  Gideon lifted his hands to cup Jesse's face, forcing him to stay still long enough to meet his eyes. He expected words, he expected some sort of avowal or declaration or something to match what he had just said. But Gideon didn't say anything. He just leaned forward, parted his lips, and let the tip of his tongue trace the quivering bow of Jesse's mouth, not once looking away.

  Jesse curled his fingers around Gideon's wrists, holding his hands against his face. Gideon's thumbs moved in small circles against his cheeks, the light contact enough to make him shiver. The soft tip of Gideon's tongue sent a jolt to his cock, but it didn't occur to Jesse to want anything more than what Gideon was giving him.

  "Let's go scandalize a few late walkers and skinny-dip in the lagoon," Gideon murmured. His lips barely moved, tickling against Jesse's. "And once we're good and wet, I'll fuck you under the stars. Because it really is that simple."

  Jesse's throat tightened, and he offered his consent with a simple nod, his fingers entwining around Gideon's.

  Chapter 15

  * * *

  There was one good thing about being so busy with work. It didn't give Emma time to think about everything that had transpired over the weekend. Or over half the weekend, at least. Because she'd had to go home Saturday night when the last thing she had wanted was to leave either of them. Jesse had dropped her off, walked her to her door, and kissed her for minutes on end before leaving her panting and gasping as he walked back to his car. In spite of how sore her clit was and how many orgasms she'd already had, she'd spent the next twenty minutes in her shower, using the massager function to get off yet one more time.

  It was an even better thing she'd had Sunday to recuperate. Though she missed them both, every time she got a moment to breathe.

  Monday morning passed in a blur, the new installation running her from one department to the next to coordinate smoothly. When Carol in Acquisitions told her to go take lunch, it was on the tip of Emma's tongue to retort that she'd just had breakfast. Only a glance at the clock to show that it was almost one saved her the embarrassment, and she scooted out, grabbing a fresh bottle of water from the refrigerator in the staff kitchen before heading back to her office.

  It was mostly gone by the time she shut her door behind her. Wiping the sweat from her brow, Emma collapsed in the chair by the door, too tired to even make it to her tiny desk. She leaned her head back against the wall and closed her eyes.

  When she heard the doorknob rattle, she just assumed it was somebody else with another question, another problem, another conflict. She kept her eyes closed, childishly hoping that if she couldn't see them, they couldn't see her. The door opened on soundless hinges, and she didn't lift her head. Until she felt soft fingers on her cheek. Startled, her eyes flew open to look into Jesse's amused blue ones.

  "I'm not sure if I should leave you to your nap, or steal you away from the slave-drivers."

  Emma smiled, as much from being caught napping as seeing Jesse for the first time in nearly two days. "I vote for stealing," she said. "Except I'm not sure I can get up now that I've actually stopped."

  Jesse held up the brown paper bag. "It was my turn to bring you lunch. I was thinking we could eat it outside, but it's hotter than hell out there." He pushed the door shut and settled on the floor at her feet, his back resting against her desk.

  She slid out of the chair, stretching her legs out alongside his. There was barely enough room for both of them to be sitting on the floor, but the contact was welcome. It felt like halfway to forever since she'd last seen him.

  "I think I want your job," she said, stretchin
g to try and see what he'd brought. "All you do is sit at a desk all day and read books."

  "Do you know what I read about today? Rendering human fat into candles for the purposes of black magic," Jesse said, unpacking the bag. "There was a very charming chapter about using live sacrifices to make the candles. Gyro?"

  She wrinkled her nose, but took the sandwich he offered anyway. "You're just trying to make me lose my appetite so that you get to eat my food. Trust me. That is so not going to work today."

  Jesse shook his head as he passed over the tub of yogurt. "I just wanted to let you know what you were missing out on by not having my job. We discovered that the person we're looking for is conducting rituals at the grave sites using such candles."

  It took a moment for his implication to sink in. "You found the guy John wanted you to stop?" she asked.

  "No, we missed him," Jesse said softly. When he looked up, the amusement was gone from his eyes. "We missed him, but we've got another shot tomorrow night. But it's not enough to find him and stop him, we have to reverse the damage he's done." He paused for a moment then added, "The rituals are leeching John's power from him. It's killing him."

  Her mouth made a soft o. John had made her uncomfortable, yes, but that was partially because of the awkwardness of the situation. As a host, he'd been gracious and rather flattering, and in the end, she knew he was Jesse's friend. Without thinking, she leaned forward and pulled Jess into a hug, burying her face in his neck. She didn't bother with lowering her walls. They had been gone the second he'd stepped into the room.

  Jesse's arms went around her tightly, and with a clear sense of relief. "The most Gideon can manage is a good riddance," he murmured. "And I can't even blame him. John is in this position because he wasn't honest with me. But I don't want him to die."

  "I know," Emma murmured. She lifted her hand and stroked his nape, her fingertips just barely grazing his skin. Heat still radiated from her touch, every ounce of her trying to make him feel better. "I know you don't. But I also know it's not going to happen, because you're going to find this guy."

  "We will," Jesse agreed. He squeezed her once more before pulling away, but it looked like his pleasant mood had returned. Smiling, he gestured at her food. "But I didn't come here to talk shop. I came here to eat, and talk about you."

  "Well, you have me on the eating part." To prove her point, Emma took a huge bite of her gyro, giggling as some of the yogurt dripped over her lip. She wiped it off with her thumb before sucking it clean. "But I'm boring unless you want to talk about how nobody around this place seems to understand what a schedule is, or care even a little bit about presentation," she added after she'd swallowed.

  "I actually planned to talk about how much I've missed you the past few days, and how soon we can get naked again, but..." Jesse shrugged. "We can talk about how much your coworkers suck. Do you know there's a young blonde thing pacing outside your door, waiting for you to venture out of your office?"

  Emma grimaced. "Yes. Her name is Bev. She makes me want to hit her."

  "She doesn't look too big. If you ever decide to take her on, I've got your back."

  "Good. I hear she's a hair-puller." She pretended to be serious. "You have less than I do."

  Jesse ran his hand through his hair. "There's still enough to get a good grip on."

  Unable to resist, Emma leaned forward again and let her hand follow the same path, ending with the small curls that were forming at the back of his neck. "I like it this length," she said softly. "I think it's sexy."

  "I guess I'll cancel my plans to get it cut this afternoon," Jesse murmured, taking the half-eaten gyro out of her hand and setting it aside. "What are you doing clear over there anyway? Come here." He gripped her hips and pulled her against him to straddle his lap.

  The moment she settled against his thighs, Emma looped her arms over his shoulders in order to strengthen the contact. "It's a little weird," she admitted, her fingers toying with the longer strands of hair. "Part of me feels like nothing's changed, that you're still just my best friend Jesse. And then there's another part of me that wants to kiss you all over and is a more than a little peeved that you haven't kissed me yet." She smiled. "And for the record, that part of me is very loud."

  "I've been remiss," Jesse said, before resting his fingers on the back of her neck and guiding her mouth to his. "Forgive me," he murmured before claiming her mouth. The kiss was slow and hungry at the same time, like he knew he shouldn't rush, but he wanted nothing more than to devour her. His tongue moved against hers, sliding past her lips to explore the curve of her mouth. His other hand moved down her back to cup her ass.

  It was hard not to sigh into the caresses. For as much as she'd tried not to think about everything she'd been missing in the past two days, Emma had been waiting for this exact moment, when she could feel him again, taste him again, touch Jesse without fear of rebuke. She tightened her hold around his shoulders, crushing her breasts to his chest, and in the next second, Jess did the same. It only dawned on her afterward that he was still picking up everything she was feeling. It almost made speech unnecessary.

  They moved apart at the same time to gasp for breath, but Jesse didn't move far. It felt like his mouth was touching her everywhere as he licked and nibbled her neck. He pawed at her blouse, like he wanted nothing more than to rip it from her, but before he could get far, she felt something shift. "I think you better stop me," Jesse said, his lips still on her skin.

  "What?" Her brain searched for some logical reason why she would want to do that, but couldn't get past want more now. "Why?"

  "Because your door doesn't lock and in about ten seconds, I'm not going to care who might walk in and catch us."

  She didn't care then, but Emma pulled back from his kisses anyway, the swift rise and fall of her chest mirrored by Jesse's. The pupils had blown in his eyes, and they glittered with desire, his fingers still clawed into the fabric of her top as if in wait of tearing it off. "Do I have to get off?" she asked, hoping beyond hope that he wouldn't make her.

  "No." Jess shifted beneath her and she could feel the bulge of his erection. "I like you where you are." His fingers gradually eased. "Can you come over tomorrow night?"

  "I thought you said you were going after the grave robber guy tomorrow night." She frowned. "You want me to help?"

  "No," Jesse said quickly. "No. I don't want you anywhere near those rituals. But I'm hoping it won't take all night, and I really miss you."

  "Oh." She pushed aside the alarm that had jumped from him to focus on the yearning beneath it. "So I get to be the victory celebration, do I? Am I going to have to jump out of a cake?"

  "No, but a regular cake for the victory celebration would be great. Something with lots of frosting."

  Emma cocked a brow, unsure whether or not he was kidding. "So you want me to come over to bake for you."

  "Oh, I don't know. I was thinking about licking frosting off your nipples."

  She laughed. "That can probably be arranged. Chocolate, right?"

  Jesse grinned. "Right." He pushed her hair behind her ear and his grin faded. "Seriously, it'd mean a lot to me if I knew you were waiting for us. With or without the chocolate frosting."

  "I'll be there," she promised. She risked leaning forward and brushing her mouth over the corner of his. "All you ever have to do is tell me what you want, Jess. I'd do anything for you."

  Surprised satisfaction washed through him. "That works well, then. Because I would do anything for you."

  "Does Gideon know about this celebration? Or is this payback for him surprising you the other night?"

  "He doesn't know it's going to be a party of three, no. I was going to tell him later this afternoon, but I do like the thought of payback."

  So did Emma. "If you let me know when you leave," she said, starting to warm even more to the idea, "I can get over there earlier to set something up. Do you think..." She stopped for a second, the sudden images flooding her head making her skin fl
ush. "Do you think we can do something in the playroom?"

  Jesse cocked his brow, a hint of arousal wrapping around his curiosity. "Yes. What do you have in mind?"

  It was a little embarrassing to admit to the fantasies, after keeping them to herself for so long. But he was asking, and after everything she'd seen and they'd shared, it was a relief to get it out there. "I like...I like it when you tell me what to do. I thought, maybe, I might try the collar and leash you like so much. Then you and Gideon can do whatever you want to me, but then when we're all worked up, you make me wait and I have to watch while you fuck Gideon--"

  Jesse held up his hand. "Wait, wait. First, you need to be careful about telling us to do whatever we want. You need to know what your boundaries are, and make it clear. And also, Emma, I've never...Gideon fucks me. Not the other way around."

  She hadn't thought about boundaries. She'd just assumed Gideon and Jesse would set those for her. But it was his latter statement that drew the small frown to her brow. Emma searched his face, trying to read him for something she might be missing, but came up empty. In the end, she was forced to ask.

  "But why?"

  Jesse frowned. "Because I'm a bottom," he said, as if that was all the explanation she needed. She didn't speak, just let her confusion flow over him. "I don't think Gideon would want that. It puts him in a submissive position."

  "Have you ever asked him?"

  "Have I asked him?" He repeated the question like the words were foreign to him. "I may have occasionally wondered what it would be like, but I've never thought to ask."

  There was no mistaking the genuine bewilderment coming from Jess. He really had never thought to ask for something like that. Emma had always known he played a more submissive role in the relationship--being introduced to him when he was still bruised and battered from being fucked at Sangre pretty much made that one clear--but she still would have expected him to ask for something if he wanted it. Gideon made it clear that he'd do anything for Jesse. This seemed like a pretty small wish to grant. In her eyes, though obviously not Jesse's.


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