Book Read Free

Jude Stephens

Page 7

by Touch of a VAmpire

  “Oh, we shall see, Sensay…we shall see.”

  I knew then and there that a challenge was thrown down and I admitted to myself that it was rather fun.

  The rest of the afternoon was spent working on my other senses. I was afraid of trying the hearing as my one true attempt at it was a disaster.

  “I’d rather not try the hearing thing, Cheve. Roberto was working with me one day a few months ago, and I lost all sense of hearing. It freaked me out.”

  “Orenda, you have to fine tune your hearing. It’s an important tool for you to use. It probably saved your life the other day when someone shot an arrow at you.”

  With a gasp I said, “How did you know about that? Oh, let me guess, Mark. I never thought he would be a blabbermouth.”

  “Mark only told us because he was worried. He’s afraid that The Guardians might have tracked you from the fucking vampires’ house.”

  “Us? He told my moth…Onatah too?” Crap. I didn’t want her worried about this and I didn’t like it that Mark went and told them without consulting me.

  “Yes, and he did the right thing. This is not just about you. There is a whole village of people here that Onatah is responsible for. She has the right to know of any dangers.”

  Of course he was right. I had to somehow get out of the mind set that the world revolved around me. I’m not even sure how I came to be like that, but I didn’t like it.

  Cheve must have seen the look of self recrimination on my face because he said, “Look, you’re too hard on yourself.

  This is new territory. So it should go without saying that you will need to make adjustments. Maybe even become a new person.”

  A new person? Did I want to become a new person?

  Maybe I would. Being the old me was never that great. My marriage ended in divorce. My second relationship ended with my man choosing another woman. Yeah, a new person sounded damn good right now. Strong. That’s what I wanted to be. Strong and independent.

  We headed back to the village to shower and change for dinner. When I got back to my cabin, there were some clothes on my bed. I picked up the buttery soft suede pants. There was also an overdress with intricate beadwork in a beautiful floral design. The clothes were beautiful but something inside me felt uncomfortable wearing them. I didn’t feel enough a part of this world yet.

  After showering I once more looked at the clothes on my bed. I would compromise. I would find my own style. I slid the tan suede pants on and they fit me like a glove. Instead of the Native American overdress, I chose a plain white shirt. Then I spotted the dark brown leather boots on the floor by the bed. They were the softest leather I’d ever felt and I was practically drooling as I pulled them on. I smiled a little as I thought how jealous Janel will be when she sees them.

  I brushed out my long dark hair and let it air dry. When I left my cabin, a sense of wholeness surrounded me. For the first time in my life I felt secure and confident. I entered Onatah’s longhouse; Cheve was there along with Mark and Bullet. I realized that I hadn’t seen Bullet all day.

  The men rose and Onatah said, “You look lovely, Orenda.”

  “Thank you, Onatah.”

  Cheve didn’t say anything and as usual Mark grunted his greeting.

  I bent down to pet Bullet. “Where have you been all day Boy? I missed you.” Bullet responded by nuzzling my hand.

  Onatah answered for Bullet. “I’m sure he was off in the woods with some of the other wolves that roam this island.”

  “Are there a lot of wolves on this island?” I asked. The thought that there were wild wolves roaming around here made me a tad nervous.

  Onatah patted my arm. “Do not worry. The wolves and the inhabitants of this island have a sort of understanding. Each does not interfere with the other.”

  Cheve piped in with, “An intruder…now that would be a different story.”

  While we ate dinner we discussed some of my training and I learned Mark was helping with clearing some of the fields for next year’s crops. After dinner Cheve and Mark excused themselves and left me alone with Onatah for my metaphysical training.

  “I hate to have to ask but what exactly is metaphysical training?”

  Onatah smiled at me. “It is many things but mostly what we will talk about is the nature of existence, and how you can train and strengthen your mind. The mind after all is a mostly untapped source of power. It has the ability to send out potent positive or negative vibrations that you can learn to harness.”

  We started the training by doing some meditation exercises. I actually found out that I was pretty good at clearing my mind and going inside myself. The hours passed quickly and before I knew it Cheve was back.

  “How did the training go?” he asked Onatah.

  “Very well, she is advanced beyond what we thought.”

  Cheve nodded and turned towards me and said, “Good. I think tonight we will skip the astral projection training and work on your seduction.”

  Chapter 10

  “My what?” I could have sworn that Cheve said my seduction, but of course he couldn’t have because Onatah was nodding her head in agreement.

  Onatah said, “Your seduction Orenda. It is important for you to practice the art of seduction and your reactions to passion. Because of its powerful nature it is the most difficult thing for someone to control. Case in point that weak former husband of yours.”

  “You know about Brian?” I asked with embarrassment. “Yes. He was all wrong for you. Your parents came to see me when you decided to marry him, but as I told them, we could not interfere.”

  I got angry. “Why? If you knew I was making a mistake why couldn’t you help me?”

  “It wasn’t your time yet. We couldn’t step in and take the chance that you find out about you being a Sensay. Without your abilities there was no way to protect you.”

  I was still angry when I said, “So instead you let a young woman walk into years of heartache. Not what I would call very motherly actions.”

  With that I walked away. As soon as I stepped outside, I was grabbed and pulled around.

  Cheve was glaring at me. “That was the reaction of a spoiled child. You have no idea what Onatah has been through. How hard it has been for her.”

  The red glow of anger was racing through my veins. “I am getting sick of you and everyone else telling me how I should feel. You say I am wrong to express my feelings, how I am this great Sensay with a destiny, and then you all treat me as a child.”

  I felt the power growing inside of me and it felt so good, so right. I instinctively knew this was my destiny, that which was going to make me great. My instinct. My sixth sense or whatever you wanted to call it. As it continued to grow, something inside me forever changed. It was the key to everything, and as I stood there letting it fill my every cell, I also knew this was my secret to keep. From everyone.

  “Let go of my arm.” I said quietly. Cheve let go. He even took a step back.

  “We need to continue your lessons.” he said.

  I replied with new found strength, “Yes, we do, but I will call for you when I’m ready. I’m going to take a walk.” I called for Bullet who came trotting over to me, turned and left Cheve standing there.

  It was rather nice being on my own for a little bit. It gave me a chance to think. I thought about my life as it was before and what it was now. Part of me was still clinging to reality as it used to be. I think I held on to some hope that things really hadn’t changed much, but now I knew reality is what I make of it.

  I had to decide how my future was going to proceed.

  The first thing was not to let any man to hurt me again. First Brian and then Roberto; I didn’t entirely blame them either. I blame myself for being so damn naïve, especially with Roberto. I let him run the show with our relationship because that was the easy thing to do. I never pushed him on anything.

  The most important thing in my future though was something that my newly acquired instincts knew to be the absolute t
ruth. I have to find a way to peace. It’s all about peace. That is what I must work towards. I felt it with every fiber in my being. But I also know that the road to peace isn’t going to be an easy one.

  The Guardians have been around a long, long time. No one knows exactly what their network encompasses. It could be as intricate as a finely run government. I am the best chance anyone has of digging deep enough to find out the truth. I’m also the best chance The Evolved has of bringing them down in order to live without the fear for the first time in hundreds of years.

  With a sigh of resignation, I knew my defining moment was before me.

  “Well Bullet. It looks like we’ve got our work cut out for us.”

  In answer he came over and nuzzled my hand. As we made our way back to the village, I felt for the first time in my entire life that I was in control. I felt strong and very determined.

  When I got back, I saw Mark talking with a group of men. He seemed strangely happy being here in the village.

  “Hi Mark, can you please find Cheve and tell him I will be ready for my training in fifteen minutes, and he should come to my cabin please?”

  Mark’s eyebrows rose over my request, but he just nodded his agreement and turned back to the group of men he was talking to.

  Exactly fifteen minutes later there was a light rapping on my door. I opened it to let Cheve in. He was looking really good in faded jeans and a tight black t-shirt. Some of my new found confidence slipped a little.

  “Thank you for being so prompt.” I said as he entered and I shut the door. Things felt extremely awkward. I wasn’t sure how to proceed.

  “Ummmm…I’m not sure…” I began.

  Cheve responded by turning towards me and taking a few steps until I found myself backed up against a wall. He put his hands on either side of the wall and stared hard at my mouth. My mouth went dry and my heart started beating fast. He lowered his mouth to mine and softly pressed his lips to mine. Instinctively, my lips parted and his silken tongue slipped in.

  Electrical currents began racing through my veins until I found my own tongue dueling with his even as my hands found his tight ass. Never lessening the kiss Cheve murmured against my mouth, “Fight it Orenda. Push the lust down.”

  I tried, but couldn’t find the will to do it. Cheve’s mouth moved from mine and began to trail kisses on my face heading for my ear. His hands which were on the wall were now lightly brushing my collar bone and heading towards my breasts. The feather light touch was causing ripples of heat to spread to the juncture between my thighs.

  “Orenda…try to picture something that displeases you.” Cheve said, as his hands cupped my breasts and his thumbs rubbed back and forth over my nipples.

  I tried to think of something unpleasant, but I couldn’t register anything but the pleasure. I groaned and let my hands run up Cheve’s back. I grabbed him by the hair and brought his mouth to mine. I kissed him hot and hard. I found myself pushing him towards the bed. He fell backwards onto the bed and I straddled him. All I could think about was having him inside me and having him pump into me until the painful need inside me went away.

  “Is this how the vampire liked it? Did the vampire like for you to be on top? Did he like for you to take control? He probably liked it like that because it was so different from his sweet submissive wife.”

  CRACK! I slapped him so hard that his head snapped to the side and his lip started bleeding.

  “You fucking asshole. How could you say that to me? It was just days ago that I thought I would marry that vampire.”

  I was furious. Anger churned inside of me. Cheve propped himself up on his elbows and smiled when he said, “I think we just found your inspiration.”

  I froze. “That was part of my training?”

  “Yeah,” he said as he wiped the blood from his mouth. “Pretty effective too, I’d say.”

  I sank down on the bed. “I am so lousy at this. I should be able to control my desire without you having to resort to making me angry. I don’t understand how you do it? How can you…you know…kiss me and touch me and not have it affect you at all?”

  A realization dawned on me. “Ohhhh….I see. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry like that. I’m cool with that.”

  Cheve looked at me strangely. “Cool with what?”

  “You know, I’ve always been a supporter. What you do in your private life doesn’t bother me.”

  Cheve stood and looked at me as if I were crazy. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “You being gay. I’m cool with that. I don’t care if you prefer men,” I said shaking my head at him as if he were a small boy.

  “WHAT? What makes you think I’m gay?” he yelled at me.

  Still speaking to him as if he were a small boy, I said, “Well…you didn’t get the least bit excited when you touched my breast, and now that I think about it, you kind of have that male model look about you. You know metro sexual and all.”

  “What the hell are you talking about? Metrosexual? I don’t know what that means, but let me assure you I DO like women and have made love to a lot of them over my adult years.”

  I laughed. “It’s okay. Everyone experiments. Well…not that I have, but when I was in college I had a roommate that tried to talk me into a little girl on girl and for a split second I pictured it in my mind, but then I declined. Anyhow, being gay is nothing to be ashamed of. Is that why you do this type of work? I bet that makes it a lot easier. Do you sometimes think about men when you’re training someone? It must take a lot of discipline to not think of a hot guy while you’re kissing somebody…”

  “Orenda, will you shut up? I am not gay, have never been gay and I have certainly never thought about a man while kissing a woman!”

  I couldn’t help but give him a skeptical look which is probably why he said, “Oh hell.”

  Then he grabbed me and pulled me into his arms and slanted his mouth across mine. At first I was too shocked to respond, but when his tongue pushed into my mouth I once again was caught up in a strong storm of desire. He pushed me down on the bed, and before I even realized it he had undone the buttons of my blouse and lifted up my bra. His mouth moved from mine, and I nearly jumped out of my skin when his hot mouth closed over my right nipple.

  He suckled hard and I felt an ache building deep inside me. As his mouth sucked on my breast he began thrusting his hips. My legs opened to allow him to come in contact with my core. He continued to thrust against me and now when he did I could feel the long…the very long, hard length of his erection pushing against me. He began to moan with every thrust as my hips rose up to meet his. His mouth never left my breast even when his hands began to fumble with the drawstring on my deerskin pants.

  His hand slipped into my panties, and I cried out with anticipation when his fingers slid through the silky curls. When his fingers encountered the sticky wetness he cursed and withdrew his hand.

  “We can’t. I can’t.” He whispered hoarsely. “If I make you come or I come I won’t be able to train you anymore.”

  I didn’t understand what he was saying. I lay there trembling with need.

  “I’m sorry Orenda. I just wanted to show you that I wasn’t gay and that if I let go of my control I was more than capable of getting hard for you. But if we were to finish here we would not be able train together anymore. We would lose the edge that is needed to take control of our emotions.”

  All I could think to say was, “Shit.”

  “Shit doesn’t cover it. I have never let myself give in to temptation like that.”

  I started laughing. I couldn’t help it, and I couldn’t stop it.

  “Hell…I’ve never had a woman laugh after making love to her either.”

  I tried to pull myself together. “I’m sorry. I just find the whole situation amusing.”

  “And why is that?”

  “I don’t know, it’s just ludicrous trying to control passion. Why is it so important anyway?”

  “Hmmm…let me thin
k. How about if I were a member of The Guardians and very, very good in the art of making love? And I had my head between your legs and I was licking you until your sweet juices flowed.” Cheve lowered himself beside me and ran a hand up my inner thigh.

  “And at that precise moment I took your throbbing and engorged clit between my soft lips and sucked on it until you shattered into a million pieces. And then I ask you where this island is located or where The Evolved planned their next attack?”

  A sour taste rose up in the back of my throat. “Okay, I get your point. But I hope to God that I never have to let one of those Guardian bastards between my legs.”

  “I hope so too, but Orenda, you don’t know what you may have to do in the end. Peace always comes at a very heavy price and I’m afraid that you will be the one to pay in the end.” Cheve stood and straightening his clothes went to the door.

  “But that’s your destiny isn’t it? Just as mine is to walk away from something that could have possibly been the best thing to ever happen to me.”

  And with that, he was gone. I sat there wondering if he meant what we almost did or something else. Sighing I decided I didn’t want to think about it. I wasn’t going to worry over things I had no control over. I would let the universe take care of this one. Besides, five thirty a.m. comes too damn quick.

  Chapter 11

  I opened the door and braced myself for the blast of cold air. It hit me in the face and I thought about going back to bed. It was four thirty a.m. and still dark and cold. I forced myself to get moving as I had for the last eight weeks. After that first day of training I decided I would prove to Cheve that I was a lot tougher than anyone gave me credit for, so I started getting up an hour earlier to get in a few more miles on my morning run.

  One day I came upon a stunning surprise. I ran through a short tree line and found a beautiful natural beach. There were several large black rocks scattered around. One of the rocks had a smooth worn surface and I climbed up on it and sat down. I felt such a sense of well being and peace envelope me, that everyday since then, I get up an hour early and jog to my secret spot to sit and meditate for an hour before the grueling day starts.


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