Book Read Free

Jude Stephens

Page 19

by Touch of a VAmpire


  “I want to mate with you, Wren. My desire to do so is strong. Feel.” He took my hand and placed it on the thick erection straining his jeans. Not only was he rock hard but his cock felt like it was vibrating. What the hell?

  “Alex, what’s going on?” I was beginning to feel the flames of desire sweep up my spine.

  “When a vampire is called to mate, it’s extremely intense. Seeing you hold Gjord called to something primitive that lives in all vampires, a call to mate. It is the only time our sperm is fertile enough to produce offspring. It’s unknown why it’s not every time we have sex. It may be nature’s way of not overpopulating the earth with vampires.”

  That made sense. Knowing first hand how many times a vampire can come in one single night, it would only take one randy vampire to make a whole lot of little vampire babies. It also explained why though I’ve had sex, a lot of sex with two virile vampires, that I had not gotten pregnant.

  Alex stared at me like he wanted to eat me up. “I know that mating with you at this time is not a good idea, but I wanted to show you what it’s like for a vampire when they’re called to mate.”

  He began to breathe fast as his arousal increased. “It’s very erotic but also a very loving act between two people. It’s even more meaningful than the bonding which I took from you without asking. I will never forgive myself for that. The mating though will be in your hands. I will not take the choice from you again and you should know that when we mate it is for life with that one person. The mating call can never be given to another.”

  My heart melted at Alex’s words. I was amazed at the intensity of his love for me. “You’re right Alex, now is not the time for us to mate.” I saw a slight shadow pass over his face and I added, “Now is not the right time, but the time will come when I will answer your call to mate, and I will do so with only joy and happiness in my heart.”

  At my words Alex fell to his knees. I rushed over but he put a hand up to stop me. “Your words have pushed the mating call to the brink. If I touch you, I will take you.”

  I stepped back. “I want to help you Alex.”

  “You can’t. I need to take care of this on my own. Go back downstairs. The vampires will understand what is going on but the others won’t.”

  With one last look I opened the door and stepped out into the hallway. I started to head to the stairs, but I heard Alex groan. I turned and headed back. I stopped outside the door and decided if Alex was going to go through this then I would too.

  I would bear witness on this side of the door to his mating call. The first moan was quickly followed by another moan. I heard him moan my name over and over again, “Ohhh, Wrennnnn… Oh God…Ohhhhhh, Wren...I love you...I need to so bad… Wrennnnn.”

  I sank to the floor in front of the door doing some of my own suffering. I wanted so badly to kick the door in and mate with him. I could smell my own arousal and tried to clench my legs together. I heard Alex grunting and groaning as he came close to climax.

  I began to whimper softly, and I heard him say, “Wren… my God, I can smell your arousal...I’m going to…AHHHHH!” I stood on wobbly knees and opened the door. Alex was lying on the floor, slightly curled up. I went into the adjoining bathroom and got a wet washcloth.

  When I knelt beside Alex he turned and said, “You don’t have to do this.”

  “I know. I want to.” I took the cloth and cleansed his body making sure to wipe all evidence of his desire away. When he was clean and put back together again, I curled up against him and held him in my arms and simply said, “I love you.”

  “I love you too, Wren. More than you can imagine.”

  Chapter 26

  When we got back downstairs it was to a rather subdued group. I gathered that meant Annika and Cristoforo had explained what was going on.

  “Damn! I am tired of everyone always knowing every little detail of my sex life. I might as well charge admission every time I have sex and let everyone watch me.”

  All of the men got a big grin on their faces and the women were calculating in their heads how much I should charge.

  “Oh for Pete’s sake! Let’s concentrate on why we’re all here. We’re here to find Roberto.” I looked over at Annika and Cristoforo who were sitting side by side on the sofa. “Can either of you shed some light on why you think he was taken?”

  Annika looked at Cristoforo who shrugged. Sighing she said, “I take it you’ve heard of the vampire counsel?” At my nod, she continued, “The counsel has been in heated debates lately about what to do with you.”

  “What to do with me? I don’t understand.”

  Annika spoke, “You’ve caused quite a stir in the world of the vampire and The Evolved. There are those that oppose your existence. They like things just the way they are. It may seem archaic to you, but there is order to our world. Many of The Evolved species have their own counsels where they attempt to hold some sort of order over their species. The vampire counsel is the oldest and most effective. As you know Roberto is a member of that counsel.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, Roberto and Alex have told me a little about the counsel. They need to come out of the dark ages.”

  Cristoforo snapped at me. “All things are not black and white, Orenda. The counsel has reasons to act as they do. They have a species to protect. In your own lifetime you’ve seen species that have been hunted to extinction.”

  I thought about what he said. It was true. I was making judgment on something I knew little about. However, the fact that they wanted me dead did not put them on my Christmas list.

  “You’re right, Cristoforo. I don’t know enough about them to pass judgment, but again it seems to me that they have done the same with me. What we need to do is find out exactly who took Roberto and why.”

  “Oh well, I can tell you that.” All heads turned towards Janel.

  I looked at her doubtfully and she said, “What? Do you all think I just sit around all day and look pretty?”

  “If you know something that could help us why didn’t you say something before?” I asked her.

  “Well, you all seemed to have this big plan to find Annika, and I didn’t want to interfere.”

  Everyone in the room was looking at Janel like she had grown two heads. I on the other hand just chalked it up to Janel being Janel. “Okay Janel, tell us what you know.”

  “You know I work at the clinic right? A few weeks ago two guys came in. Well, they looked like guys but one was a vampire and one was a dragon.”

  “Dragon?” Both Alex and Cristoforo said at the same time in worried voices.

  “What does that mean?” I asked.

  Surprisingly, Cheve was the one to answer, “It means this is some serious shit. There aren’t a lot of evolved dragons around anymore. The only thing rarer is a Sensay. What dragons that are left hold a lot of power among The Evolved. If a dragon is involved in this mess then we are in deep.”

  “May I continue with my story?” Janel asked petulantly.

  “I’m sorry, of course continue.” I apologized.

  “Well, anyway, like I said these two guys come walking in and I noticed them right away. They were both really good looking. The vampire had blond hair and was really tall. The dragon was dark. His hair was black as night and he was very muscular.” Janel got a dreamy look on her face.

  Alex rolled his eyes, “I think we’re losing her.”

  “Janel? Sweetie? What did the vampire and the dragon want?”

  “Oh yeah, they wanted white fungus.”

  All three of the vampires in the room gasped and stood up quickly.

  “Son of a bitch,” Cristoforo cursed.

  “Damn.” Alex added.

  “What does that mean Alex?” I asked him.

  “It means that those two most likely are the ones that have Roberto. White fungus is one of the few substances that have any effect on vampires. In small amounts it can be used as an anesthesia. In larger quantities it is extremely lethal
. The fungus was first found in North America and has wiped out large populations of bats. This is not good.”

  “Did you sell them this fungus Janel?” I asked her.

  “Yeah. It’s not an illegal substance or anything. Though a vampire’s tolerance for pain is very high, there are times when it’s used as an anesthesia in surgery cases.”

  I thought back to a few months ago when I had to operate on Alex to remove a bullet. That white fungus stuff would have come in handy then.

  “Okay, so we know there are at least two different species working together on this, dragons and vampires. We also know they most likely nabbed Roberto to get to me. So why don’t we give them what they want?”

  “NO!” Everyone, with the exception of Cristoforo, exclaimed.

  Alex took my hand in his. “You know I will support you in all things Wren, but not this. I will not let you sacrifice yourself for Roberto.”

  Quietly from the corner of the room Cheve said, “This is a dangerous game you play, Sensay. Are you sure?”

  I looked him in the eye, “I’m sure. It’s the only way.”

  “What are the two of you talking about?” Alex demanded.

  I put my hand on Alex’s cheek, “I do not intend to sacrifice myself. I intend to let them think that I’ve sacrificed myself. That’s all. I will make them believe I am so desperately in love with Roberto that I would trade my life for his. When he is safely away, I will go to the plane between the spirit worlds. To them it will appear that I am dead but I will not be.”

  Alex shook his head. “I don’t like this. Too many things could go wrong.”

  Cheve muttered, “Not to mention the fact that you’ve never been able to come back from the second plane without help.”

  “What does he mean Wren?”

  “It just means I have to concentrate harder. Until now I’ve needed some…assistance to return.”

  Mark spoke, “You had to be shaken for ten minutes before you could come back the last time.”

  I glared at him. “Now you speak? Look guys, I’ll practice tomorrow. In the mean time maybe Janel will be able to make contact with these two guys.” I asked her, “Did you happen to get any information from them?”

  “Just their names and phone number. We didn’t have very much white fungus on hand and I promised to order some more.”

  “Just their names and phone number?” I teased. “Not if they were single or what their sign was.”

  Janel smiled slyly. “Give me a little time I’ll get it. Draco the dragon is so hot!”

  Cristoforo made a choking sound, “Did you say Draco?” Janel nodded.

  Cristoforo rubbed a hand across his face. “This is bad.” Alex asked him, “Do you know him?”

  “Not personally, but I’ve heard of him. He is one mean son of a bitch. I’ve also heard some rumors about a supreme counsel that he’s been trying to form.”

  “A supreme counsel? What does that mean?” I asked.

  Cheve answered, “I’ve heard rumblings for years about a supreme counsel. The Evolved want to form a counsel of different evolved beings that would rule all. I suppose they would see you as a threat to their plans Wren. That is why they probably took Roberto. They most likely aren’t aware that you two are no longer together. ”

  “Good. It will work to our advantage to have them think that. Janel can contact them about a new shipment of white fungus and then we can make a “deal” with them. My surrender in exchange for Roberto” I said.

  Cheve got an evil grin on his face. “I think its best, in order for the charade to work that you get your own room at the hotel Wren.”

  “Do you think that’s necessary?” I asked.

  Alex didn’t look happy but said, “He’s probably right. If you do this I don’t want you in any more danger than necessary.”

  Changing the subject I asked, “Who’s going to go with Janel when she contacts Draco? Janel did you happen to get the other guys name?”

  “I think it was Sean or Seamus or something like that. He was pretty cute too, but there was something about the dragon that I really liked.”

  Alex said, “I knew a Seamus Fitzgerald in the 60’s. We carried on a bit back in London.”

  Janel piped up, “It’s probably the same guy because Draco called him Fitz a few times.”

  I gave Alex a worried look. “I don’t think it should be you. They will know of your ties to Roberto. That leaves Cristoforo out. I think Cheve should go with her. Mark, I want you to stay with me and Bullet in my room tomorrow. I’m not a fool. I’d rather not stay alone.”

  Mark looked happy with the arrangements. I can’t say that I was. I would miss sleeping beside Alex.

  As if he heard me, he lifted my hand to his mouth and placed a tender kiss on the back of it. “Hopefully, this will be finished soon and you will take me on that private vacation you promised me.”

  I shivered thinking about the promise behind his words of few weeks alone, indulging in all of our fantasies. Alex could bite me again. Just thinking about it made me hot all over. Alex must have been reading my thoughts as his eyes burned bright with passion.

  Cristoforo interrupted with, “I don’t think this is going to work. From what I’ve heard about Draco he isn’t a fool. Plus I’m not sure Roberto will go along with it.”

  Annika said, “He will have to. He will be forced to once Wren puts her plan in place.”

  I understood how she felt. She would gladly sacrifice me in order to keep her mate safe, and I didn’t blame her one bit. “Let’s get this plan underway. The sooner we do it, the sooner we can go home.”

  “Amen.’ Cheve muttered.

  We agreed that we would go back to the clinic to get Draco’s phone number and Janel would make the call. After promising to keep Annika and Cristoforo in the loop, we piled back in the SUV and headed back to the clinic. It was still a few hours until dawn and the clinic was packed.

  As we entered a good looking man caught sight of us and said, “There you are Janel, I was getting worried about you.” He looked at the rest of us with a raised eyebrow. He was quite handsome with dark short hair and dark eyes. He wasn’t too tall maybe five foot eleven. He had a kind smile.

  Janel said, “This is my best friend Wren Sherman, Wren this is Dr. Kai Satou.”

  I shook his hand and a strange sensation went up my arm. It was like my skin was crawling but it wasn’t unpleasant. His eyes widened. “You’re a Sensay? This is amazing. I never thought I’d ever meet one.”

  “How do you know I’m a Sensay?”

  “I’m empathetic, as most Kylan’s are.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m sorely lacking on my knowledge of The Evolved. What is a Kylan?”

  “A Kylan is evolved from a type of unicorn.” Dr. Satou replied.

  “A unicorn?” I repeated stupidly. Sometimes this new odd world that I found myself thrown into would overwhelm me. It was nothing less than surreal.

  I looked at Alex who was smirking. I raised my eyebrows in question, but he shook his head. I made a mental note to ask him later what that smirk was all about?

  “I apologize at my lack of evolved knowledge, Dr. Satou, and my reaction. It’s just that unicorns and dragons and vampires were, until a few months ago, the stuff of fairytales and legends. I’m still finding my bearings in all of this.”

  A kind smile lit his features, “Please do not apologize, Ms. Sherman, and please call me Kai. I understand your skepticism at learning of beings you never knew existed. Your friend Janel was in the same predicament when she first came here, but in no time at all you’ll open yourself up to the infinite wonders the world holds. Janel was quick to embrace the unfamiliar.”

  He looked at Janel with eyes that held a promise and I had to wonder just what was going on between the good doctor and Janel.

  I smiled back at him. I got a good vibe from him. “Well, I hope you’re right. I’ve been trying to see past the unfamiliar to see the common thread we all have.”

he doctor looked intrigued. “And what is the common thread in your opinion?”

  “The strong desire to survive.”

  “Very well put Ms. Sherman. As a physician I know the value that each life holds.” Nodding he said, “I better get back to my patients. We have a full house tonight. It was nice meeting you Ms Sherman. I hope we see each other again. I would love to do some studies on a Sensay.”

  I wasn’t thrilled at that but said, “Sure and you can call me Wren.”

  Janel walked away with the doctor and I leaned over to Alex, “Why did you make that face when he said he was a Kylan?”

  “A Kylan has some special attributes that are unrivaled among The Evolved.” He chuckled.

  I didn’t like his little laugh. “And what is that?”

  “I’d rather not say here. I’ll tell you later when we get back to the hotel. Let’s just say that should Janel decide to taste of his unique talents she will be thoroughly pleased in everyway”

  I scowled at him. I really didn’t think that it was appropriate to be delving into Janel’s sex life, at least with Alex. I intended to corner Janel the first chance I got.

  Janel came back holding a piece of paper. “I got Draco’s number. Are you sure you want me to do this, Wren?”

  She looked worried. I was worried too. I’m not delusional. I know that I’m not at the top of my game yet. I still had lots to learn, but I knew if I didn’t do this the likelihood of Roberto seeing his son again would be slim. To Janel I said stoically, “Call him. Let’s turn me over to the enemy.”

  Chapter 27

  Janel called Draco and told him she had some more white fungus for him and that she’d be glad to deliver it. Draco seemed reluctant at first, but Janel could be very persuasive. She arranged to meet him the next evening at ten p.m. to deliver the fungus.

  What Draco didn’t know was that Cheve would be along and he would make the offer of an exchange of me for Roberto. I knew the plan was risky. Once the exchange was made, I would have to wait to see what they were planning to do with me and then use my abilities to plan my escape.


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