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Jewels and Panties (Book, Five): A Doctor's Touch

Page 4

by Brooke Kinsley

  "Will you get back in the car?"

  "Fuck off. Dirty God damn doctor. You think you can just become the police, just become God and decide who can live or die?"

  I braked hard and, startled by the noise, he stopped walking.

  "You're damn fucking right I can play God. When there are children being brutalized and no one does a thing I think I have to do something!"

  His eyes met mine. He knew I was right.

  "We can't just kill people," he said and wiped his hands through his wet hair. "I didn't become a cop for that. I wanted to save people."

  "You will be saving people," I insisted and thrust a hand out through the passenger side. "Get back in the car."

  He looked nervously up and down the street. In the distance, car headlights approached glistening through the rain drops like jewels suspended in the darkness.

  "I think Phaedra has a visitor," he said as we watched the car pull up outside the front of the house.

  We both watched as a young girl climbed out and scurried up the steps to the front door with something tucked under her arm.

  "What the hell?" said Berger as he squinted to see better. "That's... That's... Dana you bitch!"

  "You know her?"

  Horrified and dazed, he sat back in the car and stared down the street as the young girl was greeted at the door by Phaedra. She took the file gratefully before slamming the door shut. The girl ran back to her car, looking over her shoulder as she sped away. The whole transaction took less than ten seconds and left us dumbfounded.

  "What was that?" I asked.

  "That was my fuckbuddy giving away files to Phaedra."


  "Dana," he explained. "She works at the station."

  "With you?"

  "Not with me but..."

  His eyes widened.

  "She was carrying a file under her arm."

  "Yeah, I saw it."


  He slammed his hands down on the dashboard.

  "Fuck! I should have known it was stolen and that I didn't just lose it."

  His face was turning crimson with rage before my eyes.

  "You can't trust anyone," I said.

  He buried his head in his hands.

  "No, you're right," he said. "So what makes you think I can trust you?"

  I took a deep breath and took another sip from my hip flask.

  "Because we both want the same thing and besides... you have a lot to blackmail me with. You're the only one who knows I'm a killer."

  Apart from Etta, I thought.

  "We both want to save those children in any way we can. By any means necessary. Believe me, that's all I want."

  "No... Just no..." he kept telling himself. "This is all too crazy. What would stop you from trying to kill me? You could have earlier."

  "Exactly. I could have but I didn't because I need your help. I'm asking you man to man to help me, to join me to take down these bastards."

  I held out a hand.

  "Please, join me. We're stronger together."

  An anguished look flashed across his face as he wrestled with his feelings. I could tell he was coming around to the idea. He pushed his fingers into his inside pocket and I just knew that he was touching his badge, deciding how much it meant to him. If it meant anything at all to him anymore.

  Eventually, he let out a long exhale and shook his head as though he didn't believe what he was about to do.

  Slapping his palm into mine, he shook my hand furiously.

  "Okay," he said. "I'll join you. Let's kill those bastards."

  Chapter Seven


  How exactly did the chief convince me to do this? It's raining like it's the end of the world and the thunder is rumbling so hard it sounds like God's up there beating the crap out of his wife with a frying pan.

  I pulled up outside the Waters House and laughed at myself. I'd been so scared to come here like I'd been sentenced to a stretch in hell but the place looked so... normal. It was slightly bigger than the other buildings along the street and it was scruffier but it had a strangely warm vibe as the lights from inside burned through the rain drops.

  Still, I didn't appreciate the chief telling me to come out here to do his dirty work for him. He knew I'd do whatever he said but I at least knew he'd thank me appropriately when I saw him next.

  My phone rang but I ignored it. I wanted to get this over and done with and reached for the file that was lying flat across the passenger seat. Inside, lay all the secrets of this Bosworth guy, of all the people Berger had been investigating and I had no idea what this Phaedra woman was going to do with it all but I wasn't going to argue with the chief. I'd heard stories about what had happened to people who disobeyed him, terrifying things that made me cold.

  I slipped the file under my arm and reached for the door but my phone began to ring again.


  Sliding it open, I answered it in a huff.

  "Mom, I can't talk right now."

  "Pumpkin, when are you coming home? It's so late."

  "I'm working late, mom! I told you that earlier."

  "But it's almost midnight!"

  Her voice was beginning to crack like she was on the brink of crying. She'd been having it tough recently with my dad being so ill and with me out of the house so much. The nights hit her hardest, especially when I wasn't around.

  "Go to bed, mom. I'll be back soon."

  "What are you even doing?" she asked. "What exactly needs to be done at the office at this hour?"

  She knew something wasn't right. She’d been asking me all kinds of questions over the last few weeks as me and thechief got closer and my hours at work got stretched out longer and longer until I was at the station more than I was at home helping out with dad. The truth was that I knew if I kept on the chief's sweet side I'd get promoted eventually and I knew that's what my mom would want; some extra cash, some more security, more money to go toward my dad's medical bills.

  "I can't talk about it," I tried to explain. "It's... erm, police business."

  As I flicked through the file, I didn't even know why I felt l was lying. It was police business even if it was unofficial.

  "Police business," she replied, flatly.

  "Yeah. Look, I can't chat just please, go to bed. Get some sleep. I'll be back soon and I promise I'll be awake early to do dad's meds. Okay? I'll even make him breakfast."

  She sniffed and I knew she was crying although I tried to tell myself she wasn't.

  "Fine," she said. "Bye, sweety."

  I hung up and jumped out into the rain, dashing up the steps. The door opened before I could knock on it to reveal an almost skeletal face with a burn striped right across its cheek.

  "Ph-Phaedra?" I stuttered and held out the file.

  She snatched it from my fingers and opened it to take a cursory glance at its contents.

  "Thank your boss for me," she said and slammed the door closed in my face.

  Offended, but not wanting to stand in the rain a second longer, I dashed back into the comfort and warmth of my car and almost ripped off the handbrake as I tried to speed out of the parking lot.

  "Weirdo," I said to myself as I thought about the wrinkled burned face that had just spoken to me with the wiry, gray hair coiling around it like a bed of dead snakes. "Who the fuck was that?The Cryptkeeper?"

  Looking in the rearview mirror, I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw she was definitely gone and not watching me from behind a window like a creepy curtain twitcher. She wasn't watching, but someone else was.

  The black Mercedes was only a few feet behind me and the rain was now lashing down heavier but I could still see the man behind the wheel and the person beside him.

  "Berger?" I gasped, as his eyes met mine in the rearview mirror.

  Beside him, in the driver's seat sat a man I only recognized from photographs. His high cheekbones and aquiline nose were unmistakable and his eyes were piercing through the darkn
ess, cunning and intelligent like an animal's.

  Doctor Bosworth, the billionaire doctor who was the prize of the town. Everyone loved him, had heard about his charity work and his incredible inventions. He was even more handsome in real life and I found myself looking into his face for a second longer than I should have and almost running a red light.

  I screeched to a halt as he stopped behind me. Now I could see them both clearer. Berger's eyes bored into the back of my head. What the hell was he doing here? Or more to the point, what the hell must he think I'm doing here?

  My head began to thump and it felt like a golf ball was lodged in my throat. I tried to swallow it down but it kept coming back as I tried not to be sick. I never was any good under pressure. If anything I was the worst person in a crisis. I could never think straight once panic set.

  Berger kept watching, his thick brows connecting in the middle as he frowned. What was that on his head, a bandage? Was he bleeding? I'd have to see him at the station soon. Iwould have to explain myself but what would I say? He must have noticed by now that the file was missing and he must have just seen me hand it over to Phaedra!


  The light seemed to stay red forever.

  "Come on. Come on!" I cried as I hit the steering wheel. “Hurry up!”

  My foot was already kicking the pedal as the light turned green and I left the two of them behind as the tires spat up the rainwater.


  I couldn’t believe it. What were they doing there? Why were they together?


  The station was almost abandoned when I returned except for Debbie on reception who was filling in a crossword with her face pulled tight in concentration.

  "Urgh... I'm gonna get a cold in this weather," I grumbled as I shook the rain from my coat.

  "Gonna snow soon," she said without looking up. "What's an eight letter word for intentional death?"

  My heels slipped on the tiled floor as I rushed to the elevator.

  "Homicide, Debbie. You should know that!"

  The chief was waiting for me as I stepped out onto the top floor. There was nobody up there but him, lurking in the faint, amber glow of his desk lamp.

  "Boss," I blustered in and he waved me to settle down and take a seat.

  As I watched his deep set eyes look down my body as he rose from his seat, it dawned on me that I'd never called him by his first name before. It was the last barrier between us. I was still afraid to make things more personal no matter how much I wanted to.

  "Do I not even get a kiss?" he asked, pressing his lips to mine.

  He tasted good and I slipped my tongue into his mouth as I ran a hand over his uniform.

  "Boss, you've got to listen to me," I said and pushed him away.

  Annoyed, he took a step back and glared at me.

  "What's so important I can't touch you while you're telling me?"

  His hands were on me again, doing all the things he knew I liked. This time I didn't stop him and just let his fingers explore beneath my shirt. My nipples were pinched between his fingers when I finally burst out with it.

  "I saw Berger with the doctor," I gasped as it began to hurt.

  He pinched harder.


  I nodded.

  "The billionaire?Yeah."

  I thought of his proud, handsome face looking at me through the rearview mirror.

  "What were they doing together?" asked the chief, his hot breath on my neck and his hard cock pushing into my thigh.

  "Watching me," I replied.

  "They were at the house?"

  I tried to nod but found I was paralyzed by the searing heat in my breast and the torrent of wetness between my legs.

  "They were there. Outside..." I gasped. "Just watching. The old woman didn't know they were there."

  "What did they do?" he whispered, kissing my neck moving lower until his lips were brushing against my collarbone, my other breast.

  "They were just watching. Then they left when I did."

  "They followed you?"

  I managed to nod as my face twisted up with the almost unbearable sensations of heat and pleasure.

  "Only for a while. I lost them on the highway."

  He looked into my eyes as the pain became too much and smirked.

  "Good girl," he said and released his grip.

  I let out a scream as the pain was released. Clutching my breast, I saw it was dark red and bruising fast.

  "You hurt me," I said.

  He unzipped his pants and slid a hand up my thigh.

  "I know that's how you like it," he said as his fingers worked their way inside my panties. "Isn't it?"


  His fingers moved between my slick lips. I lay back on his desk, his papers and pens scattering to the side as I opened my legs and threw my head back.

  "There's no one to hear you scream tonight," he said, edging the tip of his cock into me. "That means I can do anything I want."

  "Anything?" I asked, feeling him fill me up inch by inch.


  "You promise?"

  His lips twitched into a wicked grin as he leaned over me. He thrust himself inside me hard. I cried out as a fleeting stab of agony washed through me. Then it was gone and replaced with the greatest pleasure, the most blinding bliss, an all-consuming paradise.

  "Yeah... Right there. Right there," I breathed. "Don't stop!"

  He grunted with every thrust, his face over mine, his breath merging with my own until even the air between us was one single gasp.

  The first wave of ecstasy flooded my body as an orgasm exploded out from somewhere deep in my belly and trembled down my legs. The faster he fucked, the closer I got to a second. He enjoyed every second of watching my body twist itself up in pleasure.

  "One day I'm going to fuck you real slow and only let you have one," he said as he banged against the desk.

  It creaked and groaned beneath us, mimicking our voices as it rocked back and forth.

  "Not today!" I screamed.

  He jabbed faster until he was breathless, his sweat soaking through his shirt.

  "Oh, God!"

  I could feel it in his ass first, the knot of tension that was ready to fight itself loose. He began to shake as a climax began to unfurl itself from somewhere in the base of his cock. He yelled as he came, ejaculating as my body caught fire for the second time. I dug my nails into him. Screamed.Cried out. Lashed at his back and beat against his chest as my body convulsed.

  Then I couldn't take anymore.

  "Stop!" I begged as it became too sensitive.

  He slowed down and held my face in his muscular hand. To my surprise, he kissed me softly and stroked my cheek. When I thought he was going to pull out, he pushed himself inside me one last time and laughed as he eased himself out. Holding his swollen, wet dick, he stroked it and looked down as though he was proud of it. He should have been. It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever fucked.

  "I mean it," he said as he tucked himself back into his pants.

  Still breathless, I smoothed down my skirt and climbed down from the desk.

  "Mean what?"

  "I'm going to fuck you slow one day."

  He tangled his fingers into my hair and pulled my head to his chest. I listened to his heartbeat as I looked down at his wedding ring.

  "I'd like that," I said. "I've always wanted to make love to you."

  He kissed me and held my face between his hands.

  "One day," he said and let me go.

  The clock on the wall behind him showed it was almost two o'clock.

  "I need to go," I said and reached for my coat.

  It was still wet and felt freezing as I wrapped it around my shoulders.

  "So do I," he said but didn't move.

  Hesitating as I reached the doorway, I wondered if there’d ever come a point when I’d ever have a man touch me outside of this God forsaken station. Like a naïve teenager with a fair
ytale fantasy, I’d always imagined the chief would somehow save me, take me away from my family, from everything that held me down. I knew that would never happen.

  “See you later,” I said as I closed the door.

  “Goodnight, Dana. See you Monday.”

  He picked up his phone and began punching in numbers. I wondered who he could be calling at this time of night. I doubted it was his wife.

  “Hey, Kennedy,” he said in little more than a whisper. “I have some news for you. You’re gonna wanna hear this.”

  Straining my ears to hear what he was saying, I pressed my ear up to the door but he was muttering under his breath. Still, the urgency in his voice was obvious.

  He hung up the phone and I waited, hoping he’d know I was still there waiting for him to hold me one last time.

  “I love you,” I whispered as I walked away.

  I waited to see if he heard but he didn’t. He never did.

  Chapter Eight

  Judge Kennedy

  My breath was misting up the windows and I turned up the heat. The winters in this place were intolerable at the best of times but this year it appeared to be exceptionally dismal.

  I looked up through the windshield and thought two things. Firstly, I wondered when the heavy rain was going to turn into snow. Secondly, I thought I was an idiot for driving around these parts of town on my own.

  I should have got Darryl, my driver, to bring me down here like he always did but an unusual circumstance had rendered his services useless tonight. His wife had gone into labor two weeks early and, like any employer with even half a heart, I allowed him the night off. Unpaid of course. I wasn't that stupid.

  Now I had to drive down here myself, snaking the car around the back allies of this craphole of a town. Despite the weather, girls lined the cobbles like rain soaked mannequins, frozen stiff and staring into the middle of the road hoping that someone would pick them up.

  Unlike most weekends, there seemed to be an absence of men tonight. I worried that maybe they'd been tipped off to something more exotic and enticing in another part of town but somehow I just figured the weather was shrinking their boners.

  Not mine though. It was throbbing inside my pants as it pressed up against the seat belt. I needed someone quick, someone who knew how to suck it real good to take the pain away.


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