Firework Kisses and Summertime Wishes: A Fabulous Feel Good Holiday Romance (Fourth of July on Kissing Bridge Mountain)

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Firework Kisses and Summertime Wishes: A Fabulous Feel Good Holiday Romance (Fourth of July on Kissing Bridge Mountain) Page 7

by Linda West

  Elle was surprised to see Dayton next to Jason in uniform. He had never mentioned that was how they knew each other. He looked so handsome Elle felt her heart lurch. He, of course, would not even look at her.

  She sat in the pew with her Grandpa and the Landers ladies, all admiring how beautifully everything had been set up in the Lodge’s large grounds. Thick and glossy red white and blue ribbons twirled themselves around the gazebo corners and fluttered their ends into the cooling breeze. Bunting was strung up from tree to tree, the first red and white striped, the second blue with stars, then alternating in the same pattern throughout. The aisle was what got everyone talking though, the perfectly mown grass having been sprayed with a stencil until it glowed with perfect white stars.

  Elle was dressed in a lovely bright blue dress that made her eyes go more blue green. She had hoped Dayton would think she looked beautiful in it.

  She looked down at her hand as Dodi and Jason spoke their beautiful vows, which they had composed themselves. She had taken off the red nail polish as well as the ring.

  It had been a difficult night of owning up to the truth that the illusion she had created was gone.

  But maybe, just maybe, a beautiful reality could take its place.

  Summer reached over and took her hand as if reading her thoughts.

  Brad was standing tall next to Dayton.

  Elle was bursting to run up the starry aisle and tell Dayton right now just how wrong she had been. And that he had been right all along.

  Suddenly Dodi and Jason were kissing and she rose with the rest of the crowd to shower them with rice and laughter and cheers as they passed.

  The happy couple practically danced down the white stars and the wedding party followed behind, throwing confetti of red, white and blue stars along with the rice.

  Elle waited for Dayton to look at her as he passed, but he stared straight ahead as if she was invisible.

  For the first time Elle could really see how he looked. He had cut his hair short, military style. His beard and moustache too were shaved and gone. And for the first time she realized he was actually handsome! A strong jaw and full lips. Now that his mop of hair was gone she could fully see his eyes. Those eyes that had told her he loved her.

  She smiled to herself, thinking back on all the times she had fantasized cutting off all that beard and long hair.

  And here he was in all his shorn beauty.

  So handsome.

  So familiar.

  Elle gasped as she suddenly recognized Dayton from being on TV!

  Now that he was standing in all his glory. Shaved, haircut, white military uniform with the purple heart pinned on the lapel.

  She had never even seen the real him underneath all the hurt and hair.

  Oh my goodness, Elle thought as it dawned on her. He is a hero.

  She recalled the news spots showing Obama giving him the medal, and the interview with Barbara Walters about what actually happened that fateful day on the war field.

  He was a true national hero.

  A decorated war hero.

  And she had compared stupid Todd to a hero, and had called Dayton weak.

  What a fool she had been.

  Elle wanted to fall through the floor.

  He had saved so many people.

  Elle realized he had tried to save her too.

  He had actually saved her the day with Lightning.

  She swallowed hard. He had tried to save her from Todd as well.

  He had seen right through Todd. Saw Todd for the shallow, callous career climber he was.

  Dayton had offered her his heart and the promise of a real family. She had shot him down. Killed his love just as sure as his friends had been lost with those land mines.

  What had she been thinking?

  Chasing and mooning over Todd who had not half the heart or morals as Dayton.

  Caught up in his blond preppy blood blue family line she had so thought she had wanted to be a part of.

  But Todd had never understood her passion. Todd had always tried to tame and squelch her wild free nature and Dayton loved her because of it.

  She had been a fool for not seeing the truth.

  Now she feared it may be too late.

  She turned to Summer. “Oh, Summer, I’ve made such a huge mistake. I was horrible to him and he loved me.”

  Summer put her arm around Elle. She had certainly been through a lot in the last couple days. “There’s always time to make things right. He’s still here, Elle. It’s not too late.”


  The wedding reception had been set up in another part of the Lodge grounds, the part that Elle had always thought was the most beautiful.

  There was a wide but shallow rocky pond, which she had enjoyed wading in as a little kid, and a tall willow that bent over the top of it and tickled the surface with the wisps at the end of its branches when the breeze blew.

  Usually it was so calm and serene, but that day it was bursting with energy and life. The vibrancy made Elle smile. The circular tables all had gingham tablecloths, some in red, some in blue, and it gave the whole scene a homely, good old times feel. Little metallic pinwheels spun in the breeze, flashing their patriotic colors everywhere.

  There were even white and red stripe picnic rugs laid out over the lawn, with an American flag sticking up at each corner and patriotic pillows stacked on them. The kids of Kissing Bridge gathered upon them and smiled and laughed as they ate their party food.

  Having a wedding on the 4th of July seemed about the best idea ever, Elle thought. It had turned out so great.

  Under a white gazebo strung with garlands and ribbons, a 4th of July feast was laid out, with an enormous flag cake made by the girls at the bakery, and the dishes Earl and his cooking team had been whipping up. Elle had been excused, having been busy with bridesmaid preparations, and took in the feast with wide eyes.

  Smoked ribs with dry rub, about a billion different types of coleslaw and potato salad and fruit salad and green salad, spiced black eyed peas, peach cobbler, grilled sweet potatoes, grilled corn, zucchini rolls, and, of course, steak. Fried chicken and biscuits made an appearance, as well, along with towering burgers filled high with layers of bread and beef and pineapple and cheese and bacon were so huge Elle wasn’t sure how anyone would be able to eat one!

  Though everyone was eating his or her heart out, Elle could only pick at her food, despite it being delicious. She was heartsick, for sure, and any time she was heartsick, her appetite all but disappeared. Whenever anyone looked her way she flashed them a smile, though. She certainly didn’t want to ruin the joyous event for anyone else.

  Toward the end of the meal, nearly time for dancing and music, a tinkling of a glass sounded and everyone looked toward the top table. It was Jason, looking happier than Elle had ever seen him, who had tapped on a champagne glass.

  Dodi whispered to Jason, then rose with a champagne glass in her hand. “A toast to my new family and friends in Kissing Bridge!”

  The crowd cheered.

  She threw a kiss to Kacey and Brody who had made it in for the wedding.

  “I oddly also want to thank my ex fiancé Peter, without whom breaking up with me, none of this would have been possible.”

  The crowd clapped and laughed.

  Dodie looked directly at Elle and smiled. “Because I know now deep in my heart that God had a great love planned for me. Today I am evidence that he did have the right man for me all along.” She winked at Elle and turned to her husband with love in her eyes.

  “I love you, Jason, with all my heart.”

  With that Jason rose to his feet and kissed her deeply, making the crowd cheer. He picked her up in his arms and whisked her away onto the dance floor, which was a large section of grass covered with white, red and blue stars.

  The band played Wonderful Wonderful and they danced, staring lovingly into each other’s eyes.

  Elle found herself staring at Dayton.

God had taken Todd away.

  It had hurt.

  She had broken.

  Now Todd seemed like a shallow child’s crush compared to what she had shared with Dayton.

  She had found a home in his heart she always wanted.

  Dayton would never leave her. But now he wouldn’t even look at her.

  Buoyed with the love she had seen Dodi and Jason share, she summoned up all her courage and went over to Dayton. He did not look up at her.

  “Dayton,” she said, trying to make her voice not shake. “Dayton, will you dance with me?”

  Dayton let out a deep sigh and looked at Brad.

  “Go dance,” Brad said. “It’s a wedding, bro, there’s no escaping it. Run when they start the chicken dance, though. That’s my two cents.”

  Summer pinched him.

  “What?” Brad laughed, “I hate that thing! I feel like an idiot shaking all my stuff.”

  They both started laughing and Dayton stood.

  He took Elle’s hand and led her onto the dance floor, but still did not look directly at her.

  His eyes seemed so glazed over and foreign to her, and his touch was nowhere near as soft as it had been as he took her in his arms to dance.

  She gazed at his face. So open and unhidden now without the beard and the hair.

  “Dayton,” she started softly, as they danced. “I’ve been thinking. I was wrong.” She could feel him go stiff and cold with her words.

  “We don’t need to talk about this, Elle. I’m moving on.”

  Elle continued. “I broke up with Todd.”

  He paused in the dance for a moment, but did not reply.

  “I told you I wanted a hero and all along you were the only real hero I’ve ever known.”

  She longed for him to look at her but he just stared straight ahead as if turned to stone. Elle had to melt him.

  “You were right, Dayton,” she said. “Two broken parts won’t ever make a right whole.”

  Elle looked up at him, forcing his eyes to hers like a magnet.

  “Look at me, Dayton.”

  He pulled his eyes back to her.

  “But we can start new,” she said. “New today. The pastor always says grace can happen in an instant. I hope this is that instant.”

  He looked at her sadly and she realized he was already gone. All the warmth and glow of love his eyes had held for her had melted away into nothing.

  “I’m sorry, Elle. I just can’t do this.”

  He let her go and walked off the dance floor and back toward the lodge.

  Chapter 25

  Elle was crying when Summer found her in the ladies room. Elle looked up and smiled at her through her tears. “Well, that didn’t go so well.”

  Summer hugged her. “I’m sorry, honey.”

  “I tried but he didn’t care.”

  “Love isn’t easy for some people. Give him time.”

  Elle continued to cry. “But we don’t have time! He’s leaving back to NY city and who knows if he’ll …” Elle looked up in terror.

  “Oh my gosh, he’s leaving!”

  She wiped off her mascara that was running down her face and straightened her dress.

  “I gotta go.”

  Elle ran outside through the party looking for Dayton but he was nowhere to be found.

  The fireworks were due to begin at sundown, and everyone was playing away the afternoon. The sun had begun to lose its intensity, and dusk was evidently near.

  Elle ran up the stairs of the lodge, determined to talk to Dayton. She refused to let her future walk out of her life without fighting for it. He was strong, but she was strong in the ways where he was weak.

  This was one of those areas.

  She went to knock on the door of his room but it was already ajar. She peeked in, her heart beating wildly.

  “Dayton?” she opened the door and she gasped. Dayton’s room was completely cleaned out.

  The sheets turned down.

  All of Dayton gone.

  That nasty dog too.

  She had a bad feeling in her stomach.

  By the time Elle ran back outside, darkness had fallen and the place was lit up with ethereal lamps dotted all over the lawn. She didn’t have time to take in its beauty. She scoured the wedding guests, looking for her grandfather, and eventually found him sitting with Ethel sipping on lemonade waiting for the fireworks to start.

  “Grandpa!” Elle called out desperately. Earl got up quickly and ran over to her.

  “What’s up, sweetheart? Why are you breathing so hard?”

  “Grandpa, did Dayton check out? I can’t find him?”

  “Settle down, honey. He paid up about a half hour ago and was headed to Burlington to catch a plane or train, I can’t remember. He’s fine.”

  “No! I mean I’m not fine!” She began to pace, her head in her hands.

  “Why? What’s going on, honey?”

  “I love him, Grandpa.”

  Earl pointed at the cell phone in her hand.

  He pointed at it.

  “Not answering that thing?”

  Elle shook her head.

  Earl threw his hands up and in unison they said.

  “Darn cell phones.”

  Earl sighed.

  He pulled his car keys out of his pocket and through them to Elle.

  “Oh, well then. You better take my car, honey, and good luck!”

  “I won’t make it in time! If I could only go the short way over the hill…”

  Earl looked uncertain. “I don’t like that look in your eye, Elle.”

  But there was no stopping a girl in love. Within moments Elle had Lightning saddled up and was flying over the hill in her blue ball gown.

  If Dayton could risk opening his heart to her, she could risk Lighting.

  The moon had brightened itself in the dark sky and the fireworks, which had just started as she’d left the barn, lit the sky up like day.

  Elle had a clear path and a strong will.

  “Don’t fail me now,” she whispered to Lightning.

  She rounded the top of the mountain in no time and spotted the red rental car Grandpa had described. It was the only one leaving the mountain. Everyone was out celebrating the Fourth of July.

  Elle bolted down the hill, bent on heading Dayton’s car off. She felt like Lightning might lose his footing and begin to tumble down the mountainside at any moment, but he held his own.

  “Yes, yes!” she encouraged him. “Good boy! We can do this! We can do this!”

  Eventually they got to the side of the road, and Elle thought her heart might burst.

  She pulled up to the side just as the headlights of the red car turned the bend.

  Dayton slammed on the brakes.

  Elle had pulled Lightning to a stop, but the horse was still excited and agitated, tossing its head and stamping.

  Dayton got out of the car and came over to them. Luckily Lightning was beginning to calm down. “What are you doing?!” Dayton exclaimed.

  “Please don’t be mad,” she said. “I had to come try and I knew only Lightning would be fast enough.”

  He shook his head. “I can’t do this. I told you, Elle. I’m sorry.” He turned back to the car, and suddenly urgency gripped her.

  She slid off Lightning and hurried over to him, then grabbed his face tenderly. “Give me a chance, Dayton, please. No, give us a chance. Give us a chance.”

  He stared into her beautiful green eyes, and shook his head. “I can’t. I have to get home.”

  Elle softened. “What home? Your one room apartment you told me you hate so much. Staring at the walls. Avoiding life. Avoiding love. Avoiding me.”

  “Elle. Stop. I’m sorry.” He leaned over and kissed Elle on the cheek. “You’re an amazing woman but I’m not the guy for you. You deserve a happy normal life. The home and family you always wanted. I’ve never had that. An old dog can’t learn new tricks, I guess.”

  She shook her head trying to hold back the tears.
She didn’t know what she would do without him.

  The fireworks were magnificent as they shot colors into the sky. A particularly loud one made Lightning whinny and he went up on two legs.

  Dayton looked over at the prancing horse. “You’re not getting back on that horse, Elle. Get in the car I’m taking you back to the lodge. I know your horses can get back to the barn themselves.”

  Elle got into the car, downcast.

  So much for that idea.

  She watched the fireworks outside but could find no solace in their gaiety.

  War Hero growled at her from the back seat.

  She frowned as if things weren’t bad enough she had to deal with a dog that didn’t want anything to do with her either.

  Suddenly, an idea occurred to Elle and a smile came over her face.

  The sky was exploding in fourth of July splendor as Dayton went over to Lightning and stroked his neck. He turned him toward the barn and with a pat on the butt said, “Get on home now.”

  The Black stallion took off toward the barn at top speed, as usual.

  Dayton breathed a big sigh.

  Today he had watched his only friend marry the woman he loved. He knew they would find happiness. It seemed living in Kissing Bridge it was inevitable that happiness would find you.

  He wished he was as brave as everyone thought, but he was a coward. He was running away from the only place he had ever felt good. He was going home to a life he hated because he feared death by heartbreak even more.

  A girl like Elle could never stay with someone like him.

  He was too ornery and angry, bristled and broken, just like War Hero.

  Broken heroes who were better off not messing up other people’s perfect lives.

  He got back in the car with a heavy heart to take Elle back home, only to see Elle sitting in the front seat with a big smile on her face.

  Dayton looked at her quizzically,

  Then he looked down to see War Hero sitting in her lap, happy as a lamb, eating out of her hand.

  Dayton stared in disbelief.

  Elle smiled mischievously. “What was that about an old dog…?”

  He looked at them, amazed. “I can’t believe he finally came around!”


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