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Teach Me The Ropes (Bachelor Auction Book 1)

Page 5

by Vanessa Vale

  I shrugged. “Life’s not always easy.”

  There was no way I was telling this guy all my issues. He’d be running away if he knew just how stupid I’d been and how much I’d lost. I certainly wasn’t going to tell him my troubles, so he’d help me out. I just needed a few more paychecks, and I’d be able to get the little efficiency apartment in the four-plex near the bowling alley. I’d gotten myself into a mess, and I was going to get myself out of it. On my own.

  I’d be back on my feet after falling hard. That wasn’t the right term. I’d tripped and skidded across asphalt face first.

  He nodded, as if filing my answer away. “Just so you know, this isn’t our auction date.”


  “I haven’t taken a girl here for a date since I was sixteen. I’ve upped my game since then.”

  I guessed he was in his early thirties. I wasn’t going to think of all the women he’d been with since high school. “No doubt.” I wiped my mouth with a paper napkin, unsure if it was ice cream or drool I was blotting because he’d definitely aged well. I could only imagine how many hearts he’d crushed back in the day when he’d had a cute baby face. “I’m… um, sorry about kneeing you.”

  This time when I said it, I really meant it. He was a nice guy. He made me crazy, thus the ball kneeing.

  He turned to face me, his thigh now nudging mine. “I understand why you did it. While my balls don’t agree, I like that you stood up for yourself. I will say this, for the sake of the chance of future children, you got a question… ask. I’ll tell you the truth.”

  God, he was nice. And that was scarier than the possibility of him being married. I didn’t understand nice.

  “Okay,” I whispered. What else was there to say?

  “I guess there’s a story behind your reaction.”

  The ice cream soured on my tongue. “As I told you, I don’t like cheaters. Married cheaters,” I clarified, as if there were two different levels of being a dick.

  We were quiet for a minute, and Sawyer had begun to take bites out of his cone.

  “If getting ice cream isn’t our date then what is?” I asked.

  He glanced at me then waved to a couple who climbed from their car to get in line.

  “I’m sure the reverend had something just like this in mind. Rated-G and chaperoned.” He tipped his head to a family with two little kids getting in line.

  “Not you?” I asked, licking a drip from the rim of the cone.

  His dark eyes followed the motion, and he cleared his throat.

  “I like a good cone, but I like the taste of other things I can lick with my mouth and tongue even more.”

  Holy shit.

  He dropped that word porn like a sexy bomb and went back to licking his soft serve and taking bites out of that sugar cone. I’d never thought I’d be jealous of ice cream before.

  When I just stared at him, letting my soft serve melt—and my pussy drip—he looked to me. It was full dark now, but while the parking lot was well lit, deep shadows were cast across Sawyer’s face. I couldn’t miss his slow smirk, the way he knew his banter had hit its mark: my pussy.

  I shouldn’t be getting involved with this guy. He was too… everything. Irene and Sarah Jane both agreed. He was also too hard to resist. I should be pushing him away, but I wanted this. Whatever this was. I wasn’t looking for a guy to take over my life. To be my life. I just wanted a little sex with the hottest cowboy around. Was there anything wrong with that?

  When my mind and my pussy came to the same answer—no—I grinned. Two could play his game, and I wanted in. He was testing me to gauge my interest, to see how far I’d go on this first not-date. He wanted me. That kiss had been proof. And the innuendo? Wow.

  The choice was mine to make how this night happened. I could switch topics and talk about the weather or any number of non-sexy topics, but that wasn’t what I wanted.

  The second he’d walked up to the playground the other day, I’d been attracted. Wanted. Perhaps that was why I’d been so angry when I thought he was married. It had scared the shit out of me that I’d felt like that, petrified I really was the kind of woman I refused to be.

  He wasn’t married. Besides his word, in a town as small as The Bend, he couldn’t get on stage and be auctioned off as a bachelor if he wasn’t one. Not when a minister was the fudging MC. No, Sawyer Manning was single. He’d been into me the other day and was into me now. Why, after I’d kneed him in the balls, I had no idea.

  These feelings weren’t anything more than that… feelings.

  And the interest was very mutual.

  “Yeah, me too,” I countered. “I like to lick just the tip, but then make sure I swirl my tongue around the whole thing.”

  His gaze whipped to mine, and his smile dropped away completely. He took off his hat, ran a hand over his dark hair, then tucked it back on his head. I’d totally surprised him, and I bit back a smile.

  He cleared his throat, and the corner of his mouth tipped up. “I imagine you’re very diligent with your cone licking.”

  I shrugged, trying to be nonchalant, even though I wanted to climb him like a tree. “I mean, I think it’s important to pay attention to the entire cone,” I added. “It’s most enjoyable that way.”

  His eyes flared with heat. A nerve ticked in his jaw. Yeah, I couldn’t miss that.

  “We shouldn’t just talk about my cone.” He tipped his head in my direction. “What about your cone? I’d love to get your cone to melt because I want to find out how much it drips,” he said, his voice an octave deeper than before.

  Oh. My. God. My own cone—and not the one in my hand—sure as shit was dripping now.

  “It’s important to lick it everywhere,” he said, leaning closer, his voice going quieter. “Even the rim of the cone. Eventually to dip inside.”

  My mouth hung open as I stared at him, imagining it all. My pussy clenched, wanting some of that licking.

  I wasn’t sure if I shifted closer or if he had, but now his warm breath fanned my neck. “Kelsey, I want to lick your cone. See how much I’ve made you melt and drip. Will you let me?”

  I whimpered, then nodded. “What about you?”

  “If you lick my cone now, it’ll melt way too fucking fast for fun. I told you earlier you’d know when I took you to my bed. It’s now. I just need to hear the words that you want to be there, sugar.”

  He was as primed as me. If we weren’t in a parking lot filled with teenagers and families getting a Friday night treat, I’d have let him take me in the back of his pickup. Right here. Right fucking now.

  I squirmed and said, “Yes.”



  I tucked Kelsey back into the truck at hard-dick speed, and we’d turned out of the lot before I even processed more than must get in Kelsey now.

  At the four-way stop in the center of town, my dick let my brain think for a second. “I don’t even know where the fuck I’m going,” I admitted. “The ranch is ten miles out of town.”

  I met Kelsey’s green eyes, saw the heat and haste in them.

  “Your place?” I asked. I hoped she lived nearby because my bed was too fucking far away.

  “Um… the preschool.”

  My eyebrows shot up. “Excuse me?”

  She pointed to the right. “It’s two blocks that way. There’s a bed in the back room. No one’s there until Monday.”

  She had me at two blocks away.

  I flicked my blinker and headed in that direction and parked in one of the empty spots on the back side of the building. I hopped out, but Kelsey didn’t wait for me to help her down. For once, I didn’t give a shit because she had her key out and was opening the door by the time I caught up with her.

  She didn’t reach for the light switch. Instead, she spun around and reached for me. Well, not reached. More like launched herself at me. I caught her with my hands on her ass, her legs coming around my waist and hooking at my back. Her hand came up and tipped my hat off.
  I couldn’t help but grin at her eagerness.

  This was where I’d first seen Kelsey, and I’d had dirty thoughts about what I wanted to do with her right from the start, but I’d never, ever thought about doing any of them at the preschool.

  It was Friday night. After hours. There were no kids around. We could do whatever we wanted, and I wanted to do a whole hell of a lot. This was going to be fast and hard. Wild. I’d get her in my bed and take my time with her. Later.

  Now, I kissed the hell out of her as I spun her around and pressed her into the wall. She was so fucking soft and warm, her sweet scent filling my head. She tasted like chocolate and vanilla. I couldn’t help the groan that escaped at just holding her in my arms.

  “This doesn’t mean anything,” she murmured then kissed me some more.

  I smiled as she gripped the front of my shirt and held on tight.

  “Sure,” I replied.

  She was so small in comparison to me, so feminine. I rolled my hips once, rubbed my hard length against the very center of her. She tipped her head back and moaned, and I kissed down the line of her jaw and to her neck. Breathed her in. Licked the flavor from her skin. Rolled my hips again just so I could hear those sexy-as-fuck sounds she made.

  Her hands went to my shirt, tugged the snaps open. Then her soft hands were roaming my chest and when a fingernail lightly brushed over my nipple, that was it. I was too far gone for her.

  “Where’s the bed?” I practically growled. Her mouth was buried in my neck, and I had a feeling I was going to have a hickey before we were done.

  She didn’t stop whatever sucking and licking she was doing with her mouth to stick her arm out and point.

  I turned us, strode into the back room. There was enough glow from the streetlights to be able to see, but I wasn’t turning any overhead ones on because the preschool didn’t have blinds. I wanted Kelsey all to myself. This wasn’t going to be a peep show for anyone who walked by.

  Before I could get to the small bed in the corner, she cupped me through my jeans, and I changed direction. The wall was closer, and her hand was on my dick. On. My. Dick.

  “Is that all you?” she asked.

  “My dick? Yeah, that’s all me.” Just the press of those fingers had me close to coming. “Fuck.” I hadn’t picked up a woman in a long time. Hadn’t been this crazed, this insane to get inside hot pussy. Kelsey was making me lose my shit, and I fucking loved it.

  I set her on her feet, so she was propped against the wall. When I knew she wasn’t going to fall over or crumple to the floor, I dropped to my knees and made quick work of her jeans, pushing them down over her hips, taking her panties with them.

  The fabric bunched around her thighs, and I didn’t wait another second. I hadn’t been lying when I said I wanted to lick her. That I liked to swirl my tongue around the tip, then get my whole mouth on her. So I did just that.

  “Still doesn’t mean anything?” I asked, licking my lips.

  “Sawyer!” she cried. That was what I thought. She was as into this as me.

  She sure as fuck wouldn’t have gone through with the auction if she felt nothing. If I meant nothing. She was nicer than she thought. Felt more than she shared. She couldn’t hide it from me. But I wasn’t going to tell her this now.

  Fuck no. I pulled back then, looked up at her in the dim light and grinned. Licked my lips.

  “I love your body.” The scent of her pussy was driving me wild. I had her taste on my tongue, sugary sweet. Perfection. “This pussy’s mine.”

  “Then why did you stop?”

  “I only want to hear you calling my name. Or God. Otherwise, you’re talking too much.”

  “If I’m talking too much, then you’re not doing it right.”

  I looked up at her, narrowed my eyes.

  She looked equal parts aroused and smug. While I was now going to get her to come like it was my fucking job, I was also going to wipe that look off her face.

  "Challenge fucking accepted, sugar.”

  She didn’t reply, only tangled her fingers in my hair and pushed my face back into her pussy. I grinned for a split second before I got back to work, licking and learning every inch of her.

  Her hips shifted and writhed with impatience because her jeans were in the way. I pulled back and got her jeans and panties down her legs. Kelsey helped by toeing off her sandals then kicking the denim and lace to the side.

  I wasn’t sure who was more frantic, me or her. She boldly stepped wide. Fuck, yes. She wasn’t shy about her sexuality. She knew what she wanted, and that was my face between her thighs.

  Good thing because that was exactly what I wanted too.

  “You’re going to come on my face, then you’ll come on my dick.”

  “Promises, promises.”

  She was right. I wasn’t doing this right if she was still talking. I wanted her to scream and forget her name. I was going to make that happen. My dick throbbed in my jeans, but it was staying in there until I got her off, or I’d have her on her back and be balls deep before she could say “condom.”

  While I loved my niece, I wasn’t ready for kids of my own. Being in a fucking preschool was a good reminder that once it was time to fuck, we both needed to be protected. As she said, this was a fling. A wild fuck. Right?

  Although the way I was feeling about Kelsey right now, once wasn’t going to be enough. Not even close.

  I was done warming her up. Done ensuring she was right here with me. She was going to come. Now. I got two fingers inside her and knew I found her G-spot when she cried out and rolled her hips. I rubbed that little spongy spot, pressed on it, and she jerked. Then I flicked her swollen clit with the tip of my tongue and learned the left side of that little pearl set her off. I curled and swirled, and she came. Her inner walls rippled, and her wetness coated my fingers. I felt like a fucking rock star. I’d satisfied this woman, pleasured her to the point where her knees buckled, and I had to use my free hand to grip her hip to keep her upright. Her eyes were closed, her chin tipped up toward the ceiling. And she was fucking silent.

  She was stunning when she came. And I wanted to see that look again. I wanted to make her lose control. To give herself to me just like this. Not just this time. Not just when I sank my dick inside her. Over and over for a long fucking time. I’d think about why that might be a problem later.

  Yet the idea she’d walk away from me and some other guy would see her like this… I growled at the thought. No way anyone else could satisfy her like I could.

  I pushed off the ground and picked her up as I did, carrying her over to the bed. It was fucking tiny, perhaps a twin or one of those narrow twins for a dorm room.

  I was too big for that shit. I had been in college, and I was now. I set Kelsey on her feet, grabbed my wallet from my back pocket and dropped it on the made bed. Next, I undid my pants, pushed them down just enough so my cock sprang free. I sighed in relief. Kelsey sucked in a breath, which had me grinning as I sat on the side of the bed.

  She stood before me, half naked. Her pussy with those fucking red curls was right in front of my face. I wanted to see her tits too, but I was too far gone. I had her taste in my mouth, her scent on my lips and chin. My balls were too full. She was that sexy.

  I pulled a condom out. At the same time, Kelsey dropped to her knees and took me in her small hand although her fingers didn’t make it all the way around.

  My hips bucked.

  I stilled, stared down at her. At her wild hair, her just-orgasmed look.

  “Holy fuck,” I murmured.

  She was between my parted knees, dick in her grip. The crown was leaking pre-cum like a faucet and her warm breath fanned over it. As she leaned in and was about to get her mouth on it as if it were a fucking ice cream cone, I grabbed her by the arms and hoisted her up.

  Her eyes widened in surprise, and she even looked disappointed. “What—”

  “Shit, sugar, that’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen, but you get your
mouth on me, and this is going to end before we get started.”

  She watched as I worked the condom on, then glanced up at her. “Climb on, sugar. Take me for a ride.”

  She studied me for a second, her breath coming in little excited pants. “You really are a cowboy.”

  “Should I say something about my big fire hose instead?”

  Her nose crinkled. “Yeah, no.” Her hands settled on my shoulders for balance as she set one knee on the bed beside my hip, then the other. I cupped her waist to steady her and help lift her. I grabbed my dick, and she shimmied until I was notched at her entrance.

  My teeth clenched at the hot feel of her, even with only the head slipping inside.

  “Oh fuck,” I said as she worked herself down onto me.

  I was big, but she was so fucking wet it was easy going.

  Only when she was sitting on my thighs did she pause.

  She met my gaze. Held.

  Her inner walls clenched around me, and my balls drew up.

  This woman. Holy fucking hell. She was incredible. Hot. Sweet. Wild. So fucking perfect.

  She began to lift up, but her action was clumsy. She didn’t have much traction on the narrow bed, so I took over, easily lifting and lowering her onto me.

  Fucking her, thrusting my hips up every time I pulled her down.

  I let go long enough to push her shirt up, and she grabbed it and took it off for me. I latched onto a nipple through the thin fabric of her bra then tugged down the lacy fabric of the cup to get to her bare skin.

  I sucked on that pink tip as I gave over. I wasn’t in control any longer. My dick was. My need for this woman. It was so fierce. So… out of control.

  “Kelsey,” I murmured.

  Our breathing was loud, the wet sounds of fucking filled the room. The slap of her thighs against mine. Her whimpers.

  “You feel so fucking good,” I whispered against her bouncing tit.

  “Sawyer, oh my God.”

  Yup, my name and God. Job done.

  Her inner walls began to milk and clench around me. She was close, and I grabbed her hip, rolled her forward to ensure her clit rubbed against me.


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