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Crossing Hudson

Page 14

by Mandy M. Roth

I smiled and put my hand up, using my power to create a large image, like a movie screen for them all to watch. It was a gift I’d seen a few other magiks possess, but not many. The image showed me with my legs folded on my bed, strumming my guitar. I had on a super-short pair of cut-off jean shorts, a tiny black tank top and a black cowboy hat.

  “How old are you there, Ryan,” Shona asked, quietly.

  “Eighteen,” I said, relaxing a bit.

  The girls all gasped. Steffy’s eyes widened. “Ryan, you look almost the same. Well, almost.” She hesitated.

  “Yes,” I said, helping her out. “I looked a little bit healthier. I know, sweetie. It’s because I was. It was a time when I felt my best.” I didn’t go on to tell them that it was also a time that my entire life changed.

  I felt Tess reading me and knew that she now knew the truth. Concentrating on the girls, I smiled. “I did talk about boys a little when I was the same as you all are now.”

  “Did you have any friends to hang out with?” one of the girls in the back asked.

  I nodded. “I had my sister and one other girl. Her name is Madelyn.”

  Hudson made a choked sound and I glanced back to find him staring at me with nothing short of confusion in his eyes. “You know Madelyn?”

  “Do you?” I asked, hopeful.

  He nodded.

  I beamed. “Can you, I mean, if it’s not too much trouble…can you take me to see her sometime?”

  He nodded, looking as though he might be sick. I pointed at the huge image I’d put up for all to watch. “This memory actually has Maddy in it.”

  Turning to it, I focused on the image. I watched as the eighteen-year-old version of myself hummed along with what I was playing. Instantly, I was submersed in it all, as was everyone else standing around me. I stopped separating myself from it as much as I should and let a tiny piece of myself relive it.

  “Ryan, are you there? It’s me, Maddy,” a voice said as I sat on the bed playing the guitar.

  I put my hand up. A huge six-by-six window appeared out of thin air, showing a tall teenage girl with long, black, flowing hair and emerald-green eyes standing in a martial arts training room. “Hey, I was hoping you were home,” she said, smiling wide.

  “Yeah, I’m on house arrest because Ms. Doomsday, otherwise known as my sister, got up at the crack of dawn because she sensed vampires lurking around our house. That was over an hour ago. Gee, I really hope she gets to stake them before the sun rises,” I said sarcastically.

  “I love that you don’t believe what she says about supernaturals.”

  “Oh, and you do?”

  Maddy laughed nervously. “Umm, yeah. I sort of promised Eliza I’d not discuss this with you. Do you have an open link with her right now?”

  “Nope, she shuts me off when she has a crazy moment. Ooo, wait, let’s the count the times she’s not crazy. We could get them on one hand.”

  Maddy laughed and then stilled as she stared at me cautiously. “Hey, you look a little tired. Did you sleep at all?”

  “No. Cowboy went into work early yesterday and it doesn’t feel like he’s home yet. I can’t sleep if I’m worried about him. Once he gets home I’ll be able to rest a little bit. I’m fine though.”

  Maddy grinned. “You should see your face light up when you talk about him, Ryan.”

  Snorting, I put my guitar down on the bed. “I do not light up when I say anything about anyone.”

  “Ryan, your adamant denial speaks volumes.”

  “Er, okay, then does that go both ways? Tell me about the blond friend of yours again? The movie star. The,” I put my fingers up and made tiny quotes, “hunk to end all hunks. The one who only has to smile to make you melt. That one.”

  She put her hand on her hip. “Did you watch any of his movies yet?”

  “Eliza will not let me go to a movie theater because ‘they are too dark and anything can sneak up on you.’ Yeah, I’m sure vamps and other creepies love catching the latest flick. Do you see the insanity I live in?”

  “Doesn’t Cowboy watch movies? You have to have seen some at his place.”

  “On occasion, but he seems to prefer doing more hands-on things.”

  “Mmm,” she mumbled, arching a brow.

  “I have no idea what I said that was perverted, but Eliza gets that exact look when it happens, so leave it alone. I’ll not let you take what I have with Cowboy and twist it into something that’s not right. Now, what’s on your agenda for the day?”

  Maddy snickered and tied her long hair into a ponytail. “In about fifteen minutes I’m going to be dickhead fodder again.”

  “Stop calling him that. You know I hate it. You have the worst mouth. It isn’t ladylike.” I stood up and gave her a stern look. “He’s trying to help you stay alive. I get Attila the Insane Twin to teach me life lessons and you get Mr. Sexy.” I rolled my eyes. “Please know that I still hate that you nicknamed him that. I know you did it to make me blush every time I refer to him.”

  She grinned. “Yeah, I was going to go with Mr. Hot Ass but you hate to say any sort of bad word.”

  “You don’t even think he’s sexy. You’re all about that blond guy.”

  She shrugged. “Mr. Sexy is okay. Actually, he’s better than okay.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Wait, how is this fair? You get Mr. Sexy to train you and I get to stare at an exact replica of myself as my twin is dangling me by my feet? Don’t ask. I demand a re-issue of partners. He’s nicer and well, doesn’t look like he would hang me upside for the fun of it.”

  Maddy arched a brow as a slow grin spread over her face.

  “I know that you’re a little bit older than me but come on. Is there anything safe to say about him that doesn’t insinuate sex?”

  “No.” She glanced up at the wall. “Ugg, I want to change my name for Mr. Sexy. I think we call him Mr. Permanently Pissed Off. What do you think, Ryan?”

  “Get off his case, Mads. He’s not permanently ticked off. He’s doing his job. From what I gather, his job is not sunshine and roses. Is he supposed to walk around humming sweet little tunes as people shoot at him?”

  She laughed.

  My eyes bulged. “How in the hell is him getting shot at funny?”

  “Ryan, you just said ‘hell.’ Eliza will be so very proud. Say dickhead and I’ll be happy too. And I wasn’t laughing at that. I was laughing because he does hum on rare occasions. Very rare, but still.”

  “Well, if death and destruction make him happy then that’s fine too. He is who he is. Don’t try to change him.” I laughed as I stood there. “Okay, I can’t leave this one alone. What in the world does he hum?”

  “The same songs you sing. It’s weird. I get it in stereo. A lot of times I’ll think of you when he does something.” She snorted and glanced back at a door. “Wonderful. Gee, I hope he hurries—one more second without him yelling and carrying on is going to kill me.”

  “Leave him alone, Maddy. It’s not funny.”

  “You are the only person I know that defends him even on his worst days.”

  I tipped my head and pointed at her. “You are always making jokes about how bad of a mood he’s in. Always going on about how he’s dark, brooding, permanently peeved, and it needs to stop. The man has feelings.”

  “Well, he is permanently pissed,” Maddy said, making upbeat music appear out of thin air. “And what of it? He doesn’t care. You don’t even know what he looks like. You said it yourself, his face is blurry for you.”

  “What in the world does that have to do with anything, Madelyn? Are you really that shallow that you can’t see past what someone looks like? He could be a leper, Mads, and in no way does that make it okay to be catty with him every time he tells you something. He’s your superior. It’s his backside if something happens to you and I’m guessing he wants you to stay safe too.”

  Madelyn began to dance around the room. She was notorious for that. “That’s trippy that you really can’t see his face. You want me to
describe him to you? Cause he really is sexy.”



  I shrugged. “Because it’s not important.”

  “Come on, Ryan. Let me at least describe Dickhead to you.”

  “Stop calling him that.”

  “Fine. Let me describe the wonderfully loving albeit misunderstood man that you have defended from day one.”

  “Why? I’m not Liza. She tips her head, crooks her finger, and the next thing you know, I’m pulling her out of a coat closet with two guys next to her. She’s always going on dates. I spend my time sitting in a corner reading a book with a guy who doesn’t know I really exist. I’m not you, Mads. I wasn’t made to be a supermodel. I was made for a man who doesn’t know me, can’t see me to even meet me, and who seems very preoccupied lately.”

  “Ryan, I’m no model. The Powers did a number on you. Why the hell did they make it so you always see yourself as second best?”

  I shrugged and a tear came to my eye. “I keep getting this sinking feeling I’ll be compared to someone like you someday and I won’t come out of it happy. I don’t want to talk about this anymore. Not with you, Maddy.”

  With a sad look on her face, Maddy put her hand out to me. “Let’s dance and then you can help me aggravate Mr. Sexy.”

  I place-jumped to her. Maddy changed the song to The One that I Want from the movie Grease’s soundtrack and looked down at me.


  “Why do we have to listen to this again?” I shook my head. “You may be worse than me.”

  She laughed. “It will be fun.”

  Smiling, I backed up when she came at me mouthing the words. I laughed as she lunged for me and I launched into the air, flipping over her head. When I landed I sang my portion and swayed my hips.

  “You twirl around and do things that would kill me, Ryan. How is that? You’re a tiny stick of dynamite. And I’m still trying to stop my eyes from shifting every time I sense something’s wrong.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I told you that if we ever meet in person for real, not with me place-jumping, that I can fix that for you. For some reason I can’t do it meeting this way. But I know it will go away when I meet you, Maddy. I know that I’m supposed to be the one who fixes a lot of things for you.”

  We moved around each other singing and laughing as we went. “Ryan.”


  “You do know that you are the only girl I have for a friend and you’re one of my best friends, right?” Maddy looked sad. “If I tell anyone about you they’ll think I’m crazy. I wish you could come and let them all see you. Let them all get to know you like I do.”

  I shook my head. “I can’t come right now. Eliza said that The Powers would hurt me if I came to you in real life right now. But in a few months, when I’m twenty, I can come. I don’t know why. Guess they have some sort of age rule. Arbitrary number in my opinion, but when do they take anything we say into account? And you’re wrong about me being your only girlfriend. Liza’s your friend too. And you’re still wrong because when we made you an honorary sister, you beat out friend by like a mile.” I hugged her tight. She started to cry. “Oh, that’s not allowed around me. I cry too much as it is. You know because you tell me that.’

  “I’m okay. I just wish we could be normal sometimes, don’t you?”

  “Yeah,” I said quietly. “Though I’m not even sure what normal is, Maddy.”

  Her mouth dropped. “Oh shit. I’m standing here crying because I wish you were around more, and I’ve seen what you go through just to live. I know that Liza helps sustain you somewhat, and that the phantom trips you take to hang near Cowboy help too, but it blows that you have to do all that to be okay. Sometimes I hate The Powers. Ryan, I’m sorry.”

  I waved my hand in the air and laughed. “Pfftt, it’s nothing. Come on. I know what will cheer you up.”

  Maddy kept me in a death grip. “Ooo, will you electrocute Mr. Sexy if he tries to make me do the back flips away from the fighting staff again? He cracks my ankle every time.”

  “No, but I will play dodge orbs with you while he’s in the room. But only if you promise not to add any juice to them like you did the last time. I didn’t find burning him very funny. He’s a good man, Maddy. Now, the healer, the healer guy I’ll burn. He’s so arrogant and you can tell Mr. Sexy wants to knock him on his butt. Say the word and he’s toast, but I won’t hurt Mr. Sexy.” I laughed hard and she squeezed me tighter. “You should probably let go of me before I burst.”

  “Oh, right. Sorry.”

  The door to the training room opened and I looked in that direction. A tall, muscular man clad in black entered. His face was blurry to me as I knew it would be. I looked back at Maddy. “Be nice. And for the love of God, change the music. He’s so not a Grease man.”

  “No, let’s make him suffer.”

  I snorted. “There’s no us in this sister. He just sees you.”

  “I still can’t believe he can’t hear or see you.”

  “Maddy?” he asked. “Uhh, are you talking to yourself again?”


  I nudged her. “Change the music.”


  “Is it yes or no, Maddy?” he asked.

  I slapped her butt and laughed. “Yeah, Maddy, yes or no?”

  She leaned over and tried to talk out of the corner of her mouth, “Shut up, half-pint.”

  Mr. Sexy stopped and then shook his head. “That is the first time anyone has called me half-pint.”

  “Yeah, but I’m guessing it’s like the fiftieth time today that someone has told you to shut up,” she said, snidely.

  I pinched her hard. She yelped. I laughed. Putting my palms out, I created ten glowing orbs of light that began to spin around my head. I glanced at Maddy. “If you dare make these hurt him I’ll make your hair flat for a week. And you will have hives for three days straight.”

  She laughed under her breath.

  “Hey, let’s count how many times he goes all weird and starts sniffing the air again as we play. I think you’re wrong. I think he’s like Cowboy. I think he does sense me.” I laughed. “I bet he thinks the place is haunted. Let the games begin.” I splayed my fingers in the air and the orbs began to bounce off everything, zipping with endless energy. I knew the man couldn’t see them. Only Maddy and I could. That made it all worse.

  Maddy put her fingers in the air and snapped. Her power went directly into the orbs.

  My eyes widened. “Maddy, I said not to—” I flipped high into the air and smacked one away from Mr. Sexy’s head. He stepped back and walked through me. “Oh, that is just not something you get used to.”

  He looked down at his feet and tipped his head, narrowly missing taking an orb to the ear. “Good boy, you can hear me, kind of, or at least sense me. Look at me and not the—crap,” I said, springing to my feet and bouncing up and through Mr. Sexy. I batted another one away. “Madelyn, you have to hit them all at once or they won’t stop. You know the rules of the game.”

  She was busy running through her routine with Mr. Sexy. She laughed. “Nope.”

  “Nope, what?” he asked.

  She just laughed.

  I ran around deflecting them from hitting Mr. Sexy. Before I knew it, I was laughing as hard as Maddy. She knocked his feet out from out under him and I stomped on her toe. “That was not nice! You might have hurt him.”

  She yelped. He got to his feet and came at her.

  “Help me, Madelyn, I can’t stop them. And don’t think I don’t know that you hit the orbs with the compulsion to aim for his head.” One went straight for his groin. “Oh, not there too!” As I knocked it away, my hand went right through his groin.

  He came to a grinding halt.

  Madelyn laughed so hard she snorted. “Nah, they’re aiming for both places thought occurs on a man.”

  “Maddy?” Mr. Sexy asked.

  Another one shot for his groin. She tripped me as I went to deflect it. My
head when through his groin. I dropped back fast, letting the back of my head deflect the orb. Mr. Sexy gasped and backed up fast.

  Maddy lost it, laughing so hard that she squealed.

  “Ahhhhh…we are never talking about that again!” I cried out. “Now help me, Madelyn! Those will give him third-degree burns or burn a hole right through him. That is not funny! Help!”

  “Make me,” she said, laughing.

  Mr. Sexy grunted. “I can’t make you do anything. You’re too big of a pain in the ass for that.”

  Jumping up, I put my back to Madelyn and shook my head at Mr. Sexy. “I’m trying to help you here, big guy. Could you maybe not tick her off more? I hit all of mine. She has to do it now so they’ll disappear.”

  An orb came at his head from the side. I took hold of Maddy’s arm and thrust it out, and the orb disappeared. Another came and I did the same.

  “Madelyn, what are you doing?” he said.

  I laughed. “Yeah, Maddy, explain this one,” I said, bumping my butt into her upper thighs. She went down a bit and her butt hit one, making it disappear too.

  I kept hitting at them, using Maddy to do it. We were laughing so hard that he must have thought she was nuts. He swept his foot out and caught Maddy’s leg. She went down and I followed. We crashed hard onto the floor. She grunted from my added weight. I laughed.

  Looking up at her as my head sat on her shoulder, I waggled my eyebrows. “You so deserved me falling on you. I wish I weighed more. You deserve an anvil for that stunt. You could have seriously hurt him. I’m thinking he’d prefer not to have his head explode, I think he’d really rather not have other areas explode.”

  Mr. Sexy stilled and moved down so fast, he was on us in an instant. My eyes widened as his face came right at mine. Maddy gasped. He hesitated and closed his eyes as his lips brushed through mine. Mr. Sexy stilled, holding his head there a minute before it went right through me to Maddy’s shoulder.

  I scrambled to my feet and saw the last orb coming at the back of his head. Taking Maddy’s limp arm, I batted it away and dropped her hand onto Mr. Sexy’s back.

  I fought to close the image so the girls wouldn’t see the rest. I felt James-Porter’s magik rise up fast, blocking me from closing it. Shona glanced at me and I shook my head. “I want it closed. JP’s keeping it open.”


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