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Sweet Melody: Rock & Rodeo Romance Book 1

Page 16

by Jaye Ripley

  “I deserve much worse than what you’re throwing at me right now, but I don’t give a fuck. Thank you.”

  Our table fills with food, and his chicken teriyaki deserves mocking in front of my huge plate of carefully cut fish. He wrinkles his nose as I smear wasabi over a piece of tuna, dip it in the soy sauce, and pop it in my mouth.

  “Not sure I’m gonna want to kiss you after you eat that.”

  “You sure you want to be saying that to me after what was attached to your mouth today?”

  He shuts up fast enough. Curiosity courses through me with so many questions, like what happened after she kissed him since I left, what EJ said when he went inside, and others burning a hole in my brain about his past with her. A realization hits me, and sake almost goes up my nose.

  “Oh my God. She’s the ‘Wicked Witch,’ isn’t she?”

  He nods. “That song was more than just cathartic.”

  A heavy weight falls on his shoulders. Something went down with her, and he’s not saying. But I’ll give him time to reveal things before hounding him.

  “Why aren’t you pissed at me? Yelling at me? Leaving me?” Without knowing it, he emphasizes the last question.

  My choices about how I feel and where we go was mostly made last night, but her intrusion into his place and our time together solidified them for me.

  “If I’m going to be your girlfriend, especially long distance, then I’m gonna have to get used to girls throwing themselves at you for various reasons. A girl can’t take a swing at every bitch. And that particular one gets one pass. I’m a lady, after all.”

  Hunter stares at me again, longer than acceptable.

  “What? Is it the sashimi? You really don’t know what you’re missing.”

  He finds his voice after throwing back another swallow of sake. “You said girlfriend.”

  “Isn’t that where we’re headed after last night? Or did I read things wrong?”

  He gets up from his side of the booth and slides into mine. His arms encircle me, his warm body easing the nerves I’ve been hiding. He kisses my head and works his way down to my mouth.

  “What about the fish?” I murmur against his lips.

  “Just kiss me, dammit.”

  His lips worship mine. The long table could make a good bed. My leg crosses over his until a small cough interrupts us. Pulling back, we see the waitress walking away after refilling our water.

  He squeezes my hand again and slides out to return to his side. We sit in comfortable silence, eating.

  My mind wanders back to his ex. She’s already got a mark against her. Whenever Hunter tells me the rest of the story, she better stay the hell away.

  “Seriously. She gets one pass. The next time, it’s gloves off. I’m kicking her ass.”



  Funny how time moves. When we want it to fly by, it creeps. Hunter and I want every single second to last as long as possible. But each day passes by in a blur.

  My fears about how the band feels about me evaporate after crashing their final meal all together here at Nana’s home. Mac and Levi leave tomorrow. EJ and Hart leave in two days. Hunter will be the last man standing, and my heart aches in anticipation.

  Nana cooks like a fiend. I arrive late enough to have missed the preparation since I worked inventory today with Trey in exchange for the night off, much to Shane’s annoyance. The house smells so good that I could eat the air. Everyone cheers when I walk in, and Hunter stands up to greet me. The rest whistle and holler at our kiss.

  “We came here to eat food, not suck face,” EJ shouts.

  “Eugene Justin Wilder, you leave those two alone.”

  The whole room explodes with laughter.

  “Yeah, Eugene. Stuff your face and shut up.” A shiteating grin spreads across Hart’s face.

  “Nana,” EJ whines.

  “No wonder he’s such an obnoxious shit,” I whisper in Hunter’s ear. A little louder, I say, “Poor bastard never had a chance with a name like Eugene.”

  EJ scowls at me, and I flip him off. Hunter gives me another squeeze and lets me sit down next to him. The table’s covered in good Southern home cooking. Fried chicken, meatloaf, mac and cheese, collards, mashed potatoes, and Brussels sprouts with bacon. There’s so much that I can’t keep up with it all.

  “You must have been cooking for days, ma’am.” I shove food out of the way and scoop some mac and cheese onto my plate.

  “Call me Eugenia, dear. And thank you for the compliment. I gotta feed my boys one last time before they go. Don’t know when they’ll be able to eat a good meal again.”

  EJ’s cheeks redden in answer to my unspoken question. He’s named after his grandmother. I don’t know whether to poke fun or hug him since he clearly adores her.

  “We won’t be starving, Ms. Eugenia.” Mac’s quiet voice holds reverence. “They’re putting us up in a nice house and stocking the fridge.”

  She frowns a little. “Still. I’m sending you two there with some food. Don’t let me forget to pack some up.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Mac and Levi say in unison.

  “You can’t give them any of the meatloaf. That’s mine.” EJ points a finger of warning at the other two.

  “Don’t make me smack you to teach you a lesson in sharing,” Nana warns, earning EJ more mocking.

  Hunter and I help clear the table as Nana brings out two pies and a cobbler with a quart of vanilla ice cream.

  “Honey, scrape the dishes off and stack them to the side of the sink. I’ll get them after we sweeten up a bit.”

  My stomach stretches out. Though I’m full to the gills, I stifle a groan so Nana won’t be offended. She’s spoiled all of us. No one should be able to eat two slices of pie and a scoop of cobbler. EJ reaches for the strawberry rhubarb pie plate, and Nana slaps his hand.

  “You let them have the rest.”

  He rubs his hand and whines in protest. She walks around the table and kisses the top of his head. “Don’t worry, my boy. I’ll make you one all to yourself before you go.” She squeezes him with her thin arms, and he melts into her.

  Displays like that make me happy to see, but sad because of my lack of an upbringing that included such obvious displays of care and love. Hunter spies my moment of reflection. He reaches under the table and holds my hand, rubbing it with his thumb.

  Nana leaves to start cleaning up. The guys discuss final moving plans around me. I sneak out while they talk business and join Ms. Eugenia in the kitchen.

  “Lord, I’m gonna miss all of them eating me outta house and home.” She shifts to her left of the sink.

  “How long have you known them?” I join her to rinse the dishes and stack them in the drying rack.

  “Well, let’s see. Hunter’s been sitting at my table since he was a stick of a boy. Mac joined in once the boys hit high school. Hart started coming around after Hunter and Mac found him at college. And Levi was the newest. That is until you.”

  My heart hammers in my chest. “I’m not one of them.”

  She weighs my answer and washes her dish with a rag. “No. Not one of the boys. But a blind person could sense that there’s more between you and Hunter than you want us to see.”

  I stay quiet, contemplating how much she guesses and how much she knows. And whether or not she’s right.

  “At least you’re not anything like that foul beast with breasts that his ex-girlfriend was. What a total bitch.”

  “Holy shit.” I almost drop the plate in my hands.

  “Well, I’m right, aren’t I? Heard you had some trouble with her.”

  I smirk. “Does EJ tell you everything?”

  “Yes.” The woman does not mince words. “Trouble follows wherever she goes. I told Hunter before you got here that he needs to squash whatever nonsense she’s starting before it gets bad.”

  We fall into a silent partnership cleaning up the kitchen and listening to the guys laugh and talk. Before we go back into the room, Nana takes me b
y the arm in a gentle hold.

  “You know, Mac played me the song you recorded with Hunter. It’s even more beautiful than the night you two sang together.”

  My cheeks flare with heat. “Thank you.” I try to pull away, but she holds me fast.

  “Make EJ give you my number or put it in your phone. That technology is a bit beyond me. Now that you’re part of the family, you call me anytime. ” She embraces me, and I tower over her tiny frame.

  Part of the family. Talk about moving fast. I try not to stiffen in her arms, and plaster a small smile on my face when she releases me. I excuse myself to use the bathroom, and take long, deep breaths to settle my nerves.

  She’s given me something I’ve wished for all my life. My own mother never spoke about grandparents. From what I could piece together, her own parents weren’t alive. And my father’s parents had no contact with me after he left us, whether by their choice or my mother’s. Ms. Eugenia’s enormous gift to me should feel like all the holidays rolled into one. But it squeezes the air out of me. The offer’s too good to be true. And that’s how I feel about everything that’s happened since the concert. It’s all too good to be true.

  When I return, all of them stand up, readying to say their thank you’s and farewells. Mac and Levi both take turns hugging Nana. She whispers wise words in their ears based on the looks in their eyes, and kisses their cheeks. They both get their own bags packed full of leftovers, much to EJ’s disappointment. The two man-hug their way around the room. Although I try to hide from them behind Hunter, neither of them let me get away with it.

  Levi gives me a side hug and tells me he’ll let me know when he gets the “making of” video of our recording finished and posted to YouTube. Mac sets his bag down and full on hugs me.

  “You know this isn’t the last time we’ll be seeing each other, don’t you?”

  I nod, unwilling to answer him with words.

  “Hunter will give you my number. You contact me anytime you want. In fact, I’m kind of hoping you’d be willing to consult on a few things once we’re there. Your Patreon idea’s perfect, and I want your input as to how we should set it up and use it.”

  Hunter pushes Mac away from me. “Okay, stop talking business with my girl and get on the road. See you in a few.”

  Mac and Hunter hug each other hard like two brothers. Mac tells Hunter to let his parents know he’s sorry he won’t be there for the final dinner. After another round of goodbyes and kisses for Nana, Mac and Levi head out to start the drive to Nashville. Two down, three to go.

  After Hart leaves, Hunter and I are the last left with EJ and his grandmother. She offers me a bit of bourbon, but I turn her down since I drove myself here. We sit in her formal living room on flower-covered furniture. Nana massages EJ’s feet on the couch. He smiles like a smug kid. My inner debate about “too good to be true” distracts me until I miss something.

  Hunter squirms beside me. I look between him and the two Wilders on the couch.

  “I’m betting Nana here $50 that you’ll be in Nashville within a month.”

  “And I’m trying to school my grandson in how to keep his nose outta other people’s business.” She tickles his foot, and EJ squeals like a little girl.

  Pushed to my limits, I stand up to leave. Hunter gets up and puts his arm around me. I let him hold me for a second, and shrug him off. Nana gets up with a small groan and walks over to me, linking her arm in mine. She walks me to the door.

  “Don’t let my grandson bother you. He’s a handful. And stop overthinking things. I’ve watched your brain working overtime tonight. It’s better if you listen to what’s in here over what’s up there.” She taps my chest over my heart and points at my head. “If I hadn’t done that, then I would’ve missed out on my husband, Jackson. Lord, that man could make me dizzy with his kisses.” She fans herself.

  “No one needs to hear that, Nana.”

  “Hush, you. If your grandpa hadn’t found me and held me tight, then your daddy wouldn’t have existed. Neither would you.” She laughs beside me.

  “And the world might have been a better place without Eugene,” Hunter says. Without looking behind me, I know they’re flipping each other the bird.

  “And you.” She slips her arm out from mine and places both her hands on Hunter’s arms. “You better take care of those you love.”

  I want to believe she means the band, but a slight glance my way gives her away. We walk down her steps toward the car.

  “See you tomorrow,” EJ calls out to Hunter.

  “Goodnight, Eugene,” Hunter replies.

  “Mel, hit him for me.”

  “How about I give him his punishment in private?” I ask, winding EJ up.

  “That’s it. I’m staying here tonight. Nana, you better have some bacon left for breakfast.” The door closes behind him as he goes inside.

  Hunter walks me to my car. Cicadas click in the trees around us, and the leaves rustle in the night air.

  “I’ll follow you to your place.” I unlock my door.

  He steps into me. “Hey. I don’t know what happened tonight, but something’s not right. Did Ms. Eugenia say something to upset you?”

  I look up at the moon, marvel at the stars, follow the sound of a car revving, and avoid his eyes. He brushes his fingers down my cheek, and I shiver. He waits for me with a cautious probing look.

  “She did say some things to me. But it’s not what she said that’s the problem.”

  He wraps his arms around me and rocks me back and forth. His way of letting me know he’s here for me. And the comfort he gives does make me feel better. But once again, I’ve allowed doubt back in.

  “What’s the problem, baby?” He kisses the top of my head.

  Taking a deep breath, I step away from him. My hand grasps the handle to the car, and I pull it. The door opens a bit, forcing Hunter to move.

  “Me. I’m the problem.” I get inside my car and shut the door.



  I drive slower than EJ’s grandma, but I want to be ready in case the headlights in my rearview mirror turn down another street. I’m done being scared of her running. If she goes, then I’m fucking going with her until she stops.

  Pulling up to my place, she parks next to me. The breath I didn’t know I was holding hisses out. She follows me up to the door. We don’t speak as she steps into my house. Lights come on with a few flips of the switches. She walks a little ways in and stops in a spot right in view of the couch. Shit, that’s probably where she watched the disaster of my ex with me.

  She turns to look down the hall that heads to the bedrooms and blows out a breath. Her hand settles on her hip as she contemplates something.

  “Do you want something to eat?”

  She smirks at me over her shoulder. “Are you kidding? Where in the hell would I put it? Make no mistake, Nana can cook.”

  The lightness of that last sentence eases some of my discomfort. But her joke doesn’t cover up her own unease.

  “Do you want to sit outside? All we’ve got are a couple of folding chairs.”

  Whatever load she carries drops from her shoulders. “Yes, please.”

  I open the sliding door and turn on the light. Bugs appear out of nowhere and buzz around it.

  “Be right back.”

  I grab a couple of the candles from where I stashed them, a couple of cold beers from the fridge, and head outside, placing them on the rusty table. It takes two more trips back inside for a lighter and a bottle opener before I can settle down.

  The humidity in the air sticks to us, but a cooler breeze makes the warm night bearable. The old chairs creak underneath us every time we shift to take a swig of beer. I want to seem casual in front of her, but her revelation before she got in the car and the doubt I have about whether or not she’ll stick around puts me on edge.

  “You drive like a little old lady. People could walk faster than your car tonight.” She huffs out a laugh and drinks her beer.r />
  “Guess I wanted to make sure you didn’t get lost behind me.”

  “You wanted to make sure I didn’t drive away from you.” She takes another swallow. “I get that. I haven’t exactly given you a lot of reasons to trust that I’m staying here with you.”

  For now? For tonight? For the rest of my time here? Forever? Which is it, woman? Damn, she’s still got me twisted.

  She lifts the bottle to her lips and smiles. “EJ’s grandmother. She’s awesome.”

  I nod. “She is. She’s been taking care of us for as long as I can remember. Beyond my parents and immediate family, she’s probably the next closest thing.”

  Mel takes a couple of swallows of her beer and sets it down. “She’s a wise woman. And a wise ass. Not hard to see where EJ gets his attitude from. And Eugene. That is one hell of a name.”

  My genuine laugh eases me. “Yeah, he’s always taken shit for it. But no one calls him that for long without him interfering with his fists or one of his nasty pranks.”


  I dive into a story about the first trick he pulled on me when he painted and decorated a pile of dog shit, put it in a bowl, and served it to me like vanilla ice cream. Luckily, I’d smelled it before taking a bite. But it had been really close.

  “The asshole had gone so far as to pour chocolate syrup over it, spray some whip cream, and put sprinkles on top. The perfect sundae.” We both laugh hard.

  “What would have happened if you had eaten some?”

  “I have no idea. I don’t even want to think about it. To this day, I can’t eat ice cream. That fucker. But I decided then and there that I would rather have him as a close friend than an enemy.”

  “So the pranks stopped once you two became close?”

  I look out into the darkened backyard. “Hell no. But he saves his more evil plans for those he dislikes.”

  As I walk into the house to get two more beers, she yells out, “Should I check the toilet seat for plastic wrap?”


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