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Succubus 4 (Gnome Place Like Home): A LitRPG Series

Page 24

by A. J. Markam

  “You mean you can’t fly anymore?” I asked in alarm.

  “No, I just have to wait for my engines to recharge. I can’t fly for more than ten minutes at a time, it seems.”

  “That’ll be enough. We should be able to keep just enough distance between us and them – and Shyvock.”

  “When do we stop?”

  “For the night? I guess when the golems get to the next client. Or when we feel reasonably sure that Shyvock won’t find us.”

  “Okay. Incidentally, my engines are all recharged again.”

  “Let’s go, then. Sorry buddy,” I said to Grung, “but you gotta go back in the bag.”


  “Thanks for telling Alaria how to save me.”

  “YOU’RE WELCOME. I WILL SEE YOU SOON,” Grung said as I slipped his head inside the bag and fastened it to my belt.


  We continued like that for the next several hours: Alaria flying me low over the plains for ten minutes at a time, keeping a growing distance between us and the war golems, then stopping and resting until she could do it all over again.

  When the golems were so far away that we couldn’t see them anymore, I got the bright idea of sending my All-Seeing Eye as high in the sky as it would go.

  As soon as I did, I could see everything on the ground like a miniature train landscape. The war golems were about 12 miles south of us. Far in the distance I could still make out the orc tents, though they were about as large as grains of sand. The battlefield looked like a scar of slightly different green – all those orc bodies – against the multihued green of the grass. But I could detect no sign of Shyvock, which I took as a good omen. He was probably so tiny that there was no way I could see him at this distance, but that also meant he was nowhere close to us.

  I also used the Eye to scout out what lay ahead of us. We used its intel to avoid a nomadic tribe of robed figures traveling on woolly mammoths. We found a small trading outpost manned by dwarves, elves, and humans, where I bought several gold coins’ worth of healing potions. I’d learned my lesson about not being able to always count on Soul Suck.

  The Eye also gave us ample warning as the terrain began to change. The grassy plains became hills, then mountains. As the land got higher in elevation, it became more rugged, with the grass giving way to exposed rock and scrub brush.

  I sent the Eye out one final time as the sun dipped below the horizon. Far up ahead, the mountains ended abruptly and gave way to an enormous crater of basaltic rock with a volcano in the middle. Glowing lava bubbled inside it and cast a hazy, orange glow.

  Far to the north, the war golems were descending through a gorge into the black valley below.

  “Huh,” I mused aloud. Either the robots wanted to get to the other side of the crater as fast as possible and were determined to take the shortest distance between two points –

  Or Orlo’s clients were down at the volcano.

  I sent the Eye flying down into the valley, but the distance was too great, and it winked out of existence before it found anything of interest in the evening darkness.

  At least there was no sign of Orlo, either with the war golems or down in the volcanic valley.

  When I relayed what I’d seen, Alaria asked, “What should we do?”

  “Wait until morning. It’s not going to do us any good to go stumbling around out there in the dark.”

  I pulled out Grung to see if he knew anything about a volcano – he didn’t – and to make sure that he was still okay inside the bag. He assured me that it had felt like a few seconds had passed instead of hours, and with his permission, I slipped him back inside.

  Then I summoned Stig.

  As soon as he appeared, the imp scurried all around us like a Chihuahua on crack, looking every which way in a panic.

  “Where are they?!” he yelped.

  “The orcs? They’re all dead.”

  He looked at me in shock, then looked out over the valley. “Where are we?!”

  “We’ve been traveling the last six hours or so. Sorry, man – we’ve been on the run from that hunter, and it was all Alaria could do to carry me.”

  Stig stood there for a second, apparently thinking about it, and then plopped down next to me on the rocky soil. “Got some booze?”

  “If you’ve ever earned a drink, it was definitely today.” I reached into my food bag and brought out a bottle of wine. “Thanks for everything you did back there.”

  “No problem,” the imp said as he uncorked the bottle. After draining nearly half of it, he burped and asked, “What happens now?”

  “The war golems are headed down there,” I said, pointing to the volcano. “So at daybreak we’re going to go find out why.”

  Stig hung his head in despair. “I was afraid you were going to say that.”

  “We have to capture Orlo so we can make him put Alaria back into her body.”

  Stig looked over at the metal succubus sitting on the opposite side of me. “Can’t she just stay like that?”

  “NO,” Alaria snapped.

  “Okay, okay,” the imp said like Jeez! Then he went back to hitting the bottle.

  Alaria leaned against me and looked out over the crater. As the night sky turned from violet to black, the center of the volcano glowed even brighter in the gloom.

  “Maybe Stig’s right,” she said despairingly. “Maybe we should just give up.”

  “Yeah,” Stig agreed.

  “NO,” I snarled at him, then turned back to Alaria to reassure her. “It’s going to be fine. We’re going to get Orlo, and then we’ll make him switch you back.”


  “…I don’t know… but it’ll happen. I promise,” I said as I put my arm around her and stroked her metal skin.

  Alaria looked out unhappily at the night sky. “I just… never mind.”

  “You just what?”

  She nestled her head against my collarbone. “I’m afraid of losing you,” she whispered.

  I looked at her in shock. “Losing me? What are you talking about?”

  “What if I can’t switch back to my old body?”

  “We’re going to get Orlo – ”

  “But what if we can’t?” she said in desperation. “What if he gets away, or the process is irreversible, and I’m trapped like this?”

  “I already told you – I love you no matter what. Nothing changes that.”

  “But you have needs… desires…”

  “So? So do you!”

  “Yes, but… I’m trapped in a metal body. You aren’t.” As she said it, I could see the grief on her face.

  “Babe, sex with you is amazing, but it’s not the most important thing. I’m in love with your soul, too, not just your body.”

  It was true – though a little voice in the back of my head said, Oh yeah? What about when she’s been a robot for three years?

  A SEXbot, I shot back at the voice – and then I grinned.

  “What?” Alaria asked crossly. “What’s so funny?”

  “You’re forgetting why Orlo created this body in the first place.”

  “For – oh.” She wrinkled up her face in disgust. “Great, thanks for reminding me that he used me even before I got in THIS body, too.”

  “No, that’s not what I meant. I meant you’re built for sex.”

  I could see the gears turning in her head. Not literally see them, although it was funny, there probably were actual gears turning inside her head. “You mean…”

  “Yeah.” I grinned and leaned in to kiss her –

  “Oh NO,” Stig groaned loudly. “Are you going to – ”


  “ – now?!”

  I turned and glared at him. “Maybe you should get lost.”

  “Maybe I should use my ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ card,” the imp grinned.

  Aw shit.

  I really, really didn’t want to honor that agreement right now… but a deal was a deal.r />
  I sighed. “Alright… we won’t have sex if you really don’t want us to.”

  “Hey!” Alaria exclaimed indignantly. “Don’t I get a say in this?!”

  “I promised him,” I said, then turned back to Stig. “But it only works this once. Is that what you want?”

  “I’d rather have some more booze,” Stig said slyly.


  “Well played,” I said as I fished another bottle of wine out of my bag and handed it over.

  “Thanks, boss,” he said, then staggered tipsily across the mountaintop, a bottle in each hand.

  As soon as he left, I turned back to Alaria and French-kissed her.

  I have to admit, it wasn’t the ideal situation – her lips weren’t pliant and soft like normal – but there was a sensuous curve to them, and she still knew how to kiss.

  I felt her tongue, warm and smooth and metal, enter my mouth. The one thing that I really, really missed was her taste – that lovely tinge of cinnamon and vanilla. At least her mouth had no taste at all. I’m not sure if I could have handled the copper tang of metal.

  She took my hand and placed it on one of her leather-clad breasts. As I caressed her, my heart began to beat the tiniest bit faster. After all, I was in completely new territory here. I’d never had sex with a robot before.

  I slowly undid the leather corset to reveal her enormous breasts. I ran my hands over her skin, and again was struck by the sensual curve of the metal beneath my hand. Then I reached her nipple, which was literally hard as steel, but only stood an eighth of an inch above the rest of her breast.

  I broke off the kiss long enough to look down.

  Her areolas were gunmetal gray. Even in the waning light, they stood out as darker than the silver sheen of her body.

  I murmured cheekily, “Nice customizable nipples.”

  “Hmph,” she said as she peeled off the corset, then lay on her back and slipped her thong down her thighs. “Let’s see about the rest of it.”

  “Can you feel me when I touch you?” I asked as I cupped one of her gigantic tits.

  “Not really. I can sense pressure and warmth, but no real pleasure.”

  “Well, let’s see if you can feel something down here,” I said as I crawled down between her legs.

  Whatever Orlo’s other faults, he was a connoisseur of the female form. He had sculpted her vulva beautifully, with full, puffy lips and a cute little cleft. Thank God he’d left her skin bare – I wasn’t sure how a bunch of metallic hair would feel.

  I began to kiss and lick her metal skin, and took note of how warm and sensually curved her body was.

  “Oh,” she murmured in surprise.

  I lifted my head. “What?”

  I couldn’t see her expression; her breasts didn’t move with gravity, and so they stood like two mountain peaks atop her chest, obscuring her face. But I could hear the wonder in her voice loud and clear.

  “That actually felt pretty good…”

  “Let’s try some more. Open your legs wider.”

  She spread her thighs, and I dipped my head down again.

  I was expecting everything down there to be hard metal, and was amazed when my tongue touched soft material. Rubber, maybe?

  I was even more amazed when I realized it was slick and tasted like coconut oil. Apparently that was the all-purpose fluid for lubricating mechanical bodies.

  “Ohhhh,” Alaria whispered.

  “Good?” I asked hopefully.

  “Not bad. Keep going.”

  I moved my tongue along the curve of her lips, trailing upwards until I found a small, round protuberance where her clit should have been. When I pressed my tongue against it there was a muted click, and the tiny orb lowered a millimeter into her body before popping back out.

  “OH!” she cried.


  “VERY good. Do it again.”

  I pressed my tongue against the little round sphere and it clicked in again.

  “Goddess!” Alaria groaned. “Do it again!”


  She literally had a button I could press.

  I begin to experiment with the tip of my tongue, running it all around the tiny metal sphere. I realized that it didn’t just go down; it was like a toggle switch that went in multiple directions depending on where the force was coming from.

  I licked upwards. The metal clit clicked up, then returned to its normal position when my tongue went away. If I pressed from the side, it moved along with my tongue. All in all, there appeared to be nine directions it could go: north, northeast, east, and so on, all the way around the circle to northwest – and then straight down into her body.

  Each direction elicited a slightly different pleasurable reaction.

  “OH! Ahhh… unh… oooooh… GODDESS… haha, that tickles – oh FUCK – ”

  That last reaction happened when I slid two of my fingers inside her. Even though the rubber ‘flesh’ didn’t feel exactly like her normal pussy, it was still pretty goddamn erotic – and she was drenched with lubricating fluid, which made it all the easier to stroke her. I fumbled around where her g-spot should have been until I found a slightly raised area, then began to curl my fingers across it.

  She arched her hips in pleasure and groaned loudly. “Oh Goddess… oh GODDESS…”

  As I caressed her g-spot, I began playing with different combinations: N, NE, S, pressing it down into her, W, NW, and so on. Then I began flicking my tongue and making her clit click repeatedly in the same direction.

  “OHHHHHHHHH!” she screamed as her entire body convulsed.

  I watched in delight as she went through all the motions she normally did while having an orgasm. Even her metallic bosom heaved as she came down from the peak, as though she were gasping for breath – even though she didn’t need to breathe.

  I lifted my face up from her thighs. “Did it feel as good as it normally does?”

  She had to prop herself up on her elbows to see me over her gigantic boobs. “It felt different… but it felt pretty damn great.”

  “Good,” I said, and lowered my head to lick her again.


  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” she said, then added almost shyly, “It’s just that… I want to feel you inside me.”

  That was one request I wasn’t going to turn down.

  “Yes ma’am,” I grinned, and hurriedly tugged off my pants. She helped with my shirt, and within 30 seconds I was completely naked.

  Next I selected my ‘Sensory Settings’ and moved the slider all the way to 100%. I was intent on enjoying this as much as possible.

  I settled down on top of her and gazed into her yellow, glowing eyes. Her body felt really weird, yet sensual. She was hard as steel, and it was actually uncomfortable if I settled all my weight in one spot, like my right hipbone when I first slid into place on top of her. But she was warm and smooth all over her body.

  My dick was hard – although compared with her skin, I couldn’t say ‘hard as steel’ anymore. Even ‘hard as rock’ felt like an exaggeration.

  But I was definitely erect, and I slid the tip of my cock into place between her legs.

  She stared at me, a look of hesitance on her face.

  “Are you okay?” I asked.

  “I’m just afraid you won’t like it,” she said sadly.

  “I was more afraid of YOU not liking it,” I said. “So why don’t we just ohhHHH – ”

  I was trying to be suave. I had planned to finish my sentence as I slid inside her – but she felt so damn good that I lost all control of my thoughts. All I could do was moan.

  Her pussy didn’t feel like her normal body – but like she’d said earlier, it was different but pretty damn great.

  I felt warmth, pressure, and pleasurable slipperiness all around my shaft. I’d never tried one, but I assumed she felt like a Fleshlight or some other sex toy for guys.

  Apparently Alaria liked it, too, because she gave a guttural
moan of pleasure as I slid inside her. “Unnnnh…”

  I began to rock back and forth inside her. “Oh… oh my god…”

  “You – unh – like it?” she grunted.

  “Yeah – oh fuck yeah – ”

  “Good,” she moaned, and tilted her hips upward as I thrust inside her. “Good… oh, that’s good… that’s so good…”

  Her breasts were so large they were an impediment to kissing her – but on the other hand, they sure felt pretty fucking great in my hands.

  “Oh Alaria… fuck…”

  “Oh Ian… ohhhh Iannnnn…”

  We continued like that for a few minutes, but then my curiosity got the better of me and I pulled out. “Let’s try doggie style.”

  Alaria grinned. “Yes, master.”

  She got on all fours and I knelt behind her. The rocks were hard against my knees, so I put my clothes and boots beneath me as padding. Luckily Alaria didn’t have that problem.

  Her ass was the most gorgeous, rounded sculpture I’d ever seen… and crazily enough, there was a tiny little rubber hole between her ass cheeks.

  I got an idea, and dipped my finger inside her dripping pussy.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Just wait,” I said as I pulled out my finger and guided the tip of my cock to the rubber lips of her pussy. I slowly pushed my head inside her, and she grunted in pleasure.

  Then I began to caress her asshole with my lubricated finger.


  I eased my finger halfway inside the little rubber ‘o.’


  Then, at the same instant my cock sank in balls-deep, my finger slid all the way in, too.

  “UNNNHHH!” she groaned loudly.

  It was an odd sensation, feeling my stomach and thighs against metal, no matter how smooth and sensually rounded it was.

  I began to thrust both my hips and my hand, so that both my cock and my finger were moving in and out of her at the same time.

  She moaned and sighed, then moved her remaining hand between her legs and began to stroke her clit. I knew because I could hear the click click click of it moving back and forth.

  As I kept thrusting inside her, I realized that there was one huge benefit to her robot body: I could look at her and see all of her without her wings in the way.


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