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Succubus 4 (Gnome Place Like Home): A LitRPG Series

Page 27

by A. J. Markam

“All hail the Great Vulva!”

  I wondered snarkily if that was like the Great Pumpkin.

  Happy Holy Fingering, Charlie Brown.

  As I passed the first of the war golems, I entered the camp and saw hundreds of naked female backsides of all different colors. Had I been an ass man, I would’ve been in heaven. Even though I was partial to breasts, it was still a pretty damn fine show.

  Everyone in the audience was facing the high ledge I had seen earlier with the Eye. Atop it stood the amazon. She was even more imposing and beautiful in person, and held her congregation’s rapt attention as she preached.

  At first it was funny hearing a bunch of Pussy Power terms get thrown around in rapid succession like a particularly loopy, New Age, feminist self-help group. But the longer the speech went on, the more I felt like I was hearing some great orator from centuries past – powerful, confident, and charismatic as fuck.

  Unfortunately, the more everybody answered back, the more it was like being at a slightly different rally in the past. One where they lifted their hands in salute and talked about Final Solutions and shit.

  We shall cleanse this world with the power of orgasm…

  Our hearts are the fire, and mankind is the kindling…

  Let all creation bow down to us…

  Man in his weakness may supplicate or be destroyed…

  The longer it went on, the creepier it got – until everything collapsed back into hilarious double entendres delivered waaaay too seriously.

  “All hail the pussy!” the leader cried out.

  “All hail the feminine void!” 500 female elves shouted back.

  “Take your places, my sisters, and let us begin the Holy Fingering. Come quickly, feminine void!”

  I had to suppress a snicker.

  Yeah, I’m sure SOMEBODY’s feminine void is going to come quickly.

  I was wondering what I should do when suddenly all the naked women in the audience lay down on their mats.

  Holy SHIT…

  In that instant I saw what Heaven looked like.

  Just an unbroken field of gorgeous boobs and pussy.

  With the Eye, it had looked a little different because it had been so far away. Even when Alaria was going down on me, I was seeing everything from a distance. I had been more turned on by the situation than anything else, and my imagination had had to fill in the details.

  But now… now I was in the thick of it, just ten feet away from glory.

  I stood there, awestruck, as the women all parted their thighs. The black-robed figures knelt beside them and placed their fingers between their partners’ legs.

  I had seen plenty of group sex back with the frost elves, but not with the sheer variety of colors and breast sizes and beautiful faces totally unlike each other. I was thankful that my robe sleeves were so long, because I had to hold them in front of my crotch to camouflage the pup tent I was pitching in my pants.

  “BEGIN!” the amazon cried out from her ledge.

  The robed figures begin to move their pointer fingers, and only their pointer fingers. Otherwise they stayed completely still.

  The women on the ground began to moan softly, a low thrum of building arousal. Within a few seconds some began to writhe and cry out, whipping their heads back and forth as their faces twisted in the throes of ecstasy.

  The more women who began to cry out, the more it excited the others. Soon there was a whole chorus of screams and sobs.

  God DAMN I wanted to whack off –

  Until I felt a rough poke between my shoulder blades.

  “You!” a voice hissed angrily behind me.

  I turned around in a panic, and bowed low enough that my face couldn’t be seen beneath my hood.

  It was another woman in a black robe. She jabbed me again, this time in the arm.

  “There are supplicants in need of stroking!” she whispered in irritation. “And here you stand, your finger idle!”

  I almost raised my head in shock, then caught myself at the last second.

  “M-me?!” I said in my normal voice, then coughed and spoke in a falsetto. “You want me to – ”

  “Yes! Over there!” she snarled, and pushed me off through the crowd of women.

  I stumbled between the rows of naked bodies, freaked out as hell, but unable to take my eyes off all the writhing female flesh. As soon as I passed one naked woman – her gorgeous, ample boobs jiggling as she came – another one entered my sight, with firm breasts, hard nipples, and a face contorted in ecstasy.

  Then another, and another, and another.

  Everywhere I looked, women were clutching their breasts and pinching their nipples as their bodies quivered and thighs trembled in bliss.

  I thought I was hot underneath my robe – but the elves’ bodies were literally pouring with sweat. Gorgeous tits dappled with beads of perspiration. Angelic faces flushed as they moaned and sighed and screamed and cried out, “Oh – OH – OH – OHHHHHH!”

  Not just one, not just dozens, but hundreds of women coming all at once.

  I about busted a nut just walking to wherever I was going.

  My destination turned out to be a lone elf sitting up on one elbow, waiting impatiently for – me, I guess?

  She was gorgeous – long and lithe as a dancer, with a face like a supermodel’s. Her skin was robin’s egg blue, with small firm breasts and dark blue areolas, long raven hair spilling down her shoulders, and a thatch of black curly hair between her thighs.

  “Took you long enough,” she hissed petulantly, then laid back, opened her legs, and closed her eyes.

  Now I started to REALLY freak out.

  What the hell was I supposed to do?!

  Well, I mean, I knew what I was supposed to do, but –

  I looked around me on every side and mentally took notes on what the other strokers were doing. Only the pad of their forefingers seemed to move, and no more than half a centimeter –

  “Will you START already?!” the elf at my feet hissed.

  Alright, bitch, keep your panties on, I thought angrily.

  Although I guess they were already off, so that was probably the wrong expression right now.

  I knelt down beside her, trying to use the robed figures in front of me as a reference point, and placed my hand between her thighs.

  Holy shit.

  I know I’d had a lot of sex in OtherWorld over the last several months, but this was the first time I had ever put my hand on a woman’s pussy without knowing her name – or even saying a single word to her.

  I began to stroke with my fingertip.

  “Not so hard,” she growled.

  So I lightened up a little.

  “Ugh – harder than THAT,” she seethed.

  So I went lighter.

  “Have you EVER touched a clit before?!” she griped.

  Jesus, were ALL these women bitches? If so, why? Weren’t they getting laid continually? Or diddled, or –

  “Not THERE!” the elf complained.

  I was touching her clit – what was the fucking problem?

  “The upper left quadrant!” she nagged. “Left – LEFT!”

  Fuck, man, did they have MAPS for this sort of shit?

  I shifted my hand up to the left, away from her clit –

  “Don’t move your finger from the sacred bud, you fool!” she snapped.

  What the FUCK?!

  Did she mean the upper left quadrant of the clit?!

  Could you really have quadrants for something the size of a friggin’ pea?

  By way of contrast, my blue elf had an attitude the size of a pickup truck. “By the Void, you act like you haven’t done this before!”

  I was starting to get pretty pissed at Little Miss Demanding. One more snarky comment – just one –

  “Clumsy oaf,” she muttered contemptuously. “It’s like being stroked by an orc.”

  Okay, that tore it.

  I was going to make this bitch come like she’d never come before.

licked two fingers, eased them inside her, and began stroking her g-spot in a come-hither motion.

  I imagine her eyes bugged out a little bit, though I wasn’t looking at her face. I was just concentrating on giving her the fingerbang of her life.

  “What are you DOING?!” she hissed, sounding more panicked than angry. “That is the Feminine Sacrament, reserved only for the – for the Ceremo – Cere… ohhhhh…”

  I kept stroking, schick-schick-schick-schick, sometimes varying it up. A deep plunge inside her all the way up to my knuckles, or varying the speed from slow to fast, or increasing the pressure of my fingertips.

  Then I licked my other forefinger for lubrication, put it on her clit, and began massaging her hood as I continued to move inside her.

  “WAIT, you’re not supposed to OHHHHHHH,” she groaned, and began writhing along with the rest of them.

  Finally she shut the fuck up.

  Or, I guess more accurately, stopped complaining, since she was making even more noise than before.

  As pissed off as I’d been at her, I have to admit it was pretty fucking hot. She was writhing around on the mat, clutching her tits, sweat pouring off her body in rivulets, her eyes closed shut, thrashing her head back and forth.

  And screaming.

  God DAMN she could scream.

  I’d never had one before, but I was pretty sure this qualified as a hate fuck.

  But, you know… only with your fingers.

  So… a Finger Hate Fuck?

  Suddenly Little Miss Demanding’s entire body arched up, her screams rose to the levels of a banshee’s howl, and a spray of liquid jetted out from between her legs – all over my hand and everybody in a five-foot radius.

  She’d squirted.

  It was like the Splash Zone at Sea World. The first couple of rows got drenched.

  But everybody seemed to love it.

  By ‘everybody,’ I mean all the other naked women who got doused.

  “Ohhhhh!” they moaned as they massaged the droplets into their own sweaty skin.

  “Ahhhhh!” the closest ones cried out as they caught the droplets on their tongues like nectar from the gods.

  And then they ALL started coming even louder.


  It was like being at the zoo when all the monkeys suddenly go… well, apeshit, and start screaming and rattling the cages.

  Although I guess this was the Orgasm Zoo… and the occupants were multi-colored elves.

  I was wondering what I was going to do to follow up the squirting act when the amazon’s voice called out, “AND ALL THE SISTERS CAME AS ONE!”

  Suddenly every naked woman in the place screamed at a crescendo pitch – and then stopped on a dime. Even the strokers.

  I was the only one still going.

  The entire place was so silent that you could hear my fingers going schick-schick-schick-schick like somebody giving a wet, sloppy blowjob in the middle of a prayer service.

  Two dozen angry female elves turned to stare at me disapprovingly.


  I stopped stroking and took out my fingers.



  Then all the women turned their faces back up to the amazon.

  I did, too – and was stunned by the sheer ridiculousness of what I saw.

  The amazon was writhing up on the stage, taking slinky steps and weaving her arms in the air. She shucked off her open robe so that she was completely naked, and continued her wild gyrations and gesticulations.

  It looked like performance art or interpretive dance – but if there was any magic going on, I couldn’t see it at all.

  That didn’t seem to deter the crowd, though. As the amazon came to the end of her wacky performance, she lifted her hands to the sky and shouted, “All hail the Eternal Vulva!”

  Everyone in the crowd – both naked and robed – shouted, “All hail the feminine void!”


  After she’d come down from her religious/mystical/whatever ecstasy, the amazon addressed everyone in the audience. “The next Holy Fingering shall begin in 15 minutes. All hail the feminine void!”

  At which point everybody started moving around and chattering amongst themselves.

  “You didn’t do what you are supposed to do,” the blue elf chided me. “Penetration is only for the Ceremony.”

  There it was again – that ominous mention of ‘the Ceremony.’

  Then the elf’s voice became a syrupy purr. “But I won’t tell. You have remarkably soft hands.”

  I scowled under my hood, but forced myself to say, “Thanks.”

  I watched everyone around me for a clue of what I should do next.

  Most of the naked women were getting up from their mats and stretching. Not my elf, though. She was still luxuriating in her post-orgasmic afterglow.

  All the robed figures stood up, too – and then took off the robes, exposing hundreds more of completely naked women. Beautiful faces, dozens of different colors, huge breasts, small breasts, firm asses, bubble butts, voluptuous curves, long legs, toned arms, landing strips, full thatches of hair, shaved pussies – I was in absolute voyeur’s heaven.

  And then I realize that all the newly naked women were handing their robes over to the ones who had been on the mats.


  I felt a tug at the hem of my robe.

  “Come on, hand it over,” the blue elf said bossily.

  I stood up and jerked away from her. “Um, I have to go do something.”

  “What?! Where are you going?!” the blue elf cried out petulantly.

  I ignored her and sped out of the crowd as fast as I could, weaving through all the naked female flesh, trying not to get distracted by all the fantastic racks on display.

  I made my way over to the war golems and hid behind one of their metal legs. As I was peering out at the crowd, I heard the mocking lilt of a familiar voice behind me.

  “My – what an interesting robe. Wherever did you get it?”

  I froze in terror.



  Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit –

  I debated whether to run right then and there. But before I could –

  “Don’t run or make a scene,” Soraiya warned me in an amused voice. “It would be a shame if I had to blow your cover. Or worse, have the golems blow you up.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, my lady,” I said in a falsetto voice.

  “Then you won’t mind turning around and looking me in the eye, will you.”


  I slowly turned around, keeping my hooded head bowed low.

  Even though I could only see halfway up her legs, it was definitely Soraiya. Her tiny black stiletto shoes and plum-colored skin gave her away.

  “I said, ‘look me in the eye,’” Soraiya ordered, finding it all very funny.

  The gig was up. I cursed those silver moons and stars on the hem of my robe as I tilted my head up to look at her.

  Her yellow eyes squinted in merriment, and her smile was absolutely dazzling. “Oh MY, a boy in our midst!”

  “Are you going to turn me in?” I whispered angrily.

  “That depends.”

  “On what?”

  “On whether we can come to an arrangement. Walk with me.”

  She turned and strolled behind the row of war golems. I hurried to catch up.

  “What do you want?” I asked.

  “You’re just like these elves – no foreplay, you just get right down to it. Very well: I want you to free me from Orlo.”

  “But – you said the other night that he could tell if I attacked you!”

  “Orlo commanded me to tell you that. He knew you would probably offer me my freedom, so he commanded me to refuse it – and he made me give you that cover story about the spell.”

  “So he can’t sense if you’re attacked?”


  I was confused. “B
ut if he commanded you not to ask for your freedom, then how can you ask me to do it right now?”

  Soraiya smirked. “Orlo specifically said, ‘Don’t ask for your freedom when you meet him tonight, and don’t accept it if he offers.’ But it’s not ‘tonight’ any longer.”


  She was playing the ‘letter of the law, not the spirit of the law’ game I knew so well from my first few days with Stig and Alaria. I guess all enslaved demons did it – probably out of resentment towards their masters.

  “Why didn’t you ask me to free you when you first saw me in the orc camp, then?” I asked.

  “I was surrounded by orcs,” she said in a duh tone of voice. “I couldn’t take the chance that one might overhear.”

  “But you agreed to help me get to Dorp! They could have overheard that, too.”

  “I would have told them I was double-crossing you – which I didn’t do, by the way. Someone spotted you, which is why I had to act like I wanted you captured.” Soraiya grew impatient. “We have to hurry. Once Orlo takes payment from Daidonia, we go back home, so I need you to free me now.”


  “Is Daidonia the amazon?” I asked.

  Soraiya frowned. “Amazon?”

  “The tall woman with the athlete’s body.”

  “Yes – the sex witch.”

  “Why hasn’t she paid him yet? He delivered, so what’s the holdup?”

  Soraiya rolled her eyes and gestured dismissively with one hand. “She has refused to pay us until after the ceremony.”

  “That’s the third time somebody’s mentioned the ceremony today. What is it?”

  “Who knows. Some stupid ritual to summon something or other, usher in an age of female domination, blah blah blah. All I know is that it’s happening tonight. So, will you free me or not?”

  “Yes… but I’m going to need something from you first.”

  She smiled bitterly. “You want me to help you kill Orlo.”

  “Capture him, actually. Or at least tell me about any weaknesses he has.”

  “Capture him?! Why not kill him?”

  “Because I need him to put Alaria’s soul back in her body.”

  “I can do that.”

  “…you can?” I asked in shock.

  “Yes – I’ve seen him reverse the experiment a dozen times. I can do it, I know I can.”


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