Succubus 4 (Gnome Place Like Home): A LitRPG Series

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Succubus 4 (Gnome Place Like Home): A LitRPG Series Page 30

by A. J. Markam

  I had just hit mine.

  “He’s a bounty hunter who’s coming to kill Orlo and get his gold!” I whispered frantically, although I was whispering so loud it was more like a quiet scream.

  Since there were 300 women nearby having screaming orgasms, though, I don’t think anybody but Soraiya heard me.

  She stopped pumping me. “What?!”

  I panted raggedly, glad for even the tiniest break. “Yes… swear to God…”

  “How does he know about Orlo’s gold?”

  “I told him…”

  “Did you hire him?”

  “No… he was coming after me… there’s a bounty on my head…”

  “Why did you tell him about Orlo?”

  “I needed to pay him off, and he promised if I told him where to get the money, he’d leave me alone…”

  I left out the part where he lied like a motherfucker, though.

  Soraiya looked up at the horizon. “Where is he?”

  “I don’t know. Somewhere between here and the orc camp.”

  Soraiya got a doubtful look on her face. “He must not be very powerful, if he couldn’t catch you.”

  “The first time he was just toying with me, but we managed to bury him in some quicksand. The second time – ”

  “He survived being buried alive?!” Soraiya exclaimed.

  “Yeah. And the second time, Alaria tricked him and flew away with me. That’s the only reason he didn’t get me.”

  “So he’s powerful?”

  “Very powerful. And that’s all I know, I swear.”

  Soraiya grinned. “Alright… that’ll do nicely.”

  Then she heaved herself up, slipped off my cock, and started to climb off the platform.

  “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” I screamed.

  She smiled nastily. “Why, going to tell Orlo, of course. If I can trade him this information, maybe I’ll get back in his good graces.”

  “You said you would make me come!”

  “Oh, that,” she said with a bored expression. “Fine.”

  She climbed back on top of me, took me in her hand, and slipped me inside her. This time she didn’t pound away, but began slooooowly moving up and down my shaft.

  At the same time, she stared into my eyes – and suddenly I felt the same all-encompassing euphoria she’d hit me with earlier.

  I became more aroused than I had all afternoon – hell, more than I had in my entire life.

  I was suddenly in love with her and every other woman in the world – especially all the elves who had been riding my jock like it was the Sexual Inquisition.

  It was like I was making love to every unrequited crush and ex-girlfriend in my entire life simultaneously – and most of all Alaria.

  Alaria – oh, Alaria – OH –

  “ALARIAAAAAAAA!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, transported beyond all sanity or rational thought.

  And I came.

  Actually, ‘came’ doesn’t do it justice.

  It was like somebody had crashed a car into a fire hydrant and now a fountain fifteen feet high was blasting into the air.

  Like the Bellagio Hotel if all those synchronized water spouts were combined into one.

  Like Niagara Falls if it suddenly got reversed and shot up into the air.

  Soraiya got a surprised look on her face. “By Dagoth’s tits – ”

  “AAAAAAAAAAAAH!” I screamed, every ligament and muscle in my body straining.

  But all I could think of was Alaria.

  It lasted about 15 seconds – 15 seconds of mind-blowing explosions – and then finally petered out, leaving me gasping and groaning and beyond sated.

  “Goddess,” Soraiya muttered as she pulled herself off me, “I’ve never felt THAT much spurt up there before.”

  “Ah… ah… ah…” I panted, a look of blissed-out stupefaction on my face.

  Daidonia stormed over and demanded, “Did you give him release?!”

  “It was an accident,” Soraiya said in a surly voice.

  “It should not have been possible!”

  Soraiya shrugged. “I’m a succubus. I was probably a little too much for him.”

  “Well,” Daidonia said grimly, “at least he’s still erect.”

  My eyes bugged out.


  I looked down at my crotch. Sure enough, ‘Little Ian’ was still standing at attention.

  “Next!” Daidonia yelled, and another elf crawled up onto the platform and straddled me.

  “NOOOOO!” I screamed in panic.

  Soraiya leaned over and whispered in my ear. “You can’t say I didn’t fulfill my end of the bargain.”

  I could hear the smirk in her voice.

  Then she turned and walked away, her tail twisting in the air.

  “No-ho-ho-hoooo!” I bawled as the hottie on top of me began to bob up and down, and the torture started all over again.


  After seven hours of an elf gangbang with me as the bangee, the sun began to set – and Daidonia decided to take my act on the road. She had her followers rig the platform to a set of wheels, and a team of naked elves used ropes to haul me up the side of the volcano. As they pulled me along, a series of women rode me one after the other until they came. Then they would climb off and make way for the next religious nut.

  Of course, I still couldn’t nut at all.

  Daidonia led the procession and directed all the naked elven babes to cry out, “All hail the feminine void!” every couple of minutes.

  The golems followed close behind, their two-ton feet crushing the rocks in their path to dust.

  After an hour-long trip up the side of the volcano – during which the heat only intensified, and sweat poured off me in buckets – we finally reached the rim of the cauldron. There was a wide, natural platform that circled the cone. Forty feet below us, glowing magma bubbled in slow motion and gave off both orange light and hellish heat.

  I’m sure that in real life being that close to lava would have killed us within seconds, but hey – this was a video game. It was intensely unpleasant, but looked totally bitchin’.

  Daidonia shouted orders, and the golems arranged themselves at regular intervals around the circle, like the hour markers on a clock. The naked women circled the volcano, too, chanting and masturbating the entire time.

  My platform was tilted so that I was almost in a standing position. I could see the fiery lake below me like something out of a fundamentalist Bible thumper’s wet dream. At least no elves were fucking me at the moment, which was a plus – even if I was on hour eight of an excruciating boner.

  As I lay there hoping they would cast me into the lava (so that I could get the hell away from these religious sex freaks and resurrect back at my gravesite), Orlo waddled over to me.

  “Well, well, well!” he chuckled. “I’m sure that right about now you’re regretting your decision to enter my lair!”

  I ignored the jibe. I could’ve gotten into a verbal pissing match with him, but the last eight hours had been bad enough. I really didn’t need him devising other ways to make my life miserable.

  I heard a quote once that said, If you think things can’t get any worse, that’s simply a failure of imagination. I’ve taken it as a personal motto ever since.

  Instead, I tried to pry some information out of him. “What the hell is going on?”

  He shrugged. “They’re going to do some asinine ritual using their ‘sex magic.’”

  I could hear the air quotes and contempt in his voice as he said it.

  “Everybody keeps saying these guys are harmless – but what if they’re not?” I asked. “What if they bring something up out of that volcano, huh?”

  “Then I will be the first to congratulate them if they do!” Orlo sneered. Then he frowned. “…what do you mean by ‘everybody’? Who is ‘everybody’?”

  “Alaria, Soraiya – ”

  “When did you talk to Soraiya?” he snapped.

  I wondered if I sho
uld try to throw her under the bus again by talking about how she had wanted to betray him. I weighed the pros and cons in my head as fast as I could, but Orlo could tell what I was doing.

  “I’m not interested in your best invention! I want the truth!” He raised one hand, and crackling black fire danced in his palm. “When did you talk to her?”

  I had undergone enough torture to last me for a while, so I ceased the calculations and just gave it to him straight. “When she found out about Shyvock.”

  “Shyvock?” he asked, perplexed. “Who or what is Shyvock?”

  I stared at him, utterly dumbfounded.

  What the hell was Soraiya playing at?

  “You mean she didn’t tell you?”

  “Would I be asking you if she’d told me? NO! Who or what is Shyvock?!”

  “He’s a bounty hunter who’s after me because I have a price on my head.”

  “Oh,” Orlo said, and snuffed out the fire in his hand. “Well, I’m certain you wish he’d caught you right about now!”

  Not at this particular moment, I thought, but for most of the last eight hours, HELL yes.

  “Soraiya said she was going to tell you about him.”

  Orlo shrugged. “Must have slipped her mind.”

  “You don’t care?”

  “Why would I?” the gnome smirked. “After the elves are through with you, the bounty hunter can have you for all I care!”

  So Orlo knew nothing about the unstoppable force currently barreling towards him in search of his gold.

  What the hell is going on here?

  I thought about telling him the truth, but what good would that do me? Orlo wasn’t going to let me go even if I helped him out, and Shyvock was my best chance at taking him down.

  Then I thought about asking him where Soraiya was, but that could potentially open a whole new can of worms.

  So I changed topics.

  “Why are you doing this?” I asked.

  “What, selling my war golems? For the money, of course! I’m using the proceeds to fund my next great venture – one that will make me a thousand times more gold!”

  “What’s that?”

  “Dungeon core crystals!” he cackled.

  “…dungeon core crystals?”

  I’d heard of dungeon cores before. Certain dungeons were supposedly sentient, and were controlled by a consciousness contained within a crystal. It was the stuff of weird Korean fan fiction that had made its way into OtherWorld scenarios.

  “How are you going to get rich on that?” I asked.

  “Do you know how much money commercial dungeons pull in?!” Orlo cackled.

  “I know that people get a lot of gold out of them – ”

  “No, no, no, you’re not thinking of the BIG picture! Consider the local economies: all the shops and inns and tradesmiths that rise up around a dungeon! It’s a gold-minting machine – and I’ve discovered the secret to generating the crystals, which formerly only appeared by chance! I sold war golems simply to fund my dungeon core business!”

  I was about to ask another question when Daidonia walked up, her open robe doing absolutely nothing to cover up anything but her arms.

  “Gnome,” she said imperiously, “I need you to perform the transfer of power now. Direct your war golems to follow my directions, and only my directions.”

  “Of course,” Orlo agreed. “AFTER I get paid.”

  “I told you, I will not pay until after the Ceremony is over.”

  “Then you don’t get control of my war golems! I’m not going to hand over the goods before you pay for them! What kind of idiot do you take me for?”

  I saw the struggle on Daidonia’s face. I’m sure she wanted to answer that, but wisely held her tongue.

  “Very well,” she muttered, and snapped her fingers.

  A naked elf ran over with a jingling bag. Daidonia took it and threw it contemptuously at Orlo’s feet. “There. Now give me what I’ve paid you for.”

  I could tell Orlo was steaming, but he only muttered under his breath as he dumped the bag out on the rocks in front of him.

  My eyes bugged out of their sockets. There were hundreds of 100-gold pieces, maybe 50,000 worth. If Orlo had gotten the same from the orcs, he was now in possession of at least 100,000 gold.

  As Orlo counted the coins, Daidonia snapped, “There is no need. It’s all there.”

  Orlo raised a single finger without looking at her, silencing her like a child. I could tell Daidonia wanted to rip his guts out, but she kept quiet until he was finished.

  “Very good, very good,” the gnome grinned. He reached into a bag attached to his belt, pulled out his metal lockbox, put it on the ground, and opened it up. Inside were just as many coins as what lay on the ground in front of him, if not more. He began to scoop the elves’ coins up with his tiny hands and deposit them into the chest.

  “Well?” Daidonia snapped impatiently.

  Orlo straightened up and called out in a loud voice, “War golems – I command you from this point onward to obey Daidonia and only Daidonia! She is your new master now! You are to disregard my commands from this point forward, and obey only her!” Orlo looked at the elf cult leader. “Satisfied?”

  “If they actually do as you commanded them to.”

  “Oh, they will,” Orlo said as he finished scooping the coins into the lockbox.

  “Just to be sure, I would like you to stay for the Ceremony.”

  “No thank you – I’ve spent quite enough time around you and your followers. I’m looking forward to returning home as quickly as possible.”

  Daidonia snapped her fingers again, and the naked elf beside her produced another, smaller bag that Daidonia tossed onto the ground. More gold pieces spilled out onto the rock, and Orlo’s eyes widened.

  “Another 5000 gold if you remain,” Daidonia said. “Just as an insurance policy that everything goes as planned.”

  Orlo picked up the bag, dumped out the 50 gold pieces on the ground, and licked his lips.

  “The customer is always right!” he said cheerfully as he scooped the new coins into the box. “How long do I have to stay?”

  An unsettling smile crept across Daidonia’s face. “Oh, everything should be over within 30 minutes.”

  “Then by all means, I’ll stay,” Orlo said, and bowed as though he were a consummate gentleman.

  “Excellent,” Daidonia said with an obviously fake smile. “Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.”

  Then she turned, shucked off her barely-there robe, lifted her hands to the audience, and cried out, “Let us begin the Ceremony with the final Holy Fingering!”


  All the elves in the congregation reached out their right hands to their neighbor’s crotch. It looked like this was going to be the biggest circle jerk ever recorded by Guinness Book World Records.

  Unfortunately, Daidonia wasn’t going to be joining in the festivities with the other ladies. No, she was going to use me as her holy dildo.

  She backed her trunk up to my junk, seized my cock, inserted it in her doggie style, then began twerking.

  I’d had a long enough break that it was initially pleasurable, although I couldn’t say that I was looking forward to the next 30 minutes.

  Maybe if I was lucky, they would throw me into the volcano at the end of it.

  As Daidonia smacked her ass against my pelvis, she cried out, “All – unh – hail – unh – the feminine void!”

  Amidst their moans of pleasure, the masturbating women all shouted back, “All hail the feminine void!”

  I could hear Orlo mutter to me over to the side, “Not THIS again. I should have just left…”

  Daidonia begin chanting Gregorian monk-style, but instead of Latin words, it was all about Mother Vulva and the Eternal Womb and the mighty Clitosaurus and I don’t know what else. I just tuned it all out and tried to imagine that Alaria was fucking me, and that I was TRYING to not come. Imagining my succubus getting pleasure out of my discomfort made
it somewhat more bearable.

  Everything was going along just as it had for the last eight hours – rising screams of orgasm, mounting wails of pleasure – when suddenly things took a turn for the worse.

  “I beseech thee, oh feminine void!” Daidonia yelled.

  “All hail the feminine void!” the women screamed in ecstasy.

  “Show yourself to us! Come, feminine void! Devour our world!”

  “All hail the feminine void!” the women howled in a frenzy.

  Daidonia threw her hands into the air as she kept on humping me. “As you reach the height of ecstasy, my sisters, make the final sacrifice to summon the feminine void – and throw yourselves into the volcano!”

  My eyes snapped open.

  Say WHAT?!

  Daidonia’s words had the same effect on her followers as they had on me. Five hundred pairs of eyes stared at her from around the rim of the volcano.

  I think you could accurately describe their expressions as, Whuuuuuuut?

  All the screaming and fingerfucking stopped, and understandably so. Being told to commit ritualistic suicide would be a real boner-killer, so I can understand why it would be a real pea-boner-killer, too.

  Daidonia seemed absolutely oblivious to their reaction. She just kept right on pumping me, her sculpted ass slap-slap-slapping up against my crotch. It was the only sound, other than the bubbling of the lava down in the pit.

  “We are prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice!” Daidonia cried out to the night sky. “Grace us with your presence as we give you not only our holy sexual energy, but our lives! Jump, my sisters, that you may birth the greatest possible good: the feminine void herself!”


  The sex cult was actually a sex and death cult – unbeknownst to its members, apparently.

  Maybe this was high literature after all.

  The women started looking around at each other and murmuring. I couldn’t exactly make out what they were saying, but I’m fairly sure the conversations went something like this:

  What the fuck did she just say?


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