Book Read Free


Page 5

by Alexa Riley

  “This will be our room,” he tells me.

  “Ours?” I ask. “I said I wasn’t — ”

  “You will sleep in the bed with me every night I’m here.”

  The look he gives me says this isn’t up for debate. Then ridiculously, I wonder how many nights a week can he be home.

  “There are clothes in the closet.” He points over to a door. “The bathroom is there.” He points to another set of double doors. “Freshen up. I’ll be back in a few minutes to collect you for dinner.”

  He steps toward me, leaning down, and I know he’s coming for a kiss. I jump back from him, and his nostrils flare. I can tell he doesn’t like my response.

  “I’ll never hurt you,” he tells me, but I don’t respond.

  There isn’t anything to say. He can say that all he wants, but he’s kidnapped me. He might not physically hurt me, but only time will tell his true nature.

  He takes a deep breath and runs a hand through his hair. “You’ll see in time. Now do as I say. I know you must be hungry.”

  With those words, he turns and leaves. I hear a lock click into place, and I rush over, trying the knob. Nothing happens. It won’t open. I drop my head against the door.

  “Crap,” I sigh in defeat.

  I turn around, putting my back to the door, and look around the room. It’s really beautiful. The walls are a deep blue with thick white trim and crown molding. The carpet is pure white, but what keeps catching my eye is the bed. It looks like it’s carved out of wood, and I wonder how anyone got it up here. It’s covered in thick gold fluffy blankets that make me want to jump and land on it just to see how far I can sink down into it.

  Shaking that thought away, I make my way toward the closets. When I open the door, I’m surprised to see something the size of another room. This can’t possibly be a closet. There are clothes in it, but it’s bigger than three of my apartments.

  I step inside, glancing around at the shelves and racks of clothes that line the walls. Every available surface being used to hold expensive-looking clothing. One side of the room houses tailored suits and the other is full of women’s clothing.

  I wonder if he keeps a bunch of different sizes for the women he entertains so he always has something ready if they need it. The thought makes me want to throw up. Being one among many is disgusting to me, and then thinking about being passed along after he gets bored is even worse. On to his next angel, as he calls me. I wonder if he calls all his women that so he doesn’t have to remember their names. I’m sure it’s easier that way.

  My aunt used to do that. She’d call everyone babe so she never had to remember anyone’s name or look stupid when she couldn’t recall one. It’s something that has always stuck with me. So much so that I make an effort to always remember everyone’s name.

  I shuffle through the clothes to check the tags on them. They’re all in my size. I walk over to the shoes and pick one up to see they’re also my size. Everything looks beautiful. More beautiful than any clothes I’ve ever touched before. Maybe that’s why I haven’t heard from him in a few weeks. He was probably getting my little prison ready for me. Maybe even kicking out the last girl who was in here. If there was someone else here before me, there has to be a trace of her. Right?

  Leaving the closet, I walk toward the bathroom. Everything is pure white and covered in marble. Double sinks are set in the center of the far wall off. One of them is a vanity, and I walk over to it, opening the drawers. It’s filled with makeup and perfumes and a few things that I don’t recognize. I open some of the boxes and they all look brand new. Next I go over to the giant shower and look in. I freeze when I see the strawberry shampoo and conditioner there. I use strawberry shampoo and conditioner, but it’s the store brand. It’s far from anything fancy and looks out of place here.

  Exiting the bathroom, I go for the nightstand. I start with the one that has books sitting on it. I walk over and pick them up, freezing when I see they are by my favorite author. I don’t have a ton of books because I can’t afford them, so most of the time I just reread my favorites. Setting the book back down with care, I open the nightstand, but it’s empty inside. I make my way over to the other one, but it’s empty, too. This room almost feel like it’s never been used before. Everything in here seems new, or maybe he just has really good cleaners.

  Glancing around, my eyes go to the thick gold drapes. I rush over toward them and pull them back. They feel like they weigh more than me as I move them along the bar to get them out of the way. A balcony. I grab the door handle, but it doesn’t open. Frustrated, I pull a little harder, but still nothing. I look down and see a keyhole. It’s an antique lock, like one where you’d normally just leave the key in it at all times.

  I want to throw myself on the bed and stay there, with no intention of getting ready for wherever he wants me to go. I have no idea where I’m coming up with the balls to poke a kingpin, but maybe it’s because I feel like I have nothing to lose. Or maybe a part of me knows he isn’t going to hurt me and I want to push a little. Then a forbidden thought creeps in and I remember his dirty threat to spank me. I try to push away the memory, but that one won’t leave me. I shouldn’t trust him. Just like I shouldn’t have let him take me so easily today. Or felt relief when I opened my door and saw him.

  I seriously have no survival skills.

  My rambling thoughts stop when I notice a door that Salvatore didn’t mention. I walk around the bed toward it, wondering if maybe it’s another way out. Not that I could escape even if I got out of this room. But like always, curiosity gets the best of me and I have to know what’s behind it.

  When I turn the knob, the door opens, and excitement flutters through me. Slowly I peek my head inside. When I see what it is, I swing the door open and step in. It’s a baby’s room. The room is decorated in a zoo animal theme. The bottom of the wall is painted to look like a jungle, and the top is a blue sky with birds flying around. The room is set up like at any moment a baby is going to fill it. It has everything it might need. I spin around, taking it all in. A crib, bassinet, changing table, swing, even a car seat sits in the corner.

  “Oh my god.” He has a baby. Then it hits me. Maybe he even has a wife. It’s like a punch to the stomach. All the air leaves my lungs. I don’t know why I never thought about that. I can’t recall if I saw a ring on his finger, but maybe he’s one of those husbands who doesn’t wear one. I’m not sure why I find this so shocking or why it’s cutting me so deep. My hand goes to my mouth where he kissed me, and I swear I can still feel him there.

  It becomes clear to me now why I’m here. Why I probably work so well to suit his needs. He wants me to be his mistress. To be kept away and no one will ever find out about me. His dirty little secret. For all I know his wife even lives in the house and I’m just in a separate wing. The house looks big enough for that to be possible. Why does that thought disgust me more than when I saw him kill a man?

  Chapter 7


  When I walk back into the room, I find Thea on the bed with her head in her hands. When she hears me enter, she looks up and there is pain and anger all over her face. I close the door behind me and take a step toward her, wondering who could have hurt her in the short time I was away.

  When I move closer, she stands up from the bed and glares at me with so much hate. It’s then I realize her pain has been caused by me. Somehow from the time I left to the time I came back, I’ve done this to her.

  “Tell me what happened and I’ll make it right. I’ll fix whatever is wrong.” I stretch my arms out, palms up, but her expression changes to disgust when she looks at my hands.

  “Don’t come near me.” She crosses her arms and raises her chin in challenge.

  “What do you think will happen if I do?” I ask, taking a step forward. I want to see just how far she will take this.

  “I don’t want you to touch me.” She refuses to look at me when she speaks.

  “All right. Let’s say for a s
econd I don’t touch you. Will you tell me what’s wrong then? Or is this one of those woman things where you say fine when you’re really not?”

  Her eyes snap back to mine, and I can’t help but smile at the look she gives me. If she could shoot fire out of her eyes, I’d be a pile of ashes.

  “We don’t have time for you to explain to me why you’re definitely not angry right this second.” I walk over to the closet and grab the first gown in the front. It’s a metallic gold that will shine off every curve. “I told you to get ready, but obviously you were too busy being not angry to do it.”

  I walk over to the bed and lay the dress down on it. I look up and give her a wink, but she rolls her eyes at me.

  “Put the dress on, angel.”

  “Why do I have to put on something so fancy for dinner?” Her eyes rake over my body and I ache to pull her close again, to press every curve against me, but instead I wait. “Why are you wearing a tuxedo?”

  “You’re going to accompany me to a charity gala. It’s black tie, so we have to dress formal,” I answer, leaning against the post on the bed, watching her every move.

  “You don’t have anyone else you can take?” She sounds bitter, and I don’t fucking like it.

  “There’s no one I’d rather be with than you. So either you put the dress on, or I do it for you.” My words are final, and there is no room for talking back. I let them hang in the air and allow her to weigh her decision.

  For a moment, I think she’s going to fight me on it. But something clicks in her mind and she goes from pissed off to devious. My cock shouldn’t get hard at the thought of what she might do next, but I don’t seem to have any control over him.

  “What are you going to do, spank me?”

  She throws my own words back at me, and though she means them to be a weapon, I see the desire in her eyes.

  “If that’s the way you want it,” I say, pushing from the bedpost and walking over in front of her. “You don’t have to get mad at me to get what you want.”

  My words are heavy between us as I inch closer to her. The hurt and anger in her violet eyes fall away and I watch as she nervously licks her lips. I grasp her waist and slowly bring her body against mine.

  “How about I spank you just because I want to, and if you like it, it can be our little secret.” Her cheeks flush with color, and I lean down, trailing my lips across her cheek and to her ear. “I’ll never tell anyone just how wet it gets you.”

  I move my hand from her waist to the front of her jean shorts and I unbutton them. My lips brush down her neck and back to her ear as I slowly push them off her ass and let them fall to the floor. Then I reach for the edge of her shirt and glide it up her stomach and over her breasts. I look into her eyes as she raises her arms, and I pull off her shirt, tossing it on the floor with her shorts.

  Reaching around her back, I unclasp her bra and then slowly drag it down her arms, revealing her round tits with hard rosy nipples. The blush from her cheek travels down to her chest, and I see her arms twitch to cover herself. But before she can do that or change her mind, I sit down on the bed and pull her over my lap in one quick motion.

  I sit at an angle so the upper half of her body is over one of my legs and resting on the bed. Her pussy is pressed right against my cock, and I stare down at the pale blue cotton that’s covering her ass. Her rounded cheeks are lily white, and I tug her panties up her ass so I can have more of them to spank.

  “You don’t have any idea how beautiful you are, do you, Thea?” I run one large palm from the base of her neck all the way down her spine. I take my time, touching her soft skin and memorizing each dip and peak. “You are truly magnificent.”

  I feel the shaky breath leave her lungs as I rub her ass cheek, then use both hands to squeeze them. Her delicate skin begins to turn a light shade of pink from this simple touch. My cock is aching to rub against it, too, begging for a release I have no intention of giving it.

  “Spread your legs.” My voice is deep, and I’m a dog on a leash rushing against my restraints. I don’t know if I’ll be able to hold myself back.

  There is only a moment of hesitation before she does as I ask. She presses her thick thigh harder between my legs, and I groan out loud. She moves her other thigh as far away from me as she can while still remaining on my lap.

  “Perfect,” I say, looking down at the dewy wet spot she’s already created against her panties. “Stay still, angel.”

  The first smack to her ass is soft but warms her skin into a dark shade of pink. She doesn’t cry out but instinctively raises her ass just a bit more for me to do it again. I place my hand on her back and I can feel her breathing pick up, but this time there are no nerves, only want.

  I give her two more, one on each cheek, and lick my lips. I don’t know if I can stop myself if I keep going.

  She wiggles against me, and I have to grit my teeth to keep from leaning down and biting her ass. I want to push her thighs apart and taste the sweet honey between her pussy lips.

  “More?” I ask as my hand trails over her cheeks and to her panty-covered pussy. Wet cotton greets my eager fingertips, and I rub her there. When she moans and nods, I bring the fingers to my upper lip and rub them there. I want the smell of her cunt on me while I do this. It will be the only thing to give me some relief.

  I don’t count each spank as I go from cheek to cheek. But the longer I do it, the more her hips move against me. Rising up as I come down, trying to rub her pussy against me to get her off. Her face is turned toward me, and I see the sweat around her hair. Her hands are gripping the bedspread and I can’t stand it any longer. The sight of her so turned on and on the edge of climax is enough to put me six feet under.

  After one final smack, I grab the edge of her underwear and rip it off her, throwing the scraps on the ground. I plunge two fingers inside her soaking wet cunt as my thumb goes to her clit and rubs her in fast circles.

  “Salvatore!” she screams as she arches up and then falls back to the bed.

  I work her hard and fast, her pussy clenching me as her orgasm is like a tidal wave and takes her over the edge. There is no stopping the pleasure that’s hitting her, and she shouts in both pleasure and fear as it drowns her.

  I’m a man with many sins on my shoulders, so there was never any stopping this. Stopping me. I’m on my knees on the floor behind her, spreading her legs and replacing my fingers with my mouth before she can finish her climax.

  The taste of her sweet peachy cunt as she pushes back against my face is heaven on earth. My tongue is working her pussy from behind, and I grip her thighs with my hands, wanting her to sit down on me. I want to smother myself in her pleasure and have her juices run down my chin.

  Her body tenses and she tries to pull away from my mouth as another climax approaches. But I growl against her and hold her tighter, imprisoning her in passion.

  “Don’t you dare take your pussy away from my mouth. You’re under the mistaken impression it belongs to you. But that’s not the case anymore.”

  I bite the inside of her thigh, and she shouts my name again as the next orgasm hits her.

  I love her clit, licking it in long slow strokes. It slows down the frenzy that had taken over her body and allows her to relax against the bed. As I get the last few tastes of her pussy, I force myself to sit back and stand up.

  I reach over and grab the dress I tossed on the bed, then kneel back down at her feet and slide them into it. I wiggle it up her thighs and over her ass before I make her stand up while facing away from me so I can pull the strapless gown up her body. When I get it around her chest, I reach round to her front and cup each breast before putting them into it. I kiss her bare shoulder as I zip it up and then hold her back to my front. I wrap my arms around her waist and bury my nose in her hair, breathing in her strawberry scent.

  “Can you manage your own shoes, or do you need me to do those, too?” I ask, kissing down her neck.

  There’s a shyness to her voice as she
shakes her head and then answers me. “I think I can manage.”

  “Let me dote on you a little longer,” I say as I turn her around in my arms and then sit her down on the bed.

  I walk over to the closet and reach down to grab the shoes that go with the outfit. When I get back to the bed, I kneel down in front of her and pick up one delicate foot. I kiss the top of it before sliding the shoe on, then give the second the same treatment.

  When I look up, I see that the look of anger and frustration from earlier is gone, and now in its place are questions and confusion.

  “Later, angel. We’re running late,” I say, reading her mind.

  She opens her mouth to say something but then closes it.

  I stand up and hold out my hand, waiting for her to put hers in it. There is only a second of hesitation before she slips her small palm in mine. I wrap my fingers around hers and pull her from the bed, wrapping my arm around her waist.

  I hold her close as we leave the room and then the house. She doesn’t say a word the entire ride, but I can practically hear the questions forming in her head.

  Just before the limo comes to a stop, I lean over and kiss the spot just under her ear. “Patience,” I whisper as I nibble on her earlobe.

  Chapter 8


  I wrap my arm tighter around Salvatore as we make our way into the grand ballroom. There was a red carpet and photographers set up outside. I didn’t have my hair done or any makeup on, but Salvatore looked at me like I was the most beautiful thing in the world.

  I guess I’ll just go for sexy bedroom look, since that’s exactly what I appear to be sporting. Somehow, without me even knowing what happened, I forgot all about the other women and babies this man might have and threw myself across his lap while he spanked me then ate me out.


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