Book Read Free


Page 22

by K. S. Adkins

  “He’s stomping outside to take Boner for a walk; proceed.”

  So I do. In detail, smiling and swooning during the entire thing. I wish words could describe how amazing it was, but I think I do a good job of making my point with key words.

  Venessa sighs into the phone and tells me, “I’m so fucking glad you’re safe. Damn. Bar fights, tazing, jail time, thugs, and Rafe? I think I’m jealous. My life is boring. That was seriously hot, yeah?”

  “Yeah,” I say, sighing like a teenager.

  “Glad we talked it out. On that note, I’ve got someone I’ve gotta do.”

  “Love you, V.”

  “Love you too, brawler.”

  Disconnecting, I turn back to my Vernor’s, look up, and see Jonas walking bow-legged toward the kitchen. And yes, that’s seriously fucking hot.

  “Mornin’, Princess,” he says, kissing me on the mouth. “Mornin’, kid,” he says, kneeling down and kissing my belly.

  “Sleep well?” I ask.

  “Best I’ve ever slept,” he says. “Still have your taste in my mouth, Princess.”

  “Oh,” was all I could seem to manage. I’ve never had anyone like the way I taste before. The men in my past treated oral sex as a chore, but not Jonas. He acts as if it was a privilege.

  “Got nothing else to say?”

  “Thank you?”

  “No, Princess,” he says, grabbing my chin to kiss me again “Thank you.”

  I felt my face heat up, followed my belly clenching in a good way. I’ve said it before; he never ceases to surprise me. He grabs a cup then settles in next to me. Moving his chair closer to mine he puts his hand on my belly again, and I blush even harder, and my belly totally drops. Just like that, I want in his lap. So that’s what I do. Setting my drink down I make the move to straddle his lap. Setting his own cup down he grabs my ass and starts moving me back and forth over him. One thing I will say about pregnancy, when I’m not chucking or crying, I’m wicked horny.

  “Fuck, Princess,” he says, kissing my neck. “Gonna have to take a rain check for now. You need to get dressed. We got someplace to be in two hours.”

  “We do?” I ask, rubbing myself all over him. Two hours? I only need two minutes.

  “I know what you’re thinking, and yeah, we do. Go grab a shower, I’ll make you two breakfast.” Kissing me hard, he stands me up, walks over to the fridge, and does just that, makes us breakfast. Doing as he suggests, I make my way upstairs to shower, secretly excited about whatever he has planned two hours from now. If I know Jonas, I’m going to like it a lot.

  Undressing and waiting for the shower to warm I stare at myself in the mirror. I look like a woman loved. I look even closer and notice my stomach is showing the pregnancy. Not that you’d notice with certain clothes on, but it’s just enough to look like I ate too much. Rubbing my hands over the bump, I fight back tears. This kid is going to be loved well and hard. Jonas and I are going to give this kid everything. For once in my life, I am looking forward to my future.

  I am looking forward to my family.

  With her upstairs showering, I whip up the only breakfast I can manage. Eggs, toast, and sausage. While it cooks, I call Rogan to get everything in place. He assures me to calm the fuck down, he’s handled it. That settled, I ask about the leads we were looking into, and still we have nothing. I feel like there’s a countdown happening, and I can’t do shit to stop it. There are just too many variables and my attention is in too many places. Rogan wants me to focus on Macy and my kid and let him and Venessa handle the rest, but fuck, I’m a detective. This is what I’m trained to do. But he’s right, keeping her safe is the most important job I have right now, so I’ll trust them with it.

  Serving the food up, I grab her a glass of water, set out her huge vitamins that I hope she doesn’t choke on because damn … Then I call up to her to let her know she needs to come eat; she yells back she’s coming, and damn if that doesn’t get my cock swollen.

  She practically floats into the kitchen wearing my shirt and nothing else. No makeup, damp hair, and her big black-rimmed glasses make my cock swell even more. Fuck me, but smart is sexy.

  Pulling her chair out, she smiles up at me and digs in. I love watching her eat. Every couple of bites she closes her eyes and smiles, and finally I snap. I can’t just sit here I have to touch her.

  Dropping her fork, she immediately wraps her legs around mine, grips my shirt, and pulls my mouth down to hers. Kissing each other with love and desperation, she’s the first to break away, and I growl, wanting it back. That’s my mouth. I

  t belongs to me. Then I shake my head, telling myself I have to turn this dominance dial down a few notches, but try as I might I can’t, and I also decide I don’t want to.

  She takes a step back, moves the plate out of the way, followed by the silverware, and proceeds to lie back on the kitchen table. When her head reaches the edge she pulls her legs up, spreads them, and places each foot at an edge. What am I doing? Standing there like an idiot. She’s a goddamn buffet, my buffet. All I can eat, and turns out I’m hungry.

  “How’d you know I was starving, Princess?”

  “I always know when my Captain’s hungry,” she says, touching herself “Take it out and touch it for me, Jonas. I want to watch you get off, and I’ll do the same.”

  “I want in there,” I tell her. “Bad.”

  “Later,” she says. “Right now, though, I want to do it this way.”

  Nodding at her, I watch her thin, sleek fingers slide over her wet flesh, and without realizing it I’ve got my cock in an iron grip. She’s watching me, I’m watching her, she’s working faster, I’m working faster, she’s close, I’m close. I’m going to come hard, and I haven’t even finished my coffee yet.

  Suddenly she stops and I literally do growl this time, but then she pushes back to where her head is hanging off the table and she invites me over by crooking a finger. I shuffle over to her with my pants around my ankles. Reaching her hands over her head she drops her head even further then takes me in her mouth. Bracing my hands on either side of her head my eyes cross. She’s sucking me, jerking me, and pinching my balls. Not one to be undone, I lean forward even further and open her to my mouth. Spreading her wide I pull her legs back and start working her with my fingers.

  We work each other like we’ve been doing this for years, not weeks. She knows my needs, and I know hers. She’s gagging and sucking and I’m licking and biting. When her knees tighten on either side of my head I know she’s done, so I thrust into her mouth while playing with my breakfast.

  Within a minute she’s coating my fingers. Then I let go, coating her throat while she swallows me down. Once we both are able to relax I move her head back forward so she doesn’t hurt her neck, then lean down to kiss her mouth in thanks.

  “Now I have your taste in my mouth, too,” she says.

  “One day our kid will be eating at this table; ain’t never looking at it the same again,” I tell her, smiling. “You just gave new meaning to being bare foot and sucked off in the kitchen, Princess.”

  “It’s barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. Help me up,” she says, laughing. “I guess it’s time to go? Or …”

  “I’m getting back in there,” I tell her. “In about four hours.”

  “I’m setting my alarm.” She smiles while actually pulling out her phone to set it.

  Getting her in the truck, we head out, making small talk as usual. She doesn’t know where we’re going, but she lets me lead. I love her for that. Pulling up to the dealership my salesman comes walking out. I roll the window down and he hands me the keys, which I hand to her. Her eyes grew big, so I tell her to hit the alarm button. She does, and the biggest fucking smile I have ever seen takes over her face when she sees the SUVs lights flicker.

  “Is that —?”

  “Yep, wanna go check it out?”

  She doesn’t answer. She just jumps down from my truck before I can get to her door, skips over to her new truck, a
nd jumps in the passenger seat, giggling, touching things, and making her seat move.

  “Get in the driver’s seat,” I tell her.

  “Why?” she asks “I like being a passenger.”

  “Princess,” I explain. “I bought this for you.”

  “For … me?”

  “For you.”

  “Oh.” And then it happens, the waterworks. Getting in the driver’s seat I cradle her, asking what’s wrong.

  “Never had a car before,” she cries. “I know how to drive, I just never had my own … you bought me a … and you didn’t have to … I just love you so much! It even smells new!” she squeals, climbing over onto my lap. I can’t stop smiling, but my salesman looks uncomfortable. Calming her down, I let him know to finish the paperwork, and we’ll be back to get it soon. In the meantime, we have someplace else we need to be.

  My smile won’t leave my face. A new SUV! For me! I keep babbling about it while he drives. I can’t wait until it’s officially mine. He explains it has four-wheel drive, a Bose system, and third-row seats for “Baby shit.” He also says it’s a hot mom truck, and I agree. He totally murdered it out. The whole thing is black on black, and I adore it. He keeps giving and giving and I want to do something for him, too. I just don’t know how to compete with him. He thinks of everything and I feel so selfish, always taking when I want to give back.

  “Why you so quiet all of a sudden?” he asks taking my hand.

  “Just thinking,” I tell him. “You do so much for me. What can I do for you?”

  Just then we pull up to Lush. He says nothing, but gets out and opens my door, helping me down. Taking my hand, we walk in the front, open the second door that leads directly to the main floor, and he turns to me with his heart in his eyes and tells me exactly what I can do for him.

  “You can say ‘I do.’”

  Suddenly there’s light. Once my eyes adjust I notice streamers, balloons and music. Looking around, I see Venessa and Rogan, then I see Max and the Captain, and oh my god! Jules!

  Looking up at Jonas, he looks down and smiles at me while squeezing my hand. Gently pushing me forward, real time kicks in and my heart which I had thought was full is ready to burst. Venessa and Jules meet me halfway and we all laugh, hug, and then I start crying which is par for the course.

  “Jules!” I say, squeezing her, “You’re here! Why are you here?”

  “Seriously?” she says, acting offended. “Let’s see, you tell me for months all about this guy names Jonas, then you get abducted, shack up with Jonas, get knocked up, call me from a hotel heartbroken, then you get engaged, and I decided fuck it. I need to see this shit in person and decided to grab a flight, come here, and marry you two myself.”

  “Marry us?”

  “Got a certificate online and everything.”

  Just then Jonas walks up, wraps his arms around me, and addresses Jules. “Thanks for coming, Jules. It’s good to meet you.”

  “Yeah you, too,” she says. “If you listen to Macy,

  she’s got you pegged as ten feet tall, bulletproof, with god status. You’re a lucky man, detective.”

  “Believe me,” he says. “It’s all true.”

  “Let’s do this thing!” says Venessa. “Max is freaking out the food will get cold, so marry these two already.”

  Jules is a pretty private person, so it caught my eye when Venessa mentioned Max, that Jules would flinch. Did they know each other? I suppose it’s possible; we all grew up here. Max is a few years older than us, but I decide to get tied down first, ask questions later.

  Jules stands on Venessa’s platform which surprises me, because Venessa is territorial, but whatever. Venessa is on my left while Rogan is on Jonas’ right. Max walks up and asks to give me away, and I say yes. The Captain stands off to the side, smiling quietly, and I’m doing my best not to cry.

  Rubbing my belly I listen to Jules recite the vows we are to repeat. She’s extremely smart, so it’s no surprise she had the words committed to memory instead of reading them from paper. She’s talking about the importance of respect, honesty, and fidelity. Then she goes on to talk about raising a family and trusting each other to get through the difficult times ahead. I’m only half listening. I just want to say “I do” and jump on Jonas.

  Sometimes I wonder if Jonas’ lack of filter rubbed off on me, because just as it hit me, I opened my mouth without thinking. “Stop!” I yell.

  Jonas looks ready to hyperventilate, Venessa and Rogan go pale, Max chuckles, the Captain rolls his eyes, Jules narrows her eyes at me with an “are you fucking serious?” look, but I fucked up.

  “Princess?” he asks, concerned.

  “Oh my god, Jonas” I whisper. “I don’t have a ring for you. I thought I had time to get one. I’m so sorry!” I begin, crying immediately. I feel terrible. He does so much for me and something as simple as a ring totally slipped my mind.

  “Thank god,” he whispers, holding me. “Princess, I bought the rings as set. I have one to match yours.”

  “You do?” I whisper. “You really do think of everything,” I say, crying harder.

  “You wanna marry me, Princess?”

  “More than —”

  “Then when the time comes, say ‘I do.’”


  “Carry on,” he tells Jules, rubbing my belly.

  Without missing a beat or laughing at my freak out, she finishes. We both say “I do” with tears and smiles. When she pronounces us Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Rafe, I can’t help it. I yell out a “Woo-hoo!” and put my fist in the air. There is clapping, hugging, and well-wishes, but I only have eyes for my husband. In turn. he only has eyes for me.

  Venessa walks us over to the cake table. We cut it, smear it on each other’s faces, and when a small piece falls down my shirt, he whispers to leave it, that he’ll get it later. Everyone is taking photos of us, which they promise to send to me. Absently, I notice Max and Jules shooting looks at each other, and they are not looks of love or even mild interest. I swear it’s more like hurt. Weird.

  We’re making small talk while Max has the food brought out, and when my phone starts making noise I reach in my bag, pulling it out and handing it to Jonas. My husband is a smart man. He took one look at the phone, then at me and then says, “It’s been fun, thanks for coming, but we gotta go.”

  Picking me up, he carries me to his truck, buckles me in, and hauls ass home. I am so content here in my little world. I have a husband, great friends, a promising career, and a baby on the way. Life is good.

  The next few weeks were complete bliss for us. Watching Macy with Venessa and Jules was hilarious. Hearing stories of the four of them had me holding back tears a few times. The infamous Lina is on a job right now, but from the stories, she makes these three look tame. Word is she the most quiet of the bunch, but I’ll have to see it to believe it. Jules leaves tomorrow, so she’s been staying at the MGM to give us privacy, but the girls have been here all day doing girl shit while Rogan and I try to pull the leads together.

  Last night I filled Macy in on what’s been going on. Initially she was devastated to hear two more girls from her work went missing, but then she became determined. She said she had given it a lot of thought and decided to stop working on the drug and was pulling out of the program. Maybe I am a dick for agreeing with her, but her safety is more important. She wasn’t bitter about it; in fact, she seemed completely okay with it. She’s also going to stay on as a consultant if they’ll let her, so at least she isn’t giving her hard work away. She plans to continue nursing and was happy to be able to help others in that way. Bottom line, she told me our family was more important.

  The thought of her drug getting in the wrong hands terrified her, so once she had made her decision, I supported it. I explained all this to Rogan who agreed it was a smart decision, but the odds of the bad guys giving up looking for it were slim. They knew what it did, they knew how to get it, and because of that, my wife was still a target.

omorrow morning I’m taking her to the lab to clear out her things and to keep watch while she delivers her resignation. In the meantime, I want her to enjoy having her friends here. Seeing her happy makes me happy.

  Looking down I see Boner dry humping my leg. I try shaking my leg out to get him off, but he ain’t letting go. “Dude, call him off, seriously.”

  “That dog don’t listen to no one but Venessa. Just let him finish up; he don’t last long.”

  “Fuck that,” I tell him. “I don’t want your dog coming on my leg. Venessa!” I yell. “Get rid of your Boner!”

  Venessa leaves me hanging, Boner humping, and Rogan laughing. But when Macy walks in I forget all about the leg-humping Chihuahua and stare at my wife. Leaning down she pats the dog’s ass and he instantly let’s go in favor of being held by her. Can’t blame him, really. I wish she was rubbing my fucking belly right now.

  “All better?” she asks.

  “Feeling jealous, Princess.”

  “Aww,” she, says kissing my cheek. “I’ll rub more than your belly later, Captain.”

  “Fuck,” says Rogan. “You’re going to keep her knocked up all the time, ain’t you?”

  “Let’s start with one,” she says, while I say, “Yes.”

  “Ain’t got no problems with that,” he says, smiling. “Looking forward to being an uncle.”

  My wife walks over gives Rogan a hug, and when he hugs her back instead of jealously, I feel peace. He’d protect her when I couldn’t, just like I’d do for him. He’s not a threat; he’s family.

  “You’ll be a kick-ass uncle,” she says, breaking from him. “Nobody would fuck with my kid when you’re around.”

  “Damn straight,” he says, serious.

  “Hey Rogan? What’s your middle name?” she asks, which makes me smile because we talked about this last night.

  “Jackson, why?”

  “Just curious. Have fun boys,” she says, leaving us to manly things.

  “So, RJ, I say, what’s our next step?”

  “Call me RJ again and the next step is breaking your fucking nose.”


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