Battered and Bruised, But not Broken
Page 12
I take the papers and thank him, and leave his office to head down to the HR meeting room. I look for Ell, but he’s not at his desk, so I press on.
Training is painless, but boring as fuck, and is over at noon. I shoot Ell a text letting him know so he meets me in the lobby.
“Did they feed you?” he asks me.
“Nah, but I would have been weirded out eating with a bunch of people I don’t know,” I tell him.
“Okay, let’s go to lunch. Do you need to clock out or anything first?”
“Shane said I start the time-clock thing tomorrow.”
“Sweet, let’s grab a bite and I’ll drop you off at your place before I come back and finish my day.” He brushes his hand against mine and I get chills.
After lunch, he drops me off at the motel then kisses me and heads back to work. I clean up a bit, but realize I’m fucking bored.
Straddling my bike, I wonder if Granny’s home. Maybe I can get started on some things for her. Guess it won’t hurt to check.
As I take a few shortcuts, I pull up outside of her house, seeing her car in the drive.
Slowly, walking to the front door, she opens it before I can even knock.
“Hi, baby. Aren’t you supposed to be at work right now?” She opens the door wider, and pulls me in by the hand.
“They let us newbie’s go at noon. Gotta be there at seven in the morning, so I thought I’d stop by and tackle some of that honey-do list, if that’s okay?”
“I never turn down free help, especially not when it’s wrapped in such a handsome package. Come on in. Want some tea, I just made it?” She winks, tightening the strings on her apron, and walks off so I follow. “Have a seat.” She pulls out a kitchen chair and damn near forces me down in it.
The woman’s got spunk.
“Yes ma’am.”
She pulls two glasses from the cabinet and fills them with ice, before pulling a pitcher from the fridge and filling them up. “Lemon?” she asks and I shake my head yes.
This woman is cooler than fuck.
“I wanted to ask you something, Hunter.” She wraps both hands around her glass.
“Yes, ma’am?” I answer, trying my best to be respectable. “Anything.”
“What are your intentions with my grandson?” She’s serious as the ace of spades right now.
I choke on my drink and start coughing. “You don’t beat around the bush, do you?”
“Nope,” she laughs.
“We’re trying to figure that out.” It’s the best answer I can give her. “I care about him, a lot.”
“You seem a little skittish, like you’re scared of something. Why don’t you tell me about what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours, Hunter?” She blurts that out like this is normal conversation talk.
I’m in over my head right now. I don’t know how to do this family stuff. No one’s ever protected me before, except for Elliott, and it’s all so new.
“Not much to tell, Granny,” I try to dodge the convo.
“You think I was born yesterday, young man? Let me tell you something. I know your pain, I lived it, and I’ll be damned if anyone ever hurts Elliott the way I was hurt. Apparently, the way you were hurt too, it seems.”
My phone vibrates in my pocket and I pull it out to look. It’s Ell, asking if everything’s okay. I can’t do him right now. I’m dealing with Granny, and this woman pulls no punches with anything.
“I wasn’t trying to be insulting, I’m sorry if I came off that way,” I apologize, not even sure what I’m apologizing for yet.
“Then quit beating around the bush, and tell me.”
Just as she says it, I start to tear up, and yawn at the same time.
“Honey, do me a favor, please,” she demands, not asking. “Go down into the basement, and get some sleep. These chores can wait for another day. You’re exhausted, it’s written all over your face. I don’t need to know all the details, yet, that will come in time. All I know is you make Elliott happy, and I’m keeping you around.”
She stands, taking my now, empty cup, and walks to the sink, not even looking back at me. She’s right, but how does she even know this about me?
I walk up behind her, and give her a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you.” Then head downstairs.
As I peel off my shirt, kick my shoes into the corner, and unbutton my pants, I climb into Elliott’s bed, curling the blanket around me. His smell’s all over it, and I love that. Just that quick I’m out, having the sweetest dreams I’ve ever had. They’re not the haunting ones that frighten me every night, they’re peaceful.
Warm hands snake around me.
“Hi, baby,” Elliott whispers in my ear, instantly jerking me to attention.
Yawning, I ask, “What time is it?”
“Almost six at night, how long have you been here?” he asks.
“Since about an hour after you dropped me off. I was going to come help Granny, but she demanded I come down here and rest. You can’t tell that woman no, can you?” I laugh and turn toward him, wrapping my arms around him, so grateful to be able to touch him again. My body craves him, needs him to survive.
“It wouldn’t be a great idea to tell her no, just saying,” he laughs. “I rather like coming home and finding you in my bed, Hunter.”
I take him behind the neck and pull him down to my chest, slipping my hands under his shirt. “Fuck, I love how you feel, Ell.”
“Then show me.”
I love it when he gets like this.
“Boys, time for dinner,” Granny calls down to us.
Total mood kill.
Chapter Sixteen
Argh, I love my Granny, but she just totally cock-blocked me, and now I’m going upstairs with blue balls. But I laugh when Hunter groans, knowing then, I’m not the only one who’s suffering.
Grinding against his leg one more time, I grunt, “Hmph, meet you back here after dinner?”
“You fucking know it,” he says, biting my bottom lip.
After we get things calmed down, shifted, tucked away– however it fits, we head up.
Shutting the door behind us, Granny peers over her shoulder. “Took you two long enough. Ell, set the table. Hunter, drain the noodles for me please.”
She’s in her all ‘business’ mode, so we heed her orders with the utmost precision. I pour us each a glass of sweet tea, and then help them bring the spaghetti fixings to the table.
“Ell, grab the salad and dressing out of the fridge please, love,” she barks, tossing the pasta in with the sauce. She divvies up the plates: pasta, salad, and garlic bread, doling them out one by one before taking her seat.
“Will you boys be around this weekend?” she asks us.
Hunter and I exchange tuned-in looks, and grin.
“I think that can be arranged, Granny. What’s up?” I ask her, knowing full well she intends to have us tackle her ever growing honey-do list.
“I was hoping you boys could help move some stuff around for me? You do the manual labor and I’ll feed ya both.”
“Ha, no worries, Granny. We’ll help you out.”
“You boys are too sweet. Hunter, can you stay for dinner Sunday and meet Elliott’s mom? My daughter, Rose.”
I chance a glance at Hunter, feeling rather nervous and see he’s frozen mid-bite. I hope this isn’t too much for him and he takes off. Having never dated anyone long enough for my mom to meet them, I’m not sure how well this will go with her either.
Hunter swallows hard before answering, “I’ll…um, have to see how the weekend goes. I need to do laundry and stuff.”
Shit Granny, shit Granny, shit Granny, please don’t scare him off.
“You can bring it here and do it while you guys work around the house,” she tells him, obviously not paying attention to the terrified look he’s donned.
“We’ll see,” he mutters.
Not much is said after that. We fini
sh eating and help her clean up before going down to my room. Puttering around in my room isn’t helping alleviate the tension, so I change into gym shorts and start gathering my laundry. Once things are tidied up, I really can’t take the silence any longer.
“So, um, I’m sorry about Granny. I think her filter’s broken.” Nervously, I run my fingers through my curls waiting for Hunter to say something.
“I’ve uh, I’ve never met anyone’s parents before. You’re my first boyfriend,” he says, flipping the Xbox controller around in his hands. Funny thing is, not only is the Xbox not on, but neither is the TV.
“Me either.” I pull a load of laundry out of the dryer, tossing it on the couch beside him to fold. He puts the controller down and starts helping me. “So, no one’s ever met my mom, and we’ve never talked about the whole ‘me being gay’ deal since I came out.”
“Do you think Granny would be mad if I bowed out?” he asks.
“Nah, I’ll talk to her and let her know we need to get a feel for how my mom’s going to take it before we push you out of your comfort zone. During dinner on Sunday, I’ll tell my mom I’m seeing someone that I’d like for her to meet you.”
He nods, agreeing with me.
“I see your bag by the door, are you staying over tonight?” I ask, fidgeting with the collar on the shirt I’m folding and hoping he’s gonna say yes.
“If it’s okay, I’d like to. I kinda like waking up with you.”
“Ooh, someone’s getting sappy,” I tease.
“I’ll show you sappy,” Hunter says, and before I have a chance to run, I find myself trapped between him and the couch. His hand tightly holds the back of my neck, as his lips devour mine making my legs go weak. He grips my ass, thrusting his erection against mine. Gasping for air, I pull my head back while his lips move to my neck, and down to my collar bone before sinking his teeth into my shoulder. Unable to control myself, I come, but I don’t care. I know he’s on a mission and it’s only a matter of time before he’ll make me come again.
“Naughty boy, you came without permission,” he says, smacking my ass. “But I’ve only just begun.”
He stands me up, I grab the back of the couch to try and steady myself. In one predatorial swoop, he removes both our clothes. Regaining my balance, I glance over at him to see he’s stroking himself. The wolfish grin on his face tells me all I need to know– I’m in trouble. Deep, sexually tormenting trouble, and I can’t wait to see what he has in store for me.
Stalking toward me, he closes the gap between us ordering, “Turn around.”
I can barely breathe, but comply.
“So, you think you can come without being told to and not suffer the consequences?”
Not being sure where this is going, I swallow hard nodding my head, ‘yes’.
“Spread ‘em,” he commands, slapping the inside of my thighs as my dick stirs back to life. “Good boy.” He swats my ass hard enough to leave a handprint and I gasp, fully erect now. “Fuck, my handprint looks good on your hot, little ass.” He swats the other side and a bead of pre-come dots my stomach. “There, now they match.”
My eyes are closed, my thoughts betray me as the internal battle within me tries to decipher why I’m so unbelievably turned on by this show of dominance. No one has ever done this to me, not that I’ve had a shit ton of experience, but what the fuck?
He turns and walks away. My visions skewed as the blood has rushed to my dick, so I can’t focus on where he’s going or what he’s doing, and I’m not sure I want to know. This surprising turn of events is intensifying with each passing moment.
“Hmm, what should I do with this ass?” he asks, and I heard the cap on the lube bottle open. “You with me, Ell?”
Breathlessly, I reply, “Fuck yeah.”
He laughs, “Good.”
His cool fingers touch my perineum before trailing upwards toward my entrance. Gasping, I push back, but he only teases, rubbing his lubed finger around the outer rim then up my crack.
“Who owns this ass?” he asks, smacking it again.
My dick twitches in response and I moan, “Ugh, you do.”
“That’s right, baby, I do. Do you trust me, Ell?” Hunter asks, gently rubbing the welt he’s just left.
It tingles and it’s with great restraint that I refrain from reaching down to stroke myself across the finish line. But heeding his previous warning, I know I’ll be in trouble if I do and I don’t want this game to end.
His left hand reaches around my front, giving my cock a couple rough tugs. He moves up, tweaking my nipples before his hand possessively grips my throat. Not in a threatening manner, but in a show of control, which turns me on even more. With his other hand, he grips his cock, dragging the head up and down my crack.
“This belongs to me,” he says, further teasing me.
I try to push back, forcing his entry, but his firm grip holds me in place.
“No, no, no. Naughty boys miss dessert,” he informs me, flipping me around to face him. “I have other ideas for the way this is gonna go down.”
Hunter’s hands slide around to my ass as he hoists me up in the air. Instinctively, my legs wrap around his waist. He slams me against the hallway wall, taking my nipple into his mouth and biting down. The little bud starts throbbing before he sucks it, marking it, as he’s marked my ass. I’m not sure what’s gotten into him, but I don’t want it to go away. I never thought I’d be one for playing this rough, but the way my dick responds tells me, I’ve been missing out.
Within seconds, one of his fingers breaches my entrance. I lay my head against the wall as he thrusts another finger in, hitting my prostate repeatedly and I find myself babbling incoherently.
“Ugh… ah…Hun…” are the only syllables my shattered mind can muster.
I feel him smile against my neck before biting down, holy fuck. I’m on the verge of coming again, and he must sense that as he places a firm grip at the base of my cock.
“Not yet, babe, not until I’m buried balls deep inside you, fucking you into the drywall.”
His fingers thrust inside me a few more times before withdrawing, leaving me with a feeling of emptiness. I open my eyes as he draws my bottom lip inside his mouth.
“You’re cute when you pout,” he says, with a wink. His gaze turns intense as he reaches down, positioning his sheathed cock at my entrance. “You ready for me?”
Nodding, I bite down on my bottom lip. In one fell swoop, he pushes in, all the way to the hilt. I gasp, releasing more pre-come. He looks down at the shiny mess on my stomach.
“Hmm, baby likes it rough.”
He runs his finger through it, licking them clean before bracing my hands above my head. He pulls out and thrusts back inside with more force this time. My legs are locked around his waist, glued in place, as he literally fucks me into the wall.
“Fuck, Ell, your tight ass is eating me alive. I’m gonna come.”
“Ugh, right there. Can’t...hold…back…” I mumble.
“Come with me, baby. Now,” he directs and on that note, I explode, blasting both our chests and feel him throbbing inside me, filling the condom.
We slide down the wall, still wrapped together. I land on his lap and feel him softening and falling out. Breathlessly panting, he pulls me against his chest. My arms wind round his neck as we hold one another tightly, no words are said knowing we own each other. Heart, mind, body and soul.
He starts laughing.
“What’s so funny?” I ask.
“I’ve uh, never uh, well never played such a dominate roll with anyone before,” he tells me.
“Good?” He looks at me, quizzically.
“That tells me you’ve never felt the need to own someone or truly give yourself to another.” I kiss him.
“Fuck, Ell, it’s like you’re in my fucking head. You’re the only person who’s ever really gotten me.”
“Hopefully, I’m the only one who’ll ever need to.” The kiss
he gives me speaks volumes, telling me he’s truly mine. “Come on, let’s shower. We’ve made quite a mess.” I laugh.
After showering, we fall into our respective places in bed.
“I love you, Hunter,” I whisper, thinking he’s dozed off already.
“I love you too, baby,” he says, squeezing me tighter against him.
Over the next few weeks, we rarely spend any time apart. Carpooling to work, spending most nights at my house although from time to time, we sleep at his motel. Little by little, his belongings find their way to my house, so we decide to start looking at apartments. Hoping to find our first place together.
One Sunday afternoon, we’re having lunch with Granny after mowing the lawn and trimming the bushes. We’re both drenched with sweat from the hot, humid ass Houston summer day when Granny shocks the hell out of us.
“You boys are looking pretty cozy lately,” she says.
Not sure where she’s going with this, I take a big drink of my iced tea. “Um, ya.”
Hunter has been spending a lot of time at our house and I hope she isn’t mad about it. It’s costing him too much to keep staying at the motel, but I’m not sure how to broach the apartment subject with Granny. We’ve been each other’s rock for so long that it feels like I’m abandoning her.
“Ya’ll gonna move in together?” she asks.
Hunter chokes on whatever’s in his mouth, so I reach over, and pat his back.
“We’ve been talking about it, and looking at apartments. Seems stupid for him to keep spending all his money on a motel.”
“Motel? Boy, you’ve been staying at a motel this whole time?” she spits, incredulously.
I look over at Hunter and if looks could kill, I think he would’ve just shot daggers my way. “Um, yeah,” he responds.
“I have an idea,” she tells us.
We look at each other, clearly nervous about what she’ll say next. You never know what this woman is thinking or what her unfiltered mouth will spill.
“This house is too big for me,” she continues, “so, I was thinking, that is, if this old lady doesn’t cramp your style, maybe Hunter could move into the basement apartment with you, Ell.”