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Healing Bear: A BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Love Laid Bear Book 3)

Page 2

by Amber Belmont

  As we turned off the highway and up a dirt track that was easily missed, if I hadn’t had Shelby by my side, I’d be seriously worried about where Caleb was taking us. Although I knew that we hadn’t come far from San Francisco, it felt as though we were in the middle of nowhere, where anything could happen. However, when we finally pulled up outside a cabin, I could understand why they’d decided to hold the party here. The cabin was gorgeous and when I walked into the kitchen that was going to be my workplace for the evening, I could have squealed with delight.

  “I’ll give you the tour, shall I?” offered Shelby, clearly amused by how happy I was about the expanse of gleaming worktops and enormous hob that were to be mine for the evening.

  “Thanks,” I nodded, barely able to drag my eyes away from the incredible kitchen, as my staff began to unload the supplies from the van.

  “This is the main reception area,” Shelby told me, as we went into a large living area. You could have fit my apartment into it four times over and this was just one room. “This is where most of the guests are going to be. There’s a bathroom through that door over there, but there’s another one by the kitchen that your staff can use. Since the weather’s good, we’re also going to open out the back, so you’ll need to set up a couple of tables outside with drinks. As I explained during our planning meeting, Caleb’s family have a well-stocked wine cellar, and they’ve laid out all the bottles for the party in the cabinet to the right of the door, so work your way through that and let me or Caleb know if it looks like we’re going to run out, although I don’t think we will. There’s enough alcohol down there to keep us partying for a month! Just be careful – the door has a self-locking mechanism, so don’t let it shut behind you or you’ll be stuck in there until someone comes and lets you out.”

  “Don’t get locked in,” I echoed, as I followed her outside. “Got it. Wow!”

  I couldn’t help but gasp when I saw the views that greeted me. Lush, green trees edged around a long lawn, stretching out into what seemed like endless countryside. I could see redwood trees off in the distance, towering over the landscape.

  It was the kind of place I’d always wanted to live in.

  “You’re so lucky, Shelby,” I told her. “I really am happy for you. All this and Caleb too!”

  “I know.” She couldn’t stop grinning. “If you’d have told me a year ago that I was going to marry my high school sweetheart, I’d have laughed in your face, but now I really do have everything I ever wanted. Caleb’s the best fiancé in the world, so caring and thoughtful...”

  “It’s a shame that his brother doesn’t have his charm,” I muttered.

  “Oh yes.” Shelby laughed. “I heard about you turning him down. You should have heard the things he was saying about you. Put it this way – he was not happy! I don’t think many people say no to him.”

  “Yeah, well, maybe they should,” I remarked. “Perhaps it would teach him a few manners.”

  “Nathan’s not that bad once you get to know him,” Shelby reassured me. “He’s just a bit stressed right now.”

  “Everybody’s stressed,” I pointed out. “That doesn’t give you the right to chase away my customers and demand that I drop everything to suit your whims.”

  “That’s Nathan for you,” shrugged Shelby. “Caleb did tell me that he’s always been a bit bossy.”

  “Did he manage to find another caterer at the wedding show?” I asked, mildly curious.

  “Unfortunately not. And between you and me, his mom was not pleased when she heard that he hadn’t hired a caterer,” Shelby confided. “Nathan and Caleb were supposed to be arranging the party as a present for their parents and he’s been procrastinating like you wouldn’t believe. Caleb would do the whole thing himself, but he’s got enough to deal with sorting out things for our wedding. I told Nathan to go to the wedding show because I thought he’d be able to book everyone he needed while he was there and save himself a bit of time, but he claims that he’s allergic to weddings and couldn’t stand it for more than five minutes!”

  I laughed with her. “Poor lamb,” I sympathized. “It must be killing him being surrounded by happy couples. How’s he going to cope with your wedding?”

  “I think I’ll manage just fine.”

  I jumped as the gravelly sound of Nathan’s voice came from behind me.

  “Hi Nathan,” greeted Shelby, smoothly covering for my embarrassment, while I prayed that he hadn’t been listening for long. “Glad to see you could get here early to help with the set up.”

  “Yes. I’m bravely struggling against my allergies,” he deadpanned. “I hope my brother appreciates just how much I’m suffering for his sake.”

  “Oh, he does,” Shelby assured him, throwing a subtle wink in my direction.

  “I’ll leave you guys to catch up,” I told them. “I’ve got to go and oversee the final few arrangements. If Caleb can show me where the tables are, I’ll get a couple of my guys to put together a bar out here for you.”

  “No need. I’ll do it,” offered Nathan. My heart sank. The last thing I wanted was to spend any time around him. It had been awkward enough knowing that I was going to have to face him at the party, but now that he’d overheard me and Shelby talking about him, it was even worse.

  Luckily, years of dealing with bridezillas had given me plenty of time to perfect my fake smile, so I beamed as if I couldn’t have been happier. I’d be damned if I let Nathan see how much he got under my skin. “Great! Let’s get going then. We haven’t got that long before the first guests arrive.”

  Nathan took me back inside and down a corridor to a room that was stuffed with spare furniture.

  “Will these do?” he asked, gesturing towards a couple of trestle tables. The more I saw of the cabin, the more it struck me that this place was more like a hotel than a home. It seemed to be set up to accommodate a large number of people at short notice, with furniture and equipment for every occasion. It might be his family’s property but it didn’t seem like anyone lived here full time, which was strange. If I owned a place like this, you’d have to drag me out of it kicking and screaming!

  I didn’t have any time to wonder what Caleb’s family used it for, though. I had a party to prepare.

  “Perfect,” I nodded. “I’ll just go and get someone to help carry them through.”

  “No need.” Nathan shook his head, stepping forward to get them. Despite their weight and awkward shape, he picked them up as if they were light as a feather. My jaw dropped as he made his way through to where Shelby had said she wanted the bar without seeming to make any effort.

  Setting them down on the ground, he bent over to unfold the table legs on one, while I put up the other table. It was heavier than it looked, which made what Nathan had just done even more impressive.

  “So about my parents’ vow renewal,” he began.

  “I’m going to stop you right there.” I slotted the final table leg into place and stood up, holding out a hand to make it clear that I wasn’t going to listen to anything he had to say. “When I told you the other day that I wasn’t interested in working for you, I meant it. I’m not interested in hearing your apologies or attempts to talk me round. I’m really sorry that my saying no got you into trouble with your parents, but maybe when you find another caterer, you’ll treat them with a little more respect.”

  “I wasn’t going to apologize,” Nathan growled.

  “Why am I not surprised?” I put one hand on my hips and shook my head, tutting. “Well whatever else it was you were going to say, it’s going to have to wait. When I’m working, I focus 100% on my client rather than worrying about finding more business. Tonight is all about Shelby and Caleb.”

  I turned and stalked off to the kitchen before he could say another word, where I found Haley rushing around, prepping food and giving wait staff orders.

  “There you are, Abi,” she said as I walked in. “I was beginning to be worried!”

  “Shelby was showing me aroun
d,” I explained. “I need a couple of people to go and set up a bar outside. You and you!” I beckoned over two of my staff who I knew were experienced at bar work. “There are tables already there, so all you need to do is grab a couple of white table cloths from the van and start laying out glasses. Once that’s done, go down to the wine cellar and bring up a selection of bottles to get started – don’t let the door close behind you or you’ll get locked in. You’ll also find plenty of soft drinks, mixers and so on in the kitchen store room. Don’t be afraid to keep restocking as you need. I don’t want anyone to go thirsty tonight. This is going to be a night to remember.”

  “Yes ma’am.” They nodded and hurried off to set up the outside bar, while I turned to help Haley with the food prep. Until the party was over, it was going to be all hands on deck.


  Ting, ting, ting!

  I crept into the back of the crowded lounge as Caleb hit his champagne flute with a fork handle to get everyone’s attention. Although I was here to work, I was also Shelby’s friend and I wanted to see his speech. It made my heart melt every time I saw the couple together, so obviously head over heels in love with each other.

  Shelby came to stand next to Caleb, putting her arms around his waist as she gazed up at him adoringly. He put his arm around her shoulder, smiling down at her before tenderly dropping a light kiss on her lips.

  “Get a room!” yelled a voice from the crowd and everyone laughed.

  “Later,” promised Caleb, unfazed. “But first I just wanted to say a few words to you all. I want to thank you for coming to celebrate Shelby and my engagement. As you know, we dated back in high school but circumstances drove us apart.”

  He squeezed Shelby’s shoulder, giving it a reassuring rub.

  “I’ll never forgive myself for wasting all those years apart, but I promise that I’m never going to let her go again. Ladies and gentlemen, please raise your glasses and toast my beautiful wife to be, Shelby.”

  “To Shelby!” echoed the room, as I dashed away a little tear with the back of my hand.

  “My, my. Somebody’s sentimental.”

  I ducked my head down, quickly wiping my face in a useless attempt to cover up what Nathan had already spotted. I hadn’t noticed him coming to stand next to me, but now he had my full attention as Caleb’s dad stepped forward to give his speech.

  Normally, I loved listening to what the parents had to say about the engaged couple, but right now, I was too distracted by the man beside me to notice what Mr Love Senior was saying. There was something about how Nathan carried himself that irritated the hell out of me, as though he felt that being attractive gave him a pass to walk over people.

  Well he was going to find out that this gal was no pushover.

  “So what if I am?” I shrugged, doing my best to act nonchalant. “Caleb and Shelby have the fairy tale happy ending everyone dreams about. You can’t blame a girl for getting a little misty eyed at her friend settling down.”

  “Don’t you get a little fed up with seeing everyone else getting married?” Nathan asked, cocking his head to one side. “It must be hard being on your own, watching all the couples team up around you while you’re left behind. What’s that saying – always the bridesmaid, never the bride?”

  He lifted my left hand to show the lack of a ring and I snatched it away from him.

  “Who says I’m on my own?” I countered as he laughed.

  “Come on, Abigail,” scoffed Nathan. “No one can miss that wistful look in your eye whenever you look over at Caleb and Shelby. If you were happily in a relationship, you wouldn’t be reacting that way. Go on, tell me I’m wrong. I dare you.”

  “It’s Ms Palmer to you.” I bit my lip, my jaw jutting out defiantly. “And you know what? I’m not going to explain myself. You can think what you like about me. But what I will tell you is that I’m stunned that Caleb could have a brother as rude, ill-mannered and conceited as you.”

  I fought to keep my voice down to a whisper, but I was aware of the people around us turning away from the speeches and paying attention to our little spat instead.

  Great. This was all I needed. Trust Nathan to push me into being unprofessional.

  It was a real struggle to hold back all the insults I wanted to hurl at him, but if I didn’t, it could cost my business dearly, so instead, I turned and stormed off into the kitchen, ignoring whatever it was Nathan said to my retreating back.

  Chapter Three

  I hid in the kitchen for the rest of the evening, angrily keeping my focus on the food.

  So much for my telling Nathan that I prepared everything with love. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt this angry and I almost ruined a tray of profiteroles, bashing and crashing about.

  The problem was, he was right.

  I’d been single for a long time and much as I kidded myself that I was fine that way, the truth was, I wanted my happy ever after too. It’s just that I didn’t think I’d ever meet a man who’d be able to make it happen. In my experience, men were more trouble than they were worth, promising you the world until they got what they wanted and then disappearing off into the sunset.

  Still, I didn’t usually get this upset about my relationship status. What was it about Nathan that got me all worked up like this? He was the most infuriating man I’d ever met.

  As one of the wait staff went out with the final tray of the night, I started to clean up around me. I prided myself on leaving any kitchen I worked in in a better condition than I’d found it. It was going to be difficult this time around, given how amazing the place had been when I walked in, but as I started scrubbing down the surfaces, I could at least pretend that I was rubbing out Nathan’s face, which brought a small smile of satisfaction to my face.

  People started to bring in the dirty glasses and cutlery, stacking them up in the dishwasher until it was full and then putting the rest on the side.

  “Don’t worry about those,” I told Haley, as she started to fill the sink with water to clean the remaining glasses. “I’ll wash up. You make sure everything’s tidied up outside.”

  “Sure thing, boss.”

  Haley turned and went to do a sweep of the party area while I got to work on the glasses. There was something soothing about the feel of the hot water against my skin and the repetitive nature of washing and rinsing was almost meditative.

  As I cleaned, I found myself thinking about Nathan. Those eyes, so expressive yet holding so many secrets. That body with its suggestion of rock hard abs underneath the perfectly tailored suit…

  “Abi? Hey, Abi?”

  I started at the feel of someone touching my arm. I whirled round to see Shelby standing in front of me.

  “Oh, sorry Shelby,” I gasped, putting a hand to my chest to still my pounding heart. This evening seemed to be the night for people surprising me. “I didn’t hear you come in.”

  “I gathered,” she grinned. “Anyway, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate all your hard work this evening. Your team are all so lovely – they’ve already cleaned up most of the party mess. I just know that you’re going to do an amazing job at the wedding, so I’ve put a little extra in there as a thank you before the big event.”

  She handed me an envelope and I could tell by the weight that it contained a lot more than we’d agreed as my fee.

  “Thanks, Shelby,” I said, putting the envelope in my pocket without opening it. “It’s been my pleasure to help you out. I can’t wait for your wedding.”

  “Neither can I,” she beamed. “Look, if you don’t mind, Caleb said that he’ll drive your staff home now. There’s so little left to clear up that we can sort out the rest ourselves and the sooner he gets them home, the sooner we can all relax. You’ve all worked so hard that you deserve to get some rest. You can get out of here too – there’s no point in you sticking around on your own.”

  I shook my head. “I can’t let you do that. I’ve never left any mess behind me before and I don’t inte
nd starting now. But if you need to head off, I completely understand. I can drive myself back in the van once I’ve finished up here.”

  “All right. If you’re sure.” Spontaneously, Shelby leaned forward and gave me a huge hug. “You’re the best!”

  I hugged her back before following her through to the lounge to see how much there was left to do. She was right. My team were all busy restoring the room to how it had been when we arrived. They’d already cleaned up most of the mess, so you could barely tell that there’d been a celebration not long before. I had good people working for me.

  I clapped my hands to get their attention. “Okay, guys. You can call it a night,” I announced. “Caleb’s going to drive you home, so if you don’t want to be stranded here, I suggest you go grab your seats. There’ll be a small bonus in all your pay packets for tonight – you’ve been amazing, as always.”

  Everyone finished up what they were doing and started to gather together at the front of the house.

  “Do you want me to help you with the last few bits?” Haley offered.

  “No, I’m fine.” I shook my head. “There’s not much left to do and you know I like to spend a bit of time alone at the end of a successful night, just to wind down and think about how we can make things even better next time.”

  “If you’re sure…”

  “I am.” I ushered Haley towards the exit. “Now go on, git!”

  “See ya, boss!” she laughed as she went to join her colleagues waiting for Caleb to take them back into town.

  “All right, I’m going with Caleb if you’re sure you’re all right here without me,” Shelby told me, as I watched my crew pile into the van.

  “No problem,” I nodded. “Do you want me to lock up here for you? I can leave the keys somewhere safe or drop them into the store tomorrow if you prefer.”


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