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Beware of Heroes: Admiral Sir Sidney Smith's War against Napoleon

Page 27

by Peter Shankland

  All these are valuable works in other respects, and it is curious to see the eminent authors sharing the prejudices that Sir Sidney Smith with his independent ideas aroused in many of his contemporaries.


  Archives de France, Série F 7 (Police General)

  Archives de la Ministère de la Guerre

  Annual Register, The

  Aubrey, Octave, Vie Privée de Napoleon

  Bainville, Jacques, Napoleon, 1932

  Ballard, Brigadier-General C. R., Napoleon, an Outline, 1931

  Barrow, John, Life and Correspondence of Admiral Sir Sidney Smith, 1848

  Bathurst Papers. Manuscripts of the 7th Earl Bathurst, Historical Manuscripts Commission

  Bindaff, Smith and Webster, British Diplomatic Representatives 1789-1852, Royal Historical Society

  Bonaparte, Lucien, Memoirs, 1818

  Bréhat, Jean, Barras, 1934

  British Flag Triumphant, The, Copies of the London Gazettes, etc., 1806

  British Museum, Additional Manuscripts

  Brown, Haji A., Bonaparte in Egypt, 1907

  Bunbury, Lieutenant-General Sir H., Narrative of Some Passages in the Great War with France, 1854

  Bourrienne, Louis-Antoine Fauvelet de, Mémoires

  Cambridge Modern History, Vol. X Napoléon, 1906

  Campbell, Major-General Sir Neil, Napoleon at Fontainebleau and Elba, 1869

  Charles-Roux, F., Bonaparte: Governor of Egypt, 1937

  Chuquet A., La Jeunesse de Napoléon, 1897-9

  Collingwood, Admiral Lord, Private Correspondence, N.R. S., 1757

  Collingwood, G. L. N., A Selection from the Public and Private Correspondence of Vice-Admiral Lord Collingwood, 1823

  Copies of Original Letters from the Army of General Bonaparte intercepted by the Fleet under the Command of Lord Nelson, 2nd Edition, 1798

  Coquelle, P., Napoleon and England 1803-1813, 1904

  Coxe, Peter, The Exposé or Napoleon Unmasked, 1809

  Croker, J. W., Correspondence and Diaries, 1885

  Dayot, A., La Révolution Française, c. 1920

  De la Garde-Chambonas, Count, Anecdotal Recollections of the Congress of Vienna, 1902

  De Non, Vivant, Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt during the Campaign of General Bonaparte, 1803

  De Polnay, Peter, Napoleon’s Police, 1970

  Desmarets, Charles, Témoignage Historique, ou Quinze Ans de Haute Police sous Napoléon, 1833

  D’Hauterive, E., La Police Secrète du Premier Empire. Bulletins quotidienne addressé par Fouché à l’Empereur 1804-1814

  Dropmore Papers, The Papers of J. B. Fortesque at Dropmore, The Historical Manuscripts Commission

  El-Djabarti, Abd El-Rahman. Merveilles biographique etc...1888-96

  Elgin Papers, Public Record Office, F.O. 78/32, 78/33

  Elgin, Lady, The Letters of Mary Nisbet of Dirleton, Countess of Elgin, Arranged by Lieutenant-Colonel Nisbet Hamilton Grant, 1926

  Elgood, Lieutenant-Colonel C. G., Bonaparte’s Adventure in Egypt, 1931

  Ernouf, Kléber

  European Magazine, 1799-1800

  Ferrero, G., The Gamble, Bonaparte in Italy, 1961

  Fisher, H. A. L., Bonapartism, 1928

  Fortescue, B., Napoleon’s Heritage, 1934

  Fortescue, J. W., British Statesmen of the Great War 1793-1814, 1911

  Frotté, General Louis de, Mémoires Inédits

  Fouché, Joseph, Duc d’Otranto, Mémoires, 1824

  Fournier, A., Napoleon I, 1914

  Garros, Louis, Quel Roman que ma Vie, Itineraire de Napoleon Bonaparte 1769-1821

  Gazette Nationale, ou le Moniteur Universal

  Gourguad, General Baron Gaspard, Journal 1815-1818, 1932

  Greathead, B., Journal, An Englishman in Paris, 1953

  Guerard, A. L., Reflections on the Napoleonic Legend, 1924

  Hall, Sir J., General Pichegru’s Treason, 1915

  Hart, Captain Liddell, The Ghost of Napoleon, 1933

  Hegemann, W., Napoleon, or Prostration before the Hero, 1931

  Herold, J. C., Bonaparte in Egypt, 1962

  Hotham, Admiral Sir William, Pages and Portraits from the Past, 1919

  Howard, Hon. E. G. G., Memoirs of Sir Sidney Smith, 1839

  Jollois, J.-B.-P., Journal d’un ingenieur attaché à l’expédition d’Egypte, 1798-1801, 1904

  Jomini, Antoine Henri, Vie Politique et Militaire de Napoléon, 1827

  Jung, Theodore, Lucien Bonaparte et ses Mémoires, 1882-3

  Junot, Madame, Duchesse d’Abrantes, Memoirs, 1883

  Keith Papers, The, Selected from the Letters and Papers of Admiral Viscount Keith, N.R.S., 1927, 1950, 1955

  Kircheisen, F. M., Napoleon I, 1931

  Lane-Poole, S., The Barbary Corsairs, 1890

  Las Cases, Emmanuel, Comte de, Le Mémorial de Saint-Hélène

  Las Cases, Comte E. de, Le Mémoraliste de Napoléon, 1959

  La Jonquière, C. de, L’Expédition en Egypte, 1798-1801, 1899-1907

  Lavalette, Antoine-Marie Chamans, Comte de, The Adventurous Life of, 1936

  Lavisse et Rambaud, Histoire Générale, Tomes VIII and IX, 1896-7

  Lenotre, G., Romances of the French Revolution, 1908,

  Lenotre, G., The Baron de Batz, 1792-1795, 1910,

  Lenotre, G., The Dauphin, Louis XVII, 1922

  Licotière, M. de la, Louis de Frotté et les Insurrections Normandes

  Low, E. B., With Napoleon at Waterloo and other Unpublished Documents, 1911

  Lucas-Dubreton, J., Kléber

  Mackesy, Piers, The War in the Mediterranean 1803-1810, 1957

  Mahan, A. T., The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1890,

  Mahan, A. T., The Influence of Sea Power upon the French Revolution and Empire, 1892,

  Mahan, A. T., The Life of Nelson, 1897

  Maitland, Rear-Admiral Sir Frederick, The Surrender of Napoleon, 1904

  Malus, Etienne-Louis, L’Agenda de Malus, 1892

  Marshall, John, Royal Naval Biography, 1823

  Martens, Recueil de Traités

  Martin, Admiral Sir Thomas Byam, Letters and Papers, N.R.S., 1898, 1900, 1902

  Masson, F., The Coronation of Napoleon, 1911

  Montholon, General, Histoire de la Captivité de St. Hélène, 1846

  Montholon, Comtesse de, Souvenirs de St. Hélène, 1901

  Morier, John Philip, Memoir of a Campaign with the Ottoman Army in Egypt, 1801

  Napoleon I, Correspondence, New Letters, 1898,

  Napoleon I, Confidential Correspondence with King Josef, 1855,

  Napoleon I, Mémoires pour servir a l’Histoire de France sous Napoléon, 1823

  National Maritime Museum, PHB/P/5 Documents relating to Sir Sidney Smith, PHB/5/5 Miscellaneous Naval Documents

  Naval Chronicle, The

  Neuville, Baron Hyde de, Mémoires

  Nicolas Turc, Chronique d’Egypte, 1798-1804, 1950

  Nicolay, F., Napoleon at the Boulogne Camp, 1907

  O’Meara, Barry Edward, Napoleon in Exile, A Voice from St. Helena, 1822

  Oulie, M., Le Prince de Ligne, 1926

  Pajol, General, Kléber

  Parkinson, C. N., Edward Pellew, Viscount Exmouth, 1934

  Parliamentary Papers

  Parsons, Lieutenant G. F., Nelsonian Reminiscences, 1905

  Pastre, G. L. G., Bonaparte in Egypt, Paris 1932

  Pitt, Admiral William, The Cabin Boy, Memoirs

  Public Record Office, ADMI 399, 401 F.O. 78/20, 78/24, 90/70, 90/71, 95/452

  Réal, Count Pierre Francois, Indiscretions of a Prefect of Police, 1929

  Rémusat, Claire de Vergennes, Comtesse de, Mémoires, 1881

  Reveu d’Egypt

  Revue des Etudes Napoléoniennes

  Rose, J., Holland, Pitt and Napoleon, 1912,

  Rose, J., Holland, Lord Hood and the Defence of Toulon, Napoleonic Studies, 1904,

  Rose, J., Holland, The Life of Napoleon, 1914

; Rosebury, Lord, Napoleon: The Last Phase, 1900

  St. Vincent, Letters of Admiral of the Fleet the Earl of St. Vincent, 1922, 1927

  Spencer Papers, Private Papers of George, Second Earl Spencer, 1913, 1924

  Swinburne, Henry, Letters Written at the End of the Eighteenth Century

  Thomas, General, Le Maréchal Lannes

  The Cambridge Modern History Vol. IX, 1906

  Thibaudeaux, Le Consulat et l’Empire, 1834

  Thiers, Histoire du Consulat et de l’Empire, 1834

  Thiry, J., Ulm, Trafalgar et Austerlitz, 1962

  Thompson, J. M., Napoleon Bonaparte, His Rise and Fall, 1952

  Tunstal, Brian, Flights of Naval Genius, 1930

  Tweddell’s Remains

  Ussher, Captain Thomas, Napoleon’s Last Voyages, 1906

  Ussher, Captain Thomas and Lieutenant Nelson Mills, Napoleon Banished, 1955

  Vandal, Albert, Napoléon et Alexandre Ier. De Tilsit a Erfurt, 1896

  Volney, Constantine-François, Comte de, Voyage en Egypte et en Syrie, 1787

  Warden, William, Letters written in H.M.S. Northumberland and St. Helena, 1817

  Whitworth, Lord, Despatches, England and Napoleon in 1803, 1887

  Windham, William, The Diary of the Right Hon. William Windham. The Windham Papers

  Wilson, Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Robert T., History of the British Expedition to Egypt, 1803

  Zweig, Stefan, Joseph Fouché, The Portrait of a Politician, 1930


  Besides expressing my gratitude to the staffs of the Public Record Office, the British Museum Library, the London Library and the National Maritime Museum, I have on this occasion to extend my thanks to the staffs of the Archives de France, particularly Monsieur F. Dousset, and of the Ministerre de la Guerre, particularly Madame Urtingue.




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