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Hail Mary: A Second Chances Sports Romance (Gridiron Love Book 1)

Page 14

by Vanessa Fox

  Now I'm just praying my defense can pull through and win us this game.


  The VIP room is amazing, with an incredible view of the field. Giant flatscreen TVs line the adjacent walls, giving us clear views of each slow motion replay. The leather seats are soft and comfortable, and we've been comping drinks and fancy meals all night. Katie is sitting beside me, giddy out of her mind and more than a little sloshed on multiple martinis.

  The vibe has been a little different than what I'm used to down in the stands. While there's plenty of cheering and clapping, it's more reserved. We're surrounded by stuffy executives and a few choice family members and friends of players. The Coach's wife sits to my right, which has been a little awkward considering Kade used to date her daughter, but fortunately Cindy has been friendly to me, even if she does seem a little standoffish at times.

  Right now we sit in tense silence as the Sparrows take to the field to attempt their last drive. A touchdown and an extra point will mark the Alphas' first loss of the season. It won't be the end of the world, as win or lose, the Alphas are already going to the playoffs as the #1 seed. But it'll no longer be a perfect season.

  "Oh my God, I can't look!" Katie bites her bottom lip nervously.

  "Don't worry, they're not gonna get it," I assure her, but my own heart is pounding relentlessly in my chest. Sports are supposed to be fun, but when it gets down to the wire like this, they become a nerve-wracking experience.

  "They never should've gone for two points. It was too risky," Cindy remarks. "I don't know what Kade was thinking. Now they could lose this game."

  I have to stop myself from scoffing. As the Coach's wife, you'd think Cindy would understand how football works by now.

  "Those decisions are made by the coaches, not the quarterback," I say.

  Cindy casts me a wary side-eye. Whoops. Maybe I shouldn't have said that.

  "Well," Cindy huffs. "Sometimes Kade just goes out there and does whatever he wants."

  I shrug. "He's usually successful though, right?"

  "Usually," she says skeptically. She crosses her arms and leans back in her chair. "I'm not the biggest fan of Kade Hughes, myself. I think that boy has a lot to learn."

  I clear my throat and shift my weight awkwardly. "Well, he's young."

  "True. Not sure that's an excuse, though."

  An excuse for what? I'm not sure what she's talking about, but I doubt it has much to do with going for two points instead of one.

  She taps her heeled foot on the floor. She looks antsy, like she has something she wants to say but knows it's a bad idea. I glance at her face. She's very attractive for an older woman, and was clearly a blond bombshell when she was young. But right now her deep red lips are pursed and her face looks sour, like she's sucking on a lemon.

  "You know," she says finally, the dam bursting. "I sure do hope Kade treats you better than he treated my daughter."

  I freeze, unsure what to say. "Oh?" I ask timidly.

  I'm playing nice, but I'm seriously wondering what her justification could possibly be. Last I heard, Cindy's daughter is a serial cheater. I know parents will go to great lengths to defend their kids, but proof of Samantha's affair was plastered all over the tabloids and trashy talk shows.

  "My daughter never would've done what she did if Kade didn't drive her to do it."

  It takes everything in me to keep from rolling my eyes. I can't believe Cindy has the nerve to blame Kade for being cheated on. I glance over at Katie, who is listening in on the conversation with wide eyes, and appears to be speechless. I really hope she doesn't launch into a drunken tirade in defense of Kade. We probably wouldn't be invited back into the VIP box any time soon.

  "The whole country treats her like a villain," Cindy continues. "But they don't know the whole story. Kade treated her horribly for their entire relationship, and he cheated on her many times with random women! Samantha was already checked out when she started hanging out with Kevi Taylor. Unfortunately the press didn't know that, so when they got footage of the two of them together, they ran with the whole affair angle."

  I'm frozen in my seat. I don't even know what to say. Rationally, I know that none of this is probably true. Of course Samantha would lie to protect her reputation. But emotionally, my heart is sinking and an awful feeling of dread is settling in the pit of my stomach.

  What if it is true?

  Katie rests a comforting hand on my shoulder as Cindy stares me down, waiting for a response. I have no clue what to say.

  Fortunately, I don't have to say anything.

  Everyone minus the three of us suddenly jumps up and starts cheering, even the stuffy executives wearing suits sitting in front. The stadium erupts into a frenzy.

  I glance at one of the flat screens and watch a slow motion replay of the Sparrow's quarterback throwing a long pass down the field. It looks like it'll be a perfect catch by the wide receiver when suddenly the Alphas cornerback leaps right in front and steals the ball away with one hand.


  For a moment I forget the emotional conundrum I'm in. I rise to my feet and hug Katie, who is squealing like a maniac.

  To my surprise, even Cindy leans in and gives me a side-hug. For all her shit-talking Kade, she sure seems delighted to get this win, which wouldn't have been possible without him.

  That interception will mark the end of the game: the Alphas have officially completed their regular season with a perfect 16-0 record.

  The whole stadium feels electric as the Alphas take to the field once more. But it's just a formality. There's only ten seconds left on the clock. The ball is snapped and Kade takes a knee, letting the clock run to zero.

  Then I watch as players, coaches and press flood the field down below.

  "Oh my gosh, that was so exciting!" Katie squeals.

  "I know, right?" I have a big smile on my face, but I can't say it's completely genuine.

  I hate it admit it, but Cindy's words have shaken me. Rationally I know it can't be true. Well, it could be true, but it most likely isn't. I have no reason to doubt Kade.

  But now I feel a nagging tug of worry and dread, growing deeper and darker with every passing second, like a sinkhole opening up inside of me. The seed has been planted, and the celebratory atmosphere of the evening is now shrouded in a gloomy pall.

  Chapter 17


  Thirty minutes after the end of the game and I'm already showered and cologned and dressed in a casual suit, ready to head to the Alphas post-game press conference.

  I high-five three of my fellow linebackers on my way out of the locker room, and stop number 65, cornerback Jerome David, and give him a bro-hug.

  "Sick interception, man," I congratulate him, slapping his back.

  "It's all for you, baby," he chuckles. "Go Alphas!"

  "16-0, here we go!" I chant.

  I leave the locker room with a grin on my face, and it gets even wider when I see Willow standing out in the hall next to her friend Katie.

  "Hey baby!" I greet. I pull her close and swing her 360 degrees around me before planting a big kiss on her soft coral-colored lips.

  "You did amazing out there," she says with a smile.

  Katie stands there with an idiotic grin on her face, giddy to be in my presence once again. I've hung out with her a handful of times already and she still acts like a hyperventilating teenager every time. It's kind of awkward, but endearing at the same time.

  "I'd love to hang out but I gotta head to the conference room," I say. "You guys want to stick around and go get drinks afterwards?"

  Katie's nodding her head like an eager puppy dog.

  But Willow just shrugs. "I don't know, I'm pretty tired. I might just call it an early night."

  "Really?" I ask.

  Katie's eyes are wide with disbelief. "What?! No way, Willow, let's go!"

  Willow takes a deep breath and gives her a wary glance.

  Something is up.

  I don
't know what it is, and I don't like it.

  "Is everything okay?" I ask.

  "Oh yeah, everything's fine," she says unconvincingly. "I just don't want to be tired for work tomorrow."

  I slip my arm around her shoulder and start heading towards the conference room. "Well, actually I was hoping you could maybe take tomorrow off."

  "Really? What for?"

  "You know I'm flying to LA tomorrow to do the Late Show," I say. "I want you to come with me."

  Willow stops in her tracks and just stares at me.

  "The Late Show?!" Katie squeals. "Oh my god, Willow, you have to go!"

  "Uh..." she stammers. "W-well, I don't know—"

  "Come on, it'll be fun!" I say.

  "I bet you'll get to meet so many celebrities!" Katie remarks excitedly.

  "Yeah, but Mrs. Cooper really needs me," Willow says. "I'll have to take at least two days off, and it's such short notice, too—"

  "I'm sure Mrs. Cooper will understand once you tell her what it's for."

  "Yeah, but it's not for anything. I don't need to be there— it's your business," she says, and there's an irritated tone in her voice. "I mean what am I gonna do, take days off every week just to go fly around the country with you?"

  My smile fades as I stare at her. It almost feels like we're in a stand-off. I have no idea what the hell has climbed up her butt all of a sudden.

  "It's okay, Willow," I say calmly. "You don't have to. I just thought I'd ask."

  I turn to walk away, but she grabs my hand.

  "Kade— I'm sorry," she says. Her cheeks are red. "I didn't mean to snap at you."

  "Not a problem, darlin'," I say, leaning in to kiss her on the cheek. "I'll see you later."

  I nod to Katie before turning away.

  I feel strangely empty as I leave the two of them standing there. Tonight was a triumphant victory and I'm still feeling the adrenaline pumping through my veins. I'm thrilled to be 16-0 and I feel on top of the world.

  But this weird interaction with Willow just cast a dark cloud over it all. I guess I expected her to be as ecstatic as I am. I pictured her jumping into my arms and kissing me deeply, and telling me how proud she was of me. She'd stay by my side all night, we'd have some laughs and great conversation over drinks, maybe I'd even hook Katie up with one of my single teammates and make her dreams come true. Then of course the evening would be capped off with amazing, mind-blowing sex with the love of my life. Tomorrow we'd head to the airport together, a bonafide couple, and have a blast traveling to a new city together and enjoying new experiences.

  But sometimes I have to remind myself that Willow is her own person who feels and acts how she wants... in ways that are sometimes the total opposite of what I'd expect.

  I don't have a problem with her heading home early, and declining to come on the trip.

  That's not what bothers me.

  It's the look in her eyes and the tone in her voice.

  Something is off and I have no idea what it is.

  And it's gonna bother me like hell until I figure it out.


  "It's on, Willow!" Katie shouts at me from the living room.

  Finally. I sigh and close my novel before climbing off my bed and wearily joining her on the couch. It's eleven thirty at night and I'm dead tired, but Katie insisted I stay up and watch the Late Show with her.

  Honestly, I'm not that interested. Kade's all over the TV as it is. What does it matter if he's on some late night talk show?

  "Ooo, I'm so excited!" Katie squeals. "It's so surreal knowing a celebrity personally, don't you think?"

  "I guess."

  "I mean, I just know him casually and that's already blowing my mind. You actually sleep with him! He's in love with you! I just can't believe it."

  I roll my eyes. "He's just a person, Katie. He's no better than anyone else."

  "Uh, yeah he is," she says. "Not everyone can lead a team 16-0. Oh, and did you know he leads the league as the quarterback with the least amount of sacks?"

  I shrug. "That has more to do with his offensive line than Kade himself."

  "Oh, shut up!" Katie smacks my knee. "You're still upset, aren't you?"

  "Upset? I'm not upset."

  "Yeah, you are. You believed what Cindy told you. You're so gullible."

  "I don't believe her!"

  "Then why have you been acting so cold and grumpy all of a sudden?"

  "I'm not!" I cross my arms. "I'm not trying to, anyway."

  "Just admit it, Willow, you're worried about Kade. You're worried he's gonna hurt you again."

  I sigh. "Well, of course, doesn't everybody in a relationship worry about that?"

  "Uh, no," Katie shakes her head. "Not in a good relationship."

  She glances at the TV. "Oh, look, he's coming on!"

  The audience claps as Eric Stein, the Late Show host, introduces Kade Hughes. He walks out onto the stage and he looks dashing in a deep blue pinstripe suit. His blond hair is styled in a messy swoop, and his tan jawline is speckled with a perfectly manicured five o clock shadow. He looks like a movie star.

  They both sit down and after the applause dies down, Stein begins his questioning.

  "Wow, 16-0 in your rookie year," he says. "How does that feel?"

  Kade flashes a cocky grin. "It feels incredible!"

  "Did you expect to have this kind of record your first year?"

  "Absolutely," he nods confidently. "Never doubted it for a second."

  "Oh, come on!" Stein objects. "Tell the truth! You thought you'd be curled up in the fetal position sobbing after every game. Kind of like what Drake Maxwell's doing right now."

  The audience erupts in laughter. Drake Maxwell, rookie quarterback of the Redblacks, has had a 3-13 season and seems to be the running gag of the league right now.

  Kade laughs but in a subdued way. Drake is actually one of his friends, so I know he doesn't want to make fun of him.

  "Drake's a great guy," Kade adds. "He's had a rough start, but I know he'll find his footing eventually. He's incredibly talented, but sometimes it's hard to develop that chemistry with the other guys and get a rhythm going. I've been fortunate enough to really gel with my team, and I know if it weren't for them making so many good plays, and keeping me safe in the pocket, as well as the efforts of our Coach, Randy Douglas, I'd probably be in the same position as Drake right now."

  Eric Stein nods his head. "Ah, so you are humble, after all."

  Kade chuckles and shrugs.

  "I thought you were cocky! That's what everyone says!"

  "Oh, I'm definitely cocky. I just know sometimes you gotta pay your dues. Can't take the credit for everything."

  Eric Stein taps his cue cards on his desk. "Well, that's wonderful, and I'm so happy for you. Now, we've got a lot of ladies watching, so let's change the subject to something they'll actually enjoy."

  The audience laughs. I roll my eyes. Women enjoy sports too, Stein. Of course I shouldn't expect anything more of a host who makes his living by telling stupid sexist jokes every night.

  "So," Stein continues. "You single?"

  Dimples form on Kade's cheeks as he smiles shyly. It's almost enough to send the butterflies tumbling in my stomach again. Almost.

  "Sorry ladies," Kade looks out at the audience apologetically and shrugs. "I'm taken."

  "Oooo," Stein coos in a mocking tone of voice. "You got a new woman in your life already? I thought after your last travesty of a relationship you might want to, you know, play the field a bit."

  "Well, that was my intention, at first," Kade explains. "But you know how life goes. It tends to throw some curveballs."

  "Indeed it does! So who is the lucky lady?"

  My heart starts to race in my chest. I'm not sure I feel comfortable being the topic of conversation on national television, on the most watched late night TV show in America.

  "She's an old flame of mine, actually," Kade says, his face beaming. "High school sweethearts. We met up aga
in recently, and, well..."

  Katie smacks my arm repeatedly in giddy excitement. Her eyes are bulging in shock and awe, glued to the TV screen.

  The audience lets out a drawn-out "aww". Eric Stein glares at them. "Seriously? Come on guys, get out of here with that nonsense!"

  He returns his attention to Kade. "High school sweetheart, huh? Why didn't it work the first time?"

  My heart drops and I'm starting to feel sick. The last thing I want is for the details of our breakup to be broadcast all over the country.

  Kade doesn't appear to be bothered in the least. "We went to different universities. As you all know, I went to Georgia U, and she went on to Harvard."

  "Harvard?!" Eric Stein exclaims. "Get out!"

  "I'm serious," Kade laughs.

  "What the hell is she doing with the likes of you? Doesn't she know all those concussions are gonna turn you into a bumbling moron within a few years?"

  The audience gasps. Typical Eric Stein shock comedy.

  Kade doesn't miss a beat. "Well, I'm already a bumbling moron, so I guess she's fine with it."

  The audience loves his self-deprecation. Eric Stein shrugs. "Good point."

  Then: "Seriously though, you're what, twenty-one?"


  "Twenty-three years old. You're rich. You're talented. You've become a huge overnight celebrity. What the hell you wanna settle down for? You could have literally any woman you want."

  He points to someone in the audience. "How about you? Would you do him?"

  He nods. "I thought so."

  Kade laughs. "Well, the single life is great, I'll give you that. But once you meet the right person, that's it. It just doesn't hold the same appeal anymore."

  "Aww!" Katie coos, squeezing my arm. "That's so sweet!"

  Eric gives him a skeptical look. "Uh huh. Yeah, right. From what I've heard, you've got quite the reputation as a ladies man. You mean to tell me that it's over now? Just like that?"

  Kade nods resolutely. "Yep."

  Eric shakes his head. "What a shame."


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