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Strike (Gentry Generations #1)

Page 24

by Cora Brent

  “It must be hard being a parent,” I said.

  “It’s hard,” he agreed, “but there’s nothing more rewarding.” He ran a thoughtful hand over his jaw as he considered the sky’s mysteries again. “I wasn’t much older than you when your mother got pregnant with you and Cassie. I was struggling with who I was, where I’d come from, trying to figure out how to be a man. There was a night when I was staring up at the stars, much like I was doing tonight, when your mother and I collided. She hated me. She had good reason. But she gave me a chance anyway. She changed everything.”

  I’d known all that but somehow I’d never really dwelled on it before. My parents had always been two invincible pillars. At least that was how I saw them. But once they’d been young and reckless. Once they’d been uncertain and possibly foolish. Yet here we all were. Cord and Saylor’s fierce, inspiring love for one another had shaped a family.

  “No wonder why Mom writes romance novels,” I said. “She lived one.”

  He smiled. “I like to think we both did.”

  “Daddy, do you like Dalton?” I blurted.

  “Yeah,” he answered quietly, “I like Dalton.”

  He let that statement hang in the air for a moment before continuing.

  “It’s hard for me to admit that any man might be good enough for one of my girls but from what I’ve seen he’s got the right stuff.” My father studied me. “But the only thing that matters is what you think. How do you feel about Dalton?”

  “I love him.”

  He nodded. “I thought you might.”

  I tipped my head up and stared at the sky. “It’s frightening in a way. I don’t want to screw things up.”

  “Eh.” He waved a hand like I’d just said something silly. “You don’t need to worry about that, Camille. You’re your mother’s daughter. When you love, you love with your whole heart.”

  I kissed him on the cheek. “I didn’t just get that from Mom.”

  He looked away and I thought he was going to get all choked up with emotion. His voice was a little husky when he spoke. “You going in the house soon?”

  “Actually I think I might sit out here with you and Angus for a little while longer if that’s okay.”

  He turned my way and grinned. “Of course it’s okay, kid.”

  Tomorrow I could sort out all the messy, wonderful intricacies of the heart.

  Tonight I just wanted to sit out here and be my father’s daughter.



  Even though I had no job to go to I woke up early. My dreams had been full of stars that seemed to descend from the sky until they were nearly close enough to touch. But when I opened my eyes, Dalton’s face was the first thing on my mind.

  I let Cassie have first crack at the shower and by the time I emerged she’d already left for work and so had my father. I found Cadence sitting alone in the kitchen with her bare knees pulled up to her chest as she nibbled on a piece of toast and stared out the window. She looked so young, so vulnerable and I wanted to hug her. So I did.

  “What the hell?” she sputtered. My sassy little sister wasn’t usually the cuddly type.

  “Too mature for hugs?” I asked.

  She shook her head. “No. You just startled me.”

  I poured a cup of coffee. “Dad told me about Jacob.”

  Her face fell a little. “Jake’s gonna do what he feels like he has to do. ”

  “You’ll miss him.”

  She shrugged. “Of course. He’s been my best friend my whole life.”

  I watched her for a moment. “Cadence?”

  She was staring out the window again. “What?”

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah.” She turned back and gave me a funny look. “Are you?”

  I took a big swallow of black coffee. “I think so. I think I’m great in fact.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “What about when you go back to school in the fall? What’s going to happen with you and Dalton then?”

  I hadn’t thought about that too much. I didn’t want to think about it yet. “I’m just going to let today be about today.”

  She nodded and smiled. “I like that.”

  I squeezed her shoulder affectionately before I left.

  As I drove through the Wild Spring Resort entrance I wondered if security would stop me. To my knowledge I hadn’t been banned from the property but I wasn’t sure what the official policy entailed for fired employees. However, no one had stopped me yet as I parked at the main building closest to Dalton’s suite.

  The east side entrance was locked. That should have occurred to me. I’d still be able to access his hallway but I’d have to go through the lobby, which I didn’t really feel like doing right now since it probably was no secret that management had let me go.

  With a sigh I pulled out my phone to call Dalton. He answered right away and my heart began pounding at the sound of his voice.


  “Hi. Um, I guess I should have called before I showed up but can I come in, Dalton? I’m standing right outside.”

  “I’m not there,” he said.


  It wasn’t quite nine a.m. Dalton often ventured out early for an outdoor workout before the heat of the day made it impossible. Or maybe he had an early meeting.

  Or maybe he got sick of dealing with so much trouble and yielded to the charms of one of the stunning women who were always hanging on him at the club.

  I dismissed the jealous thought even before it finished crossing my mind. Damn, love really did make a person crazy.

  “Are you going to be home soon?” I asked.

  He chuckled. “I am home.”

  “I don’t get it.”

  “If you stay where you are I’ll be around in fifteen minutes to explain it to you.”

  “All right. I’ll be waiting.”

  Dalton had estimated accurately. A quarter of an hour later his truck pulled in right next to where I waited beside my car.

  “Morning,” he greeted me cheerfully from inside the truck. “Get in.”

  I walked around to the passenger side and climbed in. Dalton watched as I buckled my seatbelt.

  “What’s with the secrecy?” I asked.

  Dalton was whistling. He seemed like he was in a hell of a good mood. “There are no secrets.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  He passed a gray folder over to me. “Read it and you will.”

  I scanned the paperwork within the folder as he drove out of Wild Spring.

  “You leased an apartment?”

  “Sure did. I was signing my name to the dotted line when you called.”


  “It’s time to stop living in some kind of leisure world limbo and make a real home.” He paused. “I quit the club, Camille.”

  I was startled. Dalton had always talked about bigger plans with his work coaching the kids, hinting that the jet set life of a high profile club manager wasn’t really suited to him. But he’d never mentioned that he was going to quit right now. I had a terrible thought.

  “Is it because of me?”


  “Oh shit.” I hugged the folder to my chest in dismay. My stomach suddenly hurt. “I’m sorry, Dalton. I had no idea I was causing that kind of trouble for you.”

  He said nothing. He was probably pissed. It must have been impossible for him to keep managing Aqua Room after word got out that his girlfriend was the clueless college girl who’d made a scene challenging a congressman. Griffin Sullivan probably demanded his resignation.

  “I just didn’t think,” I said miserably.

  Dalton still didn’t respond. He just kept on driving.

  “Dalton?” I ventured after we drove for several miles and he still hadn’t said another word.

  “About what?” he asked.


  “You said you didn’t think,” he said patiently. “What was it you didn’t think about?�

  “You,” I whispered. “Us.”

  “What about us?”

  “Our relationship,” I said. “I should have told you what I was thinking. And I should have trusted that no matter what, we’d be better off getting through it together.”

  “Our relationship,” Dalton repeated with a nod. I hadn’t even noticed that he’d pulled through the gates of a luxury apartment complex. He headed to a covered parking zone and pulled into an empty space in the middle, shutting off the ignition.

  “Come on,” he said, getting out of the truck.

  I wanted to take his hand but we only had to walk about ten steps to reach his apartment door. Dalton pulled a key out of his pocket and handed it to me.

  “Are you going to open the door?” he asked when I just stood there, stupidly staring at the key in my hand.

  Dalton rested his hand on my lower back as I unlocked the door. He guided me into the empty apartment and when I turned back to look at him he was grinning.

  “What do you think?” he asked after he shut the door.

  “It’s nice,” I said, looking around.

  “I decided on a two bedroom unit. It’ll be good to have the extra space, especially since my brother plans on being in town for a while.”

  “Hale’s coming to town?” From what I’d been told about Hale Tremaine I expected a biker badass version of Dalton.

  “Yup. You’ll meet him,” Dalton said.

  I felt shy suddenly, standing here in Dalton’s empty apartment. Since I’d seen him last he’d quit his job and found a new place to live. I couldn’t help but wonder how I fit into the new life he was planning. I was still holding the apartment key.

  “Here,” I said, handing the key over. “You’ll probably be needing this.”

  He shook his head. “No. That’s your key.”


  “The leasing office gave me two. But if they hadn’t I would have had one made for you.”

  “So are you, like, asking me to move in?”

  He chuckled and reached out to tuck a lock of hair behind my ear. “No,” he said softly. “Cami, I know you’re returning to school in San Diego in the fall. I wouldn’t try to do anything to interfere with your dreams.”

  I took his hand, lacing our fingers together. “San Diego’s only a six hour drive, less than an hour by plane.”

  He pulled me close. “I know. And I plan on visiting a lot.”

  “And I plan on being back here for every break.”

  “Hence the need for you to have your own key.”

  “Dalton, I-“

  He interrupted me, taking my face in his hands and smothering my words with a long, slow kiss that left me breathless and weak-kneed. I allowed myself to be backed into a wall and frankly I needed the support to continue standing when he started grinding his hips against me. Then Dalton abruptly broke the kiss and gazed intently into my eyes.

  “I have every intention of keeping you, Cami. I’d fucking walk the three hundred miles to San Diego if it meant I could hold you for ten goddamn minutes.”

  “Dalton, I-“

  “Because you’re worth it. Because I’m not going to meet anyone else like you and we can make this work. I’m willing to do whatever it takes. I meant what I told you yesterday. But I don’t expect you to answer the same way. I just want the chance to be with you.”

  I cupped my hand over his mouth. “For god’s sake, stop talking and let me get a few words in.”

  He raised an eyebrow and leaned his elbow against the wall above my head, peering down and waiting for me to continue as I took my hand away.

  I swallowed hard and told him the truth. “Dalton, I love you. And I’d happily meet you halfway on that walk between here and San Diego.” I slipped my arms around his waist. “I love you.”

  “Camille,” he said, lazily tracing a fingertip along my collarbone until I trembled. “I have to tell you one more thing.”

  “What?” I whispered.

  “Just because I’m crazy in love with you doesn’t mean I won’t fuck you without mercy right up against this wall.”

  I pressed against the hard bulge in his pants. I wanted him so much I was feeling dizzy. “I dare you, Dalton.”

  Before I could take another breath Dalton stripped off his shirt, dropped his pants and pushed his hand between my legs.

  “Don’t ever dare me, honey,” he growled.

  My shorts were pulled down, my panties ripped off. I responded by tugging at his lower lip with my teeth and spreading my legs when he lifted me. His first thrust was so hard that I gasped and my back crashed against the wall. I loved it though, loved the rhythmic, ferocious sound of getting owned by his body. If Dalton had any neighbors they were probably either offended or wildly turned on by the sound of rough sex in the middle of the morning. I was loud when I came. I shouted his name and then sucked on his neck, tasting the salt of our mingled sweat, climaxing once more when I felt his shudder and heard his moan.

  “Damn, I fucking love you,” he panted as we slid down to the floor together.

  I smiled. “I love you too.”

  Dalton’s face softened and he lifted me into his lap, cradling me against his broad chest. “I won’t ever complain about hearing that too often.”

  I kissed him. “Then I’ll say it again. I love you.”

  Over the next few hours we christened nearly every blessed surface of Dalton’s empty apartment. Eventually we both needed to recharge so he ordered some sandwiches from a local deli. After they were delivered we sat in the middle of the living room floor and ate while making plans for all the things we were going to do together for the rest of the summer and beyond.

  Later we returned to Wild Spring because Dalton wanted to bring some boxes over to the new place. But there was still not a stick of furniture in his apartment so he rolled out some blankets on the living room floor and it was down there I rode him slowly, sensually, our eyes locked together and his strong hands clutching my hips. And when we were both spent I laid down on top of him, marveling over the way our hearts beat to exactly the same rhythm.

  Dalton ran his hands through my hair. “Will you spend the night?”

  I propped my chin up on his chest. “Yes. I want to spend a lot of nights with you. Under one condition.”

  “What’s that?”

  I planted a kiss on his lips. “Get a damn bed, Dalton.”



  The following spring…

  She was sound asleep. So I put my mouth on her tits until she awoke with a low moan. I grinned over the way she was only half conscious and already starting to move her hips so I obliged by sinking lower. I ran my tongue over her belly and then invaded her with my mouth.

  “Dalton,” she groaned, spreading wide, arching into me so I could get deep.

  Cami could never hold back when she came. She quivered and moaned and rocked against my mouth. When I was satisfied that she was finished reeling under the spell of the orgasm I picked her up and carried her to the shower. I didn’t say a word as I turned on the steam and had her right there, standing up. We’d been all over each other last night after a month apart. She had exams and I was up to my eyeballs getting the training facility ready to open but she arrived in town last night for a week of spring break that was already shaping up to be blessedly oversexed. Even though this was a hell of a big day I planned to get my fill of her a few more times before tackling anything beyond the front door.

  Twenty minutes and several additional orgasms later I toweled off while Cami brushed her teeth wearing a silky black robe I’d bought her for Christmas. Our eyes met in the mirror.

  She spat out a mouthful of toothpaste. “What?”

  I slid her robe over one shoulder and kissed the bare skin. “You’re too beautiful. And I don’t get to look at you enough.”

  Cami leaned into me and I folded my arms over her waist, kissing her wet hair.

  “Do you think you could stand t
o look at me some more?” she asked playfully.

  I reached inside her robe. “I could stand that.”

  She stopped my hand from exploring further. “I was actually talking about something more long term. Remember I mentioned I had a surprise for you?”

  “I thought you gave it to me last night.”

  “I was speaking in terms greater than a blow job.”

  “I’m not sure there is anything greater than a blow job.”

  “Dalton!” She elbowed me. “I’m being serious.”

  In one swift move I untied her robe and pushed it to the floor. “Go ahead and be serious,” I challenged, reaching around to get my hands all over her as she squirmed in front of the mirror.

  “You’re impossible.”

  “You love it.”

  “I love you,” she said quietly. Then she took a deep breath. “I accepted a job with the Sun Republic.”

  I stood up straight. “The one in Phoenix?”

  She nodded. “That’s the one. So I’ll be moving back here right after graduation.”

  I was surprised. Cami had always dreamed of being a big city reporter. I had already vowed to support whatever decision she made about her post graduation plans.

  “Are you sure?” I asked her.

  She tilted her chin up and gave me a stubborn stare in the mirror. “Absolutely. Everything I love is here. You, my family, everything. And Phoenix isn’t exactly a dull place. There’s plenty happening here, plenty worth writing about. This is where I want to be.”

  I didn’t respond immediately. I never wanted to stand in her way and hadn’t dared to hope that she would choose this path.

  “Are you happy?” she asked, uncertainty touching her expression as she stared at me in the mirror.

  I gently took her by the shoulders, turned her around and hugged her close. “I’m happy. I’m just thinking.”

  She rested her cheek against my chest. “About what?”

  “About all the space you’re going to take up in the closet when you move in.”


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