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Missing Piece: Kindred #1

Page 10

by Lizzie James

  I kept my arms around his shoulders, refusing to let go.

  “I’ll see you in the morning.” He pressed his lips to mine in what I assumed was supposed to be only a short kiss.

  “Don’t go yet.” I squeezed myself to him, not wanting to let go. I don’t know whether the alcohol was giving me more confidence or whether it was just me being open to feeling more. “Close the door,” I whispered against his lips.

  “Joy is right downstairs,” he whispered, his eyes flicking to the doorway. “It’s late.”

  “Not that late,” I whispered. I leaned up, pressing a kiss to his neck. “Stay.” I peeked my tongue out, sucking gently against his pulse point. “Just for a few minutes.”

  He sighed, getting up and walking toward the door. He looked back at me, nibbling his bottom lip. He looked conflicted. Maybe he thought he would be taking advantage, but I wasn’t that drunk. He shut the door and walked back over to me. He joined me back on the bed, lying at my side.

  “Kiss me,” I whispered.

  He leaned down, pressing his lips to mine. I gasped, parting my lips. He pressed himself closer to me. I pulled his shoulders so that he was closer but ended up with him choosing to lie over me. His palms traveled down over my ribs until he was cupping the cheeks of my ass.

  I gasped, thrusting my chest out, causing him to groan at the contact. His hands slid down to the back of my thighs and pulled them up and wrapped them around his hips. I moaned at the closer contact, tearing my lips from his.

  Fuck, I never knew I could feel like this.

  I moaned, thrusting my hips against his gently. He groaned, dropping his head into my neck.

  “Fuck, Tillie.” He pressed his lips back to mine before getting up and leaving me on the bed. “I will see you tomorrow.” He walked out, leaving me a quivering mess.

  I got up, stripping out of my clothes and into my comfy pyjamas. Climbing back in, I rolled over when my phone lit up with a text message from Johnny.

  Sleep tight. It killed me to leave. If Joy hadn’t been downstairs…

  I giggled at the threat. Locking my phone, I placed it on the bedside table, dozing off in minutes.

  Walking to school the following morning, I cringed at the sunlight. Wine was the enemy. I saw Bex up ahead sitting on a wall with her sketchpad. Scrap that. Bex with wine was the enemy.

  “Morning, sunshine,” she called to me, making me cringe. “Ooh, not doing so well this morning.”

  “No.” I frowned at her, with a sulky pissed off expression on my face. “Because of you and your wine, I basically threw myself at Johnny last night.”

  She tossed her head back, laughing. “And he turned you down? Damn, I’m liking him more and more every day.”

  “So, what happened with Logan?” I asked, wiggling my eyebrows at her, mockingly. Taking my mini bottle of orange juice out of my bag, I twisted the cap, taking a sip.

  She rolled her eyes at my dramatics. “Ugh, nothing.” She smirked before continuing. “If I swung that way, though, I’d be all over him.”

  I spat the orange juice out of my mouth, narrowly missing her leg. I was shocked. She was a lesbian? How did I not know this? “I’m sorry.” I chuckled awkwardly, already feeling the blush creep up my neck. “I, uh, didn’t know that you were a…”

  “A lesbian?” She cocked her eyebrow at me, still grinning. She obviously wasn’t offended by my reaction. “I thought you knew,” she said, looking confused.

  “Uh, no.” I shook my head, wanting nothing more than to be out of this conversation.

  “Seriously? Girl, you need to pay attention to what’s happening around you.”

  I chuckled, nodding my head in agreement with her. I shrieked when a set of hands landed on my ribs and dug their fingers into my ticklish spots. I slung my arm out to grab them before Logan quickly jumped away.

  Johnny’s arms slowly wound around me, pressing a kiss to my cheek. “Good morning,” he whispered, nuzzling my neck. “Can I walk you to class?”

  I nodded, taking his hand in mine and leading him to my building, leaving Logan and Bex laughing at something on her sketchpad. Sammy skated past us, giving me a small salute before disappearing into the crowd.

  We walked in silence before I snapped under the pressure. “I’m sorry about last night!” I apologized, peeking up at him. “I’m not normally like that. I didn’t mean to push–”

  “Shhh!” Johnny said, pulling me to a stop and pressing his finger against my lips. “I’m not complaining.” He grinned down at me before his eyes trailed down my body and then back up. “I liked you showing that part of yourself to me.”

  “You did?” I asked, surprised.

  “Yeah.” He slipped his hands into my back pockets and pulled me toward him. “It’s nice to know you want me as much as I want you.”

  “I do.” I smiled, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. “I’m happy with you.”

  His grin widened before he leaned his head down and pressed his lips chastely to mine.

  “I have to go.” I pulled away from him, giving him a small wave. “Come and see me later.”



  Running down the field, I held my arms up, ready to receive the ball Chunk had just thrown. I caught it and ran the last ten yards, getting a clean touchdown. The coach did a mid-air fist bump, which was usually his signal that he was impressed. Sammy and Logan fist bumped each other on the bench and Chunk grabbed me in a headlock, making me laugh. Standing back up, my eyes went to the stands where Tillie was. I expected to see her clapping or smiling. Doing something at least. Instead she was sitting there, head down, sketching.

  I chuckled, following the boys into the locker room. After a quick shower and change, I was back out, jogging over to Tillie, where she met me at the bottom of the bleachers.

  “Where are we going?” she asked, slinging her backpack onto her back.

  “Well, I was going to ask if you wanted to come back to the house?”

  Her doe-like eyes flicked up to mine before I continued.

  “Just the two of us.”

  I knew what I was asking her may be difficult for her. I didn’t want it to push her away from me. After leaving her last night, I couldn’t switch off. I was hard as a rock, but no way could I dry hump her with Joy downstairs. Plus, Tillie had obviously had one too many drinks.

  “Okay.” She nodded, resting her weight against my shoulder and her head against my upper arm. She stayed like that the whole way home.

  She slid her bag off and dropped it by the wall. Walking inside, I took my coat off and draped it over the sofa. Looking over my shoulder, I saw her take a few steps up the stairs. She turned and held her hand out to me, looking as sexy as hell.

  “Can we go upstairs?” she asked, vulnerability present in her tone.

  I walked toward her, taking her hand and following her up. She had to take the lead in this.

  Walking into my room, she turned toward me and placed her hands on my shoulders. With one short jump, she wrapped her arms and legs around me. “Don’t break me,” she whispered. She threaded her fingers through the back of my hair.

  “I won’t.” I stepped forward, laying her down on my bed. Climbing over her, I lay next to her, not wanting to crowd her space too much. Before I could blink, she climbed over me, her hands and knees on either side of me.

  I leaned my head up, pressing my lips to hers. She smiled before kissing me back, parting her lips. I entwined my tongue to tangle with hers, closing my eyes at the sensation. I was proud of her for being comfortable enough to position herself over me. After a few moments, though, I could feel her muscles beginning to tense.

  I held her toward me and rolled us over, being careful not to crush her with my weight. She bent her legs, parting them wider. I trailed my lips down to her neck and began nibbling softly on her beautiful skin. She gasped, her hips rotating at the sensation. As she did that, she rubbed herself against me.

  I groaned at the sensation, fe
eling how soft and warm she was.

  She let out a small noise at the contact, her hands tightening on my shoulder blades.

  “Do I feel okay?” she asked.

  It was such an innocent question, but it went straight to my cock. I felt myself harden further, rubbing against her more. “You feel amazing.” I kissed behind her ear, loving the half-gasp, half-moan that came from her. I moved against her harder, causing her to curve her spine. “Does it feel good?” I asked, rotating my hips against hers.

  She nodded her head, holding herself tighter to me and crushing her legs tighter against my hips.

  She looked fucking amazing beneath me.

  Knowing that I was the only one that had been like this with her wasn't helping my stiff cock from rubbing against her. My mind was stuck on a constant loop of how she would feel. How she would sound on the edge of pleasure. Would she be a gentle moaner or lose all caution and be a screamer when I was inside her?

  I rocked against her harder, knowing full well I was losing myself to my thoughts, but I couldn't help it. I wanted her to come undone. No. I needed her to come undone. She had ruined me for any other girl and I wanted to be the same for her.

  She gasped, her head thrown back and her neck exposed. I leaned down, my chest moving against hers. I rotated my hips, feeling the warmth from between her legs getting hotter.


  I could imagine how wet she would be. I couldn’t wait for her to be comfortable enough with me so that I could feel it for myself.

  “I, uh...” She gasped, pressing her lips to mine. She dug her teeth onto my bottom lip, pulling it into her mouth before soothing it with her tongue. She opened her beautiful brown eyes and stared into mine. “I feel...”

  “Yes, baby.” I rocked my hips harder, more forcefully, needing to see her come apart in my arms. I wondered if this was going to be her first orgasm—the first of many if I had any say in it. “Let go. I’ve got you.”

  She moaned, long and loud.

  Thank fuck no one else was in the house. It was the most beautiful sound in the world, but I knew what Logan was like. She tucked her head into my shoulder as I continued to press myself against her, extending the pleasure that was coursing through her. Her body slumped into the mattress, her chest heaving. I rolled over, sliding my arm beneath her neck. She rested her head on my chest and slid her leg over mine.

  “That was... very...” She was still panting, obviously struggling to find the right word.

  “Good?” I asked, looking down at her.

  “Very good.” She nodded her head, smiling up at me. She looked blissed out. Like she didn’t have a care in the world. “Now I know why Bex brags about her orgasms.”

  I laughed, imagining that. Bragging! She'd make a great match with Logan. They both seemed to have that cheeky, good-natured side to them.

  “I didn’t imagine this happening after yesterday,” she whispered, stroking random patterns on my chest.

  “I’m just glad you trusted me enough to listen.” I was serious in that statement. Most girls would have kicked me to the curb. Thankfully, Tillie wasn’t like them.

  “So,” she said, nerves creeping into her tone. “Can I ask what does this make us?”

  I turned my head, confused.

  “I mean, am I your girlfriend or are we just... you know. Fuck buddies or something?”

  I didn't register what I was doing until I had rolled her flat on to her back and our lips were back together. I thrust my tongue inside, pressing roughly against hers. The word ‘fuck’ coming from her mouth turned me into a raging animal.

  “You’re mine,” I whispered. “And I’m yours.” I pressed my nose to hers giving it a gentle rub.

  “Okay.” She grinned up at me with a goofy expression on her face before resting her head back on my chest.

  “Yo, lovebirds! Pizza is down here,” Chunk yelled up the stairs.

  Tillie squeaked in surprise, her worried eyes turning to me.

  “Don’t worry.” I rubbed her arm, soothingly. “They probably grabbed the pizza on their way home.”

  She nodded and allowed me to pull her from the bed.

  Entering the lounge, she went and sat next to Sammy, letting him slide a slice of pizza on a plate for her.

  I grinned, watching the exchange. She genuinely seemed to enjoy my brother’s company. Logan walked past her, pulling teasingly on her messy bun. She frowned, tightening it back into place.

  I walked out into the kitchen where Chunk was opening a few bottles of beer.

  “So, how are things?” He grinned, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

  “Fine.” He was not getting details out of me. Usually we’d laugh and joke and take the piss out of each other but not now. Tillie was different. He rolled his eyes at me, probably thinking I’d turned into an emotional sap, which I had.

  “Does she drink beer?” He had a bottle of bud and a mini bottle of juice. She always had juice with her, so it was a good guess.

  I grabbed the remaining three bottles. “Why don’t you ask her?” I grinned, leaving him to his predicament.

  He walked in, holding a bottle of bud and juice out to her. “I didn’t know which you’d prefer.” He blushed as she smiled up at him.

  I don’t think I’d ever seen the boss blush before. Ever. Not even around Joy.

  “Thank you.” She reached for the bottle of bud, taking a swig before biting a mouthful off her pizza.

  Chunk smirked, giving me a fist bump. “Good choice, bro.”

  I grinned, watching her pick the pepperoni off her pizza. Sammy silently held his plate out and she threw them on there. Sammy was a monster for pepperoni. He’d live off the stuff if he could.

  “Dude, you’re going to have to run twice as fast around that field tomorrow to work that greasy stuff off,” Chunk said.

  “Yeah, right.” Sammy rolled his eyes. “I’m not even on the team yet.”

  “Think positive,” Tillie replied before Chunk or I could say a word. “You’ll get there.”

  Sammy smiled down at her, trusting her.

  “That reminds me.” Chunk got his wallet out, pulling out two small pieces of card. “This is for you.” He handed it to Tillie. “For you to come and watch us at the game next week.”

  “Thank you.” She smiled over at him before her eyes went to me. “Can I bring Bex?”

  “Sure.” He took a bite off his pizza before continuing. “Joy never comes to our games. They can get a bit loud.”

  She nodded, tucking the tickets into her jeans. “So, are you boys ready?”

  Her question resulted in an hour-long conversation about the plays and the rules of football. The boys were trying to help but it did anything but help. She looked just as confused as she had done at the start of the conversation.

  Days later, I still hadn’t seen Tillie. We’d gone the whole weekend with only a few texts between us.

  At first, I was worried she was starting to push me away after letting me get her off, but she was flat out. She had six essays to get done in the next month plus a life drawing. Watching her run across campus with all her art supplies, I could see the stress was starting to mount.

  Getting home from school on Thursday night, I crashed on my bed, feeling the muscles bunch beneath my shirt. Coach was really running us. He knew what we wanted, and he was determined to get us to the championships.

  I heard my door creak and couldn’t even be bothered to open my eyes.

  Please go away.

  Before I could move, a small body was leaning over me, its knees pressed on either side of my hips.

  “You look exhausted, mister,” Tillie whispered in my ear. Her hands settled on my shoulders and began rubbing. Her little fingers dug deep into my knotted-up muscles, trying to release the tension.

  I groaned at the sensation, relaxing further into the mattress. Her touch felt like bliss through my shirt. Her hands slid my t-shirt up my ribs, her fingers prodding down my spine. I lifted my arm, grabbing
the neck of my tee and pulled it off. She gasped, as her fingers trailed softy over my skin.

  I folded my arms in front of me, resting my chin on them. Feeling her fingers trail across my skin caused the most blissful feeling to travel through my veins. Her hand trembled against my back. She was nervous to be touching me. After a few minutes, she pressed her fingers harder, rubbing firm strokes against my muscles.

  I groaned, feeling my cock harden, which wasn’t comfortable in my current position. Turning over, I settled my hands on her hips, steadying her on top of me. She smiled down at me before her eyes trailed lower. They widened in surprise before meeting mine again.

  “Does that… happen a lot?” She tucked her fingers beneath my belt buckle, stabilizing herself on me. “I’ve never... I don’t know... am I doing something wrong? It can’t be comfortable for you.”

  “It’s not.” I shook my head at her. “You’re not doing anything wrong.” I sighed, looking up at her. “I just want you too much, is all.”

  “I’m sorry,” she apologized. “I’m trying to...”

  “Shhh.” I reached up, placing my finger over her lips. “I’m not with you for sex.” I shook my head, trying to decide the best way to explain it. “When it happens, I have no doubt it’ll be amazing. And I’ll want to do it again. And again. And again.”

  She giggled, her beautiful smile lighting up her face.

  “But right now, being with you, without any expectations in the way, is more than enough.” I rubbed my hips against her hipbones, letting myself be honest. “I’ve been with a lot of girls. Some more than others.”

  She frowned at my words, hurt flashing across her face. I hated seeing it there and worse... being the one to put that look there made me feel like a fool. But she had to know.

  “Being with you. Spending time with you. It means more to me than any of those girls. You are more than that.”

  “I am?” she asked. Sounding so unsure of herself.

  “You are.” I nodded, staring up at her. “I want to be the same for you. Those girls meant nothing to me. This.” I took her hand in mine and slid it up my body until it was over my heart. “This could be everything—to the both of us. I’m willing to try if you are.”


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