The Queen's Bed: An Intimate History of Elizabeth's Court

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The Queen's Bed: An Intimate History of Elizabeth's Court Page 57

by Anna Whitelock

  Knollys, Sir Francis; letter to wife

  Knollys, Henry; wedding

  Knollys, Katherine, Lady (née Carey): early life and marriage; lady-in-waiting; illnesses; death; funeral; children

  Knollys, Lettice (later Devereux, then Dudley, Countess of Leicester); and Dudley; marriage; exiled from court; in Leicester’s Commonwealth; in Letter of Estate; subsequently

  Knollys, Sir William; and Mary Fitton; in Coffer Chamber

  Kyernberk, Martin

  Kyle, John

  Ladies of the Bedchamber; as bedfellows; duties; ranks; wages; after death of Kat Ashley; scandals; on death of EI; see also names

  Languet, Hubert

  Lannoy, Cornelius de (alchemist)

  Laton, Gilbert

  Launceton Castle

  lavatories; Harington’s device

  Lee, Sir Henry

  Lee, John

  Lee, Capt. Thomas

  Leicester, Earl of see Dudley, Robert

  Leicester’s Commonwealth

  Lennox, Esmé Stuart d’Aubigny, Earl of

  Lennox, Margaret Douglas, Countess of

  Lennox, Mathew Stewart, 4th Earl of

  Leslie, John, Bishop of Ross

  Letter of Estate, The

  Lilly, William

  Lippomano, Hieronimo

  Lochleven Castle

  Lodge, Thomas: Scillaes Metamorphosis

  London: at coronation of EI; frozen; on Rising of the North; 1599 defences; in RDev rebellion; at death of EI; on accession of James; see also place names

  Lopez, Dr Roderigo

  Lopez, Sarah

  Lorraine, Charles de Guise, Cardinal de


  Lyford Grange, Berkshire

  Madre de Dios (ship)

  Maitland, Sir William

  Malte, Etheldrada

  Maniola de Corfeu

  Manners, Roger, Earl of Rutland

  Manningham, John

  Margaret Tudor

  Markham, Robert

  Markham, Thomas

  Martinego, Abbot

  Mary I, Queen; Catholicism; marriage; death and will; tomb

  Mary of the Guise

  Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots: early life; 1st marriage; returns to Scotland; claim to English throne; described by Melville; relationship with EI; plots to place on throne, (Babington); and Bocosel; 2nd marriage prospects; offered RDu as husband; and Duke of Norfolk; marries Darnley; pregnancy; murder of Rizzio; birth of son; death of Darnley; marries Bothwell; abdicates; flees to England; trial re murder of Darnley; imprisonment in England, (appeals to Philip); and English Parliament; secret correspondence; writes to EI; trial for conspiracy; death warrant; execution; international reaction; tomb

  Mather, Edmund

  Maximilian II, Emperor

  Mayne, Cuthbert

  medicines; for insomnia; preventive; smallpox

  Melville, Sir James, Scottish envoy

  Mendoza, Don Bernardino de, Spanish ambassador


  Metamorphosis of Ajax, The

  Micea, Marco Antonio

  Mildmay, Sir Walter

  Mitterburg, Baron von see Zwetkowich, Adam von

  Montague, Alice

  Montague, Anthony Browne, 1st Viscount

  Montmorency, Françis, Duke of

  Moody, Michael

  Moray, James Stewart, Earl of

  Morgan, Thomas

  Mortlake, Surrey

  Most Joyful song…, A

  Mountjoy’s Inn, Holborn

  Mundt, Christopher


  Neale, John: Queen Elizabeth I

  Neville, Charles, 6th Earl of Westmoreland

  Neville, Edmund

  New Discourse…: The Metamorphosis of Ajax

  New Year’s Day gifts; 1563; 1566; 1579; RDev’s last

  Newdigate, Anne

  ‘News from Heaven and Hell’

  Newton, Frances (later Brooke) see Cobham, Frances

  Newton, Thomas: Atropoion Delion

  Nicholson, George

  Noailles, Antonie de

  Nonsuch Palace, Surrey; history; Platter at; RDev at

  Norfolk, Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of; and RDu; plans to marry MS; Rising of the North; in ToL; and Ridolfi Plot; trial; death

  Norris, Sir Henry, ambassador in Paris

  Norris, Sir John

  North Hall, Northaw, Hertfordshire

  Northampton, Helena Parr, Marchioness of

  Northumberland, John Dudley, Duke of

  Northumberland, Thomas Percy, 7th Earl of

  Northumberland, Henry Percy, 9th Earl of

  Northumberland, Henry Percy, 8th Earl of

  Norton, Thomas


  Nostradamus, Michel

  Nottingham, Catherine Howard, Countess of

  Nottingham, Charles Howard, 1st Earl of: and Armada; on Privy Council; at end of EI’s reign

  Nowell, Dr Alexander

  Oath of Allegiance

  Oath of Supremacy

  Oatlands Palace, Surrey

  O’Collun, Patrick

  Oliver, Isaac

  O’Neill, Hugh, Earl of Tyrone

  ‘Order of Prayer and Thanksgiving…’

  Osborne, Francis: Traditional Memoirs …

  Owen, Nicholas

  Oxford, John de Vere, 16th Earl of

  Paget, Charles

  Paget, Lord Thomas

  Paris, France: plots in; St Bartholomew’s Day massacre; Catholics in; pictures of EI in; publication in; on death of MS; see also Stafford, Sir Edward; Throckmorton, Sir Nicholas

  Parker, Henry

  Parker, Matthew, Archbishop of Canterbury

  Parliament: 1559; 1562 (petitions EI to marry); 1563; 1564; 1572; 1566; 1571 legislation; 1581; 1584, (Dr Parry); 1586; 1601

  Parr, Katherine; marriage; death

  Parr, William

  Parry, Blanche; duties; after death of Kat Ashley; death; monument; tomb; will

  Parry, Dr Henry

  Parry, Sir Thomas

  Parry, Dr William

  Paulet, Sir Amyas

  Payne, John

  Penn, Sybill

  Penshurst Place, Kent

  Percy, Henry see Northumberland

  Percy, Thomas see Northumberland


  Persons, Father Robert; A Conference about the next succession …; The Judgement of a Catholic Englishman …; A Discussion of the Answer …

  Peterborough Cathedral

  Phaer, Thomas: Regiment of Life

  Phelippes, Thomas

  Philip II, King of Spain; and K. Grey; and MS; and Portugal; on death of MS; claim to English throne; and Arthur Dudley; and ‘Enterprise of England’; and Lopez

  Philosopher’s Stone

  Pickering, Sir William

  Pius V, Pope; excommunicates Elizabeth


  Platter, Thomas

  Pole, Arthur

  Pole, Edmund

  Pollweiler, Baron

  Polwhele, William

  Popham, Chief Justice

  Pormant, Thomas

  Portman, Sir Hugh

  ports, security measures at

  Portugal; Drake’s voyage to; Madre de Dios

  Pregnor, Gaspar

  Presence Chamber; Greenwich; Hampton Court

  Prestall, John


  Privy Chamber; security; Whitehall

  Privy Council: 1548; 1560; 1561; 1562, discuss succession; 1566, on EI’s marriage; 1568, and MS; 1572, on Huguenot massacre; 1579; 1581, and Anjou; ‘Instrument of an Association…’; and execution of MS; and Lord Deputy in Ireland; and RDev; on death of EI


  Protestant Church and state; and Scotland

  Protestants; see also Huguenots

  Pullyson, Sir Thomas


  Puttenham, George: poems by

  Quadra, Don Alvaro de, Bishop of Aquila, Spanish ambassador; arrested; death

Queen’s Bench prison, Southwark

  Radcliffe, Mary

  Radcliffe, Thomas, 3rd Earl of Sussex

  Raimondi, Marcantonio

  Ralegh, Damerei

  Ralegh, Sir Walter; marriage; in Tower of London

  Ralegh, Walter (son of Sir Walter)

  Randolph, Thomas, ambassador to Scotland

  Rich, Lady Penelope (née Devereux)

  Richmond Palace; bed; Christmas, 1588; Presence Chamber; EI’s ‘warm box’ 100; water closet; 1602

  Ridolfi, Roberto di

  Ridolfi plot

  Rising of the North

  Rivers, Father Anthony

  Rizzio, David: murder of

  Robsart, Amy, death; funeral

  Rogers, Sir Edward

  Rogers, John

  Rogers, Mary

  Rolls, Richard

  Rookwood, Edward

  Rudd, Dr Anthony

  Ruggieri, Cosmo

  Russell, Anne see Warwick, Anne Dudley (née Russell), Countess of

  Sacconay, Gabriel de

  Sadler, Sir Ralph

  Sandys, Edwin, Bishop of London

  Savage, John

  Savoy, Duchess of

  Scaramelli, Giovanni Carlo

  Schifanoya, Il

  Scotland; English invade; MS returns to; religion; Treaty of Edinburgh; see also Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots; Randolph, Thomas

  Scrope, Philadelphia Carey, (née Knollys), Lady see Carey, Philadelphia

  Scudamore, John (marries Mary Shelton)

  Scudamore, John (son)

  Scudamore, Mary (née Shelton): family and early life; marriage; Lady of Privy Chamber; Lady of Bedchamber

  Secret History of the Duke …

  Secret History of the Most Renowned …

  Seymour, Edward, Duke of Somerset, Lord Protector

  Seymour, Edward, Earl of Hertford

  Seymour, Edward, Viscount Beauchamp

  Seymour, Jane

  Seymour, Katherine (née Grey): claim to throne; on accession of EI; Lady of Bedchamber; marriage; in ToL; illness and death; in Conference about the next succession …

  Seymour, Sir Thomas; marriage; living in Old Manor; widowed and arrested

  Seymour, Thomas (son of Katherine)

  Shakespeare, William: Venus and Adonis

  Sheffield, John, Lord

  Sheldon, Sir Edward

  Shelton, Sir John

  Shelton, Mary (later Scudamore) see Scudamore, Mary

  Shrewsbury, Elizabeth, Countess of (née St Loe; ‘Bess of Hardwick’)

  Shrewsbury, George Talbot, Earl of: marriage; custody of MS; execution of MS; on EI’s last illness; letters to

  Sidney, Ambrosia: death

  Sidney, Elizabeth

  Sidney, Frances (later Devereux)

  Sidney, Sir Henry; and Philip II; and wife’s smallpox; offered barony; letter to wife

  Sidney (née Dudley), Mary, Lady: early life; in Privy Chamber (and de Quadra); smallpox; in Ireland; New Year gifts to EI, 1579; retires

  Sidney, Mary (daughter of Lady Sidney)

  Sidney, Sir Philip: name; smallpox; death; ‘A Letter to Queen Elizabeth’

  Sidney, Sir Robert; correspondence with James VI

  Silva, Guzman de, Spanish ambassador

  Simier, Jean de, Baron de Saint-Marc

  Sixtus V, Pope

  smallpox; ‘red treatment’; scars

  Smith, Sir Thomas, envoy in France

  Smythesone, John

  Somerset House

  Somerville, John

  Southern, Robert

  Southwell, Elizabeth (mother of Walter Devereux)

  Southwell, Elizabeth (attends EI in her final days)

  Southwell, Robert

  Spain: war with France; and Portugal; ‘Enterprise of England’; Armada (in portrait of EI); invasion: feared, 1599; forces land in Ireland; see also Feria, Count of; Mendoza, Don Bernardino de; Philip II, King; Quadra, Alvaro de; Silva, Guzman de; Spes, Don Gureau de

  ‘Speeches of a Friar in Dunkirk, The’

  Spenser, Edmund: The Faerie Queene

  Spes, Don Gureau de, Spanish ambassador

  Squires, Edward

  St James’s Palace

  St John, Margaret, Countess of Bedford

  St Loe, Bess, see Shrewsbury, Countess of of Hardwick

  St Paul’s Cathedral

  Stafford, Dorothy, Lady: during reign of Mary I; Lady of Bedchamber; and sons; death

  Stafford, Sir Edward: early life; ambassador to France; and Leicester’s Commonwealth; reports on Armada

  Stafford, Elizabeth

  Stafford, John

  Stafford, Sir William

  Stafford, William (son of Sir William)

  Standen, Anthony

  Stanley, Elizabeth, Countess of Derby

  Stanley, John

  Stanley, Sir William

  Star Chamber, Court of

  Stettin-Pomeramia, Duke of

  Stonor Park, Oxfordshire

  Stow, John

  Strachey, Lytton: Elizabeth and Essex

  Stuart, Arbella

  Stuart, Henry see Darnley, Lord

  Stuart d’Aubigny, Esmé

  Stubbes, Philip

  Stubbs, John: The Discoverie of a Gaping Gulf …

  succession negotiations, 1601

  Surian, Giacomo, Venetian ambassador

  Sussex, Thomas Radcliffe, 3rd Earl of


  Symondes, Dr

  Talbot, George, son of Earl of Shrewsbury

  Talbot, Gilbert

  Talbot, Lady Mary

  Tamworth (groom)

  Thames, River: barrier; frozen

  Thomas, Valentine

  Throckmorton, Elizabeth (later Ralegh)

  Throckmorton, Francis

  Throckmorton, Sir Nicholas; ambassador to France; in Scotland; 1566; 1569

  Thurneyesser, Leonhard

  Tichborne, Chidiock

  Tider, Robin



  Tinoco, Manuel Luis

  Tomasin, Mistress

  Tooker, William

  Topcliffe, Richard

  Tower of London: K. Ashley in; RDev in; EI in; K. Grey in; Norfolk in; Ralegh and wife in; Somerville in

  Tracy, Henry

  Treason Act

  Treaty of Blois

  Treaty of Edinburgh

  Treaty of Nonsuch

  Tregian, Francis

  Tutbury Castle, Staffordshire

  Twelfth Night: 1566; 1594; 1599

  Tyburn, executions: Campion; Lee; Lopez; Squires; F. Throckmorton

  Tyrone, Hugh O’Neill, Earl of

  Tyrwhit, Lady

  Tyrwhit, Sir Robert

  Vassay, France

  Vaughan, John

  Vaughan, Rowland

  Vavasour, Thomas

  Venturini, Borghese

  Verstegan, Richard

  Vestal Virgins

  Virginia, Colony

  Vives, Juan Luis

  Waad, Armagil

  Waad, William

  Waldegrave, Sir Edward

  Walpole, Henry

  Walpole, Father Richard

  Walsingham, Frances (later Sidney, then Devereux)

  Walsingham, Sir Francis; intelligence network; and EI marriage negotiations; and Catholic plots; in Paris; death


  Wardour Castle, Wiltshire

  Warner, Sir Edward

  Warwick, Anne Dudley (née Russell), Countess of

  Warwick, 3rd Earl of see Dudley, Ambrose

  Wedel, Lupold von

  Wendy, Dr

  Wentworth, Peter


  Westminster Abbey; funeral of EI; funeral of K. Knollys; funeral of B. Parry; Noel’s sermon; royal tombs

  Westminster Hall, trials

  Westminster Palace: Star Chamber

  Westmoreland, Charles Neville, 6th Earl of

  Westmoreland, Jane, Countess of

  Weston, Father Willi

  White, John

  Whitehall Palace; history; Christmas, 1562; 1562 petition; Christmas, 1564; Keyes wedding; Anjou at; and assassination plots; military review at; Twelfth Night, 1594; de Maisse at; tilt at, 1595; Twelfth Night, 1599; at RDev rebellion; on death of EI; banqueting hall; bed; Bedchamber; chapel royal; garden; Privy Chamber; window emblem

  Whitgift, John, Archbishop of Canterbury

  Whyte, Nicholas

  Whyte, Rowland

  William, Prince of Orange; death

  Wilson, Thomas

  Windsor; RDu at; during plague; 1565; inscribed book at; smallpox at; 1586; 1593; funeral of Lady Clinton

  Windsor Great Park


  women: sixteenth-century view of

  Wotton, Sir Edward

  Wriothesley, Henry, Earl of Southampton

  Wyatt, Sir Thomas

  Yates, Francis

  York House

  Yorke, Edmund

  Younge, James


  Zuccaro, Frederigo

  Zwetkowich, Adam von, Baron von Mitterburg


  Mary Tudor


  Anne Whitelock received her PhD in history from Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. She is now a senior lecturer in early modern history at Royal Holloway, University of London, and regularly appears on television and radio. She has written for the Guardian, BBC History Magazine, History Today, the Times Literary Supplement and The New York Times. Her bestselling debut, Mary Tudor, was published to critical acclaim in 2009; The Queen’s Bed is her second book. She lives in Cambridge.

  Sarah Crichton Books

  Farrar, Straus and Giroux

  18 West 18th Street, New York 10011

  Copyright © 2013 by Anna Whitelock

  All rights reserved

  Originally published in 2013 by Bloomsbury Publishing, Great Britain, as Elizabeth’s Bedfellows: An Intimate History of the Queen’s Court

  Published in the United States by Sarah Crichton Books / Farrar, Straus and Giroux

  First American edition, 2014

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Whitelock, Anna.

  The queen’s bed: an intimate history of Elizabeth’s court / Anna Whitelock. — First American edition.

  pages cm

  “Originally published in 2013 by Bloomsbury Publishing, Great Britain, as Elizabeth’s Bedfellows: An Intimate History of the Queen’s Court”—T.p. verso.

  Includes bibliographical references and index.

  ISBN 978-0-374-23978-7 (hardcover) — ISBN 978-1-4299-4916-3 (ebook)

  1. Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 1533–1603—Sexual behavior. 2. Ladies-in-waiting—England—History—16th century. 3. Queens—England—Social conditions—16th century. 4. Great Britain—History—Elizabeth, 1558–1603. 5. Great Britain—Court and courtiers—History—16th century. 6. Great Britain—Politics and government—1558–1603. I. Title.


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