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Her Greek Protector

Page 8

by Amanda Horton

  Aimee opened her mouth to tell him how much she resented his high-handed ways, but her anger dissipated as she settled next to him, compassion for him moving her to offer him whatever comfort she could. There were deep creases in his forehead, a visible sign that his head was hurting. His skin had a gray pallor to it, and his hands were slightly clammy. “You really are hurting, aren’t you?” she murmured softly, reaching up to smooth a hand across his brow, unable to stop herself.

  Her libido kicked in, urging her to smooth her hand over the rest of his body. She bit her lip and chided herself mentally. He’s a hurting man and you’re thinking about sex. Get a hold of yourself, Aimee. Geez, he’s so out of your league to start with, what are you thinking! He’s a wealthy guy who has already shown you he likes to call the shots. He might make your panties damp, but he represents everything you’re trying to get away from. You’re calling the shots now. Don’t forget that.

  She began to massage his hand, searching for the pressure points she knew would offer him some relief from the building pressure behind his temples. She could help ease his headache and then send him on his way. “Just relax.”

  Chapter 7

  Alexi heard her words, but between her hands on his body, and the delightful smell of her shampoo wafting towards him, there was no way he could “relax.” His body was strung tight, his physical response to her nearness growing with each encounter. He mentally wondered if she was feeling the attraction just as much as he was. Each time he was near her, the sexual chemistry seemed to escalate. Try as he might, he just couldn’t convince his body that Aimee wasn’t for him.

  If I wasn’t in so much pain, I’d have my hands on her body and my lips on hers. I wouldn’t be sitting here, trying to pretend I’m not affected by her nearness, both rejoicing and cursing the fact that she’s touching me. How pathetic is that?

  Aimee massaged his hand for several long minutes. “How’s your head feeling now?”

  Alexi cracked one eye open and gave her a soft smile. “It’s getting better.”

  She smiled back at him. “Want to tell me what set your headache off this time? I’m a good listener and since I barely speak Greek, it’s not like I’m going to be able to share much of what you tell me with anyone.”

  Alexi opened both eyes, watching her carefully for a few moments before speaking. “You know about the stock transfer?”

  She nodded. “Yes, and I know that Gemma didn’t want the stock and transferred the shares to Damien with Leo having the voting rights until he reaches his majority. But that will all go away now, won’t it?”

  Alexi shrugged. “That remains to be seen. My brother and I briefly discussed this issue and he isn’t inclined to return the stock to me without having a big family meeting.”

  “But won’t everything go back to the way it was before? The only reason the stock was transferred was because everyone thought you were dead. You clearly are not dead. You should talk to Gemma.”

  “I do not have to discuss this with Gemma as the ultimate decision lies with my brother. He likes his new role in the company and wants it to continue. In my absence, it seems my brother has discovered he likes working and seeing the fruits of his labors.”

  Aimee shook her head. “I take it you and Leo never worked together before your disappearance? You two can’t figure out a way to share the company?”

  Alexi was bemused by her questions and reached up a hand, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “Efkharisto.”

  “For what?”

  “For helping make my pain tolerable and for listening. Now, I would like to return the favor. You seemed saddened by something earlier. On the balcony. I, too, am a good listener.”

  Aimee sighed and then tucked her feet beneath her. “I was just feeling a bit sorry for myself. It’s nothing.”

  “I disagree. Why would you need to feel sorry for yourself? You are a beautiful young woman with the world at your disposal.”

  Aimee gave a derisive laugh. “That may be the world you live in, but not all of us have an endless bank account or the ability to do and go wherever we choose.”

  Alexi searched her eyes for a moment. “So, pretend. If you had no financial worries and could go and do whatever your heart desired, what would you be planning for your future?”

  Aimee cocked her head and then bit her bottom lip. “It sounds stupid. I mean, I don’t even know if I’m any good.”

  “You’ve already lost me. Good at what?” Alexi watched the play of emotions cross her face.

  “Photography,” she told him, waiting as if she expected him to shoot down her dream.

  “Many people make a very good living taking pictures. Why would that be stupid?” Alexi questioned her.

  “Well, I mean…I don’t have any formal training...”

  “So, enroll in a photography school. That problem is easily solved,” Alexi told her with a confident smile.

  Aimee laughed again. “So says you. For your information, I did check into some schools, both here and back home, but it would take me years to save up that kind of money.”

  “How much does a school like this cost?” His hand started to reach for her again, but he tucked it beneath his thigh.

  “Six thousand dollars plus equipment. I know…”

  “Done. You will tell me where to write the check and I will have it for you tomorrow.”

  Aimee surged backwards, shaking her head. “No way! I’m not letting you, or anyone, pay for my schooling. Why would you even make such an offer? You don’t even know me.”

  “A problem that is easily rectified.” He reached for her shoulders and pulled her towards him. Lowering his lips, he took her in a kiss.

  She froze for a moment and then melted, her lips softening. Alexi took his time kissing her. He continued to pull her towards himself, until she was half lying across his chest. Then he pushed one hand up to the nape of her neck, pulling the tie that secured her hair free.

  Her blonde tresses cascaded down over his hand and arm, and he had a momentary image of her hair draped across his naked chest as he made love to her. His other hand roamed across her back, but when he moved to delve beneath her t-shirt, she pushed away from him.

  She moved to the far end of the couch, watching him warily. “Why did you do that?” She touched her lips.

  Alexi was not used to being thwarted. He struggled not to pull Aimee back and finish what they’d started. “Because I wanted to. It was also an effective way to stop you from arguing with me.”

  Aimee shook her head. “You…I can’t believe you just said that.”

  Alexi shrugged. “You enjoyed kissing me, so I don’t see what the problem is. As for the photography school, you will go and money will not be a problem. Trust me, the amount the school requires is nothing to my bank account.”

  She stiffened. “I can’t accept it.”

  Alexi stared at her. “Fine. Consider it payment for services rendered.”

  “What? What services?” Aimee asked harshly.

  Alexi smirked at her. “Headache relief. If it makes you feel better, I shall most certainly need your expertise again in the coming days. My brother is coming home tomorrow and that is sure to be a stressful situation.”

  “You’re not going to pay me for helping you with your headaches.” Aimee looked somewhat relieved.

  Alexi hid his smile at the presumption she’d made. He’d never paid for sexual favors and he certainly wasn’t going to start now. He should be insulted that she would even think such a thing, but instead he merely found it amusing. Not that he was going to let her see that. She still looked insulted and angry.

  “Then you will be accepting the funds as a gift from me to you. Think of the money however you want, but it will be paid and by myself. Now, while I would love to spend the rest of the day here with you looking at your pictures, Kassi will be home soon. You and Damien have a date in town.”

  “How did you know that?” she watched him warily.

He stood, liking the stunned look on her face at his abrupt change of topic. “Kassi herself told me. Have a nice time shopping and I will see you at dinner.” He strolled back out through the open patio door, pulling it shut behind him. He heard the throw pillow hit the wooden frame and chuckled.

  Obviously, Aimee didn’t like having anyone help her. While he admired independence in a woman, there were times—like now—when it annoyed him. She needed a small amount of help that he could provide. She would accept his help. She could be annoyed with him all she liked, but Aimee was going to photography school. He would enlist Gemma’s help in persuading her friend of the wisdom of getting professional training and not going into debt to do so. Six thousand dollars was nothing to a man of his means.

  He only hoped she would give in graciously. He would much rather have her thanking him with kisses and cuddles than cursing him for trying to take over her life. Alexi felt a surge of lust jolt through him at the thought. Kisses and cuddles are much more to my liking where the beautiful Aimee is concerned.


  Aimee was still fuming over Alexi’s offer to pay for her schooling half an hour later. Or was it not his offer, but what had come before? Kissing him had brought her emotions to the ragged edge. It had been everything she’d dreamed about and more—which made it even more important that she keep her distance.

  She wasn’t planning to stay in Greece long-term and he was completely above her social class. More importantly, he was rich, used to getting his own way, while I can’t even speak the local language. All the power in this relationship is on his side... Nothing good could ever come from their association. I’m not becoming his plaything simply because I’m convenient.

  The fact that she had an enormous crush on the man made things more complicated. She wanted to visit Gemma again without worrying about running into a past romantic entanglement. No matter how nice sleeping with Alexi would undoubtedly be...

  She was saved further introspection when her cell phone rang. She glanced at the caller I.D. and smiled. “Gemma? Where are you?”

  “We’re getting ready to leave Australia. I tried calling earlier but you didn’t answer. You still need to set up your voicemail,” Gemma reminded her.

  “Shoot! I keep forgetting. I’ll do it right after we get off the phone.”

  “Good. How is Damien?”

  “He’s just finishing his nap.” Aimee wandered into the bedroom, smiling at the little boy who was just beginning to stir. “He’s awake, do you want to talk to him?”

  “Oh, yes! Please, put him on speakerphone,” Gemma told her excitedly. “Hey, sweetie! Have you been having a good time with Aunt Aimee?”

  Aimee set the phone down on the bed and then lifted Damien into her lap. “Momma’s on the phone, sweet boy. Can you talk to her?”

  Damien rubbed his eyes and then looked at the phone. “Momma?”

  “Yes, Damien. Momma’s here. I miss you, baby.”

  “Momma?” Damien reached for the phone and handed it to Aimee.

  She took it and nodded. “Momma’s coming home tomorrow. Can you tell her about our trip to the beach? We built a sand castle. Remember?”

  “Falled down.” Damien stuck his thumb in his mouth.

  “Your sand castle fell down?” Gemma asked.

  “The sand wasn’t wet enough,” Aimee explained. “When momma gets home we’ll have to go back and try again.”

  “Dadda?” Damien asked.

  “He’s coming home tomorrow too. He misses you,” Gemma told him.

  “Damien, my boy, are you being good for Aimee?” Leo asked.

  “Dadda swim?”

  Leo’s laughing voice came across the phone. “When I get home, you and I will certainly go swimming. Aimee, is everything going okay there?”

  “Yes. Your parents are thrilled that Alexi is back.”

  “I’m sure they are. I spoke to him a little bit ago, but how is he really?”

  Aimee bit her lip. Would it be tattling if she mentioned Alexi’s headaches? “I guess he’s fine. I didn’t know him before so I’m not really the one to say. You’ll be home tomorrow and will be able to judge for yourself.”

  She couldn’t forget that Leo had been the cause of Alexi’s most recent headache. Suggesting that he wasn’t going to return Alexi’s stock back to him hadn’t sat well with her. He could at least wait to see his brother in person before dropping a bombshell like that.

  Gemma’s voice came back on the line. “Damien, you be a good boy for Aimee and momma will see you tomorrow before bed. Okay? We’ll read a story together.”

  “Book.” Damien scrambled to get off Aimee’s lap. He loved books. Aimee had discovered it was the fastest way to get him to settle down.

  “And he’s off searching for a book right now.” Aimee chuckled. “A very single-minded young man you have there.”

  “Thank you so much for watching him, Aimee. I promise, when I get back we’re going to sit down and figure out your next move…”

  “Yeah, well, I might have already done that,” Aimee told her hesitantly.

  “Really? Tell me more,” Gemma urged.

  “I think I want to do photography.”

  “That would be perfect for you! You love taking pictures and they always turn out so well. What do you need to get started? New equipment? Lights? You have to tell me. Leo and I already discussed this and we’re going to help you get started on your next career path.”

  Aimee’s head spun. “What is it with everyone wanting to take over my life?!”

  “Wait! What are you talking about?” Gemma asked. “I’m taking the phone off speakerphone and going into the next room...” It was a moment before she spoke again. “I’m not trying to take over your life, I just want to help you.”

  “You want to help me buy equipment. Alexi wants to pay for my schooling. I suppose next you’ll be telling me I don’t have to worry about a place to live.”

  There was a poignant pause. Gemma spoke softly. “You do have a place to live. The estate has plenty of space and I love having you there. So does Damien. And what’s this about Alexi paying for your school?”

  “According to him, it’s for services rendered.” Aimee told her sarcastically.

  “What?” Gemma asked. “Services rendered? That sounds kind of like…”

  “I didn’t sleep with him.” Yet. If he wasn’t so much like the other wealthy guys I’ve known, I might consider a one-night stand. He’s hot and there’s obvious attraction and chemistry between us. He seems to have a great personality as well but only when he wants something. The rest of the time, he bosses me around like he owns me! No, I need to stay away from Alexi. He’s nothing but bad news.

  “Okay, I’m obviously missing something here. What services exactly are you supposed to have rendered that would have him wanting to pay for your schooling?” Gemma’s voice was very calm and measured.

  “I helped him with his headaches, but I don’t think he wants anyone to know he’s having them. So you can’t say anything to Leo, because then I would feel like I was breaking his confidence…Ugh!”

  Gemma’s voice was relaxed. “Your current level of vexation with Alexi wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that you’ve got a thing for him, would it?”

  “A thing? I do not have a thing for Alexi.” She’d been watching Damien search her room for his beloved Aladdin book, and she spied it sitting on the table at the same moment he did. He started pulling himself up onto the chair.

  Aimee rushed to save him from toppling both himself and the chair over. “Can we have this conversation when you get back? Your son thinks he’s part monkey and has now learned to climb onto chairs.”

  “We can’t have that.” Gemma laughed. “I really miss him.”

  “I know you do. I’ll make sure he takes a good nap tomorrow and then he’ll be awake when you get back,” Aimee promised.

  “Thanks, Aims. I really don’t know what I would do without you sometimes.”

  “I could say the same about you. See you tomorrow.” Aimee lowered the phone to Damien’s level. “Can you give momma a kiss through the phone?”

  Damien placed a wet slobbery kiss all over the screen of her phone. “Just so you know, my phone is now slimy,” Aimee told Gemma who responded with a chuckle.

  “Bye, bye, sweet boy. Bye, Aims.”

  “Bye!” Damien yelled into the phone, kissing his hand and then slapping the face of the phone with it.

  Aimee disconnected the call and then reached for a tissue to wipe her phone off. “Next time we’ll start by blowing kisses, got it?”

  Damien blew another kiss and then resumed his attempt to reach the book.

  Aimee handed him the book. “Here, why don’t we go get a snack and then we can read your book?”

  Damien needed no further invitation and headed for the door that led to the rest of the house, his book clutched to his chest. “Cookie.”

  Thankfully, the door handles were still too high for him to reach. When that situation no longer existed, Gemma and Leo were going to have to seriously consider installing some child safety locks around the estate. Damien was way too curious and daring for Aimee’s peace of mind.

  She pocketed her phone and picked him up, smiling when he bumped her cheek with his forehead in an attempt to give her a kiss. Aimee chuckled and looked at his eyes, noticing just how much they resembled Alexi’s. They were a deep blue like the ocean, and she felt a rush of warmth as she remembered her earlier romantic interlude with Alexi.

  “Cookie!” Damien demanded, lunging towards the door while still clasped in her arms.

  “Okay, settle down before I drop you. We’ll go get you a cookie.” And hope that we don’t run into your handsome uncle on the way. One such meeting a day is all I can safely handle. I have plans and exchanging kisses with Alexi isn’t one of them. Aimee took a deep breath, steeling her resolve. I won’t let a man ruin my plans.

  Chapter 8


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