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Fated, A Timeless Series Novella (A Timeless Series Companion Novel)

Page 10

by Wiedmeier, Lisa L

  It’s a bit late, isn’t it?

  Colt tensed. He knew I was nearby.

  Hey, I thought it was Daniel’s shift tonight?

  I did a swap, I said.

  Colt scoffed.

  Did you come to check up on me?

  I came to do my duty, I said. You should get going. Cheyenne needs her beauty sleep.

  Colt fell silent. I spotted him walking down the drive. When he reached the truck, he paused.

  Callon, what’s gotten into you? Our job is to protect Cheyenne. That’s all I’m doing. You don’t even trust your own brother?

  Colt, will you calm down? I’ve just come to take over so Bree can have some time with Daniel. Now go home, and I’ll see you tomorrow.

  Before Colt could answer, I heard the front door of the Wilson’s house open.

  “Colt!” Cheyenne called out. She stepped out on the porch, clutching a package. “You forgot your cookies.”

  Colt turned back towards her and smiled.

  “It’s alright, you eat them.”

  Her head tilted.

  “Listen, mister, this was part of the deal to get you to help me with my homework. I didn’t go through all this hard work for nothing.” She held out the box. “I’m not moving until you take it.”

  Well, Colt was right about the being stubborn part.

  Chuckling, Colt hurried back to the porch. I had to admit, when he stood next to Cheyenne, he really was a giant. Taking the package, he leaned in for a hug.

  “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  Oh for God’s sake Colt, she’s not going to evaporate overnight. Leave her alone already!

  Though I couldn’t see him, I was sure Colt was grinning.

  Sheesh, don’t get your panties in a wad, G.G.

  I blinked.


  Grumpy Gills.

  What are you talking about?

  Oh, Cheyenne came up with it after we watched Finding Nemo the other night. She calls Gene that when he’s grumpy, and he sure was tonight. Apparently your ‘talk’ didn’t go well.

  I shifted uncomfortably as Colt entered his truck and started the engine. Great way to change the subject.

  Yeah, it didn’t go well at all.

  Care to talk about it?

  It won’t change anything. Just go home and keep our guests entertained.

  Colt seemed content with that, and drove off. Once he was gone, I circled the house, sticking to the shadows. The fresh snow was untouched, free from Tresez paw-prints, at least for the moment. I returned to the side of the house, waiting beneath the tree that stretched up towards Cheyenne’s room.

  As I glanced up, Cheyenne’s bedroom light snapped on. Her curtains were still open, and I caught her movement. What was she doing? Gene and Alexis knew Ghosters were in the area. If a single soul-shard moved into her room…I shook off the thought. Over my dead body it would. Even if it meant I’d be seen, I’d never let them lay a finger on her.

  I eyed the branches on the tree. It was going to be an uncomfortable climb without Daniel to jump me up. Oh well.

  I pushed my way through the branches and began my sticky climb. I was going to stink of pines for a while. Finding the closest perch to her room, I sat against the trunk, observing her window. By now she’d pulled the curtains closed. Typical.

  My eyes closed, and I listened as she settled in for the night. The air had grown very still, allowing me to hear everything. However, instead of her rhythmic breathing, I could only catch rustling sheets. She was restless tonight. But what was troubling her? Was she excited about shopping tomorrow, or was it something else?

  Footsteps padded across the floor and then stopped. A quick swoosh and my eyes flew open. Cheyenne was at the window, staring out. Quickly I pulled my black scarf up, hiding my face. She wouldn’t be able to see me in the dark.

  She plopped down on her knees, resting her arms over the window ledge and laying her chin on it. Her warm breath steamed the lower half of the window, so she raised her hand to wipe it. She simply stared into the snowy landscape, lost in her own thoughts. I was tempted to pry deeper—I could’ve done and she’d never know—but decided against it. A person’s private thoughts were sacred, and it was wrong to take a peek for my own curiosity.

  As I peered closer, I caught a single tear trickling down her cheek. My gaze softened. What was upsetting her so much? My mind raced, thinking back to Colt’s words earlier. Gene must’ve been irritable after my talk with him, and it could’ve rubbed off onto Cheyenne. That, plus the fact he’d been traveling a lot, must have made Cheyenne believe they would probably be leaving Sagle soon.

  Was she upset about leaving Colt?

  A soft murmur suddenly reached my ears. It was barely audible, but definitely there. Cheyenne’s head tilted to the side, and a small breath from her lips steamed the window again. She was humming.

  I was transfixed. Neither Gene nor Colt had mentioned Cheyenne had a musical streak within her. She didn’t keep any instruments at home, either. Except for that piano downstairs.

  My eyes widened. Another piece of the puzzle had fallen into place. Could this be the final clue I’d been looking for?

  No, it had to be a coincidence. So what if Cheyenne was pitch-perfect. It could’ve meant anything.

  Still, I wondered…

  “Are you ready?” Daniel asked, appearing in the back office. I’d been doing the final checks on the GPS systems, ensuring they were synced together. We needed to make sure we kept in close contact. With the Christmas rush, it would be hard enough knowing where we’d end up, let alone Cheyenne.

  In a minute. I handed over two of the GPS systems. Put these in your trucks. Nodding, Daniel disappeared with the devices and I pushed my laptop shut.

  Road conditions were pretty rough, but passable, so I couldn’t bank on the weather to change Cheyenne’s mind. Daniel and Bree would be driving ahead, making sure everything was clear, while Koda and Bailee followed behind. I’d be in the third truck behind Koda.

  Cheyenne’s about ready, Colt said, Daniel and Bree need to take off now.

  Bree and I are on our way, Daniel replied.

  I jogged to the front room, grabbing my jacket and cell charger.

  Koda, you and Bailee need to be ready. Colt will tell you when to leave.

  I headed outside, passing Koda and Bailee as they sat inside their own truck.

  “Got it,” Koda called out. He then backed the truck out, waiting for Colt’s cue.

  It was going to be a challenging day to say the least. I liked having things lined out, but with Cheyenne leading the charge on her shopping trip, anything could happen.

  The drive was thankfully uneventful, and once we entered the city limits, we had to wait on Cheyenne to know where our first stop would be. Koda and I kept a safe distance, waiting for Colt to relay destinations. It was tricky, as the range for our telepathy was only a mile, and we hadn’t a clue where they were going. I hoped Colt didn’t end up having to text us. It would be something else for Cheyenne to notice.

  We’re stopping at Silver Lake Mall, Colt said. Bailee and Bree need to be ready. Cheyenne hasn’t told me if I’m allowed to come into the stores with her yet.

  Got it. Let me know when you find out where she’s heading first.

  I followed Koda into the mall parking lot and we quickly located Daniel and Bree. We parked next to them, then gathered at the front of their truck, waiting for Colt’s answer.

  We’ve parked near the south entrance, Colt said at last. Send Bree and Bailee in, but tell them to keep their distance. We’re heading towards Macy’s and I have to wait outside for her.

  “Bailee, Bree, you’re up,” I said. “Macy’s is your first stop.”

  “Ooh, I love their Christmas displays!” Bree squealed. “And the sales will be in full swing, too. I’ve been looking for a pair of boots you know…”

  “You’re not here for a shopping spree,” Koda reminded her. He
squeezed Bailee’s shoulder. “Good luck.”

  Bailee nodded. We watched as she and Bree disappeared through the rows of cars. With only five days before Christmas, the stores were going to be packed. I swallowed, trying to keep calm. There were so many things out of my control, I didn’t know if we’d be able to pull this off.

  “It’s okay, Callon,” Koda said. He must’ve seen my concern. “We can do this.”

  We began a slow walk into the main mall area. As expected, it was overflowing with shoppers. It was all we could do to keep together in the sea of people. The discomfort in my chest grew stronger. This was the perfect setup for an attack from the Sarac. I knew they didn’t usually like to make public scenes, but with the aisles packed, they could easily plant some sort of tracking device on Cheyenne, or literally take a stab at her and disappear without being noticed.

  How much longer, Colt?

  Not sure. This crowd is making me nervous. I might go find her now…

  Don’t! Daniel cut in. It’s going to be fine. Bree and Bailee are nearby. They won’t let anything happen. Give her the freedom she needs Colt, pretty soon it won’t be like this for her. Pretty soon it’ll…

  Daniel, enough. I rested my hand on his shoulder. Daniel kept his eyes on the ground. I know why you feel like this. But this is a little different.

  She’ll only turn on you in the end, Daniel said, still not looking up. You’re not her warden, Callon. Please, just let her be.

  I didn’t answer, though I did notice his arms trembling slightly.

  The hours dragged on endlessly. Koda suggested we do a little window shopping to pass the time, but I couldn’t settle my nerves. Every flashing Christmas light, every sparkling decoration was a threat, and I was sure people wondered why I kept glancing around so frequently.

  Finally, after a few coffees and a quick sandwich dinner, it seemed Cheyenne had had her fill of sales and promotions. However, as it turned out, she wanted to visit the lake, as they always had a pretty light display around the docks. My heart dropped to my stomach. Wandering around in a huge open space in the dark, surrounded by lights and water?

  This couldn’t have been any more disastrous.

  We arrived at the lake as dusk approached. Colorful lights had been dangled around the wharf and boats, brightening the cloudy evening. I surveyed our surroundings, and blew out a breath. It was worse than I thought. The dock itself was tiny; it would be impossible to walk around without being seen. There were also spots blocked by the displays, meaning we couldn’t see down the entire length of the shore. Worst of all, the place was totally unfamiliar to me and I had no idea what exactly they had planned for the evening.

  I think you need to change her mind, Colt.

  Colt took a little while answering.

  I can’t, she’s too excited about it, Callon. Besides, we haven’t seen any soul-shards. There’s too many humans around for them to know if they’ll get the right target. Anyway, I know what to look out for. We’ll be fine.

  I have a bad feeling about this, Colt. This is far too dangerous. You better make it a quick trip.

  I’ll try. Get everyone set up. We’ll be there in a few minutes.

  I glanced back to the others, and nodded. Quickly we spread out in pairs, setting up our surveillance areas so we could watch as unnoticed as possible. Daniel, Colt, and I could talk freely, but with Koda he’d have to text to reply. Not ideal, as any delay when dealing with the Ghosters would be deadly, yet we’d have to manage.

  Get through this quickly, Colt.

  Steam poured out my mouth and I moved closer. I was close to a park full of dark pines. That would give me a much better vantage point, as I’d be able to see most of the docks apart from the blind spots, which I’d got the others to cover for me. Sighing, I slipped inside and began climbing the nearest trunk.

  From the uppermost branches, I had a clear view as Cheyenne and Colt slowly meandered through the dock, admiring the artistic displays on the boats. I watched for as long as I could, trying not to check my watch too often. In the end I caved and snatched a glance. I groaned. Only twenty minutes had gone by and they’d hardly made a dent in circling the displays.

  You’re taking too long, Colt. An unsettling feeling grew in the pit of my stomach. Something wasn’t right.

  I can’t rush her, Callon. Please, just half an hour, and then I’ll try and get her back to the truck.

  His words should have reassured me, but instead my unease became worse. I scanned the area carefully. There was nothing that suggested danger. I knew better than to ignore my instincts, though. Whatever was out there would show itself soon, and I needed to be prepared.

  Colt and Cheyenne moved out of view.

  They’re on my side now, Daniel piped up.

  Keep me posted, I said. Something is waiting out there to make their move. I climbed down the tree, brushing off the loose pine needles. I had to be ready for anything.

  It’s all clear, Daniel finally replied. They’re now in Koda’s territory.

  I gave Koda a quick heads-up, before exiting the park. I was about to head towards the end of the displays when a movement caught my eye. I looked up, and spotted a woman running in the distance. I frowned, and then my phone vibrated. Two seconds later and my eyes widened at the text.

  Soul-shards! Colt and Cheyenne are walking straight towards them!

  My heart leapt in my chest and I mentally called out to Colt. Bailee was the closest to them, I had to reach her. Finally I rounded the corner, and gasped. Bailee was latched onto the railing, her arms covered in the dancing lights. She was desperately trying not to follow the shards; she’d taken the hit for Cheyenne. Colt and Cheyenne were just feet away, heading in the opposite direction.

  They’ve got her! Colt’s voice dimmed. You’ve got to figure out where the Ghoster is!

  Bailee coughed, and began shivering. Suddenly she vanished, and I cursed. This Ghoster had to be strong if they could take another Timeless and hide her from witnesses.

  Get Cheyenne out of here! I headed towards my truck. Daniel, keep watch over Colt and Cheyenne. Koda and I are going after Bailee.

  A million scenarios ran through my mind. The Ghosters wouldn’t have come here if they didn’t know Cheyenne was also going to be around. This was a trap, a set-up, and we’d walked right into it.

  Koda appeared, and grabbed my arm.

  “Bailee, she’s in trouble!”

  “I know. We don’t have much time.” I grabbed the tracking device and turned it on. “You have her new phone number?”

  Koda rattled it off and I punched it in. I was never more grateful than now that I had access to this technology.

  “You got her a smart phone, right?”

  “Yeah, of course.” Koda began pacing back and forth nervously.

  I stared at the device impatiently. Come on, work!

  The screen flickered, followed by a solid red light that began to flash.

  “We’ve got her!” I started running back to the truck.

  “Where?!” Koda growled, hurrying after me.

  “On the other side of the lake, towards the forest.”

  Did you find her? Colt’s thoughts broke through mine.

  We’ve just located her. Have you and Cheyenne left?

  We’re driving back now, Daniel and Bree are following. Bree’s a mess…

  Get her back, Callon! Daniel added.

  We’ll get her.

  The engine flared to life and I put my foot down. There wasn’t a second to lose. I needed to get Bailee back, and stop this Ghoster reporting to Marcus.

  “Turn right!” Koda yelled. We entered the main road and headed south. There didn’t seem to be any exits to where we wanted to go, though. I gripped the wheel, my knuckles turning white as we counted the distance. Eventually we found an access road. The snow was deep and I had to switch to four-wheel drive just to continue.

  “Up ahead!” Koda bellowed. He didn’t wait for me to stop the truck and jumped out the

  Koda, stop! We don’t know who else is out there!

  Koda took a few more steps before he paused, his body shaking. If the Ghoster was alive, it wouldn’t be for long. I hopped out of the truck and joined him. Without the grumbling of the engine, I could hear crackling snow from beyond the tree line. Someone was nearby.

  Go to your right and circle around, I said. Wait for me to see who’s there.

  Koda nodded. We parted ways, and I followed the sound of crunching ice. I entered the trees, and began weaving through the branches.

  “Now what?”

  The deep voice made me jump, and I immediately backed up against the nearest pine. Though it was dark, I was able to pinpoint their location. They were just a few feet ahead, hiding in the shadows.

  “Nothing, we’re done. Let’s get out of here,” another voice replied.

  “Bah, I never liked her anyway.”

  I snuck around the back of the trunk, watching as they passed. The soft crunch of snow caught the edge of my hearing.

  Be careful, Koda! They can still hear you.

  I knew my words were futile; Koda wouldn’t have cared either way. I wound through the forest, tracing Koda’s steps. Eventually I spotted him, kneeling down beside an unconscious Bailee. Beside her slumped someone else, who I didn’t recognize.

  “No,” Koda whispered.

  I ran as Koda lifted Bailee into his arms. Her head flopped to the side. Automatically I told him to drop her, tilting her head back and lowering my cheek to her face as I pressed my fingers against her neck. A faint breath tickled my skin, along with a thready pulse.

  She’s still alive. Get her to the truck, I’ll be right behind you.

  Koda scooped her into his arms and disappeared. As I stood up, I glanced to the other body. From the way her hands were splayed, I guessed she must have been the Ghoster. But why had those men killed her? It didn’t make any sense…

  Sighing, I was about to head after Koda, when I spotted something in the patch of snow where Bailee had been lying. Puzzled, I picked up the item.

  A syringe.

  Frowning, I began a thorough search over the ground. Eventually I came across a broken glass vial close to the Ghoster’s body. Heart racing, I fumbled for my phone and used the backlight to take a look at the tiny label.


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