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Holiday Temptation

Page 20

by Donna Hill

  So when her phone rang as she was ending the night with Julian, and it was her friend Misha with a call about a job cooking for some rich bigwig over the Christmas vacation, Essie was only too happy to put her first “no” into practice.

  Chapter Three

  Maybe it was the momentary hush that came over the restaurant, or maybe it was something else, but for some reason Essie looked up from where she was putting a final touch of sauce on a simple roasted chicken before it was to go out, and saw the hostess, Nikki, escorting a striking couple to table twenty-three.

  Her unlucky table.

  As she watched the gorgeous couple take their seats, Essie couldn’t help but notice how compatible they seemed, in contrast to how she and Cam must have looked together. The woman was tall and statuesque, more legs than anything else, with glistening golden brown skin and a figure that was shown off well by the few artfully draped pieces of fabric that adorned her body, despite the biting winter chill outside. Essie’s gaze wavered to the tall, dark figure in the expensively cut business suit. She involuntarily sucked in a breath, caught in her not-so-hidden perusal, as the male counterpart of this couple was, for some reason, looking directly at her, too.

  His deep-set, dark eyes locked on Essie’s, and across the expanse of the dining room and over the heads of the other diners, Essie could have sworn she felt something in that moment that was strangely like a touch. She reached up and ran her hand across the side of her neck as he gave her the slightest of nods. One side of his beautiful mouth quirked up in the most devilish way to let her know that yes, he was looking at her, and yes, she should take note of it. Essie’s cheeks flushed hot, as if something dangerously like desire mixed with a twinge of anger flicked at her center.

  What is up with that smile? Sit with your model, Mr. Rich, and leave the smiles for your date.

  Essie nibbled at her bottom lip and turned away from the scene, quickly inspecting the chicken that was just put up for an order, then turning her attention to the sauce for her Bourguignon. One stipulation she didn’t budge on when agreeing to help Julian out was the fact that she ran the kitchen her way. So for the nights she was filling in, Essie made sure to double check each dish after it was plated, be it savory or dessert. No matter the name on the restaurant’s exterior, the food was still a representation of her reputation.

  “Oh, my God, do you know who that is?” Trevor said as he came over to the window, practically bouncing out of his shoes.

  She knew he was talking about the couple at table twenty-three, but Essie tried to appear cool and unconcerned. She had a reputation and beef to concentrate on. And not the kind Trevor was pushing, mind you.

  “No, should I?” Essie let her gaze smoothly slide around Trevor, not at the man, but at the beautiful woman by his side. Now that she thought about it, she was sure she’d seen her on the cover of some magazine or another. And judging by the way some of the other patrons were gawking, she was probably right. The young woman may be famous, but she was clearly into the man. Leaning in, she was rubbing the back of his neck with one hand, while the other disappeared under the table, only to come up abruptly when he seemed to be, well, Essie could only guess by the girl’s pretty pout, unmoved. She looked away from the couple back to Trevor. “She is pretty.”

  Trevor waved an impatient hand. “Oh, she’s all right, but it’s him I’m talking about. That’s Ross Montgomery, the man of the millennium.” Essie frowned. He was good-looking, but, come on, millennium? She didn’t have time for this.

  But Trevor continued. “And baby boy is paid with a capital P. He’s been taking over real estate all up and down the East Coast, and with his taste in the latest beauty de jour, he’s become a fixture on the gossip scene, too.”

  Essie was busy on her next dish when what Trevor said really hit her, and she suddenly stopped mid-glaze. Wait. Ross Montgomery. Wasn’t the client Misha called her about last night named Ross Mont-something or other? She took another peek at table twenty-three, only to catch Mr. Millennium once again staring back at her.

  “Holy hell,” Essie hissed.

  “That’s what I’m saying,” Trevor said, his voice now taking on a conspiratorial tone. “And he seems pretty interested in you. Asked that you be pointed out special.”

  “Crap.” Oh, God. Mr. Tall, Dark, and Rich as All Get-Out was here, and he was checking her out. But as unexpected butterflies fluttered in her belly, Essie frowned. What was he doing here, checking her out? And checking her out at the tail end of a long dinner shift when she looked like who knew what? Not that it should matter. She’d turned Misha down last night, and she’d meant it. Her no meant no. It was high time her friends got to know the new, improved, more assertive Essie.

  She would enjoy these few holiday weeks off, and then it was back to the grind with clients in January. She’d worked hard enough and would enjoy this well-deserved holiday. It didn’t matter how rich—she peeked at table twenty-three again—or how good-looking the client was. She turned back to Trevor. “So, did Mr. Millennium even order anything?”

  Trevor’s eyes went wide. “Did he ever? Well, not that this has anything to do with you, but, of course, he ordered our most expensive champagne. But getting to your line of work, he and his”—Trevor paused dramatically—“date will be having caviar to start with, the foie gras, and the oyster tartar. From there, they will go on to the risotto and the sirloin. Then they are having the salmon and the cracked lobster.”

  Essie’s jaw dropped. “Are you serious? There is no way two people are eating all of that.”

  “That’s what I said,” Trevor replied. “But the man wants what the man wants, so that’s what you’re making.”

  Essie let out a slow breath, long and slow through her nostrils, working to bring her equilibrium back, as she mentally went over the menu choices for table twenty-three. I know what this is, mister, she thought as her eyes once again slid over to where Mr. Montgomery was being touched and diddled by his young lady companion. She watched as Teagan, the sommelier, uncorked champagne to the model’s delight and Mr. Montgomery’s look of indifference.

  Essie shook her head and smiled, now more confident that she’d made the right decision turning down the job from Misha last night. He seemed like a total spoiled jerk. And it didn’t matter that he’d turned up here tonight in Julian’s restaurant to test her food firsthand, and possibly offer her the job once again. Her no was firm. She took the order to get it going with the rest of the crew. She’d wasted enough time and, at least for tonight, he and everyone else were paying customers. As such, they’d get her very best.

  * * *

  The meal was delicious, which was as Ross expected. The meat was tender, the fish was succulent, and everything was seasoned to perfection, leaving the most delicious lingering aftertaste in Ross’s mouth. He already craved his next meal. Misha was right. He needed this chef in his life. Sneaky of Mish not to tell him what a pretty little thing the chef was. Pretty enough that, despite the fact his date for tonight was, Ross inwardly groaned now at the thought, this year’s “Internet’s Most Googled Body Under Thirty,” his eyes kept wandering to the intriguing chef with the sweet smile.

  There was something about her: smooth, rich umber toned skin, wispy bangs peeking out from under her bandana, which framed deep-set brown eyes, which somehow sparkled like diamonds in the dimly lit restaurant. She had a sharp, determined-looking nose, which led to luscious, full lips. When these opened into a wide smile, her lips seemed to take over her face and her smile brightened the entire restaurant with perfectly imperfect teeth that showed just a hint of the most endearing gap.

  The owner, Julian, he remembered, now came by their table. “I hope you all enjoyed your meal. Can I interest you in anything else?”

  Ross’s “yes” came out at the same time as his date’s “no,” leaving the owner smiling with awkward confusion. Ross righted the situation. “Yes, we would like dessert. What specials is the chef offering tonight?”

nbsp; “I don’t want to stay for dessert,” Lela whined. “I thought we were heading down to the Bowery for the sneaker launch party. Everybody is going to be there and DJ Ex-tasy is spinning tonight. I don’t want to miss that.” Lela gave her hair a twist around her finger and let her hand trail toward her breast.

  Normally, the blatant come-on would be just the thing to rev Ross’s engines, but after last night, Ross was dog tired. All he really wanted to do was taste that pretty chef’s dessert and then get the hell home to sleep, so he could get into the office early tomorrow. The last thing he wanted to do was go to some silly sneaker launch party and hear a DJ with a misspelled name.

  Ross let out a sigh. This was his fault. He shouldn’t have invited Lela out tonight and should have just come alone. Even if it was counter to his playboy image. That shit was getting tired anyway.

  He reached into his pocket and peeled off a few hundred-dollar bills, then turned to his date and licked his lips before staring into her almond-shaped eyes. “I tell you what. You take my car and head over to the launch party and have a great time. Sorry, babe, but I’m not going to make it tonight.”

  He watched as Lela pulled her lips together in a pretty little pout.

  “Come on, Ross. I thought we’d make a night of this. Have a little fun. See and be seen, and then end it back at your place.”

  She trailed her hand up his knee and higher along his thigh. When she got close to the point of no return, he stilled her eager fingers with his own.

  “Like I said, it’s not happening tonight, sweetheart.” Ross gently put the money in her hands. His eyes stopped any further comment.

  Lela shrugged, seeming to know the conversation was now over, as was the evening. “Okay, I guess I won’t be seeing you in the morning then.” She made a point to hide any disappointment from her face. Her eyes shined bright as she smiled wide and leaned over to kiss his cheek before gracefully exiting from their prime table, sashaying out of the restaurant with her trademark supermodel walk.

  Ross looked back to the owner. “Thank you. Everything was delicious. I’d like an assortment of the desserts, and please ask the chef, Essie, if she would kindly take a moment to join me.”

  * * *

  Join him!

  Essie fumed more steam than the stainless-steel, industrial-grade pots surrounding her. Not that she didn’t expect the special request, but still it rankled her nerves. Especially after seeing the way his date seemed to be dismissed. Still, Essie finished all the other orders and found herself taking special care with his. Why? It wasn’t as if she had anything to prove.

  As she followed behind Julian, who carried the desserts over, Essie fought not to pull down her smock or brush her hair behind her ear. Instead, she pushed her shoulders back, pulling herself up to her full five-seven height.

  “Mr. Montgomery, here are your desserts, and may I introduce our chef for the evening, Essie Bradford,” Julian said.

  Essie was about to lean in and give him a quick handshake, when he surprised her by standing. His impressive height and broad shoulders made her feel fairly small as he reached out and took her hand gently in his own.

  “It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance, Ms. Bradford.”

  His grip was warm and engulfing, his eyes dark and unnervingly unwavering, as he looked at her way too deeply for a person who wanted to talk about only her food. Essie fought to keep her chin up and not look down. She would not break contact. First to blink loses. And she knew losing to this man would not be good.

  So she looked at him just as deeply, until something in him shifted and he let go of her hand, leaving her with a surprising chill. He stepped back to open space for her in the banquette. “Would you please sit with me for a moment? Join me for dessert?”

  Essie looked at him with narrowed eyes as she walked around and purposefully went into the other end of the banquette and sat. “Sure, since you pretty much ordered everything on the menu.”

  He sat and Julian put down the desserts along with Trevor, who poured them each a glass of champagne before exiting.

  “Well, after tasting the small bit from Misha last night, I had to have more. And seeing that you turned down my offer of employment flat, this seemed like the only way I’d get to sample all you had to offer.”

  Essie fought to ignore the instant rush of heat flaring through her body, and gave him a smile. “All? That’s not nearly all.” At his raised brow, the butterflies went swirling in Essie’s belly again, and she shifted to tamp down on them. “And I’m sorry about turning down your offer, Mr. Montgomery, but I’ve been on the road for the past two months, and I really don’t want to get on the road again. Especially not right now during the holidays.”

  “Please call me Ross. It’s not like I’m your boss or anything. And I can totally respect you wanting to take a little time off after being on the road. But please understand, Ms. Bradford, I really do need your services. I don’t know if Misha explained to you, but she called you from the ER. It’s imperative that I get my diet and, as she tells it, my lifestyle in order, too. But I’m a busy man, and I can’t afford to take the holidays off. This is a working one for me, like so many others, and I need to have a chef with me on this trip I’m taking.”

  Essie shook her head, partially to tell him no and partially to remind herself to stay strong in her new “NO” mode. “I really am so sorry, Mr. . . .” Essie paused, then said, “Ross. But I don’t think I can do it. On the other hand, I can recommend to you some other quite capable chefs.”

  Ross reached over with his spoon and dipped into Essie’s chocolate tart, taking a bite.

  He closed his eyes, letting the flavor she knew so well permeate his senses. He smiled as he swallowed, looking like he was enjoying every moment before he opened his eyes and looked back. He reached for another spoon, this time bringing some of her mousse toward her lips. Essie’s eyes went wide. “What are you doing?”

  “You need to taste this.”

  Essie gave him a stern frown. “It’s from tonight’s specials and my own recipe so I have tasted it.” For a moment she thought she saw something like a spark in his eyes.

  “Yes, but when was the last time you really tasted it?”

  Essie gave him a challenging stare to match his own. “Fine.” She opened her mouth slightly, and before she could reach for the spoon, it was already to her lips. Rich and creamy. That’s what it was, rich and creamy, with a hint of smokiness that exploded on her tongue in a perfect melody of notes. Essie closed her eyes and let the flavors hit her. Damn, you did good, Essie, she thought as it slid down her throat. Real good.

  Essie opened her eyes and fought back a blush over the way Ross Montgomery stared with a smug smile that said he had her. Oh, hell. So what if he was right about her cooking? It didn’t change anything. “Thank you so much for the flattery. I really do appreciate the offer, but my answer is still no.”

  He seemed somehow completely undisturbed by her answer, and Essie watched as he took a sip of his champagne and finished off the tart.

  Then he looked up at her. “Aren’t you going to have more of the mousse? I’m sorry I finished off the tart, but it’s a testament to your artistry.”

  “No, I really should be getting back to the kitchen.” She started to rise when he put his warm hand on top of hers, stilling her.

  “If I could just have another moment of your time, please, Ms. Bradford?”

  Essie sat back down as he seemed to assess her from top to bottom.

  “How about this? Now, I know I can’t make up for you not being home with your family on the holiday, but I can assure that you do get the rest, or at least some of it that you’re craving. And I get our mutual friend, Misha, off my back, which, for this, you would be doing me the hugest favor.”

  Essie smiled. She knew how tough Misha could be when it came to her patients and friends.

  Ross continued. “For this holiday I’m taking my new yacht, the Serenity, on a trip from New York to Miam
i to impress clients to invest in my new resort. This is a huge deal for me, so I can’t put it off, as Misha so boldly suggested.” He looked at her now and gave the corner of his lip a light lick, which was entirely too sexy. “Misha said your food was delicious, and she was absolutely right about that. She also said that you do a fine job of cooking healthy food in a new way, and you do wonders with changing your clients’ lifestyles. I want you to do that for me.”

  Essie’s whole body went on alert. In that moment there were way too many things she wanted to do for him. But she needed to focus. Get the “no” in gear. She forced herself to listen to his words and not just watch his sexy lips.

  “Sadly, I usually eat on the run and I need to change that. And though I hate to admit it to Misha, I do my share of burning the candle at both ends. So if you would join me on my yacht, I’ll give you great accommodations, and in exchange you’ll take care of my dietary needs, take a fabulous trip, and I’ll pay you handsomely.”

  “Mr. Montgomery, I don’t think you’re hearing me,” Essie started, hoping she sounded more secure than she felt.

  “Ms. Bradford, I don’t think you’re hearing me. I know your going rate, and I previously offered a five-thousand-dollar bonus, but I’m willing to make that ten thousand dollars if you take the job. And on top of that, my boat comes with another chef, so you won’t be working alone to feed everyone on the trip. Your job will be mostly taking care of my dietary needs. The other chef will do all the heavy lifting. Now, will you please take the position?”

  Essie was stunned. A ten-thousand-dollar signing bonus on top of her usual rate to luxuriate on a yacht and cook meals for one person? She would be crazy to say no. But how was it that he was coming to her now when she already decided her new motto was “NO”? And how could she leave her mother alone over the holiday? This would only be their second one without Dad. She should just keep to her original schedule and spend the holidays with her mother. But what would her mother say if she found out she turned this offer down? This would go so far toward her savings, and so far toward her dream of her own restaurant. Not to mention the fact that she now had to cover Cam’s half of the rent. She looked back at Ross and saw a bit of a twinkle in those ridiculously gorgeous eyes.


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