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Holiday Temptation

Page 24

by Donna Hill

  He felt Essie’s excitement as she pushed her soft body against his and her rapid heartbeat vibrated against his chest, giving him a rock-hard hard-on. She tilted her head and leaned in, going further with her kiss, tentatively easing her tongue out, to run along the seam of his lips. He was only too happy to open his own lips to let her in to taste him fully for the first time.

  But with a dangerous first taste, his own emotions went out of control and Ross wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her in tight. His hands traveled down to cup her curvy bottom and pull her up against his hard erection. His tongue snaked out hungrily to taste the sweet wine and chocolate as it clung to her very clever tongue.

  He wanted to taste her everywhere, to see if the sweetness continued all the way down her body. As the kiss changed, Ross took control, moving down her neck, pausing to lick along her delicate collarbone. Ross couldn’t help but smile when she sighed, and his erection jumped in response to the erotic sound as it escaped her lips and her head lulled back in unabashed pleasure. That’s all he wanted to do. Give her pleasure from now until the sun came up, and then do it all over again and again and again. Getting her to sigh could easily turn into a life’s mission for him.

  Ross reached a hand up and cupped Essie’s breast and she drew in a quick inhale. Something in the quick indrawn breath pulled his attention up to her face. Seeing her beautiful dark neck thrown back in submission, her lips swollen from their passionate kiss, her eyes fluttering in dark ecstasy, about did him in. He could have her right now if he wanted. Just like so many women before, he could have her.

  And then what?

  Ross frowned at the unwanted question. It was one he hadn’t thought of in a long time, causing him to draw back ever so slightly, breaking contact only a minuscule bit. But that bit was long enough and Essie’s eyes fluttered open, looking at him with the question he asked himself, unsaid but reflected there.

  And then what?

  “I think I should forgo the second bottle of wine and go up to bed. Or is it down to bed?”

  When Essie stepped back, she left Ross feeling more alone than he cared to admit.

  “Besides, it’s starting to get late and it’s been a long day. How about we pick up again tomorrow? I’d like to prepare for the day and really get you started on your regime.”

  Letting her go anywhere, especially to bed tonight without him, was the last thing Ross wanted to do, but he wouldn’t push her any further. Besides, she was right. It had been a long day. Maybe what they both needed was a little space and perspective. Also, Ross didn’t want any woman to feel pressure to end up in his bed. That was a strictly-by-choice situation, always had been and always would be.

  Ross cleared his throat and hoped his words came out even, and the turmoil he secretly felt was hidden. “You’re right, it has been a long day. Thank you so much for dinner, it was wonderful. Misha was correct. You are a very talented chef, and I look forward to all you have in store for me during the rest of this trip.”

  After what they had just shared, he didn’t quite know how to end the evening, which made him feel like a damn fool, since he usually knew what to do in just about every situation, especially when it came to women.

  Thankfully, the surprising Essie once again took matters into her own hands and gave him an easy smile. “I’m glad you enjoyed the meal, though you will be a challenge, and I have to think of ways to counteract all the chocolate you’re going to demand.”

  At his raised brow they both laughed.

  “Don’t start, Ross, just say good night. I’m going to go make sure everything is fine in the kitchen, and then I’m heading to bed. You gave me enough to think about for one day and night,” she said as she casually walked off toward the galley, leaving Ross with nothing better to do than take a chilly but welcome walk along the outer deck to hopefully cool his heated passion.

  * * *

  It took all of one point five seconds into the new day for the night before to come flooding back to Essie’s mind.

  Oh, God, did I really do what I know I did?

  She wanted to cringe over the embarrassment of the shameless, brazen way she came on to Ross, but at the same time she couldn’t fully regret kissing him. She so wanted to give herself a high five and the “atta, girl” she knew her girlfriends would.

  Essie stretched, surprised at how comfortably she had slept when she finally did drift off. Serenity was just that: a sure ride that cut the ocean smoothly, its engines a low hum, combined with the sensual tingle she received from Ross, sent her to sleep way more contentedly than she’d expected.

  Essie went to the large window and saw the sun just coming up over the horizon, beautiful soft shades of orange where it met the still-slumbering sea. Essie longed to be outside, to smell the sea air.

  She changed into her workout clothes of leggings and a tank top and grabbed her yoga mat to take her morning practice above deck.

  On the way out she purposely closed her stateroom door softly so as not to wake Ross as she slipped past his door. According to the schedule, she had an hour before she had to start to prepare breakfast and then she had all day to deal with Ross and what happened last night. Before Essie went to bed, she mulled it over in her mind numerous times, and still had yet to come up with how she would handle this new facet of their equally new relationship. All she had come up with was to take it slow and continue to be a professional.

  Which, to her ears, sounded quite dull.

  The only voice she could hear over her own was Misha’s, and it was telling her to let loose and enjoy herself. She needed this.

  Cam had left her, high and dry, and this was supposed to be her holiday—a working one that it was, but still her holiday. Not to mention it had been over two months since she’d had sex. Not a desert, but bordering on a parched spell for sure. Why not let go and see where these days with Ross could take her? Why not say yes, for once, to herself and to what she wanted?

  But just as she was on her way out to head to the outer deck, sure of herself and her decision, Essie heard grunting and a constant thwacking sound as she passed the gym. There was Ross, looking like he had been working out for at least the past hour, glistening, rich brown and drenched in sweat. He pounded hard at the heavy bag. Essie instantly felt her body go on full alert as she took in his stance. Sure-footed and strong, his arms were muscular and powerful; his loose-fitting shorts were barely being held up by the tie at his trim waist. His wide back and broad shoulders were well accented by his wet tank. When he punched the bag again, and she watched those muscles contract and release, Essie couldn’t help but let out a breathy sigh.

  Ross stopped and turned around, meeting her, eye to eye. “Good morning.” His voice was strong and raspy. Essie could tell he was fighting to catch his breath.

  “You going a bit hard for so early in the morning, aren’t you?”

  Ross’s eyes raked over her body, and in that moment Essie could practically feel his hands grazing over her skin. He stopped briefly at her yoga mat and then came up to her eyes with a playful smile. “And I see you like to take things slow and easy in the morning. Duly noted.”

  Essie’s eyes narrowed. “Here it is, the sun is barely up, and you are spoiling for an argument.”

  “With you, Ms. Bradford, I’d hit the mat anytime, any way.”

  Essie smiled, then looked at the fairly large, cleared workout area in the exercise room. It could easily accommodate a yoga session for two. She looked back at Ross with a challenge in her eyes. “Okay, Mr. Montgomery. Just be sure you remember you said that. The session starts now.”

  * * *

  Ross was only too happy to oblige. He loved to shake her up. Liked to see that little spark of fire she got when they sparred a bit and he called her Ms. Bradford. She really had no idea how hot she was. And time in a possible downward-dog position with the delectable Essie Bradford? He’d be a fool to hesitate.

  Eagerly, he took off his sneakers and let her place him in posit
ion on the mat. Her strong but gentle fingers at his waist instantly put his body on alert, reminding him of the fact that thoughts of her put him through a tortured and restless night.

  It wasn’t so easy making it through this workout. Ross spent most of his time torn between wanting to look at her beautifully shaped form in her workout gear, and fighting looking at said form because of the effects on his body.

  He took the edge off by going tried and true, thinking of sports, stocks, anything but her shapely figure. Thankfully, Essie wasn’t easy on him. Starting out slow and easy, after a while picking up the pace, taking him through a series of moves that had him panting for air like he did with his cross-fit trainer back home. When she was down in a sort of modified plank and swooped into a cobra and quickly went from there—back to plank, then up into some mad one-armed twisted-pretzel thing—all Ross could do was lean back and marvel at her strength as his own muscles cried “uncle.”

  Essie gracefully came out of position and gave him a saucy wink. “You’ve had enough?”

  “I may regret saying this, but yes. I give up. You got the best of me this morning, Essie.” For his acquiescence, Ross was rewarded with a smile so sweet that he suddenly felt like he could do twenty laps around the deck and not break a sweat.

  “Okay,” she said, her voice going low, taking on a softer tone. “How about we relax and cool down for a minute. Just stretch and breathe before we really start the day?”

  She took him through an easy series of floor stretches and some light breathing, only to test his willpower to the max when, in order to get his legs stretched wider apart, she used her own outstretched legs to open his. “Are you trying to be the death of me, woman?” he asked, giving her a look that left no question as to what he was really talking about.

  But Essie played it cool, taking his hands in hers, and giving him a tug forward toward her most intimate of places. “I’m only trying to challenge you. Make sure you’re getting all you paid for.”

  He leaned back, gently pulling her forward toward him. “There are some things I never pay for.”

  At that, she stilled, and there they were for the moment—both suspended, legs spread, hand in hand, eye to eye, both wanting the same thing, but pulling in opposite directions.

  There was a noise from the gym doorway, a discreet cough that had both their heads turning. Quincy.

  “Once again, Quincy, your timing is perfect.”

  Quincy was impeccable, despite the early hour and the embarrassing moment of the night before. “That it is, sir. I’m sorry to disturb you, but you have a call that said it can’t wait. Would you like it here or in your office?”

  Ross reluctantly let go of Essie’s hands and helped her up. “Thank you for an exuberant workout.”

  “Thanks for joining me. I’ll go and get breakfast started. It shouldn’t be long. I didn’t expect you up this early.”

  “It’s no problem. I never eat before working out. Please take your time.” He then turned to Quincy. “Thank you. I’ll take it in my office.”

  As Ross left Essie in the exercise room, he wanted both to curse and thank Quincy for his second, not-so-well-timed, interruption.

  Chapter Eleven

  Essie prepared breakfast for Ross and even got to score a few points with Chef Scott by asking him for advice on Ross’s preferences, and by helping the chef with prepping the crew’s breakfast. She was putting the finishing touches on Ross’s tray as Simon gave her a gentle ribbing.

  “He won’t like it,” Simon said, his tone light and teasing as he referred to the fruit kale smoothie she added to the tray.

  “You wanna bet?”

  Simon looked her up and down, then shook his head. “Nah. The money would be too easy. You do yourself a favor and heat one of your sweet pastries from last night. I know Ross, and no matter how much fruit you try and sweeten it with, he’s not drinking that green smoothie.”

  Essie rolled her eyes and took the tray. “I’ll just leave and take that as a compliment on my baking, Chef.”

  Simon laughed.

  As Essie made her way toward Ross’s office, she once again almost literally ran into him as he came down the stairs. “Hi. I was just bringing this to you,” she said, keeping a tight hold on the tray and her unsteady emotions.

  His sudden appearance towering on the stairs surprised her. He was clean and freshly showered in easy sweatpants, which hung low on his hips, and he wore a finely threaded cotton tee, which defined his muscles well. He was no less powerful from when she saw him at the heavy bag that morning, and his clean, freshly showered smell and close presence set her off-kilter. Thankfully, he reached out and took the tray from her hands.

  “Come, have you eaten?” he asked.

  “I have.” She’d grazed from her homemade muesli while prepping, and she had her own shake before heading up, too. Their exuberant workout session made her more famished than normal.

  “Well, please still join me while I eat. Chat awhile?”

  She studied him for a moment. It wasn’t like she really could say no. He’d paid for her time for the duration of this trip. And, honestly, it wasn’t like she wanted to say no. “Of course. But don’t you have work to do?”

  He turned to head up the stairs, but instead of turning left and going toward his office, as she expected, he continued up and went to the large salon. “How about we sit outside? You’ll find that it’s warmed up. We’ve had to take a detour, and we’ll be making a brief stop along the way at my resort in Bermuda.”

  Essie looked at him in surprise. “But isn’t that way off our course? How long will it delay the trip?”

  Ross put the tray on the table nearest the doors to the outer deck and then opened them wide, letting in the fresh air. The view of the open water was stunning. The sun had fully risen and the water glistened a gorgeous crystalline blue through the large windows. “Don’t worry, it won’t delay us long. And it will give me a chance to show you my resort. You’ll get an idea of what I’m planning, with the partnership of these investors.” He readied to take a seat, but pulled out a chair and gestured for her to sit first.

  Essie came over and, instead of sitting, gave him a small shove into the chair. “I thought on the way to Miami you would get a little relaxation. Seems you found a way to find some extra work.”

  Almost instinctively, Ross pulled her down onto his lap. The easy snug fit had them both looking at each other with a bit of shock. Ross reached up and brought his finger to her cheek. “I didn’t go looking for this work. It came and found me.”

  Essie knew she should get up, push back, act affronted, something. But sitting on Ross’s lap, doing exactly what she was doing in that moment, was the only thing she wanted to do, and right where she was, was the only place she wanted to be.

  She took in his dark eyes as he looked at her with a raw, unrestrained desire, the type she had never experienced. “I swear, you make me do the most unprofessional and inappropriate things, Ross Montgomery. When I’m around you, I feel like I’m somehow not my usual self.”

  Those sexy as hell lips quirked a little at that, and she wanted to kiss him again.

  “Is that so bad?” he asked.

  Essie thought for a moment. “It sure isn’t good. What must you think of me? What must the crew?”

  He let out a low, husky growl as he pulled her in close and nuzzled at her neck, sending the most decadent thrill sizzling throughout her body.

  “Why are you so worried about what the crew thinks, or what I think for that matter?” he asked as he leaned back a bit and looked up at her seriously, and maybe a little too deeply. “Why not think about yourself and what you want and feel—do you ever do that?”

  Once again he read her and came back with a too-clear summary. She was always caring what others thought and putting their needs before her own. Wasn’t it just what she was saying was her downfall and what she had to change most about herself? Essie looked at Ross now and came out with the truth. “No, I u
sually don’t ever do that.”

  He ran a hand lazily up and down her side, the shivers turning into lazy waves that lulled her into some sort of Ross Montgomery spell.

  “Is there any particular reason you don’t?”

  Suddenly he felt too close to home, and Essie wanted to dodge the subject. She shimmied around and reached for his tray, pulling it toward him while trying to get up. Essie pulled the cover off the plate, and once again Ross pulled a skeptical face. Essie laughed. “Really, again? What were you living on? Drive-through breakfast specials, too? You really have to change your palate.” She hoisted herself up.

  “Aww, come on now,” Ross said as Essie went around to the other side of the table.

  “Come on, yourself. Pouting isn’t cute on a CEO. For lunch you’ll join me in the kitchen. I think a lesson is in order.”

  Ross surprised her by grinning as he held up his smoothie. “Fine. I welcome joining you in the kitchen. I’ll show you where the fryer is and we can dispose of whatever monstrosity made this.”

  Essie rolled her eyes. “That is incredibly healthy and delicious.”

  Ross laughed, shaking his head. “Well, I finally found the one thing you can’t cook.” He sipped at it again and grimaced. “You didn’t really cook this, did you? You’re pulling one over on me.”

  “Well, technically, it’s not cooked.”

  Ross cocked his head to the side as he put the smoothie down and dug into his omelet and salmon. “Well, therein lies your problem. Food is meant to be cooked.”

  Now it was Essie’s turn to frown. “Why is that a rule?”

  “It’s my rule.”

  “And what? Your rules are somehow law or something?”

  He shrugged before taking a long pull of coffee. “Or something.”

  Essie leaned back, crossing her arms. “You are annoyingly self-assured.”

  “It’s not the first time I’ve heard that, and you have to know I can’t say I take it as an insult.”

  “I’m not saying I meant it as one.” Essie let her gaze wander from him as she looked out at the view. Jayce walked by with an easy wave. It was a glorious day and she suddenly longed to go out.


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