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Tech Titans: The Complete Billionaire Romance Series

Page 35

by Swann, Marcella

  I was sure that Jenny was concerned about the Titans and the effect this would have on my efforts to gain her approval. I had to admit that it complicated things because, for the first time since I had set my sights on the team, my resolve was wavering.

  Don’t be stupid. Some girl isn’t going to come between you and that team. I had to keep reminding myself of this, which was disconcerting.

  I stepped out of the elevator onto the floor where Bill’s office was. His assistant wasn’t at her desk, so I simply stepped up to the door and knocked. “Come in,” Bill’s voice called from the other side.

  “Hey, Bill. You have a few moments to spare?” I asked, poking my head in without fully entering the room. I was relieved to see that he was alone.

  “Sure. Come on in,” he said, standing from his desk as I strode across the room. We shook hands and he gestured to an empty seat in front of his desk. Instead of resuming his own seat, Bill leaned against the front of his desk.

  “What can I do for you, son?”

  “Well, I was hoping you’d reconsider leaving the fate of the Titans to Jenny,” I had a hollow feeling in my chest. It felt like I was betraying her. Bill’s eyebrows popped, and he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

  “And why’s that?”

  “It’s just not working out,” I said lamely. I couldn’t look this man in the face and tell him that I’d slept with his granddaughter and now we had a conflict of interest.

  “Has she done something inappropriate? I knew she’d fight you tooth and nail for this team, but I had hoped the two of you might come to some form of compromise. If she’s managed to somehow offend you —”

  “No!” I interrupted. The last thing I wanted was for Jenny to be reprimanded. Why do I care so much about this difficult woman?

  “No? Then what’s wrong?”

  “You know what? It’s me. I’m just having a hard time convincing her. It’s like trying to move a mountain.” Coming to Bill like this was not my best idea.

  “You’re sure?”

  “Absolutely. I’m just not used to being told no. Sorry to waste your time on this,” I said, moving to stand.

  “You know what might sway her a bit? Getting the other team owners on your side.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “A new owner can only buy the team with the league’s blessing. At least three-quarters of current team owners have to approve the sale of a team.”


  “Yep. You’re asking to join an exclusive club here. New team owners have to fit in.”

  “And you think that Jenny will be more likely to give her approval if these people have?”

  “Well, it’s points in your favor, that’s for sure.”

  “Then I’ll do it. Can you help me a bit? Or is that not playing fair?” I asked with a grin.

  “I’m sure I could lend a hand. Just don’t tell Jenny,” he replied with a wink.

  “Of course not. She’d kill me just for being the messenger.”

  Bill chuckled, and I saw a fondness on his face that I understood all too well. In fact, I worried that it may be reflected in my own expression. This woman, this brunette firecracker, was starting to matter to me and I wasn’t sure if I was happy about that or not.

  Chapter Eleven: Jenny

  I was avoiding Aaron. Maybe it was childish, but I felt guilty for running out on him after our night together. I had panicked about the implications of our actions and just left without even talking to him.

  He probably doesn’t even care. Between his looks and his money, the man probably has women lined up around the block.

  That was another problem. I didn’t know if I was more afraid of confronting our intense attraction to each other or that he may be indifferent to me altogether now that we had slept together. The problem was compounded by the issue with the Titans. I still didn’t want to give up the team.

  Walking down the hallway toward my grandpa’s office, I knew that I needed to tell him about Gary. Of all people who could throw their hat in the ring for this, why did it have to be him?

  I rounded a corner and stopped short. Well, it looked like my stellar avoidance skills were failing me. Aaron walked out of Grandpa’s office with a smile on his face as he turned to him and shook his hand.

  My eyes swept over his body and my heart began to race as I noticed the outline of his abs that were visible through his black t-shirt. Damn, he looks good today. My traitorous mind conjured the image of Aaron’s naked body beneath mine as he cried out in pleasure and threw his head back in bliss.

  Well, the attraction was still there. It might be even stronger now that I knew exactly what it could lead to.

  I hesitated in the hallway. I had hoped to seek Aaron out on my terms, when I was ready. It’d also be nice if I had just gotten my hair done, had perfect makeup, and was wearing a low-cut dress that showed off my body. But this would just have to do.

  I walked forward, and I saw the exact moment that Aaron became aware of my presence. His shoulders tensed when I was still 30 feet away, as if he could sense me. Snapping his head in my direction, I saw his gaze narrow on my chest and he bit his lip. When I reached them, his eyes met mine and I could see that they had darkened. Well, he’s not indifferent to me.

  Why did that thought make my heart flutter?

  “Jennifer, I wasn’t expecting you,” Grandpa said, giving me a delighted smile.

  “I know, but I needed to talk to you. Aaron, you might as well come, too.” I held the door to his office open and waited for the bewildered men to move back inside. Closing the door behind us, I turned to face them head-on. I took a deep breath. “There’s another person who wants to buy the team.”

  “What?” Aaron exclaimed, his eyes wide.

  “Who is it?” Grandpa asked, looking concerned.

  “A guy I went to law school with, Gary Donovan, contacted me via email a couple of days ago.”

  “And you’re just telling us this now?” Aaron asked, his brow furrowed. I didn’t like his tone.

  “I looked into his finances first. There was no point in in bringing it up if he didn’t have the financial chops to buy the team.”

  “But he does?” Grandpa asked.

  “Yeah. That and then some. I knew that Gary came from a wealthy family, but it looks like he’s grown it a bit with some smart investments.”

  “A Wall Street type, then? Why does he want the team? He a big football fan?” Aaron bombarded me with questions.

  “I don’t know why he wants the team. I’m guessing the potential money that can be earned. He wasn’t a football fan in college.”

  I didn’t know why I withheld the truth about my past with Gary, that we had dated off and on for a year. Perhaps I didn’t want them to judge my poor dating choices when they inevitably met the guy and saw what a pompous ass he could be. Maybe it had something to do with Aaron.

  “He’s pushing to meet with you,” I told Grandpa. “I’ve managed to keep him at bay for now. But he’s pretty persistent.”

  “What do you think of this guy, Lil’ Bit?”

  “I’m not a fan. He can be a bit of an arrogant jerk.”

  “Isn’t that what you say about me?” Aaron asked.

  “Yeah, and I don’t need two of you to deal with,” I replied. Truth was, Aaron was a flirty playboy with a cocky attitude, while Gary could be mean to people that he considered beneath him. They were not the same kind of person at all.

  “So, you don’t think we should consider letting him buy the team?”

  “No, I don’t.” I said firmly. Aaron looked relieved at my words. I felt a familiar annoyance with him, which was almost comforting, considering the awkward feelings I had been fighting. “You know this is all your fault?”

  “What?” he asked, looking startled.

  “He wants to buy the team because he saw your interview. This is why I didn’t want to go public, yet.”

  “I’ve already apologized for that. When will
you let it go?”

  “When it stops having a negative impact,” I replied severely.

  “Could you at least try to be reasonable?”

  “You have to think these things through if you want to own an NFL team. Your actions have consequences.”

  “You sound like my mother.”

  Grandpa chuckled, and I saw that there was a mischievous glint in his eye as he watched us. “Don’t worry kids. I’m sure you’ll sort things out.”

  Chapter Twelve: Aaron

  I walked into The Empty Glass and immediately spotted Damian in our usual booth. This place was our go-to spot for a drink and some downtime. Conveniently located just down the street from the office, we liked to meet at this bar after work occasionally. The place was long and narrow, with a bar taking up one side of the room. There was dark, original woodwork around the bar and a large mirror behind the shelves of liquor. There were small tables scattered around the center of the room and booths lined the wall.

  It was a Thursday evening, so the place wasn’t packed, but there were a few barflies scattered around the room. Most people looked like they’d just gotten out of work, in their business casual clothes. One man, at the end of the bar stood out as peculiar with a full trench coat and shaggy hair on his face and head but I didn’t pay him too much attention as I made my way through the crowd. Our usual spot was the last booth along the wall, and I slid in across from Damian just as Mel approached our table.

  Oh shit, I forgot I just blew her off yesterday. Maybe it wasn’t a great idea to come into the bar where she works.

  “Hey guys, how you doing today?” she asked, setting down coasters on the table in front of us. At least she’s acting normal.

  “I’m good. How you been, Mel?” Damian asked. We had all been coming here for so long that we knew the staff personally. It was how I’d met Mel. We had started sleeping together after I had stayed late after Damian had left one evening and charmed her into my bed. It had only happened four or five times — I wasn’t exactly keeping count — but I had a feeling that it wouldn’t happen again. For some reason, I wasn’t interested in her anymore.

  You know why. It’s because of a certain frustrating woman that you can’t get out of your mind…

  Pushing that thought away, I ordered a glass of scotch and ignored the seductive look that Mel threw at me before walking away to get our drinks.

  “So, that’s still going on, then?” Damian asked once she seemed to be out of earshot. I shrugged.

  “I don’t know. Not really.”

  “She know that?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. “Because that girl is undressing you with her eyes as we speak.”

  I glanced toward the bar and saw that Damian was right. When I caught Mel staring, she bit her lip and winked at me. I knew she was trying to be seductive, but I couldn’t help thinking that Jenny’s sweet blush was much more attractive.

  “Eh, she’ll get the idea soon enough. It’s not like we were dating.”

  “And you’ve found someone else to get horizontal with?”

  “What’s up with that? I don’t need to have a constant stream of fuck buddies,” I said, hearing the defensiveness in my own voice.

  “Here ya go, guys,” Mel said, setting our drinks in front of us. “I’ll check on you in a bit.”

  Damian regarded me over the rim of his glass as he took a long sip. I started on my own drink and stretched my legs out under the table.

  “How are things going with the Titans?” he asked, fiddling with the wedding ring on his finger, a habit he had developed since he had married Gigi a few months ago.

  “Difficult. I told you that Bill wants his granddaughter to approve the sale before he’ll sign anything?”

  “Yeah.” Damian smiled, “Don’t tell me you’re having trouble convincing her? Since when do you have trouble getting women to do what you want?”

  “This one’s different.”

  “Uh-oh. I recognize that look and tone of voice.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve been there. A strong stubborn woman that isn’t afraid to butt heads with you … there’s something undeniably appealing about it. Right?”

  There was a knowing look in his eye that made me feel exposed. Damn. We’re too much alike.

  “Well, I may have complicated things a bit.”

  “Oh shit, you slept with her!” Damian exclaimed, chuckling. I propped my elbows on the table in front of me and sighed.

  “Yeah. I did.”

  “Well, I guess that’s one way to get what you want.” Damian’s grin was teasing and I rolled my eyes in response.

  “Very funny,” I said. “It’s messed things up. I don’t know what to do now.”

  “You changing your mind about buying the team?”

  “No, I want the team. It’s important to me and I’ll find a way to get it. It’s just…” I wasn’t sure how to articulate my thoughts. I didn’t know Jenny all that well and it was crazy to be worried about upsetting her. But I was.



  “You’ll have to figure out what matters most to you. But don’t sweat it, you will.” Damian lifted his glass in front of his face and looked me in the eye. “To stubborn women,” he said. I lifted my own glass as well.

  “I’ll drink to that,” I muttered, before draining my glass.

  I was going to have figure things out and soon.

  Chapter Thirteen: Jenny

  I had a small stack of papers tucked under my arm and two large cups of steaming coffee in my hands as I pushed open the door to Grandpa’s office. He was standing at the window when I entered, looking out. I walked to his desk and set the coffees there, careful not to spill anything on the mahogany surface.

  “I have some paperwork to go over with you,” I said when he still hadn’t turned around.

  “Oh, Jennifer, hello,” he said, turning to me with mild surprise. His hands were in his pockets as he stood, looking relaxed. But something was off.

  “You doing okay?”

  “Yes, sorry,” he shook his head as if dispelling negative thoughts. He walked over to his desk and settled into his chair. “Just having a little trouble focusing today.”

  “Maybe you should go home for the day,” I said, concerned.

  “No, no. I’m sure this coffee will help.”

  Frowning, I set the paperwork I had brought down on the desk in front of him. Leaning down over his shoulder I pointed to the first page. “Okay. So, we’ve put together a contract for the Greenman Communications project. It’s and 18-month deal on straight retainer with an option for six more months. See here.” I pointed to the figures on the paper and he nodded. Grandpa took out a handkerchief from an inside pocket of his suit and blotted his forehead. I saw a light sheen of sweat on his face. “Do you want me to turn down the air?” I asked, straightening up to walk to the thermostat.

  “No, I’m fine. It’s probably just because I was standing next to the window in the sunshine.”

  Looking at him closely, I saw that his hands had a slight tremor. That’s it. He’s going to a doctor. Now.

  “Come on, we’re going to the doctor.”

  “Don’t worry about me. I think I might be coming down with a cold or something,” he was trying to be dismissive, but I wasn’t going to have any of that.

  “I’ll tell Lisa that you’ll be out for the rest of the day. She can reschedule your appointments,” I decided, walking across the room so I could pop my head out of the door and talk to his assistant.

  “I don’t —” Grandpa’s words were cut short as he let out a gasp. Whipping back around toward him, I saw that he had started to stand and was now leaning heavily against his desk. His face had lost all color and was now a ghostly white. As I watched, rooted to the spot, he swayed drunkenly before his eyes rolled up in his head and he collapsed.

  “Grandpa!” I called out, running forward and dropping onto my knees beside him. He was laying o
n his back and his breathing was shallow while he eyes stared up at the ceiling. “Grandpa, grandpa, grandpa.” I repeated over and over, my hands flailing around frantically above his still form, not sure what I could do.

  “Lil’… Lil’…” he whispered, his eyes finally focusing in on me.

  “Yep, it’s me. It’s your Lil’ Bit,” I said with a forced smile. “What do you feel? Are you in pain?”

  “My arm,” he said, his face contorting in pain. “It hurts. I can’t… I can’t breath …”

  “Lisa!” I screamed out, causing the woman to come running into the room. Her eyes widened with fear as she saw us on the floor. “Call 911, now! I think he’s having a heart attack.”

  She nodded and hurried back out the door. I heard her talking into the phone seconds later. Crawling to his desk five feet away, I opened Grandpa’s top drawer and grabbed a small bottle of aspirin that was in there. Trying to get it open proved to be difficult due to my violently shaking hands. “Come on, dammit,” I mumbled under my breath with frustration. To hell with these childproof caps. Grandpa let out another gasp and I felt panic setting in.

  Okay, okay. Focus. Open the bottle.

  With a deep breath, I was finally able to reduce my shaking enough to work the damn bottle. I tried to shake out one into my hand but they went scattering everywhere. Fuck it. I grabbed one of the little white pills from the floor and tossed the bottle aside. Crawling back to Grandpa’s side, I felt like I had just wasted hours of time, when it had in fact been mere seconds. Everything was happening too fast, I couldn’t get my brain to catch up.

  “Here, chew this up,” I said, placing the pill into his mouth. He grimaced at the taste but did as I said.

  “They’ll be here any minute now,” Lisa said from the doorway. She had a deer-in-the-headlights look that I was sure was reflected on my own face.

  “Inform building security. I don’t want anything slowing them down. Get the elevator down to the bottom floor, it’ll be faster than stairs if it’s waiting for them.”


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