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Birth of the Chosen One

Page 13

by Roger Kenworthy

  As I found warmth nestled between my brothers and sister, father walked over and spoke with Narizon. Then my world went black…I crossed over to the Otherworld.

  “Shaman, how many more suns and moons must we walk before we find our new home? I worry that the clan may lose more members if we travel too long within unfamiliar lands. There might be other clans that would not look kindly upon visitors taking over some of their hunting grounds. We are in danger until we find a suitable cave to live in.”

  “Tusik, brave and wise leader…as I faced the ice and snow, the spirits whispered in my ear that we shall be closer to home when we see the new moon. As each sun travels across the skies, we are getting closer than we were. Be patient…we must discover the right home for us that the spirits want us to find. They told me that we shall find safety and we shall be free of sadness and hunger when we do set our furs down and end our quest for what we search for.”

  “Narizon, I know your words are true and that we shall have a better life. Brother, I am going to join my children now…wake me if needed; I am always with you if danger appears.”

  The shaman nodded his head as his unkempt hair acknowledged father’s words. While all members slept he travelled to the spirit world asking for an answer to father’s question. He jammed a handful of berries in his mouth, then waited until the magic took hold of his body and his mind. Although his weathered hands never beat out a rhythm on his drum, it began to speak with the Wise Ones.

  “Spirits that travel the skies, waters, and lands…we have been traveling many moons and many suns. We have been cold. We have been hungry. We have been scared. We have been obedient sons and daughters who desire warmth, food, and security. Let Narizon, the shaman, pass to the Otherworld and find his place in the hearts of the spirits.”

  The compassionate spirits replied.

  The land under him began to spin violently; Narizon knew the feeling. He had experienced this sensation many times after taking the sacred fruit of the spirits. A vision would appear before his closed eyes …a vision of the moons and suns he had never seen before. A message from the spirits to answer his question. He smiled and accepted the wonderful feelings that passed through his body, through his mind …through his essence. His body felt light, as light as the tail feather of a majestic eagle…it felt like nothing. He rose to meet the sky spirits…he escaped the grasp of the water and land spirits far below him. Welcoming winds guided him to a land unseen by his clan. Beasts were aplenty; water cascaded serenely; rock formations spiraled majestically to the skies. This was their new home; a home where the water, land, and wind spirits converged into one, formed a perfect union for his wandering clan.

  The vison ended. He found himself back at the fire pit, safe within the womb of his family…the ones that he was responsible for. He felt exhausted but elated. His anxious tongue was unable to wait.

  “Tusik? Tusik?”

  “Shaman…I can see by the glint in your eyes that the spirits have answered what you asked of them. Tell me, and do not leave out any details.”

  Before the yellow sun peaked above the lands, the clan was roused out of its restful sleep by their excited leader.

  “Clan members, arise and get ready to leave …hurry! We have news from the spirits. We are very near to where we shall call home.”

  There was a buzz of excitement in the air. Home.

  “Let us hear the words the spirits shared with our shaman. Narizon?”

  He jumped to his feet, his eyes wide with joy. “Our journey is about to end, and our ending shall be one where happiness shines down upon our clan as the warmth from the sun. The season of smiles and laughter returns to us after we have lived such sadness. We shall not rest our tired bodies as we follow new friends to home. Our guides…a herd of caribou making their journey to the grasslands where the sun rests after traveling the skies and meets the moon. We shall let them show us the way to our new cave, and as they do, provide flesh from their bodies, furs for warmth, and antlers to keep our fires burning when the moon gazes down upon us.”

  And, so it was…we would be led to our future by the beasts of the land. Our past would be behind us and a new adventure would begin.

  We formed a single line…our bravest hunters walked at the front and rear of us. We had to be vigilant since a herd of beasts attracted another kind of hunter, those with sharp teeth and long claws. We were just as likely to end up as food for these cunning hunters as the caribou were.

  As we walked, the sun traveled the blue skies and met the moon in the dark skies, and then the moon met the sun in the morning skies. This happened again, and then one last time. We were tired, but the sound of the rumbling lands revealed that we had found our caribou…the four-legged beasts that had control over our destiny.

  “Father, there they are!”

  It was a beautiful sight…there were so many beasts that the herd had no beginning and no ending. A headless and tailless creature that moved as a single entity meandered throughout the lands. Clouds of dust swirling around them, announcing their arrival, concealing them, and declaring their departure.

  A rough hand tousled my hair. “Ovark, we shall be home again. A place where you can grow to be a leader; where your brothers can become skilled hunters; where your sister can grow to be a compassionate mother. Many moons shall travel through the skies, many winds shall travel through the lands, but both shall witness you learning to hunt, gaining experience to lead, and expanding your influence as you grow.”

  When I lived only a few seasons, I never realized that father’s words were to prepare me for my eventual leadership of our clan; he instilled confidence and pride in me with how he felt and what he said to me and of me. I was groomed for assuming his position since I met the winds and waters that swirled about our lands.

  As we walked alongside the herd, we were choked by the swirling clouds of dust raised by cloven hooves. While our vision was blurred and our lungs were congested, we held hope…it gave us strength and determination to struggle onward.

  We moved ever forward, with the bright rays of the sun following us; father noticed something unusual.

  “Bundan, did you see a movement near the edge of the herd?”

  “Wise One, there are many movements since there are many beasts…they run, they walk, and they play. What? A cave bear or perhaps a lion? I see no unusual movement, just a wave of shaggy beasts heading to their warm season grasslands.”

  “No…I swear by the spirits…someone or something is following us. My eyes do not deceive me. Narizon?”

  “Tusik, let me answer your question. I do not see, but can feel the presence of an unfamiliar creature, it is either a man or a beast. Is this entity here to do us harm or…? Let us find that answer.”

  We needed immediate action. “I agree. Bundan and I shall slip between the beasts and fall back behind the clan. Perhaps, this new position can provide a better understanding of what or whom is tracking us. Be vigilant shaman; tell the other hunters what we are going to do and why. The clan’s safety is in your hands until we return with an answer.”

  “May the spirits keep you and Bundan safe as you discover our answer.”

  Father and Bundan quickly melded into the herd; they were as one with the gentle beasts of the grasslands. No one looked behind us to see what took place; we didn’t want whatever it was out there to be aware that we knew they were around us, circling us …for the kill or for some other reason. Everyone was alert; we must react quickly if needed, our lives depended upon our ability to do what was right and at the exact moment. Stomachs turned…tongues parched …hands wet.

  “There, Bundan, did you see it?”

  A quick nod assured father that he did indeed see a fleeting image. In a gasp for his breath… it was gone, consumed by the wave of beasts that kept moving along on their journey. The hunt continued.

  Frantically, the two brave hunters moved around the line of caribou. Another fleeting blur. This time, their prize was not as fortunate to di
sappear into the body of the beast. Father and Bundan encircled the motion. There was no place to run and nowhere to hide.

  Two spear points were raised against a sweat encrusted throat.

  “Speak, or die!”

  They beheld an odd creature, totally naked but covered in streaks of grayish-brown mud…the same color as the beasts. He had been unnoticed because he blended in with the rolling wave of caribou. He held no weapon.

  “I am Novar…leader of the Shadow People. As you can see, I am unarmed. You can take your spears away from my neck; we wish you no harm.”

  “The Shadow People?” Father appeared shocked. “As we sat around our fire pits, we were told stories of your people, but I have never seen one of your clan. Still, our ancestor’s words were true…you do live. Why are you following us if you wish us no harm?”

  There was a slight hesitation in the captive’s response. “Tell us…why?”

  Novar began. “We do not mean you trouble; we could have sent you to the spirits many times, each and every one of your clan if we wanted to. Have no fear; we do not wish you or any other clan any harm. For many moons, we have watched over you. At your side if danger appeared. Our wish is to live in harmony in these lands. There is no will to fight and kill, there is no wish to conquer others, there is no wish to make your children and wives our slaves.”

  “You are our guardians?” Father was puzzled; we were joined to the caribou herd, but a strange enigma also watched over us.


  “Then why conceal yourself as you did, Novar? Isn’t concealment a tactic in battle?”

  “You must not interpret it as such. We are silent when we travel. We live in these lands, the lands of the spirits…these lands are not ours. We are guardians of the lands: the water is not ours; the skies are not ours; and the forests are not ours. Since we are entrusted with the good of the lands by the spirits, we are responsible for every man, woman, and child who walks these valleys, drinks the waters, receives the warmth from the skies.”

  “Let us stop here and rejoin with our clan members. Will you come and eat with our clan, Novar? I believe that you may want to speak with our shaman; it appears that you both share equal respect for the spirits.”

  “The Shadow People shall be glad to join you in sacrifice to the spirits. Let me call my men to join us.”

  Novar whistled, and out of the herd walked six men, all naked and painted as their leader.

  Bundan shook his head. “You could have ended our lives if you wanted to…you are invisible, hidden from opened eyes, hidden in plain sight. Your kind must be skilled hunters; have you ever felt the pangs of hunger? Felt your ribs protruding from your body as your strength slowly leaves you?”

  “Proudly, we have been protected from such sorrow by the spirits. We do not want to possess what is not ours to possess; and the spirits look down upon us with great favor. As you starve we thrive; as you shiver we rejoice; as you cry we smile. Live by the way of the spirits and you too shall be free from the pains of hunger, cold, and battle.”

  These words ran true with father…he believed that our clan had much to learn from our new protectors and guardians. The suns and moons yet not travelling the skies, could be joyous ones for us if we learned.

  As father, Bundan, and the Shadow People approached us, an undecided murmur hung in the sky. Some were excited by the strange men and others were frightened.

  Narizon stepped forward to greet our guests.

  “Welcome…I am Narizon, the shaman of the Forest Clan. We welcome you as brothers.” Novar and Narizon grabbed each other’s forearm, and stared straight into the other’s eyes.

  “I feel a strong presence of the spirits within you, around you, and beside you.”

  “I also feel the strength of the spirits within you, shaman.”

  With those friendly words, the members of the clan, who felt uneasy, were now relieved…these unknown men could be trusted with our lives.

  “Come, let us gather at the fire pit and enjoy what the spirits have provided.”

  Father spoke; “Let this new sun rejoice as the Shadow People become brothers with the Forest Clan.”

  I openly stared at the men with painted bodies…but, then they seemed to disappear into the grasslands around us. My eyes could not make out their physical bodies.

  “Tusik, who is this young one that looks at me with eyes as wide as the antlers of a red deer?”

  “I am sorry Novar; this is my son, Ovark. He is a most inquisitive youngster and shall be leader of our clan after many seasons pass…he wishes to learn everything that walks and talks before him.”

  “His eyes are bright, and his soul is pure, he shall not disappoint you…the sun and moon shall speak of his name for many seasons. Be proud, he shall be a great leader of your clan.”

  My face grew hot, it felt like I had walked into a fire pit just as the flames stretched to the skies. Would the flames leave a scar upon me?

  “Novar, can you share how your people live? There is much we can learn from you, and as we learn, we shall have a better life.”

  “Yes, I can; there is much to say. We have roamed these lands for many seasons, many more than we can remember. The greatest of our ancestors, Rohar, left his clan as a young hunter to begin his own because he did not desire war, sorrow, or need. Our ancestors made war with the other clans around us …we won, we lost. They won, they lost. Only the spirits won…they had more of us to share their journey with. It seemed that war with those we shared the lands with was futile.”

  “I understand. Besides our problems with the Rolling Valley clan, it has been many seasons since we exchanged deadly spear points with others. When we are not fighting with others, we become fat and happy. Our caves are filled with laughter, and our walls are covered with paintings of hunters chasing beasts, and not killing other hunters.”

  Every head nodded in agreement.

  “Others could not kill all of us, and we would not kill all of them. Now, we live in peace, we do not have any desire to conquer others…if they hunt on the lands we walk through, we just move on and travel to the place where the spirits want us to be.”

  “This idea is a wise one, Novar…people of the Forest Clan, hear these words and believe what the wise one speaks of.”

  “When we do not fight, we do not find sorrow, and sorrow does not find us. We live with bellies full of food, caves full of smiles, and clan members full of hope.”

  “Wise leader…how do your people accept what the spirits desire of you and your people?”

  “The spirits…they give what we need, there is no reason to want for lands, slaves, or any other things. We have no wants, they provide what we need. Our needs are to be living in peace, cooperating with others, and obeying the laws of the spirits. This way of life is the best for the Shadow People, and we shall continue to live as such as long as I am the leader of our clan.”

  “The Forest Clan must make every effort possible to live as your family does Novar. Thank you; now, let us share what the spirits have shared with us.”

  We spoke openly with the other members of their clan throughout our feast, and all too soon it was time for the Shadow People to slip back into the lands …to go unnoticed and protective.

  “Members of the Forest Clan, there is one more thing for me to say. We shall gladly share all these lands with you and your clan; all we ask is that you respect the land, water, and sky spirits. Do not make battle with others who cross these valleys and mountains. Do not take from the mouths of others who cross these valleys and mountains. Do not steal the young men or women from others who cross these valleys and mountains.”

  Sharing our food was over; now, we had to move on to our final destination.

  “Novar, can you join and witness the joy of reaching our new home?”

  “Wise One…I shall share a secret with you. You must cross Emerald Lake before you can find your new cave. We would gladly help you during your last steps in the journey, but that is not
possible. Our ancestors and my people have never crossed Emerald Lake. The stories from our ancients tell us that Rohar was taken by the spirits as he attempted to swim the entire length of the lake.…we would never enter into the waters that took our greatest leader. Never! I am sorry, but we shall never be able to watch your tears of joy upon locating your new home. We can accompany you to the ancient shore; but cannot be with you as you finish your journey to the other side of the lake.”

  “Emerald Lake? Our new home…how do you know such secrets, Novar?” Father was indeed astounded by such wisdom. Surely, it was not a guess of what shall occur?

  “Tusik, the Shadow People are one with the spirits, and as such, we are revealed the secrets that shape the lands and the people that travel them. The spirits guide us, and in turn, we submit to them. We live for them; we live with them; we live because of them. It is no secret that we share our lives with them, and in return are shown great favors. Forest Clan…live as we do…live with joy and purpose.”

  The herd stopped, the dust settled; I heard the gentle lapping of waves upon the rocks. Just ahead, water as green as the leaves on a tree, my mind screamed with joy, my tongue yelled with surprise. Nature was beautiful; that vision of green left its imprint upon me like the image left when my toes walked in soft mud. My family…so close to home, tears ran down my sun-burned cheeks.

  “Narizon, Tusik, and all of the Forest Clan, we now bid you farewell. While we may not be clearly in sight, remember that we shall never abandon you. Our people shall be hiding in the shadows that travel the lands, the rivers, and the skies. If danger appears, we shall be there for you in the darkest nights, coldest seasons, or wettest days. We shall protect you, and you shall be protected by the spirits that guide the Shadow People.”

  Novar extended his arm in friendship to the hunters; he kneeled and kissed the children; and bowed to the women of our clan in a most respectful manner. His men did the same. Then they were gone.


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