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Alien Romance: Alien Desires: Scifi Alien Invasion Romance Collection (BBW, Alien Invasion Romance)

Page 7

by Alpha Romance Publishing

  Back on the bed, Sa’Zhan positioned himself between her legs. In one sudden, strong motion, he reached out and ripped her panties off of her body.

  He leaned forward to taste her womanhood, his tongue lapping gently at her labia. His lips found her sensitive clit, and Hannah thought she would explode then. But that was not what he wanted.

  He took his mouth away. Hannah moaned with frustration and desire.

  Sa’Zhan spread her legs with his hands. He lay down on top of her, the weight of him solid and comforting against her body. She could feel his cock, ready to enter her.

  And then it did, slowly, Sa’Zhan pushing in little by little, sending shockwaves through her with every movement.

  Hannah cried out and her hands found the small of his muscular back, pulling at him. Sa’Zhan obliged, driving deep into her, stretching her out, filling her up. Hannah cried out, her pussy so tight around his steel-hard shaft.

  With a deliberate, medium pace, he began to move in and out. He kissed her again as they moved in rhythm together. Then he moved to a kneeling position, rising above her as he began fucking her again.

  He lifted one of her legs, and then the other, holding her open and stroking his cock into her again and again.

  Hannah ran her hands up and down her body, then began playing with her breasts as Sa’Zhan slid in and out. Hannah’s body felt like a firebomb ready to explode.

  She looked up at him, urging him on with her eyes. He responded, each stroke sending thundering waves out from her pussy to every part of her.

  The pleasure built and built until Hannah could barely stand it. She squeezed her breasts together, twisting her nipples between her fingers just as the orgasm hit her.

  She wailed in ecstasy as Sa’Zhan slammed into her. His face twisted with pleasure, and Hannah felt him release inside her. He roared like a lion, their cries mingling as they pushed their bodies tightly together.

  Sa’Zhan released her legs and fell on top of her, catching himself on his elbows.

  He kissed her mouth, her cheeks, and then spoke in her ear.

  “Now we are mates, soul-bonded for life.”

  Hannah nodded, too wiped out to speak. Alien or not, she was all his, and would be forever. She had no idea what the future held for them, but she knew they would be together, knew this strong, tireless alien would love and protect her.

  She smiled at the thought, realizing that her life was going to be very different from now on, and very, very good.


  Claimed By My Alien Boss

  Rosette Lex

   Copyright 2015 by Rosette Lex

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced

  in any way whatsoever, without written permission

  from the author, except in case of brief

  quotations embodied in critical reviews

  and articles.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any

  person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  First edition, 2015


  Cassie has landed a job as a research assistant at Stephen Moore Space Research Facility. Despite knowing she was the right girl for the job of personal secretary to the owner and founder of the facility, she couldn’t stop her leg from bouncing. She’d heard the rumors: handsome, insanely rich, and impossible to please. When she had originally applied for the position, she never really thought she’d receive a callback.

  Stephen Moore is an insanely handsome owner of Stephen Moore Research Facility. He is a mysterious man and follows his own rules, knowing his mating urge will strike him at anytime. But then he sees Cassie, with her feisty curves and charismatic personality. She makes him crave her more and more everyday.

  Only when they start accepting their feelings for each other, Cassie faces the worst nightmare of her life. She is abducted, crushed and torn apart by the very man she believes she is in love with.

  A dark night that reveals everything will decide Cassie's future...

  Chapter 1

  Cassie sat in the waiting room of the Stephen Moore Space Research Facility. Despite knowing she was the right girl for the job of personal secretary to the owner and founder of the facility, she couldn’t stop her leg from bouncing.

  Oh, she’d heard the rumors: handsome, insanely rich, and impossible to please. When she had originally applied for the position, she never really thought she’d receive a callback.

  It was one of those situations where she applied just so she could tell herself that she did it. She tried. Then, when she never heard back, she could again tell herself that at least it wasn’t for lack of ambition. When the research facility did call and invited her in for an interview, she couldn’t believe it.

  The reputation the place had earned in just the few short years it’d been open was astounding. The owner, Stephen Moore, had come from out of nowhere. He didn’t need government funding, as he was somehow rich enough to build the place and run it all on his own.

  In all of the science journals they called him insane. In just a couple of years he’d run out of money, and the entire establishment would crumble around him. That never happened, though. No, instead, somehow he was able to monetize their research.

  To this day no one knows exactly how he’s doing it, but the scientific discoveries made so far were incredible.

  To work here at all was a huge honor, but to actually work for the man, the genius, himself?


  Cassie’s friend tried to warn her away from it, however.

  “He hasn’t had a personal assistant last for more than a week,” she said.

  So far every major scientist and research assistant in the region had applied. Many were accepted, and so far all were fired. This didn’t stop Cassie, though. Again, if she didn’t try, she would never know if she could have.

  Just like with the application, she was going to give it a shot and expect failure. Maybe it was the wrong attitude to have, but it was how she had made it through college and most of her more important life’s accomplishments.

  Today was her first day, and she waited to be called back and be shown around. She had on her smartest business suit to look the part.

  She was a curvy girl and liked the way the suit hugged her form, showing off all the right parts of her, while still maintaining the air of professionalism. Still, her leg bounced and she couldn’t stop it.

  A young man with short hair and round glasses came out from a back room and approached her.

  “Cassie?” he asked expectantly.

  “That’s me,” she said and stood.

  Grinning pleasantly the man reached out and shook her hand.

  “I’m Ian, I’ll be taking you back. Mr. Moore is expecting you. If you’ll follow me, we’ll make the introductions. For now, let me just tell you we’re really excited to have you on board.”

  “Thank you. I’m excited to be here.”

  The smile Ian put on seemed plastic, yet patient. This was something he’d no doubt heard many times before.

  “When we go back, I want you to just, keep your eyes open. Pay attention, listen. Mr. Moore is a very particular man. Very. Particular. He’s also not a fan of repeating himself.”

  “If you must, ask a question before doing something you know to be wrong, but the idea of course is to listen and get it right the first time.”

  Already Cassie’s heart sank. Get everything right the first time? That was impossible. Sooner or later she’d screw up.

  “So, is this a three strikes type of situation?”

  Ian’s eyes looked to the ceiling.

  “Sure,” he said slowly, “and let’s assume you’re already two strikes down.”

  “What?” Cassie asked, incredulous. “

  Should I even bother going back with you? I’m going to mess up eventually. That’s only human.”

  “Well, that’s up to you. If it’s too much pressure, I suggest you
save us all the time.”

  Cassie bit her lip and looked toward the door. Three strikes, and she was already two down.

  Even so, did she quit before trying?

  That’s not what she was here for. No, if she was going to get fired, let her get fired. She wasn’t going to quit.

  “Let’s do this.”

  Ian gladly showed her toward the back and into the facility proper. The place was huge, with massive ceilings and wide hallways.

  State-of-the-art lighting overhead cast crisp white light on everything. The floor and walls were all pristine with a matte finish so as to not reflect all of the light.

  The air was brisk, but not uncomfortable. It had the feeling of gentle movement which prevented it from becoming stale.

  As they walked, Ian pointed out different laboratories and mentioned briefly what each was currently working on. This, he reassured her, she wouldn’t need to remember.

  Only when Mr. Moore was speaking did she have to worry. Some of the scientists were creating new technology, while others tested animals on their ability to think or react.

  “Don’t worry,” he again reassured her, “we never do anything to harm the animal. All Mr. Moore is interested in are things like puzzle-solving, reflexes, things like that.”

  “Good,” Cassie said, “I wouldn’t continue working here otherwise.”

  Finally, they reached the largest lab in the place. Table sat in an array, with shelf after shelf piled on top of one another. Along these shelves were hundreds of small pits, each with a single sprout peering out from the top.

  It took everything she had to not sit and stare in wonder at all of the plants, but instead followed Ian to where a man stood, his back to them as he mixed some liquids together.

  “Mr. Moore?” Ian asked.

  The man turned his head to see Ian, then looked further to see Cassie.

  “Research assistant?”

  “Yes,” Cassie said, stepping forward with her hand extended, “and let me just say what an honor—“

  “You’re still carrying a purse. Why is she not in a lab coat? Why are you not in a lab coat?”

  Ian clenched his hands in front of him as he realized his mistake.

  “Get out!” Mr. Moore screamed.

  “You’ll destroy the sterile environment I’ve created with your Gucci piece of rubbish. Out!”

  Cassie’s heart skipped a beat and she turned and left the laboratory. She couldn’t believe it was over that quickly. Somehow she felt robbed. This wasn’t even her fault.

  Pacing a few steps in front of the door, she wondered if she should just leave or wait for Ian. Currently he was being yelled at by Mr. Moore, but the thick door prevented much sound from making it through so she couldn’t understand exactly what was being said.

  When Ian joined her a moment later he looked decidedly berated.

  “So that’s it? I’m done?” she asked.

  “No, that one was mine.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Did he just fire you?”

  “No. Fortunately, I’m not his research assistant. I will not, however, be helping him with that project any longer. Let’s get you a lab coat so you can rejoin him and he can explain the intricacies of the job to you.”

  As they walked down the hallway to the supply closet, she said, “You know, a lab coat doesn’t make me sterile. There has to be a joining room, and a sterilizer. Every piece of skin and hair has to be contained.”

  “Yes, yes, I’m aware. So is Mr. Moore.” Ian handed her the lab coat.

  “Best to keep that talk to yourself though. Mr. Moore knows what he’s doing. You’re here to assist him, not correct him.”

  After showing her to the lockers where she could place her personal items, he guided her back to the lab where Mr. Moore worked.

  “This is where I leave you. Good luck. Hope to see you tomorrow.”

  Chapter 2

  After a weak smile, Cassie took a breath to prepare herself and then reentered the laboratory.

  Mr. Moore turned to see who had come in and then pointed to a spot beside him.

  “You know you’re alphabet?” he asked when she stood beside him.

  Somehow she had expected a much older man, but he was surprisingly young. The intensity in his eyes as he focused on his work was remarkable. “Yes, I believe so.”

  “Base cases A through G receives the C197 solution. A1 through G1 receives the C198.”

  Already? No introduction, no orientation on what they were working on. She turned to the table and looked for the solutions he mentioned, but didn’t see anything. “Where are the solutions?”

  Without looking at her he pointed to a small refrigerator on the other side of the room. After a bit of searching she found the two and a dropper.

  “How much per specimen?”

  Again, without looking up or speaking, he held up two fingers.

  As she went about the task given to her, he checked the plants behind her.

  “Assistant,” he said to get her attention.

  “My name is Cassie.”

  “Your name is Assistant until you prove your competence.”

  “What am I doing right now?”

  “You think counting to two over and over and knowing your alphabet proves you’re a competent research assistant?” He chortled and shook his head. “This won’t take long, I see.”

  Cassie stopped what she was doing and turned to face him. “That’s uncalled for.”

  “We shall see. Do you understand the ascending pattern of solution to specimen?”

  “I do.”

  The smallest of smiles pulled at his mouth. He doubted her! “We shall see.”

  Turning away, he went back to his work. She couldn’t believe him! She graduated top of her class. Who couldn’t handle a simple solution application? Still, the pattern was obvious, and she did as she was asked.

  After the first dozen plants she had the motions down and even managed to work a dropper in each hand, managing multiple plant stages at once. When she returned to his side he sighed and rested his hands on the table.

  “Yes, what is it?”


  Mr. Moore looked up to her and then back toward the plants. “Already?”

  “Yes. What, was that supposed to be difficult?”

  “Not difficult, per se. Time consuming. I needed time to complete my formula before assigning the next task.”

  Cassie leaned over to look at his notes. “What are we working on in here, anyway?”

  He turned back around, and she felt his face brush against her hair accidently. In that moment she heard him take in a breath through his nose as though he was smelling her hair. After all of the work she’d put into making herself presentable, she knew her hair smelled good.

  “Yes, well. Meat.”

  “Meat?” she looked up to him and then back down at his notes.

  “Yes. Well. A fungal specimen containing the same protein values as meat. We’re modifying the genes to create the proper mixture of survivability and nutritional value. A super food that can be grown under almost any conditions. With this we can feed the hungry in any part of the world, and even take it into space.”

  “That’s amazing,” she exclaimed, looking out at the little sprouts with new interest. “If they’re fungal, why are they sprouting?”

  “Why indeed. For now, take your break. I’ll have another task for you when you return.”

  She looked up to him and his blue eyes and found him looking down her body.

  When he saw she had caught him looking he cleared his throat, said, “Yes, well,” and went back to his notes.

  She couldn’t help smiling as she left.

  The rest of the day was spent performing tests on each of the sprouts to see what was reacting to the doses given to them the day before by someone else.

  When she automatically adjusted for an incorrect dose of formula as signified by a particular spike or valley in the readouts, Mr. Moore was impressed.

  A week came and went, yet she continued working with him. Some of the specimens had died, the solution being too strong, or simply toxic to the poor things. Others had sprouted into multiple stalks, or took on different colors.

  All throughout, she continued to impress him with her knowledge and ability to anticipate his needs. He was quiet, never speaking unless he had to. It gave him a mysterious air.

  Who was he? No one in the lab knew anything about him. One day he just seemed to show up and built the facility. Even now no one has ever seen him go home or come in.

  With every passing day, however, Cassie was finding herself drawn to him more and more. The way he moved, the solid muscle he had under that lab coat.

  During some of her more tedious tasks, she allowed herself to imagine what he would look like wearing only the lab coat, the flap strategically open to show his chest and abs, yet just barely covering…

  “Cassie,” he said, pulling her out of her reverie. That was the first time he’d ever said her name.

  “Yes?” she asked as she came to stand beside him so he wouldn’t have to yell.

  “I think we’re onto something. The solution from last week along this array? It’s showing consistently positive results. Take the soil sampler and get me readouts on every specimen on this list.”

  He handed her a clipboard with the charts and notes on it. As she accepted it, she reached up grab the soil sampler but instead landed her hand on top of his.

  They both paused and looked at one another. A rush of blood colored her cheeks, heating her ears, and she pulled her hand back.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, “I was just getting the sampler.”

  “Yes, well,” he said, slowly pulling his hand down. Without another word he held out the sampler to her. Taking it, she placed it on her clipboard and went to the first specimen on the list. The clipboard clacked against the table as she set it down and took a sample from the first pot.


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