Dark Romance Novel - Submission + Taken + 1 Mystery books Bundle Set (A Dark Romance Series Novel)

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Dark Romance Novel - Submission + Taken + 1 Mystery books Bundle Set (A Dark Romance Series Novel) Page 18

by Veronica Cane

  When the last person was finished hitting me with their flogger three times, the three bald men removed me from the wheel of death and held me in their arms as the master of ceremonies again poured the oil on my body, front and back.

  The wheel of death was removed from the platform and in its place was a round bed. I began to panic, worried they might expect me to have sex with one or maybe all of the people here. I didn’t know what was going to happen but as the three bald men laid me on the bed, I seen Devlin’s smiling face standing over me.

  Then it hit me, these people expected me to make love to Devlin right here on this bed, in front of everyone.

  After all the beatings and the rub downs and the chanting and medical exams and purifications, I wasn’t sure if this was something I could do. It was just too much. It was over the line. I couldn’t do this.

  Devlin crouched between my legs and as I looked in his eyes, all my nervousness and apprehension went away. Suddenly it was just the two of us and the rest of the world didn’t matter.

  He brushed his fingers across the outer lips of my pussy and the sensation caused a shiver to run up my spine.

  I spread my legs slightly and that was all the encouragement he needed. He bent down and began licking my pussy. He pushed at my legs, forcing me to spread them wider. He ran his thumb gently against my clit and then inserted a finger inside of me and then another.

  The pressure was building and I knew if he continued to stroke me like that, I was going to explode soon. When he began flicking his tongue in and out of me, I grabbed his hair and started running my fingers through it. I started to whimper and buck against his mouth.

  I desperately wanted to come and I knew I was close. That was until I heard the chanting. The three bald men had returned, standing near the head softly repeating their strange and mesmerizing words.

  Devlin stopped what he was doing, grabbing me by the back of my head, and rammed his tongue inside of my mouth, forcing me to taste my own juices. I hungrily kissed him back.

  He pulled my head back, so he could look at my face. Before I knew what was happening he spun me around, grabbing me by the waist and pushed my face into the bed, forcing my ass in the air.

  He held on to my hips as he rammed his cock inside of me. I cried out with both pleasure and pain. I could hear the men still chanting as Devlin slammed his cock in and out of me.

  I arched my back as Devlin continued to thrust deep inside of me. Our bodies bucked and rocked against each other rhythmically.

  I felt his balls smacking against my pussy as he slammed his cock in and out of me. Then he pulled halfway back and shoved all the way in again, holding it deep inside me for a few moments.

  He hastened his pace, pulling his long shaft nearly all the way out before plunging it all the way back in. I’ve never felt so completely filled before.

  I could feel my orgasm building up inside of me as he moved his cock inside of me. Finally it was just too much for my body to handle. With each deep thrust, he hit the spot, stoking the fire inside of me.

  He was fast and furious, fucking me mercilessly. I grabbed the sheets and buried my face into the mattress, hoping to muffle my screams as I reached the edge. My body tensed up and he knew I was coming. I could never hide that from him and he slowed down for just a moment while the waves of pleasure washed over me.

  Devlin wasn’t finished with me yet though. He started to pull out and then before I knew it, he thrust himself deep inside of me. Just as he started working up another steady pace, I felt a sharp sting across my back.

  One of the hooded men who stood around us in a circle had now stepped forward and began hitting me with his flogger. I cried out in pain but Devlin didn’t stop fucking me.

  The others soon took their turns and eventually the pain transformed to into a satisfying feeling of fulfillment. It was a strange sensation that I’ve never known before. In my mind I could no longer make out the difference between the pleasure of Devlin fucking me and the pain of being flogged.

  Soon I could feel Devlin’s cock throbbing inside of me, in the way that it did before he was about to come. His body tensed up in preparation for the explosion that was to come. Then I felt it, his cock swelled and exploded inside of me. His body shuddered as he released himself fully.

  The flogging stopped and he collapsed onto the bed next to me. I tried to just relax and breath, hoping it would make the pain easier to bear. It didn’t. I hurt all over. I didn’t know what was going to happen next. I just wanted it to be over so I could go home and cry. I didn’t want these people to see me cry.

  The three bald men picked me up off of the bed and carried me back down the long dimly lit hall and to my room.

  The sat me carefully onto my bed. I hurt too much to move so I laid there until Devlin came for me. I was too weak to try and move on my own so Devlin dressed me and carried me to the car. That was the last thing I remembered before falling asleep. When I came to Devlin and I were back home alone and the whole nightmare of the presentation was over.

  Thanks to a cocktail of sleeping pills and pain killers, I slept away the next few days while my body recovered. When I wasn’t sleeping Devlin was taking care of my every need. He even laid in bed with me and read stories to me from my favorite romance novels. Listening to his soothing voice as he read to me was the highlight of my entire day.

  Chapter 21

  Devlin had to go out, he was meeting with a client over dinner. Since I wasn’t well enough to go with him, he was having Mistress Sophie come by to stay with me. I tried to assure him that I would be fine while he was out for the night, but he wouldn’t hear of it. He insisted I have someone over to take care of me in his absence. I’d been feeling much better lately. I was still sore but my bruises had started to fade. Still Devlin was determined to have someone around to take care of me, so what could I do? Plus, I liked spending time with Mistress Sophie again.

  I’ve been seeing a lot of her lately. Her slave was called away for some military assignment overseas so she occupied her free time by taking care of me in the best way she knew how. She was always making sure my room had fresh flowers and most days she spent fixing my hair or moisturizing my skin. Sometimes she would bring her laptop to bed with me and we would shop online together.

  “Slave’s been gone for a long time now. What’s he doing?”

  “I don’t know,” Mistress Sophie said. “He’s off playing GI Joe in some God forsaken third world country.”

  I thought she had said before that he was former Special Forces but that was all I really think she ever mentioned. I didn’t realize he was still in the military in some way. Poor Mistress Sophie, she must miss him dearly.

  “What exactly does he do in the military? Does he ever talk about it?”

  “I don’t know. It’s all top secret. He can’t really say much about it. All I can say for sure it that when he goes on a mission, he is gone for weeks at a time and can’t communicate with anyone.”

  Mistress Sophie took a tiny little phone out of her purse and showed it to me.

  “When he lands safely on US soil his friend from command sends me a coded text message, which lets me know that sometime in the next twenty four hours he’ll be coming back home to me.”

  “You must miss him like crazy.”

  Mistress Sophie waved her hand dismissively in the air. “Don’t be ridiculous. I have far more important things to do with my time than to think about slave.”

  Despite what she might have said, I knew the truth. I could see it in her eyes. She missed her slave and then something else hit me. On the first night I met Mistress Sophie, Devlin she went through slaves like candy. But she’d been with this slave for a while now.

  “Mistress Sophie how long have you been with slave?”

  “I don’t know, a year I suppose -- maybe more. I don’t really keep up with those things.”

  That was a long time. I knew that even if she tried to play causal about their affair, she had dee
p and real feelings for him.

  “What’s that cute little pouty lip for?”

  “Because Mistress Sophie, every time I try to get to know you better, you just blow me off. I consider you my nearest and dearest friend, like the sister even. I thought you felt the same, but maybe I was wrong.”

  “No my sweet baby girl. That’s so not true.” She sighed. “I’m sorry, you’re right. I’m not good with sharing things about myself. But for you I’ll try. Ask me anything and I’ll tell you.”

  “I want to know about your husband.”

  “Okay that I wasn’t expecting. But I promised, so here goes.” Mistress Sophie took a deep breath and began her story.

  “I first met my husband to be, Eduardo Rey when I was a skinny, gawky little thirteen year old girl and he was seventeen. It was a brief and rather awkward meeting that our parents arranged. I thought he was so handsome and couldn’t wait to grow up and begin my life with him. He clearly didn’t feel the same for me. It was easy to see he wasn’t happy about our arranged marriage, but that was more than understandable. I was a child with braces and I hadn’t quite developed yet.”

  “When I graduated high school, I was seventeen. I didn’t go off to college like my friends. Instead I was sent to South America to be with my husband. I was completely naive to the ways of the world. I spent my entire teenage years dreaming of this perfect husband I would one day marry. I would never even kiss another boy. I wanted to stay perfectly chaste for him in every way.”

  “My husband however, didn’t stay so chaste. He had several relationships before me and even fell madly in love with one particular girl. She had dreams of them getting married but he knew that wouldn’t be possible. He knew our families had made the marriage arrangement and there was nothing either of us could do to get out of it.”

  “Still despite knowing they couldn’t ever be married because of me, they pressed on. Not too long before I was due to arrive in South America they went on holiday together during which time they took a hike up a dormant volcano, a popular tourist destination.”

  “The volcano had been dormant for hundreds of years but on their trek up the mountain, something went wrong. As they reached the summit, they were standing on the ledge of the volcano and went to peer over. The mountain began to shake as an eruptive vent opened up, the girl fell and plummeted two thousand feet into the crater and to her death.”

  “My husband was devastated at the loss of his beloved, but apparently her family felt it was his fault. They were a deeply spiritual family and they felt this was the girl’s punishment from God for sleeping with him when he was already committed to someone else. Her family wouldn’t let Eduardo even attend her funeral. He was bitter and angry and then I showed up ready to get married.”

  “Eduardo hated me for just existing and my life turned into a horrible nightmare as a result. We were married in a small ceremony at his family home in Valencia. We didn’t take a honeymoon. Instead I immediately moved into his house where for three months he held me prisoner and repeatedly raped and beat me nearly to death. When people would come visit he would gag me and tie me up in a closet so I would not be seen.”

  “Oh my goodness. I’m so sorry. How did you break free?”

  “After about three months his mother paid us a surprise visit. She found me on the floor nearly dead and rushed me to the hospital. My jaw was broken in three places, my wrist and left ankle were sprained. I had three cracked ribs, and two were broken. I was also severely dehydrated and malnourished.”

  “Did he not feed you while you were there?”

  “He gave me just enough food to keep me alive, but just barely. Each day I would get a glass of water and several pieces of bread and sometimes an apple or a banana.”

  “What did his family do? Did they know it was him that did that to you?”

  “No, not in the beginning. When she first found me since the house was in such a disarray she assumed there was some sort of break in and that some sort of criminal did that to me. I didn’t tell the authorities or anyone what had happened at first. I just wanted to go back home to America so I clammed up, fearing that if they knew the truth they might try and shut me up for good.”

  “My parents flew to see me and hoped that I would speak but still being in a foreign country, I just didn’t think it was a good idea to tell anyone the truth. My family took me back to America to recover and his mother came with us. That’s when I revealed what happened. I told his mom the whole story and expected her to defend her son but surprisingly she didn’t even try. Instead she went to my parents and negotiated a new deal with them.”

  “I would remain married to Eduardo, even keep his name. I would get a nice lump sum payment up front and a generous monthly allowance. He would live in Venezuela and I would live in Texas.”

  “Have you seen him since then?”

  “No. I get phone calls on occasion from his mother letting me know how he is doing and where he is living now, but until recently I hadn’t even heard from him.”

  “He called you?”

  “No, he sent me a letter.”

  “He wanted to apologize for the troubled time in our marriage and to let me know that he forgives me for any of my infidelities during our union.”

  “Wait, what? He forgives you? Did he seriously expect you to remain completely loyal and faithful to him after what he did to you?”

  “Apparently,” Mistress Sophie said sarcastically.

  “Why do you think he reached out to you after all of this time? Do you think he wants to reconnect with you?”

  “I don’t know. I threw the letter away and didn’t give it a second thought.”

  “What if he wants you to get back together?”

  “Yeah, it’s not going to happen.”

  “Since you know you two are never going to be together again why don’t you just get divorced?”

  “It’s not an option. His family are devout Catholics and divorce is something they would never allow. They take the sacrament of marriage very serious.”

  “What if he wants to remarry or you? What if you fall in love are you saying you can never ever marry that person?”

  “Not an option. They don’t allow divorce under any circumstances.”

  “There has to be some exception. What about under extreme circumstances like the husband or wife turns out to be a serial killer or rapes babies or something. Seriously even then?”

  “You are using logic. You’ll find as you get older that logic and religion just don’t mix. To them marriage is a union made by God and therefore is unbreakable. When a man and woman commit the rest of their lives to each other, they become one. So if your husband is a serial killer then I guess so are you because you are no longer man and woman, you are one, united under God’s endearing light. If he’s sick you are sick. If he’s unhappy then you are unhappy, because you are now one.”

  “Okay, seriously you are not all that much older than me.”

  “I’ll have you know, I just turned thirty,” Mistress Sophie said with a laugh. “So I have almost an entire decade of experience over you.”

  If Mistress Sophie couldn’t ever divorce her husband then that meant that her relationship with her slave could never really be more than it is right now and that made me feel horribly sad for her. I couldn’t imagine what it must be like to be forced to stay married to that monster, which prevented her from ever moving on with her life and truly being with the one she obviously really loved.

  “How did you meet your slave?”

  “I was attending a charity event and he was there. He was introduced to me as someone in the Army Special Forces, specializing in foreign internal defense. I was impressed with his credentials.”

  “So that’s what first drew you to him?”

  “No it was his control. His military training gave him this unbreakable will and I oh so enjoy trying to weaken his resolve.”

  “He’s so big and bad ass looking. I have to admit, I kind of li
ke watching you bend him to your will.”

  Mistress Sophie laughed.

  “Do you think he gets jealous watching the two of us together?”

  “Watching us together does drive him crazy. It’s one of the few times he seems to lose his ability to focus.”

  While we were talking Mistress Sophie and I were in my bed and our bodies were intertwined. Hearing her talk about her slave get turned on watching us, got me excited and I started to squirm.

  “You naughty little girl,” Mistress Sophie chided. “You like the thought of him seeing us together, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” I admitted, embarrassed that it was true. I did like knowing he was watching Mistress Sophie and I together and that it made his dick hard. It’s not that I want to be with her slave. I just like knowing that it turns him on to watch us.

  Chapter 22

  “Did you and Mistress Sophie have a good time tonight?”

  I giggled. “Yes, you can say that.”

  Devlin sat down next to me.

  “How about you? Did you have a good time tonight Master?”

  “I want to talk to you about something my sweet. Your passport came in the mail today.”

  “Oh really? I didn’t even know that I still had one of those things.”

  I got my passport when I was in high school. I worked double shifts almost the entire summer to be able to afford to go on the senior trip with my classmates. It wasn’t easy coming up with the $3,000 I needed to go but I finally had the money. That was until two days before we were supposed to leave, my brother got drunk at a party, fell and broke his leg. We didn’t have health insurance and the only money we had to pay the bill was the money from my senior trip. I was devastated. But what could I do? I couldn’t not help my brother.

  “I renewed it for you a few weeks ago.”

  “Why Master? Are we going somewhere?”

  “Not today, but yes we will be going somewhere that we’ll need a passport.”


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