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Dark Romance Novel - Submission + Taken + 1 Mystery books Bundle Set (A Dark Romance Series Novel)

Page 52

by Veronica Cane

  The plan was for me to choose my clothes, but he ended up choosing it all, from my silk stockings to a couple of hats, just in case we needed to go to a polo game.

  I just giggled at his extravagance and let him do as he pleased. When we finally left the store it was night time. He rushed me to the apartment and ordered me to get a shower and change into a fantastic black lace, night dress he had just bought me. He was taking me to the Moulin Rouge for dinner and a show and I was more excited than a kid on Christmas Eve.

  When I returned to the living room he was already there, wearing a black tie and looking out of this world. I guess I wasn’t bad myself, since his eyes seem to catch on fire when he looked at me.

  "You look fantastic." He said, with a broad smile.

  "Thank you, Sir, I'm glad you like it."

  He smiled, and offering me his arm we finally left.

  The cabaret was better than my wildest dreams. I had always wanted to visit the place, ever since I had seen the movie with Nicole Kidman, and I could hardly believe I was actually there, enjoying a delicious meal with the best company, and watching an amazing show.

  "Are you enjoying yourself, girl?" he asked, chuckling at my childish thrill.

  "Oh, yes, Sir, this is a dream come true." I admitted, grabbing his hand from the table and kissing his palm, in an impetuous gesture.

  As soon as my lips touched his warm skin, I realized what I was doing and I got a little scared. I had never done such a thing before, and I dropped his hand, looking at him.

  But he wasn’t mad at me. Actually, I was incapable of deciphering the expression on his face when he cupped my cheek with his hand and leaned forward to lay a sweet kiss over my lips.

  Chapter 15

  It was a magical night, and I was inebriated with thrill and happiness when we finally left the cabaret.

  Prince Ali left me alone for just a few seconds, while he asked for our car, both his bodyguards standing between us, when a car pulled over, in front of me, opened the door and a hand pulled me in.

  This only took a few seconds, and before anyone could react, the car was disappearing around the next corner.

  I struggled with all my strength to get rid of the hands holding me prisoner, but a hard punch across my face threw me to the car's floor and told me of the uselessness of fighting.

  "You little whore… this time, I will end your fighting instincts forever." Devlin's voice sounded in the darkness of the car, and although all my senses were screaming that, I hadn’t wanted to believe it, not until I heard his voice.

  A big hand grabbed a fist of my hair and pulled me from the floor, turning my head to face him. "There's no escape for you now… I'll make sure of that." He added with a vicious tone I didn’t remember on him.

  "Why are you doing this? Couldn’t you just leave things as they were?" I asked, trying to sound as normal as possible.

  "You're mine!" he ranted. "And I don’t let others take what's mine. I would rather kill you than let him keep you." He added shaking my head painfully, almost tearing the hair from my scalp.

  "How can you say that, when you were willing to hand me to your friend?" I asked, making a huge effort to hold back my tears, as he tightened his grip.

  "That's totally different and you're not entitled to question any of my decisions. Your job is to do as you're told, and nothing else."

  "Sir, we are being followed." A voice sounded from the driver's seat.

  "Damn. It seems your friend wants to ruin my plans again, but that won't happen. Not again." He said, turning to look at the driver. "Lose them, and head to the airport as fast as possible. The jet is already waiting for us."

  "Yes, Sir." The other man accepted, stepping on the accelerator.

  "This time no one will save you, I assure you." He pushed me back to the car's floor, and the next thing I felt was when he grabbed my hands, pulled them to my back and wrapped them with duct tape. Next were my ankles and in no time he had me completely immobilized.

  The car was running at high speed, that meant they hadn’t been able to lose the people following them. Even so, I doubted I would be so lucky they would be able to rescue me, so, after a night in paradise, I had been sent back to hell, in the blink of an eye. I wanted to cry my heart out, but the pain I was feeling was so overwhelming, I was beyond tears.

  The car finally slowed down a bit and there died any hope I might have had. After a few more minutes, the car finally stopped and Devlin pulled me out of it, throwing me over his shoulder. As far as I could see, we were on some sort of private landing strip and near us there was a small jet, with its engines already running.

  He took me up the stairs of the plane and threw me over a chair. When he turned to close the door behind him, three armed men entered the plane, pointing their guns at him, followed by Prince Ali.

  "Did you think, for a moment, that I would allow you to get her back?" he asked Devlin in the coldest tone I ever heard from him. His eyes shot ice droplets, and all his usually kindness and good humor was gone.

  "You have no right to do this. I rented this plane, this is an invasion of property." Devlin ranted, clenching his fists.

  "Since the plane is mine… I doubt that would apply here." Prince Ali clarified. "I had hoped you would understand there was no place for you in Elizabeth's life, but you didn’t, did you? You had to get her no matter what, right?" Prince Ali, said, crossing his arms over his chest.

  "She was mine. You took her from me." Devlin yelled.

  "Because you don’t deserve her. You're poisonous to her." Prince Ali answered, still calm.

  "That's your opinion. You had no business interfering in our lives."

  "I'm afraid I don’t agree with you. And since you don’t seem to understand the new reality, I've decided to give you a taste of your own medicine." He made a signal to two of his men, and they quickly grabbed Devlin, tied and gagged him, before they dragged him to the back of the plane.

  Immediately, Prince Ali kneeled in front of me and carefully unwrapped the duct tape from me.

  "Are you alright, habib?" he asked, gently caressing her bruises.

  Once he freed me I threw myself into his arms, holding him tight against me as I let all the tears I had been holding back out.

  "Hush habib, I'm here now… no one will hurt you again…" he took a seat on one of the chairs, and the plane turned off its engines. We weren’t going anywhere that night.

  I was still cuddled against him, tears still running down my cheeks. Being on the verge of losing him had made me realize just how much he meant to me, and that my life would be an endless succession of empty days without him in it.

  When I finally managed to get a hold of myself, I wiped the tears from my face with a handkerchief he handed me.

  "Are you feeling better now?" he asked me with a smile.

  "Yes, Sir, much better."

  He caressed my hair with gentle strokes. "Did he hurt you in other places?" he asked, signaling her bruised face.

  "No, just there." I answered, sighing. "How did you manage to find us?" I asked puzzled.

  "After his sudden appearance the other day, I decided to have him followed. Something told me he wasn’t going to let you go that easily, and I was right." He started to explain. "When he started looking for a plane to rent with a discreet crew, I decided to offer him mine, and set a trap."

  I took a quick look over his shoulder, but I wasn’t able to see Devlin. "What are you going to do with him, Sir?" I asked, curious and still a bit scared. I wanted that man out of my life as soon as possible.

  "Just what I said I would. I'll give him a taste of his own medicine."

  I looked at Prince Ali, a bit surprised. "Care to elaborate on that, Sir?"

  He laughed, and kissed my cheek before he answered. "Well, he loves to beat the crap out of a woman, right? And rape them, forcing them to do his will. Let see how he feels when the roles are reversed." Once more I saw a roughness in his eyes that I wasn’t used to seeing.
br />   I knew he was a powerful man, but to me he was just an amazing lover, someone I was growing fond of.

  "And how exactly are you planning to do that, Sir?" I asked again, still not convinced.

  "I've rented a small mansion in the country, with a well stocked dungeon. We're taking him there to teach him a lesson inlife."

  "I see…" I wasn’t sure how I felt about that, but Devlin sure deserved a lesson.

  "Do you think we can go there now?" Prince Ali asked me, still holding me in his arms.

  "Yes… let's get this over with. I want him out of our lives as soon as possible, Sir." I finally answered with a sigh.

  "Do you want to be a part of it?" he asked me carefully. And I had to stop to think. Did I want to take revenge for all the pain and humiliations Devlin had made me go through?

  Damn, I wouldn’t be human if I didn’t, I wanted him to feel in his own flesh the burning sensation of a crop, falling endless times on his skin, I wanted him to feel the humiliation of being forced to crawl, pulled by a leash, I wanted him to feel the sheer pain of being fucked when you whole body only asks for the blissful touch of obliviousness…

  Yes, I wanted revenge. Did I want to take it in my own hands? I didn’t know. And that was my answer.

  "Let me know if you do. Maybe that would help you feel better." Prince Ali said. I stayed silent for a few moments, considering his words. Maybe he was right. "Are you ready to leave now, habib? He finally asked.

  "Yes, Sir, I am."

  We left the plane and hopped into the SUV waiting for us near the plane. After driving for at least one hour, we reached the place mentioned by Prince Ali. More than a small mansion, it looked like a small palace, it was obviously old, with at least a couple of centuries, but it looked amazing. It had several lights on, so you could appreciate it in good measure.

  "Do you like it, habib?" he asked me with a pleased smile over my sigh of admiration.

  "Yes, it looks amazing."

  "Yes, and wait until you can see it in the daylight." He walked me inside, and the place's decore matched the outside perfectly: a lovely mixture between antique and modern. "You must be tired, so I'll show you your room so you can get some rest, while I take care of our special guest." He added, caressing my cheek, and laying a gentle kiss on my forehead.

  "Now… you'll do it now?" I asked in a quiet tone.

  "Yes, I need to." The darkness was back in his eyes and I couldn’t help the shudder that ran down my spine. "Come, let's get you to bed." He guided me up the stairs and through the corridors to a fantastic bedroom with a canopy bed. He waited to see me lying in bed before he left.

  And I stayed there, laid on my back, staring at the canopy. I wanted to close my eyes and sleep, forget the whole thing, but I just couldn’t. For some reason, all I could think of was what could possibly be happening somewhere in the house.

  After a while, I just gave up. I got up and went looking for them. Prince Ali had mentioned the house had a dungeon, and that would probably be in the basement, so I headed there and soon I found Prince Ali's bodyguards standing in front of a door.

  "Good evening, boys, is Prince Ali in there?" I whispered, still not sure I wanted to announce my presence.

  "Yes, Miss Elizabeth. He's having a small chat with his guest." One of them confirmed my suspicions.

  "And you left Prince Ali alone with that scoundrel?" I almost yelled this time.

  "No, miss, Rashid is with him." The other one calmed her.

  I sighed relieved. "Ah… I'm glad." I stayed there staring at the door for a few moments, struggling with myself.

  "Do you want to go in, Miss Elizabeth?" the first guard asked me, with a polite smile.

  I didn’t answer immediately, I just stared at the door a few more moments before I nodded. He opened the door for me, and the first thing I heard was the swishing sound of a whip, followed by Devlin's curse.

  Prince Ali noticed my presence at once and stopped. He was still wearing the same shirt and pants from tonight's dinner and his red tie was shoved in one of his pants' pockets. "Habib, I thought you were going to sleep."

  "I can't, Sir." It was all I could say and he seemed to understand my need to be there. I slowly walked in as the guard closed the door behind me.

  "What? Did you come to brag, you stupid slut?" Devlin ranted, struggling with the restraints that kept his spread, naked body, prisoner to the frame.

  I didn’t deign to respond, just walked around the frame to face him. His face was red and he was obviously furious. In pain too, but more than anything he was furious from being impotent and helpless.

  I saw Prince Ali asking Rashid to leave the room, but my attention was focused on Devlin.

  "What's the matter, Devlin? Don’t you like feeling helpless? Completely at the hands of others? Unable to fight them back and free yourself?" I finally asked him, grabbing his chin and pulling his head closer to mine.

  He snapped his face out of my hand and didn’t answer my question. But it didn’t matter. The answer was more than clear.

  "You made me feel that every single day you had me prisoner." I added.

  "Liar!" he yelled at me. "You stayed with me because you wanted to." And he seemed to really believe that.

  "You kept me tied to the bed, you forced me out of my life, and you showed me blow by blow that my sole purpose in life was to obey you, or suffer the consequences." I ranted back at him.

  "That's what sluts like you are for." He replied oozing disdain.

  "Just for you and a few like you." I corrected him. "The saddest thing is that I really thought I loved you, so I told myself it was my duty to make you happy, that one day you would treat me better, that you wouldn’t feel the need tobeat the crap out of me."

  He snorted scornfully.

  "I needed for you to show just how little you cared about me, to finally see the truth. You weren’t going to change, ever, and I decided it was time to give up, to leave you."

  "You're mine, my property, you had no right to leave." He yelled once more.

  "Yes, you made that pretty clear, sending the police after me, letting them torture me, just to make me cave in." I crossed my arms over my chest. "But now, this is over, I'm free, and you won't ever hurt me again."

  "This isn’t over. You're mine, you carry my brand on your body." He yelled again, pulling on his restraints.

  "That will disappear soon, I don’t want anything on my body to remember you."

  "Whore! I'll kill you. I'll see you dead before that."

  "Do you really think you're in any condition to throw threats like that?" I let out a dry laugh. "Look at you. You're at our mercy, and your future lies in my hands." I was bluffing, but by god he would never know that. "Prince Ali is a very powerful man, with diplomatic immunity. Do you know what that means, darling? That he can get away with pretty much anything." I turned to look at Prince Ali, winking with a naughty smile, and he smiled back at me. I doubted any of what I was saying was true, but Devlin didn’t need to know that. "Isn't that right, Sir?"

  "Of course it is, habib, I would do anything to please you." He agreed, sounding so serious that for a second, I believed it myself.

  Devlin started to curse and yell at me, and I decided I had had enough. I looked around and quickly found what I was looking for: a ball gag. I grabbed it and looked at Prince Ali looking for help.

  He immediately walked over and forced the gag in the other man's mouth, buckling it tight behind his head.

  "Oh, much better, thank you Sir, he was giving me a headache." I thanked Prince Ali, and he answered me with a knowing smile.

  Devlin was even more furious, if that was possible, he struggled and squirm and I knew that he would kill me right there if he had the chance.

  "We could cut off his cock, don’t you think, Sir? That way he wouldn’t be able to rape other women." I suggested grabbing his cock in my hand, watching him squirm, trying to escape my touch.

  "If that would please you, habib, then, yes,
of course." Prince Ali followed my lead.

  "But then he might get even more vicious, more cruel… maybe we should let him feel what it feels like to be raped…"

  I grabbed a big, thick dildo from a nearby table and showed it to Devlin. In all our time together, I had never seen any sign that would make me thing he could be bisexual and his reaction to the dildo confirmed that theory.

  Muffled screams of fury and rage came out of him, and what I'm sure were several threats, but none of that stopped me. I was getting at least some revenge.

  I grabbed some oil from the table and poured it over the tip, smearing it all over it. He actually didn’t deserve lube, but if I was right and he had never had something shoved up his ass, I was going to need it.

  After that, I walked around him, enjoying the way he squirmed. I took a look at Prince Ali, and he nodded, approving my actions, that made me feel even more confident.

  I stood behind Devlin, and with my free hand, I trailed some of the whip marks, enjoying how he squirmed underneath my touch. "How does that feel, Devlin? Knowing you'll be raped and there's not a fucking thing you can do about it?" I asked, resting to tip of the dildo on his entrance, before I started to push it slowly inside him.

  He was yelling through his gag, but I continued, pushing and rolling it until it was all in. "Don’t you just love it Devlin? Having someone forcing you to do something you don’t want, something you hate with all your strength?" I asked him, pulling the dildo out, almost all of it just to shove it back in, this time, faster, in one single motion. I repeated that a few more times, hearing his muffled shouts and curses.

  I shoved it in one last time and left it, making sure he wouldn’t be able to push it out, before I walked around him to face him. "I don’t care if you live or die, but for your own sake, forget about me, forget you ever knew me. You can even think that I'm dead, I don’t care. All I want is to forget I ever laid eyes on you." With those words, I turned around and walked over to where Prince Ali was, waiting for me, his arms wide open. I hugged him with all my strength, letting his body's warmth fill me, even if for just a few moments. "All yours." I said, turning to leave, but he held my hand and walked me to the door.


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