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Dark Romance Novel - Submission + Taken + 1 Mystery books Bundle Set (A Dark Romance Series Novel)

Page 80

by Veronica Cane

  He stopped and once more kneeled in front of me. I closed my eyes. "Look at me, stubborn girl." He ordered, in a soft tone. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at him. "Call RED." He ordered, without changing his tone.

  I slowly shook my head, hating the tears that gave away my pain.

  "Say RED, Elizabeth” He insisted.

  "No, Sir, I'm fine." Yes, maybe I was stubborn, but I didn’t want to admit my weakness to him. "Please, continue, Sir."

  He stared at me for a while, before he got up. I heard him fussing around behind me, and then the first stroke with the paddle hit my sore ass cheeks. Caught by surprise, a small cry of pain came out of my mouth.

  "Ready to call RED, girl?" he asked, in his tone a firm decision. He wanted to break me. I knew it, I knew he couldn’t be that different from Devlin and Hussein. And that thought hurt more than anything.

  A second blow fell on my thighs, followed by the same question. But he had no idea what I had been through. I could take this, I knew I could.

  And so he went on, three, four,… ten,… eleven… until he finally hit me the fifteenth time. My eyes were swollen from the tears, my lips showed visible signs of my teeth, but I had pulled through.

  I heard him drop the damn paddle, and I sighed with relief. He untied me and helped me to my feet before he handed me a soft cloth. "Clean your face." He ordered, his tone, serious and even a bit dark.

  "Thank you, Sir." I wiped the tears from my face with shaky hands, always aware of his whereabouts.

  "Are you happy with your performance?" his question took me out of balance.

  "Happy, Sir?" I asked back, not understanding what he meant with it.

  "Yes, girl, are you happy with yourself for what you seem to think you've accomplished." He explained, and his words bothered me.

  "I don’t think there's anything to be happy about, Sir." I answered, still puzzled.

  "Good, at least you admit that." He was upset. Maybe even furious, and that couldn’t be good for me. "If this had been a test, you would have failed miserably." He added. "And I feel I failed you. I know you have trouble trusting people, after all you have been through, but why didn’t you trust me to respect your limits? What did you think would happen if you let me know you had had enough?"

  I looked at him, and I was able to see that more than upset, or furious, he was hurt. And that made me hurt too. Analyzing with a cold head the whole situation I had to admit I had taken things out of proportion. "Every time I showed Devlin my weakness, he used it against me." I tried to explain.

  "Damn!" his outburst scared me, for a second, but I was able to see immediately his fury wasn’t because of me. He closed the distance between us and cradled my face in his strong hands. "I need you to believe me when I tell you that I need you to trust me, and I'm aware that won't be easy for you…"

  I remain in silence. He didn’t need me to confirm that.

  "So why don’t we start with small things? Like tonight, trust I won't misuse the valuable information you give me." He continued. "Do you think you can do that?"

  I thought about for a few seconds. "Yes, Sir, I think I can do that."

  "When did the spanking become too much? Please try to be as honest as you can." I could see he really wanted to know, that he considered it vital information.

  "Around the fifth stroke, Sir." I finally admitted. Only my stubbornness, fueled with fear and pride prevented me from yelling RED.

  He released my face and enveloped me in a tight bear hug. We stayed like this for a while, and I felt a strange, warm feeling sneaking through me, and I relaxed in his arms.

  He picked me up in his arms and carried me to the bed on the other side of the room. He laid me there and took something from one of the nightstand drawers. "Please, lay with your ass up."

  I was more than happy to comply since I could still feel it burning like hell. The next thing I felt was something cold falling over the reddened skin. "This is to take away most of the pain, I assure you." He said as he poured and gently rubbed the ointment on the abused skin. I felt relief almost immediately.

  When he was done, he laid beside me and pulled my head to rest on his chest. "We can make this work, girl, I know it. We'll go step by step, until you're able to trust me." He whispered in my ear, and I wished I could trust him.

  The truth was he scared me more than Devlin or Hussein, but not for the physical harm he could do to me, but because of what he was able to awaken in me: the power his touch had over me, the way my heart thundered each time I saw him, the delicious shudders that rushed through my body every time I felt him near me…

  He had an enormous power over me, a power that misused could destroy me and that was what scared me so much.

  "Yes, Sir." I agreed, closing my eyes and enjoying his closeness, the warmness of his body next to mine.

  I must have fell asleep at some point, because when I opened my eyes again, I was feeling rested, and my ass didn’t hurt so much. My head was still resting over his chest, and I could feel his heartbeat, and his slow breathing that told me he was still sleeping, and I couldn’t resist enjoying those moments, of having him just for me.

  Slowly, not wanting to wake him up, my hands ran through his chest, loving the feeling of his strong muscles, under the tip of my fingers.

  Chapter 13

  "Enjoying yourself?" he whispered, with his eyes still closed.

  I giggled, but didn’t stop what I was doing. "Yes, Sir, very much."

  "Uhm, I'm glad, but I'm afraid I'll have to end your amusement." He said and in a few seconds, he had me lying on my stomach, my hands over my head with him straddling my back, and securing my hands with the leather cuffs hanging from the headboard. "It's time for my own fun."

  I gasped with surprise, feeling the first waves of anticipation rushing through my body.

  He slid down my body until he was kneeled between my legs and his hands spent a few minutes caressing my buttocks, checking the marks left from the paddle, making sure they didn’t hurt that much.

  Then, he pushed my hips up, and spread my legs wide, exposing my already soaked pussy to his eyes and hands. His fingers drew a trail down my slit, lapping my lips in broad circles, teasing me for a while, before they finally reached my aching pussy and traveled all the way up to my aching clit. He rubbed it so gently that I almost didn’t feel it, and frustrated, my hips moved down to meet his touch, that granted me a good smack on my pussy with the back of his hand. "I didn’t tell you, you could move." He warned me in that husky tone he always had when he was in his dom mode that had the power to make me shudder.

  "I'm sorry, Sir." I said, but there wasn’t much truth in those words and we both knew it.

  I could hear him chuckle, before he returned to his doings. But, instead of resuming where he had left off, he started all over, making me bury my head on the bed to muffle my grunts of frustration. This time, I didn’t dare moving, and my patience paid off when he finally reached my knob again and after a few slight caresses he started to rub, push, pinch and twist my clitoris ripping moans of pleasure from my lips.

  All of a sudden, he pushed a finger inside me, never leaving my clit, shoving it in and out of me a few times before he shoved a second finger in, and making me gasp.

  I was in flames. My level of arousal was reaching unsuspected heights and I knew it wouldn’t take much for me to come. "Sir… please…" I started begging.

  "Yes, girl? Is there a problem?" his tone let me know he intended to take me to the limit, so I tried to breathe deep and hold back the waves threatening to push me over the edge.

  "I'm too close, Sir." I answered.

  "Close, girl? No, not yet, but you will be." And he took his hand off of me, but before I could even assimilate what had just happened, he grabbed me by my hips and buried his face in my slit, making his tongue do what he had done with his fingers, making me moan desperately.

  "Please… Sir… I need to come." I pleaded once more.

  "Of course you
do, but you won't. This time you'll wait until I tell you to." He ordered, taking his fingers back inside me, thrusting and rubbing as his tongue tortured my aching clit.

  Wild shudders ran through my body and I was starting to doubt I would be able to hold back the powerful orgasm building inside me. "Sir… please, please, please…"

  He gave me one last kiss, before he removed himself from me, making my heart drop from heaven for a second, just to shove his hard, thick cock deep inside me, in one single move, his hands digging into my hips as he started the old dance, pushing in and out of me, stretching me, making way for him to reach my core.

  "Do you want to come, girl?" his voice showed his raw need and I knew he was close too.

  "Yes, Sir, yes… please…" I begged once more.

  "Then come for me, girl…" he ordered, increasing the strength of his strokes as he threw us into the raging waves of an orgasm. My body was shaking so much that only his hands kept me united with him, but even lost in my own pleasure I could hear his grunts and feel his body shudder as he poured himself deep inside me.

  After he recovered himself, he released my wrists from the cuffs and laid beside me, kissing my shoulder gently. "See? You were able to wait for me." He said, gloating, and I chuckled.

  "Yes, Sir, I was." I said, with a broad smile, turning around in bed, and lying on my back.

  "Let's go back to my room. We need to get showered and dressed. We're expecting visitors." He informed me, slapping me teasingly on my stomach.

  "Oh, yes… of course." I got up, feeling a bit awkward, not knowing exactly what he expected from me, picking up the night robe from a chair and putting it on. "I'll use the time to read some more." I added, assuming he wanted me out of his way.

  "Didn’t you hear me girl? We have visitors." He said, getting up and putting on the tunic.

  "We, Sir, as in you and me?" I asked, a bit surprised.

  "Yes, girl. I invited a good friend and he's bringing his slave with him. I thought it would be nice for you to spend some time with them and see how a real Master/ slave relationship work." He explained.

  "Oh… I see, Sir."

  "You'll enjoy talking to her. She's an English woman, so you won't have problems there."

  I smiled and really hoped he was right. The last thing I wanted was to ruin this visit. "I'm sure of it, Sir."

  "So, let's hurry up. I need to have breakfast before they arrive. You've drained all my energies." He scolded me, in a very teasing way.

  He took her through the halls back to his room, where he called the kitchen to get us some breakfast. Meanwhile, he sent me to my room to take a shower and change. "If we shower together we won't have time to eat." He concluded.

  I grinned agreeing. We seemed to have developed an endless hunger for each other. "Yes, Sir."

  "In your wardrobe there must be a golden kaftan, please wear it. I want to see you in it." He added, as I headed to my room. "Please don’t be long."

  "Yes, Sir, I'll be as fast as I can."

  And I was. I took a quick shower, and put on the amazing golden kaftan he had chosen for me, and decided to comb my hair into a French braid, since it would take too long to dry it. In only fifteen minutes I was returning to Prince Ali's room, where he already waited for me, sitting at the small table near the window.

  "Good, a fast woman." He said with a pleased smiled. "You look fantastic in that gown."

  I smiled, feeling a bit embarrassed and took a seat in front of him. "Can you tell me more about this couple, Sir?" I asked, trying to find out more about them.

  "Yes, of course. Alon has been my friend since we were kids, and like me he soon found out about this lifestyle and embraced it completely. He usually has slaves, and as far as I've been able to see, they were very happy with him." He informed me.

  "He keeps more than one slave?" I asked curious.

  "No, usually, he only has one at a time. He always says it's more than enough." He answered with a naughty smile.

  I ate in silence for a few moments. "What about you, Sir?" I finally asked, not daring to face him. The idea of sharing him with other women made me feel weird, unpleasantly weird.

  He chuckled before he answered. "I agree with him. One woman at a time is enough."

  I didn’t understand the wave of relief that washed over me, but decided not to analyze it.

  "Have you ever had any experience with other women, girl?" he suddenly asked me.

  His question surprised me and I doubted, not sure what I should answer. I knew that muslim people didn’t accept homosexual relationships very well, so I couldn’t know how he would take knowing about my plays with Mistress Sophie. "Why are you asking me that, Sir?" I decided to ask before.

  "Well, Lucy, Alon's slave likes to fool around with other girls, and he usually allows her to, but if you're not comfortable with that, I can let them know."

  I sighed relieved. "Actually, I've done it before, Sir, with a Mistress I met back home. It can be fun… and hot." I admitted, with a naughty smile.

  He smiled back at me. "Yes, it's also fun to see it."

  We were finishing eating when we heard a helicopter approaching. "Our guests are here. Come, let's meet them at the main door." He said getting up and taking me by the hand.

  We waited at the door and Prince Ali made the introductions. "Alon, Lucy, this is Mary Elizabeth, a very dear friend, Elizabeth, this is Sheik Alon and his wife, Lucy."

  I was more than surprised to hear that Lucy was married to her master, but, like Prince Ali had said, I loved meeting the other couple. He looked very much like Prince Ali, just a bit smaller and she was a redhead, with beautiful green eyes and the looks of a Victorian porcelain doll. You could see they had an amazing relationship, based on love and respect, and a part of me couldn’t help to feel a bit envious.

  During the rest of the morning, we chatted, walked around the palace's gardens, watched the men play tennis and then spent some time in the pool, swimming and enjoying the sun, that wasn’t too hot that day.

  Lunch was served next to the pool and we had a great time.

  "Well, Ali, I'm looking forward to seeing the changes you made in your dungeon." Sheik Alon, said with a grin.

  Prince Ali laughed, before he answered to his friends comment. "I was starting to ask myself how much longer you would be able to hold out your curiosity."

  "And don’t forget my desire to play." Sheik Alon added, kissing his wife's hand.

  "Oh, I don’t, believe me." Prince Ali assured. "Let's go then. I would hate to keep you waiting more than necessary."

  We got up and followed Prince Ali into his dungeon. I had to admit I was a bit nervous, totally unaware of what would happen next, not wishing to embarrass Prince Ali with my possible misbehavior.

  Prince Ali opened the door to the dungeon and invited us in.

  "Yes, I knew it would be amazing." Sheik Alon admired as he went in, almost dragging Lucy behind him, in his enthusiasm. "I want you to show me everything…" he said.

  "Of course. Why don’t you ladies take off your clothes and get comfortable in the bed, while I show Alon around?" Prince Ali suggested.

  "Yes, baby… I will want to try most of these devices on you…" Sheik Alon said, with a naughty smile.

  "Yes, Master." Lucy accepted, with a broad smile. That was the first time I heard her referring to him as her master. "Come, Elizabeth, let's get some rest." She added, taking my hand and dragging me to the bed. Once there, she took off her kaftan and her underwear, and laid herself over the bed, reclined on the pillows. "Join me, Alon will take some time to see every little detail." She invited with an alluring smile.

  Feeling a bit shy, I took off my clothes and joined her on the bed. "It's a beautiful room." I said, just to fill the silence.

  "Yes, it is. Ours isn’t this big, because Alon wants it to be perfect." Lucy explained. "So, since Ali hasn’t warned me to keep my hands off of you, I'm assuming you have some experience playing with women." The abrupt change of sub
ject almost shocked me, but at the same time, it made me smile.

  "Yes, it's true. I had a couple of experiences with a Mistress back where I used to live." I admitted.

  "And did you enjoy it?" Lucy asked curious.

  "Yes, I sure did. It's a different experience, different feelings, different sensations…" I tried to put it into words, but it was hard to describe it.

  "Yes, as if the fact we share the same gender makes us understand better the other one's needs." Lucy added, moving in bed to get closer to me. "For example, it makes me know just how delightful is to have someone drawing the limits of your nipple…" and she accompanied her words with motion, as her finger drew her nipple, getting it hard, and stiffened.

  "Yes… it's so good…" I managed to mumble.

  "And then making spirals until you reach the hard peak, as you watch it going even harder…" Lucy continued, getting a bit closer. "Then closing two fingers around that peak and squeezing hard…"

  "Oh… yes…" her audacity gave me impetus to touch her myself, and I started to mimic her actions, enacting her words, as she did on me.

  "… pulling the nipple just a bit, and holding it there for just a few moments… but moments filled with an amazing mix of pain and pleasure that rushes wildly through our bodies…" Lucy continued and her words had the power of arousing me so much. "… The sudden release makes you gasp, and you're divided between the feelings of relief and disappointment. But then, another sweet torture takes its place as a sleazy tongue replaces the fingers…" Lucy pushed me back against the pillows and slowly her head came down until her tongue touched my nipple, retracing the entire path taken by her finger.

  When she pulled my nipple with her lips, a moan of sheer arousal slipped out of my mouth, and that seemed to fuel Lucy, because she went even further, sucking it and even nibbling it for a while, only stopping to move to the other nipple.


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