Dark Romance Novel - Submission + Taken + 1 Mystery books Bundle Set (A Dark Romance Series Novel)

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Dark Romance Novel - Submission + Taken + 1 Mystery books Bundle Set (A Dark Romance Series Novel) Page 106

by Veronica Cane

  Katherine looked at it, astonished.

  "A leash… Sir? Really?" she asked in shock, almost forgetting to address him.

  "A leash, girl, do you have a problem with it?" his question, in a tone capable of creating droplets of ice from thin air, told her it wasn’t a good idea to discuss this with him, so she shook her head.

  "No, Sir, no problem."

  "Good girl." He had expected a great deal of protest from her, but, obviously, he hadn’t measured well her desire to do this, to be there, and that pleased him in a way he wasn’t able to explain, not even to himself. "Let's go then. Remember the few rules I gave you and we'll be just fine."

  "Yes, Sir," she answered with a grimace. Rules, she was starting to hate the word.

  He took her back to the main room of the club, approaching a small table with a little sign on it reading 'Reserved', just in front of the main stage. He sat down and she was going to kneel next to him, but he didn’t let her.

  "This time, take a seat on a chair. I want you to have a good view of the stage, since I would like to try with you some of the things you'll be seeing here," he said, signaling the chair next to him.

  She sat down carefully, feeling her buttocks hurt like she was sitting on embers.

  But only a few moments after that, the first performance started, and she was able to put her discomfort in the back of her mind. It was a well-renowned rigger, who showed a few really amazing suspensions, and the bond between him and his bottom was amazing.

  The next one was the expert in fireplay and Katherine told herself she would never let anyone do that to her. It looked way too dangerous and the thought of having real fire dancing over her body was more than she could take. Even so, the performance was impressive, especially when you looked at the submissive's face and saw just how serene she was.

  The one that followed was the needle lover, a femme dome. And this time, Katherine experienced mixed feelings watching it. First, she drew an intricate figure with several needles, of different sizes and colors over her submissive’s shoulder blade; then, she moved to her breasts. She showed the audience some needles at least five inches long, before she proceeded to cross the other woman's nipple, from one side to the other, and repeated the process with the other four needles, forming a star.

  Katherine looked at the scene completely mesmerized. Her whole body shuddered, but she just couldn’t keep her eyes away from it. Her brain kept telling her that what she was seeing was insane, but her body was having a very confusing response. She was panting, her heart pounded hard against her chest, and she was starting to realize that Alec could be right to some degree when he said she thrilled by pain.

  She watched the whole performance, staring at the stage.

  "What did you think of that?" There was the question she would have loved not to answer.

  "That's insane, Sir," she answered, using her brain's opinion. She wasn’t sharing the rest, not with him.

  "Are you sure that's all you think of it?" he asked again, drawing closer to her, so much so, that she could feel his breath brushing her ear.

  "Yes, Sir, just that," she insisted. She would only admit anything else under torture.

  He cupped her face, and made her face him, his eyes locked on hers.

  "I can smell your arousal, girl. So, I'm going to ask you again, and I better get the truth this time; what did you think of it?" His tone was cold and carried a promise more than a threat.

  "I really think it's insane, Sir, but at the same time, it appeals to me in ways that I don’t seem to quite understand," she finally said, closing her eyes for a moment, not wanting to believe she had admitted that.

  He brushed his lips over hers, in a light caress, before he assailed her mouth in a deep, powerful kiss that claimed his ownership over her, to all around them.

  They finished watching the other performances, like the knifeplay, but none other had the same effect on her.

  It was midnight when the performances ended, and the night was still young. He took her around the room and to the dungeons, showing her everything, answering all her questions with a patience she hadn’t thought he possessed.

  By around two in the morning, they had seen practically everything there was to be seen, they had talked to several of his friends, and the night had been a dream come true for her.

  He whispered in her ear, "Let's go back to the room, I want you." The order, the hoarseness of his tone, almost melted her right there and then, and meekly, she followed him, more than willing.

  He opened the door for her to enter and as soon as she stepped inside, one of his big hands flew right to her neck, smashing her against the wall next to the door, kissing her until he left her breathless.

  He unzipped his pants, freeing his hard cock, pulled up one of her legs, exposing her drenched pussy, and before she could take another breath, he was thrusting himself inside her, hard, fast, and deep.

  His mouth was glued to the crook of her neck, and his teeth sank into the tender flesh as he plunged in and out of her, creating a frenzy of emotions inside her, dragging her fast to the edge.

  "Please… Sir, oh, god, please…" she begged, as the sensations overwhelmed her so fast and so deep.

  "Do you want to come, girl? Want to come for me?" he asked, and again his voice was unrecognizable, hoarse and deep, as if he was containing too many emotions, inside him.

  "Yes… please… Sir…" she answered barely able to articulate the words.

  "Then come with me, now," he ordered, as his body shuddered wildly, pushing her with him over the edge, torrents of pleasure running over their bodies, leaving no inch untouched.

  He collapsed over her, pushing her even more against the wall, staying there for a few moments before he took her to bed, still buried inside her until he laid her there, helping her out of her dress and leash and getting rid of his own clothes before he lay next to her, cuddling her to his body, kissing her all over her shoulders and neck.

  "I hope you had a good time tonight," he whispered in her ear.

  "Yes, Sir, the best, thank you."

  "Are you willing to do it again?" he asked, killing the doubt that had started to worry her.

  "Yes, Sir, I am," she answered.

  "Good girl. That being so, I want you to meet me here next Saturday, at seven pm," he demanded. "Meanwhile, you're not allowed to date any other man, and if you have any kind of relationship you ought to finish it as soon as possible."

  Chapter Thirteen

  She hadn’t dated in quite some time, but even so, his tone just pushed her beyond her limits.

  "So, I have to become a nun for a week, Sir? Are you going to do the same, or does this rule only apply to me, Sir?" she asked, the word 'sir' oozing sarcasm all over it, as she rolled away from him to look him straight in the face.

  He looked at her, his expression again that hideous stone-carved mask.

  "The rule applies to both of us. No outsiders, I'm not poly, and I don’t like to share what's mine," he answered, cold as ice. "I'm sure you can go a week without getting laid."

  She snorted at the rude expression.

  "I don’t get laid, Sir."

  He rolled over on the bed, pinning her down by her neck, his whole body over hers, immobilizing her completely.

  "I believe I already told you not to snort at me," he said slowly, word by word, as his hand applied more pressure to her neck, sinking her collar into her skin.

  She could feel her air supply grow shorter, and her chest heaved to get more air in. But strangely, she wasn’t afraid, her hands not even moving to try and take his hand from her neck.

  Her eyes locked on his, her face an open book for him, her trust in him touching a part of his soul he had believed to be completely dead.

  Slowly, he loosened his grip, without removing his hand completely, leaning his head down, kissing her fiercely, their argument completely forgotten under the strength of the passion they shared.

  Voracious kisses and wild care
sses raised their arousal once more, and soon he was hard again, craving to make her his once more.

  He flipped her over, getting her on all fours, as he grabbed her by her hips with both hands and he shoved himself deep inside her, growling at her deep moan. Then he took her mane with one of his hands, pulling hard, making her head lean back, as he moved in and out of her, plunging himself, dragging her with him once more through the trails of the wildest pleasure they had ever experienced.

  When calm was restored, she collapsed over the bed, her body completely drained, and her eyes closed as she fell deeply asleep.

  Alec looked at her, with a devious smile. Apparently, he had left her exhausted. He lay beside her and carefully pulled her closer to him, laying her head on his chest before he, too, fell asleep.

  Katherine opened her eyes, feeling disoriented. She was alone in bed and Alec was nowhere to be seen. She got up and went to the bathroom for a quick shower, removing her collar before she did. Somehow, it felt awful to take it off, which was nonsense, but she just couldn’t shake the feeling. She left it, placed carefully on top of the dress she had worn the night before, the tips of her fingers lingering over it, reluctant to leave it there.

  She had no idea what time was it, but it was morning according to the position of the sun in the sky.

  She put on her own clothes and decided to go home. She had no idea where he could be, but she figured it was time for her to go home.

  She left the club after receiving weird looks from all the staff she came upon, and headed home immediately.

  She was just getting home when she received the call. It was an unknown number, but she answered anyway. She had the feeling she knew who it was.

  “Hello?” she said.

  “Why did you left like that?” he barked on the other side.

  “Good morning to you, too, Sir! Did you sleep well?” she answered back, ignoring his rudeness.

  “Answer my question, girl!” he barked once more.

  She sighed, and decided not to exasperate him even more.

  “You weren’t around, Sir, so I thought I was supposed to leave,” she answered patiently.

  “We didn’t finish our conversation yesterday,” he said, returning to his cold, controlled self.

  “And whose fault was that, Sir?” she asked, fearless.

  “I have an excellent memory, girl. Are you sure you want to go down that road?” he warned her, and she shuddered.

  “No, Sir,” she assured him.

  “Good. So, will you come next Saturday?” he asked.

  “Yes, Sir, I’ll be there. Will I be allowed to enter? After all, I’m not a member there,” she asked, curious.

  "But I am, and I've added your name as my guest," he informed her. "Remember the rules and we'll meet next Saturday."

  "What if I get too horny, Sir? Can I take care of that by myself?" she asked, to annoy him more than anything else.

  "No, you can't masturbate. I'm sure you can hold it for a week. It will be a good exercise for you," he answered in that same cold tone.

  "Yes, Sir, I'm sure it will. See you next week, Sir."

  "See you then, girl."

  She ended the call and looked at her phone for a few moments. The man could be so damn irritating.

  The week went by in a blur filled with anxiety, anticipation, and so many other mixed feelings. Sooner than she would have wanted, Saturday arrived. Unlike herself, she hadn’t told Lucy anything about Alec. Things were too new, too fresh, and she just felt she should keep it to herself.

  During the taxi ride to the club, her mind was swirling, imagining thousands of scenarios, considering millions of different possibilities and as soon as she set foot in the main room and her eyes met his, everything vanished, and the only thing she could think of was him.

  She walked towards the table where he was waiting for her.

  "Good evening, girl," he greeted her.

  "Good evening, Sir," she answered back.

  "From now on I don’t want to see you come in those doors without having your collar on," he warned her. "I've personalized the one you wore last week, adding a few details, and I want you to take it home with you," he informed her handing her the collar for her to see.

  He had engraved in the black leather the words 'Master Alec' and in the shackle he had added a silver heart with the word 'Owned' also engraved. "Do you like it?" he asked.

  "I thought you said this was just a needed accessory… Sir," she recalled, unsure of what to think of the collar.

  "It is, but there's no reason for it to be an ordinary collar," he answered in a cold tone. "Get on your knees and hold your hair up," he ordered, ending the subject.

  She kneeled in front of him and lifted her hair high. Though this was the second time he’d buckled the collar around her neck, the feeling was the same, intense, powerful and a sense of belonging.

  When he was done, he caressed her face, and ordered her to drop her hair.

  "I just can't believe what I just saw. Master Iceberg Alec is taking another naive submissive under his power." The words came from the same beautiful reddish they had met last week, Hannah, he had called her. "Do you know, sweetheart, this man is a cold, empty shell, with no feelings for anyone, not even his so-called friends?" she asked, turning to Katherine. "You should leave while you can, because sooner or later you will; they all do. It's impossible to feel good around an iceberg all the time."

  "Hannah, I believe you've said enough." Alec said, getting up, towering over the woman, but she wasn’t easily impressed.

  "Well, I believe I'll never be able to say enough. This should be one of the happiest times of James' life, but it isn’t because he feels he has lost his best friend and doesn’t seem to be able to understand that he's so much better off without you around," she retorted, obviously furious.

  Katherine, followed the discussion, was a bit worried. She had noticed Alec's attitude when they had met the couple the week before.

  "I'm not responsible for whatever your husband feels. So please, leave us alone, you're disturbing my guest," he said, in a very cold tone.

  "What in the hell is going on here?" James appeared next to Hannah.

  "Your wife is disturbing my guest. Maybe you could remind her of the house's rules and urge her to behave more like the submissive that she's supposed to be," Alec answered, cold as ice, his look harder than stone.

  James, looked at him, and shook his head, "Don't worry; we won't cross your path again. Consider my membership terminated as of today. Have a good night." He turned to Hannah taking her by her hand. "Let's go, Hannah."

  The woman looked at Alec, pain shining in her eyes, as she shook her head and walked away.

  Alec turned to Katherine and helped her up.

  "Let's go to one of the private rooms," he told her.

  "Why…" she started to ask, but he interrupted her immediately.

  Chapter Fourteen

  "I don’t discuss my private life with anyone." She looked at him, incredulous with the way he cut her off so brusquely. "Do you have a problem with that? We can end this right here and right now."

  She considered it, or at least she tried, but she didn’t want to end it, not now anyway. She had no idea of what problem he had with the other couple, and it really wasn’t any of her business.

  "No Sir, I have no problem with that."

  "Good." He hooked her leash and drove her downstairs. As in the main floor, there was a huge room that looked pretty much like a medieval dungeon, with all kinds of crosses, benches, spider webs made of rope, hooks, and suspension gears, chains, the whole thing. Most of the devices were being used by a small crowd, but he didn’t stop. He just walked right through it to another staircase that took them down to another floor. At the bottom of the stairs there was a long corridor with several doors on each side of it. All of them had name tags on it and she was able to read in the dim light some of the names: Desert Fantasy, Doctor's Office, Chapel…

  He stopped
in front of one that read 'Medieval Torture' and she shuddered.

  He opened the door and invited her in. She took a step in and the room lightened, showing her a small version of the room on the upper floor. She looked at him, but his expression was plain.

  "Please remove all your clothes, girl," he ordered, his voice very cold.

  "Yes Sir."

  She got undressed, standing with just her collar on.

  "I'll be showing you my own version of the positions I'll ask you to adopt whenever we are together," he informed her. "Pay attention since I don’t intend to repeat them and failure to adopt them will result in immediate punishment."

  "You're really a sadist, aren't you, Sir?" she asked, not sure she could manage that fact.

  "You could say I have a sadist vein, but I don’t get a thrill out of just pain. I like to look at the way a masochist reacts to pain and to be the one inflicting that pain, but if you're talking about causing pain in a regular person, who just feels pain, for the pleasure of causing that pain, then I would say I'm not. Of course, it's different when we're talking about imposing discipline or applying punishment, then it's a duty that I, as a Master, take very seriously," he explained and she believed him and that made her feel a bit better with the whole idea.

  "I see, Sir."

  "I'm sure that deep within you hides a masochist, my dear, and when you're ready to accept that, you will ask for pain, you'll need it." He added, with a condescending smile.

  "I might decide consciously never to accept it, Sir," she said, wanting to wipe the damn smile from his arrogant face.

  "You won't be able to deny your true nature, girl," he assured her.

  She snorted, and as soon as the derogatory sound came out of her mouth, she realized she had made a big mistake.

  "Snorting at me again, girl? See what I mean? You do like pain," he said with a malicious smile.

  "No, Sir, I assure you, I don’t," she replied. But she didn’t apologize and by the shine in his eyes she knew he was aware of that, and that she had no intention of doing it.

  "I'll take care of that later," he promised her, and she quivered but remained firm. "Now, as for the positions, the first one is the waiting position. I want you to kneel on the floor, buttocks over your ankles, hands crossed behind your back, head lowered, looking down until I tell you otherwise. Show me."


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