Dark Romance Novel - Submission + Taken + 1 Mystery books Bundle Set (A Dark Romance Series Novel)

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Dark Romance Novel - Submission + Taken + 1 Mystery books Bundle Set (A Dark Romance Series Novel) Page 107

by Veronica Cane

  She followed his instructions, and stayed there, still. She could sense his intense look on her.

  "Very well, girl. The next one is the inspection position. Stand up, hands behind you neck, legs spread, and breasts sticking out, head up, looking forward. Show me this one as well."

  She complied, and he took the opportunity to inspect her, examining thoroughly her breasts, weighing them, kneading them, squeezing them hard.

  "Are they natural, girl?" he asked, just to confirm.

  "Thankfully, yes, Sir, or I'd have to run to the E.R. with a possible leak," she answered, with a grimace, referring to his rough treatment.

  "Girl, that mouth of yours will certainly give me much amusement, but I doubt you'll feel the same," he said chuckling.

  She bit her lips hard to stop any other smart retort from coming out, and he laughed even more.

  He continued with his inspection, looking for any marks from the past week, but there were none.

  "Did you have any trouble last week with bruises?" he asked, running his big hand over her soft skin.

  "No, Sir, by Monday morning I practically didn’t feel them," she said, exaggerating the truth. She had felt sore at least until Thursday, but she had no intention of admitting that.

  "Oh, good, that means I can go harder on you."

  "What?! No, I mean… Sir, it was hard enough, I assure you," she mumbled, scolding herself for lying to him.

  "I can read you like a book, girl, so don’t even try to lie to me, or hide things from me. I'll know," he advised her.

  She looked at him with disbelief, but she was not willing to put that to the test; not then, anyway.

  "Yes, Sir."

  "Has anyone ever used a flogger on you?" he asked, picking one from a cabinet on the other wall. This one was black, and appeared to be made of soft suede.

  "No, Sir, never."

  He brought it to her, running its soft strings over her body.

  "Very well, that's what I'll be doing today. But beforehand, I'll tie you up a bit and suspend you from the ceiling. I want access to your whole body," he informed her and she quivered, with anticipation. "You can lower your arms for now, girl," he instructed her and she obeyed immediately.

  "Thank you Sir."

  He returned to the cabinet and grabbed some jute rope. Unlike the one he had used the other night, this one wasn’t soft. It was harsh, but he wanted to put her to the test, to see how much she was able to take on at this early stage.

  He started by braiding her hair and getting it out of his way. Then he wrapped her in a tight chest harness, going down to her legs and tying them with some futomomo knots, where he tied her legs joining her ankles to her back thighs.

  When he was done, he suspended her a few feet from the floor, hanging her from her harness and her legs, leaving her exposed to him, her legs wide open for him.

  "I'm going to clamp your nipples, as well. It will hurt just a bit, but I'm sure you can take it," he announced, picking some adjustable nipple clamps from the cabinet.

  "Yes, Sir. I'm sure you have enough personal experience to make statements on that, Sir," she replied, her eyes blazing angrily.

  He chuckled, and twisted her nipples harder than necessary to get them hard and ready to clamp, and proceeded to apply the first clamp, adjusting it tightly.

  She moaned in pain, biting her lips. But he didn’t stop. He repeated the process with the other nipple, and when he was done, he leaned over her and licked the swollen tips.

  Straightening back up, he ran a finger through her slit, confirming just how wet she was already.

  "Remember, you can use your safe word any time you want. This is not a proof of endurance you have to pass, no matter what. I want to know your limits, not make you go over them," he told her, his hand grabbing her chin, making her face him.

  "Yes, Sir."

  "Let's start then."

  He picked up the flogger and started again to run it over her skin, letting her know its softness before knowing its roughness.

  The first blows were just teasers, and she enjoyed feeling them all over her skin, her legs, her belly, her back, her buttocks and even her drenched pussy. But he gradually increased the strength of the strikes and she soon was feeling the sting of each blow, and she would swear she could feel the sting of each and every string as it hit her skin, especially when he hit her breasts, making her feel more intensely the bite of the clamps attached to her nipples.

  He never reached a point where the pain was unbearable. He kept it at a teasing level, even an arousing level, she had to admit.

  Her body was proof of that. Her heart pounded hard in her chest, her breathing was labored and her entire body had been transformed into a huge sensor that magnified every single touch and overloaded her brain with feelings and emotions.

  Alec looked at Katherine, her head thrown back, her eyes closed, the expression on her face, pure poetry. Every strike of the flogger ripped heartfelt moans from her lips, but not moans of pain or discomfort, moans of the purest pleasure.

  Imprisoned in his pants, his cock was harder than ever, his craving need was reaching levels he hadn’t reached in a long, long time, and now all he wanted was to take her, to make her his.

  He dropped the flogger to the floor, and went closer to her, cupping her big, round breasts, in his hands, taking their clamped tips into his mouth, sucking them hard, thrilling at her whimpers and soft cries.

  He unzipped his pants, released his cock and took it to the shelter of her warm lips, running it up and down a few times, smearing it in her creamy essence before he shoved it deep inside her, his hands grabbing her hips.

  She let out a small cry as she felt his invasion, her walls stretching harshly to make way for him. Her whole body shuddered and her moans became louder with each deep thrust.

  "Oh god, please… please… please, Sir!" her last words were loud cries and she knew that even if he didn’t let her come, there was no power on earth that would make her hold back the huge orgasm building inside her.

  "Come for me, girl, I want to feel the shudders of your body, clasped around me," he said, his breath showing her he was close as well.

  She let go, she crossed over the edge feeling her body convulse wildly under the strength of the waves of pleasure washing over her. When her body was coming down from the heights, she felt him engorge and explode deep within her, while he lowered his head and grabbed one of her nipples between his lips, pulling hard on the clamp.

  The shot of intense pain rushed through her whole body, and, once more, she was thrown back into the wildness of another orgasm, sobbing loudly.

  He stood there for several minutes, before he finally slid out of her.

  He zipped his pants back up, and he walked away from her toward a cabinet, leaving her there.

  Missing his presence, she opened her eyes to look for him, puzzled to see him there, his hands resting on the cabinet, his head leaning down.

  Alec walked away from Katherine. He needed a second for himself. He couldn’t remember the last time he had felt the way he just had. His orgasm had been so much more than the physical outcome of sex. His mind, body and soul had united to create something he had trouble recognizing.

  Somehow, this woman was penetrating the walls he had built around himself so carefully, so many years ago, and he wasn’t going to allow that. He didn’t need any more problems in his life.

  He straightened his body and walked back to her, his face back to his usual mask.

  He proceeded to remove the clamps from her nipples, ignoring her sobs of pain, and then put her back on the floor and cut the ropes from her body.

  Katherine stayed there on the floor over the shreds of rope, caressing her suddenly cold skin, yearning his arms and his warm body, unable to understand what had happened, why he had changed so drastically.

  "Please get dressed. I believe we're done for tonight," he said in his hideous cold tone.

  "But I thought…" she started to say. />
  "Don’t think, I'm sure that must be too hard for you," he interrupted, insulting her. He just wanted her out of there.

  Katherine looked at him, astonished. She got up on her stumbling legs and walked to where she had left her clothes.

  "Yes, you're right, I'm unable to think. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have wasted a second on a cold rock like you," she said, putting on her clothes quickly and storming out of the room.

  Chapter Fifteen

  She ran through the corridor and up the stairs, her eyes clouded with accumulated tears, just to find the same crowd as before. Taking a deep breath, she walked through the room, determined not to call attention to herself.

  She had almost reached the stairs leading to the main room when someone held her arm.

  "Hey, how are you? Remember me?" It was Hannah.

  "Oh, yes, of course. I'm fine, thank you, and you?" Katherine answered, cursing her luck.

  "I'm fine, too. I just wanted to apologize for the scene earlier. I should never had done it in front of you. After all, you have nothing to do with my problems with Alec," the other woman explained.

  "Don’t worry about that, no harm done," She soothed her, "Listen, I really have to go now. Be well." she said, just wanting to get home.

  "Wait." Hannah grabbed her by her arm again. "Are you ok? Is something wrong?" she asked, noticing the recent marks on Katherine's wrists and arms.

  "Everything is just great. I'm just in a bit if a hurry," Katherine explained, with a faint smile.

  "These marks are too recent. You've been in a rope scene, you shouldn’t leave like that, at least, not alone." the other woman insisted.

  "I assure you I'm just fine, so don’t you worry about me," Katherine replied, but the woman had no intention of letting it go.

  "Were you with Alec? Did he hurt in any way?" she asked, looking closely at Katherine, discovering some of the flogging welts.

  "No, of course not." And it was the truth, physically speaking. The excruciating pain she felt in her heart was completely her doing. "I really have to go. Take care," she added, and pulling her arm from the other woman's hand, she disappeared into the crowd.

  In just a few minutes, she was on her way home in a taxi, biting hard on her lips. She wasn’t going to cry yet. She wanted privacy for that.

  As soon as she slammed the door behind her, she let her body slither to the floor as she finally allowed tears to roll down her cheeks and heartfelt sobs shook her body.

  When the last tear had dried on her chin, and the last sob was long gone, she slowly got up and went straight to bed.

  She had tried, and it hadn’t worked. So she just had to move on. Mister right was out there somewhere, and she was going to find him.

  Maybe she should ask Santa Claus for help, since Christmas was around the corner.

  A glimpse of herself in the full-body mirror in her room, made her realize she was still wearing the damn collar.

  Enraged she took it off and tossed it across the room, before jumping on the bed, and burying her head in the pillows, shutting the world away.

  Alec stood a few more minutes in the room, picking up the damaged rope and tidying the room a bit. The look on her face was still haunting him, but he was determined to forget. It was better that way, for both of them.

  He finally left the room and headed up to the main dungeon. He couldn’t stand being alone anymore. He needed people around, he needed distractions.

  When he reached the room, the first person he saw was Hannah. Actually, she looked as if she was waiting for him.

  "So the almighty Master Alec managed to destroy another submissive. I never thought you would go so low," she said in a deprecating tone. "What did you do? Did you kick her out as soon as you had what you wanted? Not even taking into consideration she had just come down from an intense rope scene, probably with some flogging included?"

  For once, in all the time Alec had known Hannah, he had no words to deny her accusations. He had been so deep in his own turmoil, he had forgotten all about the care he should have provided to a submissive after such an intense scene. Drops could be dangerous, he knew that, and he had failed miserably.

  "Where is she?" he asked, pleading to all the gods that Hannah had been able to stop her.

  "How the hell do you expect me to know? She was your responsibility, not mine," she said, in a disdainful tone.

  "Did you let her leave?" he asked, getting more and more worried.

  "And how was I supposed to stop her? She insisted she was fine, and let's face it, I'm a stranger to her, why would she trust me anyway?"

  "Damn!" he cursed.

  "Yes, damn you, Alec. Just look around you. You're hurting everybody around you," she said, in a cold tone, walking away from him.

  Alec recalled the images of Katherine lying on the floor, surrounded by the shreds of rope, looking at him as if someone had just ripped her heart out of her chest.

  He had to find her. He grabbed his cell phone and dialed her number, but the call went straight to voicemail, which meant she had turned it off.

  He ran up to the administration office. He needed to check her forms. Maybe she had put her address on them, although that was optional information.

  "Mary, can I look at a submissive's form?" he asked erupting into the room.

  "Good evening, boss. Can you tell me her name? I'll look it up for you."

  "It's Katherine, but I don’t remember her last name. She entered as my guest last Saturday.

  "Ah, that submissive. Yes, I have her forms here, Sir," Mary said, with an intrigued smile.

  Alec practically ripped the forms from his assistant's hand. He quickly went through them, but to his disappointment she hadn’t provided her address.


  "Are you trying to find this woman, boss?" Mary asked, puzzled with her boss' behavior.

  "Yes, Mary."

  "John just told me he had put her in a taxi. Maybe he heard her giving her address to the driver." Mary suggested, eager to help.

  "Thank you, Mary." He said, storming out of the door.

  He found John at the door, but he hadn’t heard anything.

  "Do you recall the taxi she left in?"

  "No, Sir, she grabbed one that had brought someone else."

  Alec ran his hand through his hair, finally admitting he wasn’t going to find her, at least, not that night.

  "Please check the security cameras and tell me what taxi was. You'll be able to see the taxi company and the car plates. Let me know when you have it." He ordered going back to his office. He was going to wake up the private detective he used to hire to look at people's background when they applied for membership. "Jack, how are you? I need you to find someone for me." After hearing the complaints and growls from the other man he explained the situation to him, giving him all the information he had, including the one from the taxi that John had brought him meanwhile. "I need it for as soon as possible."

  "I'll do my best, but you owe man, you owe me big." Jack said, his voice already with no trace of sleep.

  "Thank you."

  Chapter Sixteen

  He got up and decided to go home. Even with Jack's help, it would take a few hours to find her, so he would better have some sleep, or he would look like a wreck in the morning.

  Once home, he was too restless to go to bed. He decided to work out for a while. Maybe if his body felt tired, his mind would find it easier to shut down for a couple of hours.

  He went to his gym and while he strained his body, all he could think of was of her. How was she, what was she doing?

  An hour later, soaked in sweat, he went to the shower before going straight to bed and throwing himself over it, head down, his eyes closing immediately.

  A sting on his back woke him up. He raised his head to find sitting next to him a dashing reddish woman, wearing black leather, and high heel boots, carrying a crop in one of her hands.

  "Rise and shine, dear!"

  "Who the hell are you an
d what are you doing in my room?" he retorted.

  "Now, what manners were you taught? That's no way of treating a lady." She replied with obvious mockery. "I thought you were expecting me. I'm the Spirit of the Present."

  Alec closed his eyes in disbelief. Not again that weird dream.

  "I really don’t have time for this bullshit again, so why don’t you go fuck somebody else's sleep?" he asked, with the coldest tone he was able to produce.

  The woman sighed out loud, shaking her head. "I told them you were a lost case, but did they listen to me? No, they never listen to me!" She got up, and rested the flap of the crop underneath his chin. "I'm not happy with this either, but it's my job and you won't make me look bad with my boss, so get that yummy ass of yours up." The order was more than clear on her voice, but he was in no mood to cooperate.

  He pushed the crop away and let his head fall back to the mattress, closing his eyes. Another hard sting on his back made him jump out of the bed. She was hitting him with the crop.

  "What a f…?

  Without letting him finish his sentence, she grabbed him by his hand and they were both catapulted to his last fight with James, just a few hours ago.

  "Why are we here?" he asked, his expression closed, his tone cold.

  "You pushed your best friend to walk out on you. Does this really make you happy?" she scolded him, in a cold tone, similar to his.

  "I didn’t push him to do anything. It was his decision to renounce to his membership." He replied, stubborn. "I'm not in the obligation of putting up with his wife's tantrums."

  "No, no one would expect that from you, but you could have been a bit more understanding. You could start by believing your friend knows what he's doing, and be happy for him, for having met the right woman for him." She answered him, anger showing in her expression.

  "I don’t trust her, and so far she hasn’t made me think I'm wrong." He insisted.


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