Book Read Free

Marked and Mated

Page 13

by Delta James

  Jean-Michel swatted her, causing her to squeak in surprise, and shook his finger at her in mock indignation.

  Skylar hugged her friend tightly and then embraced her mate as well.

  * * *

  The plane was ready and waiting when the members of the New Orleans pack got to the airport. They were ushered out onto the tarmac and were in the air within a very short span of time.

  “Oh, I could get used to no waiting, no TSA, and comfy seats,” sighed Darby.

  “Comfy for some of you,” muttered Summer.

  Jean-Michel growled at her. “Enough, Summer. If you don’t think you can behave for the trip home without some further instruction on how you will behave as a member of this pack, I will have JD take you to the back of the plane. We’ll see if he can explain things in a way that you can more easily understand. Is that what you want?”

  “You wouldn’t dare,” she seethed.

  The other three men of the New Orleans pack shook their heads and laughed quietly. While Jean-Michel was often indulgent to the women of the pack, he would not tolerate the behavior Summer had exhibited thus far. “You will find, little girl, there is very little I wouldn’t dare to keep my pack safe and happy. Now, would you like to behave or should JD take you to the back and give you another spanking?”

  “No, Alpha. I’ll behave.”

  “Good, then you can start by apologizing to my mate.”

  “That’s not necessary, Jean-Michel,” said Darby, trying to figure out how to help defuse the situation. JD put his hand on her knee and when she looked at him, he shook his head, warning her to stay out of it.

  “If she doesn’t feel…” started Summer.

  “My mate is kind-hearted and inclined to be indulgent with bad behavior—mostly because she is so fond of exhibiting it herself.” He leaned over and kissed Darby. “But, she is mate to your alpha and you will show her the respect she is due.” Despite JD’s warning, Darby started to protest. “Darby,” Jean-Michel growled, “do I need to take you to the back of the plane?”

  “Not unless there is a bed back there you’d like to make use of.”

  There was a shocked silence and then everyone, including Summer, burst out laughing.

  Jean-Michel looked at her and grinned. He waved his finger at her. “You, my beloved, are a most naughty mate.”

  “Yes, Jean-Michel,” she said quietly, all the while grinning at him like a Cheshire cat.

  The rest of the trip home was uneventful. The newest pack members were surprised to see that the estate boasted not only a private runway for the jet, but a helicopter pad. Both Darby and Megan sat looking out the windows of the plane. Their respective mates pointed out various landmarks in the New Orleans area as well as different things on the estate itself.

  “Shit, Jean-Michel, you weren’t kidding when you said we were filthy rich,” exclaimed Darby.

  “So, you forgive me for only have a jet plane that holds ten?” he teased.

  She giggled and turned to look at him. “Yes, but only because you’re great in the sack.”

  He laughed and leaned forward to nuzzle her neck. “You wait until I get you in our bed, mate.”

  “Can we skip dinner and go straight to dessert?”

  “Do not tempt me, mate. The rest of our pack is anxious to meet all of you. You most especially.”

  She turned again to him. “Why me?”

  “Because we have been waiting years for our alpha to find his mate. Who knew you were up on a deserted island off the coast of North Carolina?” teased JD. “We began to worry that he would never find you, and he refused to settle for anything less than a fated mate.”

  “Had I known where you were, beloved, I would have had you in my bed years ago.”

  He saw a dark shadow pass behind her eyes. “Years ago I would not have been in North Carolina. I would have been with the one whose mark you tore from my body.” She touched the healing scar lightly.

  Jean-Michel leaned across and kissed the scar before kissing her. “Then I would have had the pleasure of killing him in order to claim you as mine. Are you sure you don’t want his head on a platter?”

  The shadows lifted from her eyes. “Yes, my beloved. I would not have you sully your name or reputation for something that no longer matters and the memory of which fades every time you touch me.”

  * * *

  The plane came to a stop in front of what Darby assumed was the rest of the New Orleans pack. Jean-Michel led the group off of the plane and introduced the three newest members of the pack to the others. Darby was quite certain she would never learn all of their names. The pack consisted of four, now six, mated pairs, several children, and seven unmated males, two of which had been at the Calon Gwyllt house party. Darby was drawn into the group of well-wishers and looked back to see that Megan was holding Summer’s hand and trying to reassure her. Summer looked like cornered prey, and JD was keeping a sharp eye on her.

  Darby watched as a shaggy-haired blond, about Jean-Michel’s height but with not quite as much musculature, separated from the group and greeted JD and then Megan.

  “Jean-Michel?” He turned and gave her his full attention. “Is that Geoff?” He nodded. “Hmmm, you may not get to make a decision about that,” she said, pointing to how he took Summer’s hand in his.

  Jean-Michel smiled. “I told you I had a feeling about that,” he whispered. Turning back to the people who surrounded them, he said, “I know you would not welcome us back home without a feast planned for this evening. Let’s show these nice southern belles from North Carolina how to celebrate. Laissez les bons temps rouler!”

  “What?” asked Darby.

  “Let the good times roll. It’s a way of life in New Orleans. I think for all your freedom, ma choue, the women at Bae Diogel did not always lead a celebratory life. Here, we celebrate whenever we can. That way when the difficult times come, as they always do, we have the memories to sustain us and remind us that we have more to which we can look forward.”

  JD, Megan, Geoff, and Summer joined the group as they headed toward the main house. It was a large white mansion with an expansive patio and a fountain. Summer tried to hang back, but Geoff urged her forward. The grounds were exquisite and the house sat on the banks of the mighty Mississippi River. Like Calon Gwyllt, Darby could see a boathouse and several docks. There was a sailboat, two powerboats, and two airboats.

  “Will you take me for a ride on one of the airboats?” she asked.

  “But of course. Do you enjoy the water?”

  “Very much. I didn’t grow up on it, but I learned to love it when I was with Bae Diogel.”

  They strolled up to the house and were greeted by the staff of the estate. There was a general manager, a housekeeper and her small staff, and a chef and her staff. There were also assorted groundskeepers and stable hands as the pack maintained a small group of riding and carriage horses. Most of the positions had been in the same families for generations. Those who worked for the Gautiers tended to be loyal and were treated so well they never wanted to leave. The family/pack also took care of those who retired in their service in fine form.

  The housekeeper, Mrs. Hastings, and the cook, Claudine, requested to speak to the new mistress of the pack at her convenience. Darby was struck by how warm and welcoming everyone was. She was gladdened to see that both Megan and Summer were being engaged by their new pack as well.

  Jean-Michel hugged her close. “See? You had nothing to worry about. I knew they would love you.”

  She looked up at him. “How did you know I was concerned?”

  “I told you, the men of our pack are very sensitive to their mates. You will find it difficult to keep a secret from me.” He turned to the others, who were getting comfortable in the main room. “We are happy to be home with you. Let’s let the newest members of our family have a bit of time to rest and get acclimated to the house. Alex?”


  “Would you see that Summer’s things are pu
t into the guest room here in the main house. Summer, I think you will find it quite pleasant. It has a private bath and balcony. Do I need to leave someone outside your door or do you think you can behave now that you are home?”

  “This is not my home,” she said.

  While Jean-Michel wished she might have spoken differently, he was encouraged that she had spoken in a respectful tone.

  “But it is, little one, unless there is no one here with whom you could be happy. Then we shall try to find you someone who will make you as happy as my Darby has made me. So do I need to leave a guard on your door?”

  “You’re going to do whatever you want to do.”

  “Yes,” he said quietly. “I am. Geoff, see that someone is posted outside Summer’s door at all times. She is not to be allowed to get into mischief. She has a bad habit of thinking she can run amok.”

  “I’m sure we can convince her there is plenty to like about being here,” said Geoff. “Is she confined to her room?”

  “No, she can have the run of the estate, provided someone is with her at all times. When she chooses to stay in her room or is ordered to be there, I want someone outside the door or in her room.” He turned to Darby. “I need to speak with JD and Geoff briefly. Will you and Megan be all right?”

  “We’re not fragile little lambs led to the slaughter,” she teased.

  “Damn,” said a very pretty dark-haired woman. “And here I was hoping for a tasty snack.”

  “Best be careful,” said Darby. “You forget that we were part of a pack of females that fought off a rogue European pack and sent the ones we didn’t kill home with their tails between their legs.” Her hand on his chest stayed Jean-Michel and reminded him that while she was his beloved mate, she was also a capable fighter who knew no fear. “I am mate to your alpha; do not forget yourself with me.”

  The woman dropped her eyes. The man at her side spoke. “Please forgive Gretchen. She has acted as mistress of the pack before Jean-Michel found you. It seems she has forgotten her place.” He turned to his mate. “Gretchen, you apologize right now.”

  She looked up at Darby and smiled when all she saw was kindness in her eyes. “I am sorry, mistress.”

  “Darby is fine, Gretchen. And it must be a bit disconcerting for you. I’ve never been the lady to a great pack before. I’m sure I’ll fuck it up.” Gretchen and several of the other women giggled as Jean-Michel rolled his eyes. “Do me a favor and give me the benefit of your experience?”

  Gretchen smiled at her. “I would be pleased to do so. We’re actually a very informal pack and I’m sure you’ll be wonderful.”

  Darby turned back to the man at her side. “Alex, wasn’t it?” He nodded. “Please don’t feel you have to discipline Gretchen. We’re going to be great friends, aren’t we?”

  Gretchen nodded. “Yes, I believe we are.”

  JD shook his head. “This isn’t good, Jean-Michel, the females are already conspiring together.”

  “Damn straight,” said Megan. “And two of us are good with weapons.”

  “Careful, boys,” said a very pregnant strawberry blonde. “If you’re not careful, they’ll teach us all and we’ll rise up against you and the old guard at the Council.” There was general laughter amongst the women.

  Jean-Michel grinned. It seemed his pack had taken its newest members into the fold. “Control your women, mate,” he said, laughing.

  “Oh, I think we’re doing just dandy, don’t you, ladies?”

  There was general agreement and more laughter from everyone.

  JD shook his head. “I told you that one of yours was trouble.”

  “With a capital T,” agreed Jean-Michel. He watched as Summer edged quietly toward the door. When she turned, it was Geoff standing in her way. He looked over her head to Jean-Michel, who nodded. “Apparently, Summer feels the need to spend some time in her room.”

  JD shook his head and started toward her.

  “Not to worry, JD. I’ve got her. I’ll take first watch outside her door as soon as we talk to Jean-Michel. Alex, can you show Summer to her room and stay up there until I come up?”

  “Sure thing, Geoff.” Alex crossed the room and took Summer by the upper arm. “Let’s go upstairs before you get yourself in real trouble.”

  Jean-Michel turned to Gretchen. “Would you be kind enough to show both Darby and Megan to the rooms they share with JD and me?”

  “It would be my pleasure. Ladies, if you’ll come with me.”

  They ascended the grand staircase that led up from the main foyer.

  “Shit, Dar,” Megan whispered. “Did you ever?”

  Darby giggled. “Not in my wildest dreams.”

  Gretchen turned back to them. “I know, isn’t it just gorgeous? The whole place has been in the Gautier family for hundreds of years. It’s really heaven on earth.”

  Gretchen opened a door to a huge suite with a large bedroom, sitting room, walk-in closet, and master bath. It was impeccably done but, like the rest of the house, not overly formal but beautiful and elegant in a casual old-world way.

  “Good lord, Darby. It’s a good thing Jean-Michel likes to keep you close. You could lose him in here.”

  Gretchen laughed. “Oh, this isn’t Jean-Michel and Darby’s room; this is yours and JD’s.”

  “Holy shit,” breathed Megan as she walked in the room and twirled around.

  “We’ll leave you to get comfortable. If you need anything just holler or dial 1, that’ll get you to one of the staff members. Come on, Darby. I think you’re going to love the room you’ll share with Jean-Michel.”

  At the end of the corridor was a set of double doors, Gretchen threw them open. The first thing that Darby saw was a commanding view of the Mississippi. The whole back wall was nothing but French doors and transom lights. It was as if the whole thing was made of glass and yet was still in keeping with the centuries-old mansion. The room was huge, almost twice as big as Megan’s new room. The double doors from the hall were to the side of the room and a large, ornate iron bed was to the left as you came in. It had been situated in order to take full advantage of the view.

  Darby shook her head. “The pack I was in before Bae Diogel… I don’t think the front room was as big as this suite. It’s kind of mind-boggling.”

  Gretchen touched her arm. “Geoff shared with us some of y’all’s background. I’m so sorry your first mate was such a bastard. Jean-Michel will kill him if you want…”

  “So he says.”

  “No. Seriously, Darby. He’ll kill him if you want and may do it anyway. He’s very protective of those he loves. That this man hurt you won’t sit well with him.”

  “I believe that. But I don’t need him to. He’s given me everything I need. I wear his mark proudly where once I had a mark that brought me nothing but sorrow and shame.”

  “The shame was never yours.”

  Darby smiled at her. “As I said… I think we’re going to be great friends.”

  Gretchen giggled. “Me too. I’ll leave you to get settled. I think they may have already brought your things up here.”

  Darby laughed. “That wouldn’t take long. We burned most everything we had in our attempt to get away. But now I wonder what it was I thought I was running from.”

  “Well, the shopping in New Orleans is amazing and your mate is a very, very generous man.”

  “I know. And not just with his money.”

  Gretchen nodded. “No, not just with his money. As I said to Megan, just holler if you need anything or use the phone and hit 1.” She walked to the door. “Darby? We’re awfully glad Jean-Michel found you and brought you home.”

  * * *

  Jean-Michel and JD quickly brought Geoff up to speed on the house party at Calon Gwyllt and their concerns about trouble coming that might involve their pack as well.

  Jean-Michel assured his two lieutenants that they would handle whatever came their way. “I do want security stepped up. Dylan was concerned, rightfully so I believe, t
hat some may come and try to wrest Summer from her new home. That I will not allow. Geoff, see what our friends in some of the smaller packs can find out and if they can give us early warning that trouble is headed our way, tell them I will reward them handsomely.”

  Geoff laughed. “So, you went up there to bring home a sweet, willing omega and instead ran to ground a female with lots of alpha tendencies and a bad attitude… which I must say you seemed to have brought into good control.”

  Jean-Michel and JD both laughed. “She has decided she wants to be my mate and may be behaving at the moment, but I will never have complete control over her. And I’m fine with that. She has a beautiful bottom that I will gladly turn a deep shade of red when she is naughty.”

  Geoff turned to JD. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but weren’t you the guy who went with him so one of you could keep your head and we wouldn’t piss off the Ruling Council any more than we normally do?”

  JD grinned. “That was the plan. What can I say, the heart wants what it wants. I feel very fortunate that both Jean-Michel and Dylan were willing to thumb their noses at the Council and allow me to claim Megan. I owe you for that one, old friend.”

  “It was my pleasure. I believe our pack will be stronger with the addition of the three of them. What say you, Geoff?”

  “I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Both JD and Jean-Michel laughed. “Any trouble here while we were gone?”

  “None. We’ve been a very dull pack. I’m sure with the addition of the three Bae Diogel women that will change. Seriously, do you worry about them causing trouble with the other girls?”

  Jean-Michel shook his head. “They may cause some mischief, but no real trouble. I know Darby will be far too tired and sore from her mate’s constant and repeated lovemaking.”

  JD sobered. “Do you plan to claim her completely tonight?”

  “I do. I wanted to wait until I’d marked her and had her at home. I will stay close to her for the next few days and may even work and have our meals brought to our room.”

  “What do you want to do about Summer?” asked JD.


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