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Page 9

by Melissa Schroeder

  “I’ve no choice.” It was plain and simple. She didn’t have a real choice. She could run, but at some point Dylan would catch up to her.

  He jumped up on the bed beside the few things Callum had obtained for her to practice.

  “Everyone has a choice, you told me that.”

  Goddess help her.

  She had always been honest with Jack. She hadn’t had that early in life. Her mother and grandmother had spoken in riddles, leaving her to believe that the world of Magick was wonderful and that nothing bad ever happened to you if you used it for good.

  They had both proven that wrong. She often wondered if they had been lying to her all along or if they had actually believed it. If somewhere in the back of their minds they did believe, Maggie was sure the two of them were shocked when they were destroyed.

  “Sometimes, you don’t. This might allow for us to live anywhere we want. Wouldn’t you like to find a nice little cottage, just for the two of us?”

  He shrugged. “It doesn’t matter what I want. Fate decides. I told you, years ago, we would live in a castle.”

  Maggie picked up her mother’s notebook and then looked at her son. It was true that he had said that, but she had thought it was more wishful thinking than a premonition. “That was three months ago.”

  Another shrug. “Still, we will live in a castle.”

  Pushing him would get her nowhere and sometimes she wondered if Jack’s reality and dreams melded and he assumed they were premonitions. Maggie decided to play it cool.

  “Indeed. And how will we afford this castle?” she asked, sitting beside him on the bed.

  “We’re not going to buy it. Your husband will.”

  Icy cold fingers danced down her spine. She had the same reaction every single time he announced a prediction that came true.

  “My husband will?”

  “Yes.” He jumped off the bed. “Is it okay if I get a biscuit? Fletcher said I could.”

  Fletcher indeed. “Wait, before you go. What do you mean my husband?”

  He shrugged as he looked back at the bedroom door. Freedom and biscuits awaited him, and again he was an ordinary boy. Usually, she allowed him this, but she couldn’t let this go right now.

  She crossed her arms beneath her breasts and looked at him. “My husband?”


  “I’ve only had one husband and I’ve told you that you will be the only man in my life.”

  In truth, he was the only man she would ever trust.

  “No. There will be another, and you will learn to trust him.”

  Then he waved and slipped out the door as if he had said nothing of all that much importance. She released a slow breath. Any other mother of a normal boy would just shrug the comments away as wishful thinking. Most children would wish for a second parent…it was normal. But Jack was anything but normal.

  He could sense people’s feelings, he could move things with his thoughts, and he always had a prediction about the future.

  And he was always, always right.

  * * * *

  “I thought maybe you could do with a walk.”

  Maggie looked up from her mother’s old notebook and frowned. “I’ve only been at this for a few minutes, Angus.”

  He shook his head. “No, it’s past the nooning meal.”

  Again, his words hit her. He talked normally but every now and then antiquated speech would come rushing in. All of them, but Phoebe, were like that.

  “I missed lunch?”

  She said absently. She realized there was a tray sitting on the table in front of her. Vaguely, she remembered someone bringing it in an hour ago, but she hadn’t really paid any attention to it.

  “Sorry, I’ve been lost in my book.”

  “That’s your book of spells, like on Harry Potter?”

  She smiled. “Not really, but I would have loved a school like Hogwarts. Then maybe I wouldn’t have felt like a…”

  She trailed off the moment she realized she was about to say something stupid. Why did she find herself saying things around the cousins she normally wouldn’t? Especially Angus. She found herself wanting to confide in him for some reason.

  “Felt like a what?”

  “I am sure you would never understand, but I felt like an oddity in school.”

  He studied her in that way he had. It usually made her feel like a specimen in a lab, but then, his lips curved slowly. The green of his eyes deepening just a bit. The sounds of the house seemed to disappear around them as her heart tripped up a beat and her mouth went dry. How could her mouth be so dry and her palms get so wet at the same time?

  “I definitely know how it feels. Look at my family. Warriors all of them. I know how to fight, but I would much rather be in the lab, or with a book.”

  There it was again, talking about warriors and such. Maggie was definitely sure there was something different about this family. Of course, she shouldn’t pry because she had enough secrets of her own.

  “But, enough of that. Let’s get some fresh air.”

  She smiled at him. “I really want to go through this book some more.”

  “It will be here when you get back. We can hunt up Jack.”

  She shook her head. “I understand that Logan had plans with him today outside somewhere. Something about painting landscapes.”

  Angus laughed causing her pulse to do an uncomfortable tap dance. “Sounds like my brother. He’s always been like that and he feels that there isn’t enough art and music taught in school.”

  She said nothing to that and the silence lengthened. It didn’t bother her. Not while she was studying such a fine specimen of man. All of the Lennons were gorgeous, but there was something about Angus that drew her in. Maybe because she was sure he was a good man…and she really wanted to corrupt him.

  “Well, just a quick walk outside. It will clear your mind.”

  She wanted to say no. Her attraction to the man was growing by the day and it would be best to avoid that temptation. But…she looked outside. It was sunny, without a cloud in the sky. Just a little break wouldn’t hurt.


  The look of relief on his face came and went so fast she barely caught it.

  “You might want to grab a jacket, because the wind is a bit chilly.”

  She nodded. “I’ll grab mine and meet you out front.”

  As she walked up the stairs to her room, she reminded herself it was a walk outside and nothing else. Angus was a good man and good men didn’t tangle with the likes of her.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Maggie was laughing so hard she thought she would definitely lose control of her bladder.

  “There is no way that he did that,” she said, as Angus held the door open to allow her entry into the house. “You’re telling me that Fletcher convinced three different sisters, within seventy-two hours.”

  “Yes, although, I will say, he lost the bet he had with Logan.”

  “And that would be?”

  “He was supposed to get them all in bed.”

  “He did.”

  “At the same time.”

  She stopped in the front foyer and stared at him. Angus walked on until he apparently noticed she hadn’t followed.

  He turned to face her. “What?”

  “You’re telling me that quiet, sweet Logan made a bet like that?”

  Angus frowned. “You think Logan is sweet?”

  “Well, he is kind of quiet and he is a painter."

  The exasperated look he gave her told her how he felt about that.

  "I truly think the only reason my brother ever started to paint was because he wanted to do nudes."

  She couldn't help the laugh that bubbled up out of her. "Angus, none of you are angels, so I don't know why you are getting so crazed about it."

  He opened his mouth but Anice interrupted them.

  "Come on you two, we have a meeting in Callum's office. I have a way into Sweeney's house."

she followed Anice with Angus catching up to her in just a few steps. He stopped her with his hand.

  "I'm glad you feel better."

  As soon as he said it, she knew it was true. She was so damned caught up in researching that she'd worn out her brain a bit.

  "And thank you for taking me outside for a bit. It was good."

  Fletcher stuck his head out the doorway. "Come on you two. Quit making googly eyes at each other and get in here."

  Angus muttered something under his breath, but she just chuckled and hurried into Callum's office. Once everyone was situated, Callum motioned toward Anice.

  "Okay, so I was combing through a lot of the invites we get at Lennon Enterprises. We get a ton of them in the public relations office and many of them I just toss. You should see some of the stupid things I get."

  "Anice, I swear to all that is holy, if you go off talking about something unimportant, I'm going to brain you," Fletcher said.

  She made an obscene gesture and continued. "Sweeney is having a Gala. I didn't respond when we got it a few weeks ago. He really is the most unpleasant man."

  "Yes, he is," Maggie and Callum said at the same time. His eyes narrowed.

  "You know him?"

  "Whenever I am going after a mark, I study him. He is a bit of a bastard. Cheats on his wife all the time, and I believe that many of the girls are barely legal. He's a megalomaniac in the strictest of terms. I could see Dylan getting him to help him."

  "But wouldn't he know who Dylan was?" Phoebe asked.

  "He might," she said shrugging. "We all knew they were brothers, but when we worked cons, they didn't always play brothers, if you understand what I mean."

  "So, the party is in two days. I responded saying that Angus Lennon plus one would be attending."

  A chill went down Maggie's spine. "That seems too easy."

  "Sometimes it is easy because that's just the way it is."

  "There will be so many people and he always kept that particular jewel locked up. I have no idea why because the value was considered meager compared to others, but then maybe that was the reason."

  "What?" Phoebe asked.

  "If you want everyone to think you're the master of everything, you only show the important things. That's why you never see his children. He can't stand them."

  "Then why were you stealing it?"

  She looked at Angus. "I've no idea, really. It was Ian and Dylan's idea. There were rumors that the reason he guarded it so well was that Sweeney knew of magical powers attached to it. The other thing was beating a system that wasn't supposed to be beat."

  There was a long pause.

  "But you can get it, yes?" Logan asked.

  "I think so. There will be a lot of people."

  "And you can easily distract those people, right? Then, you can get in there and steal it."

  "What if it is a trap?" Angus asked. "This could have something to do with Dylan O'Conner."

  "I know it has something to do with him," Callum said. "A man after revenge would definitely come up with something like this."

  "So we don't go," Angus said.

  Callum shook his head. "No. You go. Him planning it and you knowing it are two different things. He might be planning to capture you, or get to Jack. We will just make sure neither will happen and you can get the jewel."

  Chapter Sixteen

  Later that night, Angus still felt unsettled. The walk with Maggie had been relaxing, and he had been happy to get her out of that room. He could tell that things were starting to get to her.

  It was funny how connected he felt to her moods. It wasn't as if they were intimate, but there was something there, something that drew them together.

  With a sigh, he gave up trying to sleep. He slipped out of bed then tugged on a pair of jeans and a shirt and decided to go barefoot. He needed a snack and some time to think.

  He made his way down to the kitchen only to see light spilling out of the doorway. When he reached it, he found Maggie standing at the stove. A pensive frown marred her features as she apparently waited for the water to boil.

  Because it was quiet and she was turned slightly away from him, he had time to study her. In the week since they had arrived, her hair had turned to bright red, but now darker strands of mahogany filtered through it. Luxurious was the only word that came to mind when he thought about it. The straight strands that reached halfway down her back in the beginning now only reached mid back because it had gone to curl.

  He wanted to know how soft it was.

  He must have moved because she gasped and turned around. "Bloody hell, Angus, you scared me."

  She was a goddess. Angus had never been one for goddesses. He tended to go for women who had quiet beauty...waiting to be uncovered. But at the moment, he wondered why he had thought that was more appealing.

  "Sorry, I didn't mean to alarm you."

  She drew in a sigh. "I take it you couldn't sleep either?"

  He shook his head.

  "Thinking about the Gala?"

  He shrugged, not wanting her to know that she had been the reason he hadn't been able to sleep. Smart men didn't tell goddesses that they were becoming obsessed.

  "I think we'll be fine. I'm just worried about Dylan. He really doesn't like me. I should have avoided the whole family, but then, I wouldn't have my Jack. Want some tea?"

  "Sounds good."

  She set about making the tea and he realized he liked watching her putter around the kitchen. It wasn't the act itself, but the intimacy of it.

  "So, you were saying about your husband and his brother?"

  She made a face as she poured the water over the tea to steep. "First, I've said we were never officially married. But, yes, my mum dinna like them. Especially Dylan. She said he had the mark."

  "The mark?"

  "Yes. Mum always believed she could tell who had the weakness. The ones who would do anything to make a fortune or gain more power."

  "Meaning, turn to the dark side," he said in an ominous voice. She laughed like he wanted her to. "Yes. He was...well, not settled. Ian wasn't either but there was good in him."

  "So, your mum was a witch like you."

  She finished with their tea and handed him his mug. She took her own and leaned against the counter.

  "Yes, and I think you have a basic understanding of our kind, but don't understand that we are all different in our abilities.

  "Why don't you explain it to me?"

  She sipped her tea and studied him. "Okay, why not. Well, Mum, she was a foreseer. She knew when she was going to die, even though she didn't tell me. My grandmother was very good at spells."

  "Like love spells?"

  She nodded. "Although she didn't like doing that much. She was also very good at healing. She was well known in most circles as the expert."

  And you?"

  "I am good at conjuring and have limited ability at telekinesis."

  He took that in for a minute. "So, you’re saying your abilities are much like humans. Some of you excel at things while others do not."

  "Yes. Unfortunately, Jack seems to have a little bit of everything, which is going to be hard for me to control."

  "Even though you gave yours up, you will not do that to him."

  “First, I didn’t give mine up. They just faded away. Secondly, I don't think I could do that to him even if I wanted to. That would be like removing a child's greatest ability. And right now, he can’t do much.”

  He thought of what Jack had told him earlier that week and she laughed. “I know he can do spells but they are basic and he can make things move. But, he doesn’t have enough control to bring them up under stress. They would either completely fail him, or he could hurt himself or others. He will need to be trained.”

  He should just take the tea she had given him and go back upstairs, but he could not. Instead, he nodded toward the small kitchen table. "Why don't we take a seat?"

  She looked toward the door and he knew she wanted to go. Jus
t as he had thought, that would be best, but in a couple days time they had to pull off a heist. They had to work better together. And that was the only reason. Not because he wanted to spend time with her in a darkened kitchen.

  "What are you wanting, Angus?"

  She had always been direct with him. At least in this she had. He knew there were still a few more things she was holding on to, but he was too, so he couldn't fight her on that.

  "I think we need to talk a bit more."


  "Because if I better understand who you are, I will be able to work with you more easily."

  He thought she might leave then. From her expression, he assumed she was trying to come up with a reason not to stay, but in the end she surprised him. With a nod of her head, she walked over to the table. They settled across from each other.

  "So, Sir Angus, what would you like to know?" she asked, drawing a reluctant smile from him by using Jack’s name for him.

  Now that they were sitting there, he wasn't truly sure. He just wanted to know about her, how she felt about the job, how she felt about being a single mother. But none of that was relevant.

  "You have the plan worked out?"

  She nodded. "Wasn't that hard after Fletcher gave me the security information. He's going to double check and make sure they didn't change anything."

  It was his turn to nod. "You might not be able to count on Fletcher when it comes to his taste in women, but you can always trust him with security."

  Maggie cocked her head to the side, studying him with those green eyes of hers. All of the brown had faded and just a few little sparks of blue tinged her irises.

  "What?" he asked.

  "There is so much love when you talk about each other. It's nice to hear."

  "Did you have that?"

  She took more than a moment to think about it. "I did with my mum and grandmother. But, in a way, you expect that, yes?"

  He nodded. "You've been using her book."

  "Yes. I've kept it all these years even though much of it is useless to me. Our abilities were different. This, though, is helping me again."

  He sipped his tea, even if it had gone a little cold. He wasn't ready to head back up to bed. "How so?"


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