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Violca's Dragon

Page 12

by Leilani Love

  Chase feels pressure on his head and lowers his guard just enough so he can mentally tell that he will not harm the girls.

  “Fine, after lunch we need to buy some groceries for the rest of the weekend. You can follow us back, but you are not sleeping in the house,” Brandon says, the tone of his voice letting him know he is not happy about the situation.

  Chase nods, his shoulders sagging in relief. He doesn’t want to fight with them, especially not here. Now how the hell is he going to explain the rest? Even though he is pretty sure they are the girls they were looking for, he does not believe she knows because she would have tried to use her magic to save her sister, even if she would not use it to save herself. He knows Violca would give her life for her sisters.

  Kati instantly falls asleep on the drive home. Brandon looks over at Violca, trying to reassure her. “The adrenaline finished wearing off, poor thing. How are you feeling?”

  Violca shrugs. “I don’t know,” she replies truthfully. Violca glances at the side mirror to see the SUV with Chase and Scott behind her. She is still trying to make sense of what Chase told her. According to her mother, they had no relatives. Was he lying? Did he only spend time with her because he was researching her? Did that kiss mean nothing to him, was it just to get close to her? Biting her lip, she leans her head back, closing her eyes. Brandon reads her too easily and she doesn’t want him guessing what is bothering her.

  Violca feels the van stop and blinks open her eyes. She must have drifted off, too. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you.”

  Brandon smiles at her. “As long as you don’t try to get off helping me unload the van we’re okay.”

  Laughing, she gets out, stopping when she sees Chase get out of the SUV. Scott walks around the van, gets into the driver side and nods at her before backing out. Kati gets out of the back, and Violca sees her glance at the SUV wearily. Frowning, she decides to talk to Kati later, when she can get her alone. She also wants to ask Chase why his friend looks at Kati the way he does. It isn’t sexual but…something she can’t put her finger on.

  Chase walks up to the van. “Can I carry something?”

  Brandon gives him the two biggest and heaviest bags before turning his back on him. “Most this stuff needs to be put in the fridge.”

  Violca walks behind Chase, her eyes noticing how his ass flexes when he walks. Hearing the front door open, she bites her lip to try not to smile when she hears Angyalka scream as she runs out the door. “You’re back!” Angyalka stops when she spots Chase and her smile grows. “I knew you would find us.”

  Chase stops and Violca walks around him, noticing how he smiles at Angyalka. “You did huh?”

  Angyalka nods and turns to walk with him. “Uh huh, you have to keep the bad guys away.”

  Hearing her words, Violca stops on the stairs. “What bad guys, Angel?”

  Angel smiles as she skips toward her. “The bad guys. It’s okay, Chase will keep them away.” With that she opens the door. Not sure what to think of what Angel said, she walks into the house and heads to the kitchen.

  Chase follows behind her and puts his bags next to hers on the counter. He gently grabs her elbow. Violca looks up at him and sees the look of regret on his face. “Violca, I am sorry about what happened today.”

  Violca notices flecks of gold in his brown eyes and shakes her head. “Which part Chase, the part where I found out you were researching us, or the fact that someone almost kidnapped me and my sister?”

  Before he can answer, Kati and Brandon show up and he releases her elbow, stepping away from her. Brandon looks at her as if making sure she is okay before looking at Chase. “There’s a few more things in the van you can help unload.” Brandon turns and Chase looks at her one more time before silently following Brandon out.

  Eva smiles, walking up to her and Kati. “Did I just see Chase? What is he doing here?”

  Violca hands her a bag of chips to put away. “We ran into him in town. He is going to be camping outside with some of his friends.”

  Obviously sensing there is more, Eva keeps her mouth shut. Violca knows it is only because Angyalka and Sari are coming back in with the guys, and that the second they are alone, Eva will bombard her with questions. She only hopes she had answers.

  Chapter 30

  Chase and Scott are setting up the tents in the backyard when Sari and Angyalka run up to Scott, and Angel says, “You are tall.”

  Scott smiles down at her teasingly. “Didn’t Chase tell you his friend was a giant?”

  Angyalka wrinkles her nose, looking him over, before shaking her head. “You are not a giant, silly, you are a kitty.” She smiles brightly at him. “A big, black kitty.”

  Chase and Scott both stop what they are doing and stare at her. Before either one can reply, Eryk shows up and growls at her. “That’s right, he’s a big, black kitty and we are going to get you.” Angyalka squeals and runs away and Eryk chases her and Sari around the back yard.

  Scott raises an eyebrow looking at him. “You don’t think…”

  Chase shrugs. “I don’t know, she was able to see me when I was shadowed.”

  They watch Eryk play with the girls for a moment before going back to setting up the camp. Chase looks up at the window and smiles when he sees Eva. Raising a hand, he waves at her, she waves back before walking away.

  “So we got them to invite us over, have you figured out how to bring up the rest?” Scott asks, glancing back at the house. When his eyes linger, he turns to see Kati standing in the window.

  “No, but I think their friend Brandon might be a telepath, so be careful. I could feel him try to probe around at the restaurant.” Chase notices Scott’s eyes fixed on the window until Kati finally walks away. When Scott looks back at him he shakes his head. “Violca was watching how you looked at Kati earlier.”

  Scott shrugs and glances back at the house. “I’m not going to jump the girl or anything.”

  Chase raises an eyebrow, trying not to smile at his friend’s obvious frustration with the situation. “I will be more careful.”

  Chase smiles. “Two conversations I can’t wait to have—hey we believe you and your sisters are the last of the original line of earth witches and oh yeah, my friend here is a panther shifter and he has imprinted on your underage sister.”

  Scott snorts and they both laugh, some of the tension leaving them. At the sound of the door opening, they both turn to see Eva on the porch. “Sari, Angel, time to come in and eat dinner,” she calls out, and both girls laugh as they run up the stairs of the back porch. She smiles at the guys before heading inside.

  Eryk walks up to them. “Want me to grill up the sausages?”

  “Sure,” Scott replies. “I think I am going to check out the area.”

  Nodding, Chase sees his friend walk into the woods. Eryk smiles, looking at him. “It’s going to be interesting watching him and Kati.”

  Chase grins, picturing it. Kati is not like the girls his friend usually pursued. That’s probably a good thing, when Kati finally gains her confidence he pictures her giving Scott a merry chase and he is looking forward to watching it.

  “So why are we not inviting them to eat with us?” Eva asks, after calling the girls in. “Seems like we owe them for helping you out.”

  Brandon looks out the window, watching the guys talk for a moment before Scott walks into the woods. “I’m still trying to figure out what they were doing in town, and why the hell Chase is researching your family.”

  Kati looks up at him, helping Violca make the plates. “So why did you agree to let them stay outside our house if you don’t trust them?”

  Brandon smiles at her. “Partly because I owe them for helping you and your sister when I was too far to do anything, and also so I can keep an eye on them and figure out what the hell they want.”

  Violca stays quiet, listening to them talk. She goes over everything that has happened since she has met Chase. The bumping into her, the times he spent with her a
nd the girls, each kiss. Was it all to get close to her?

  She felt like the biggest idiot ever. Every guy, when he found out she was raising four girls, had bailed, why did she think he would be any different? Her heart hurts and she blinks back tears, not wanting anyone to see her cry. “Come on guys, let’s enjoy dinner and not worry about that right now.”

  Sari and Angyalka come out of the bathroom, having cleaned up their hands, and sit at the bar. Violca fries up some chicken while Eva makes the mashed potatoes and corn.

  The younger girls eat at the bar while the rest of them eat in the living room. Eva is brought up on the events in town and hugs them both, glad that Scott and Chase were close to help. “Did Chase ever explain why he was researching our family?” Eva asks, tucking her legs underneath her.

  Violca shakes her head no and Brandon frowns. “I didn’t think you have any relatives. I mean, wouldn’t they have come out of the woodwork after…” his voice trails off but they all know he means, after their parents passed away.

  “According to our mom and dad, we don’t have any living relatives. At least none that were close, maybe we have some third cousins, four times removed or something, but I doubt anyone who would come looking for us.”

  “Even if there was anyone, who the hell would try to kidnap you?” Eva asks, before taking a bite.

  Brandon looks between the girls. “I think it’s weird that two guys you knew not only know each other, but show up after you leave town and happen to be close when someone tries to kidnap you.” He stops for a moment before continuing, “Not saying they are involved in that, but I think they know more than they are saying.”

  They eat in silence for a few minutes, thinking about what has happened and why. Angyalka and Sari can still be heard chatting at the bar about what they want to play after dinner and who would have to take a bath first.

  Violca goes to clean the dishes, smiling when Brandon kisses her cheek. “Hey, I got the dishes, you cooked.”

  Violca smiles at him. “I think I am going to take a walk.” Before Brandon can argue, she shakes her head. “I need to clear my mind but I will stay close, promise.”

  Brandon sighs and Violca bites back a grin, knowing that it’s his ‘I can’t win with you’ sigh. “Don’t make me go looking for you.”

  “I won’t. I promise.”

  Quickly putting on her tennis shoes, she grabs a light jacket. It isn’t cold yet but the temperature drops fast once the sun goes down. She walks out the front door, heading toward the path that runs on the side of the house that will take her away from her backyard and the man who is currently camping in it.

  Chapter 31

  Chase hears the front door open and close. When he inhales, he smells Violca’s distinctive scent. He gets up and follows her. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Eryk smirk at Scott. Scott reaches into a bag and throws something at him saying, “Chase catch.”

  Looking at the small item in his hand he realizes it’s a condom and looks at Scott who winks. “You know what they say, always be prepared.”

  “I don’t know why you carry these around. It ain’t like you’re going to be needing them anytime soon.” Hearing Violca get further away he quickly puts the condom in his pocket and follows her.

  Chase stays behind her as she walks on a path that leads away from the cabin, heading near the direction of the river. He knows Violca is aware of him and smiles to himself, knowing she is not turning around because she is trying to ignore him.

  When she stumbles, he reacts quickly and is at her side, his arms around her before she can fall. She squirms, pushing away from him, almost falling with the effort.

  Once he is sure she’s okay he carefully releases her. Standing in front of her, he looks her over and when she finally looks up at him, he notices that her violet eyes are darker as she looks at him angrily. “I didn’t ask you for your help,” she snaps.

  Chase knows that smiling at her right now will not help him, nor will telling her she looks beautiful when she’s angry. Watching her breasts rising up and down as she breathes, her violet eyes sparkling with anger and the straight line of her lips, he fights the urge to kiss her. “You didn’t, but that doesn’t mean I want to see you hurt.”

  She glares at him. “Why are you here? What do you want with me?”

  Chase steps closer to her and reaches up to touch her cheek, dropping his hand when she seems to flinch before he can touch her. “I am here because I wanted to make sure you are safe.”

  She snorts at him and he can’t help but smile at the unfeminine sound. “That is not what I meant and you know it.” She pushes her hair back from her face and looks up at him, her voice lowering to almost a whisper, “Why did you kiss me? Was it just to get close to me?”

  Chase sees a flash of hurt in her eyes and he steps in front of her, cupping her cheek, making sure she looks at him when he answers, “I kissed you because there was no way I could be near you and not.”

  Violca’s lips part in surprise at his announcement and he kisses her gently. When he hears her moan, he angles her head up higher and deepens the kiss, his tongue sliding in gently at first and dueling with hers. Violca’s hands come up to his chest her fingers curling on his shirt as if trying to hold him in place. Chase walks backwards until Violca’s back is against the tree. He slides one of his legs between her’s, rubbing against her as he continues to kiss her, growling when he hears her soft moan in response.

  One of his hands come ups and finds her breast. Massaging it he feels her nipple harden under his touch. He feels her hands slide under his shirt, touching his chest before he breaks the kiss, his mouth instantly going to her neck as her head rolls back. Gently biting and licking his way down her neck, his free hand cups her butt pulling her tighter against him. “You taste so good.” He whispers against his neck, “I can’t get enough of you V.”

  Chase licks where he bit her, her taste intoxicating, he loves the little sounds she makes. He didn’t plan on kissing her but now that he has, Chase doesn’t think he can stop. When her hips grind on his leg, he releases her hip and slides his hand under her shirt and growls when he finally touches her skin. He can feel her muscles quivering under his touch. His hand slides up under her bra and pinches her nipple a little roughly, loving the small gasp that escapes her.

  Needing to touch more of her, he pulls back, his eyes meeting hers. He loves how the violet of her eyes stands out more when her pupils are dilated. He reaches for the bottom of her shirt, stopping for just a second. When she licks her lips, he moans loudly and pulls her shirt up over her head. Not wanting to bruise or scratch her skin against the trunk of the tree he lays her down gently on the grass.

  Following her down, he nibbles on her lips as his hand strokes her exposed skin. When he gets to her breasts, he pushes the bra up and over, growling into her mouth when she arches up and rubs her breasts against his chest. Breaking the kiss, he looks down at her hard nipples that are a shade of brown just darker than her skin. He finishes removing the bra before dipping his head and swirls his tongue around the hard little nub before sucking it into his mouth.

  Violca pants, her back arching up and off the ground, offering him her breast. Her hand slides into his hair, holding him to her breast, pulling on his hair. When his mouth leaves her breast, she whimpers only to gasp when he bites the nipple first, before starting on the other one.

  His leg slides between her thighs and her hip rocks back and forth. He can feel how wet her panties are. Each time he flicks his tongue over her sensitive nipple, her thighs tighten around his.

  Chase feels Violca slide her hands up and under his shirt, her fingers roaming his chest. He can feel her fingers gently gliding over his stomach muscles and hears her low moan. She starts to pull his shirt up over his head and Chase stops playing with her breast long enough to help, throwing it in the same direction he threw her shirt.

  Chase looks down at her, his dragon close to the surface, and he is able to see how her eyes
have darkened. Violca reaches up and pulls him back down and kisses him, her tongue sliding teasingly into his before pulling out, causing his tongue to follow hers. She sucks on his tongue and he feels his cock harden even more in anticipation. Chase breaks the kiss, panting as he begins to kiss and bite gently along the column of her neck. His cock is so hard, he is afraid he is going to come without even getting inside of her. Working his way down her neck, he stops to gently bite each of her hard nipples before kissing and licking his way down her gently rounded stomach.

  When he gets to the top of her jeans, he stops. Holding onto her hips, he begins to make love to her belly button, his tongue sliding in and out of her like a mini cock. He smiles in male pride when he feels her hips buck against his tongue. The smell of Violca’s need is strong in the air.

  Releasing her hips, he undoes her pants and pulls them down. Taking her panties with them, he removes them in one quick move. Stopping, he stares down at her. Chase loves the fact that she is smooth and almost asks her if she shaves or waxes, when he notices her lips glistening. Meeting Violca’s eyes, he licks his lips and smiles when she parts her legs more for him. The sight of her wet and needy is almost his undoing.

  Bending down, he settles between her spread thighs and very slowly licks up her slit, growling loud in approval. Violca’s taste is as distinct as her smell and he wonders if he will ever get enough of it. He hears her gasp and feels her hips roll up with his tongue and he uses his shoulder to open her wider.

  Chapter 32

  Violca’s hips buck up when he licks up her slit again and she gasp when she feels his tongue flick over her sensitive clit. Chase’s lips latch onto the sensitive nub and suck it into his mouth, his tongue still flicking over the top and her back arches as she begins to make noises in the back of her throat.

  She feels a finger slide into her core and her hips buck harder against his mouth. She feels his teeth scrape against her clit and she pants, her hand going to his hair as she tries to pull his head closer to her core. He slides in a second finger and slowly moves in and out of her. When he hooks his fingers and hits her g-spot, it causes her entire body to shake in response.


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