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The Broken Curse

Page 8

by Taylor Lavati

  The walk is short, but it's dark now. When I get to her doorstep the darkness really hits me. I can just make out a faint white light in the top room. I knock on the door, but nobody answers. I knock again.


  Panic wells deep in my gut, and I jiggle the handle. Luckily, the door is unlocked, and I push my way inside, tiptoeing in case there is danger. I resist the urge to call for Professor Onassis and creep through her house.

  The kitchen is clear. While I'm in there, I grab a long steak knife, just in case I have to fight someone off. I saunter into the living room, thinking she may have taken a nap, but the room is oddly empty. There's a coffee mug on the wood table, and when I peek inside, it's still half full. She has to have been here recently.

  I've never been anywhere else in her house, so I find the stairs and take them quietly, looking for the faint, white light. It's then that I faintly hear whispering coming from down the hall.

  The lights in the hall are off, and all I can see is a soft glow peeking out from a door at the end of the hallway. I move towards it slowly, trying to figure out if the whispering is good or bad.

  I'm just outside the door when I recognize the voice.

  "Do you need anything else?" Ari asks to, I'm guessing, Professor Onassis.

  "Boy, you've been here all day taking care of me. I'm fine! Go live your life."

  "I think we both know that I have nothing to do."

  "Liar," Professor Onassis says and I can just picture the knowing smirk she probably wears. "How are the war efforts?"

  "Eury's friends are coming in tomorrow. I don't know how she'll feel about it, but they want to help, so they'll be here in the morning."

  "She'll appreciate what you have done for her when this is all over."

  "I know. I just hope that I'm the one she's appreciating."

  "Don't get naughty with me."

  "I'm not!" he yells back, laughing.

  "If you're meant to be, you're meant to be. You'll live,"

  "Will I?" A moment passes of silence.

  "I think we have a guest," Professor Onassis says, and I look behind me for someone else intruding. Then, I realize that I'm the intruder. I decide to make my way into the room before it's obvious I've been eavesdropping.

  "Eury," Ari says, surprised. He steps back away from Professor Onassis' bed. His shoves his hands into his pocket and tilts his head towards me, his dark hair falling in front of his eyes.

  "What brings you down here?" Professor Onassis asks as she adjusts herself in the bed. She sits up straighter, and I hope that it's not for my sake.

  "I just wanted to tell you my decision."

  "With a knife?" Ari asks, humor laced in his voice.

  "Oh," I say, looking down at my right hand, which still grasps the large steak knife. I place the knife on the armoire beside the door and clasp my hands. "I knocked. I thought maybe something was wrong."

  "Well, what's your decision?" Professor Onassis asks, hope in her voice.

  "I think I'll go," Ari says, his eyes trained to the ground. He starts to scoot past me to the door, but then pauses as we're shoulder to shoulder. His eyes find me and hold me. He smiles, but it's sad, and then leaves the room.

  "Wait!" I say before he's gone. "You can stay. It affects you, too."

  "I don't have to."

  "Will you two quit it already?" Professor Onassis cuts in. "Come sit, and let's talk."

  I look over at Ari, and he smiles, rolling his eyes playfully at her. I do as well and we sit at the edge of her bed, together. She looks frail, skinny, even for her. It worries me that she's aging, but I know that it's what she wants. It doesn't make it any easier to watch though.

  "So…" I start to say. Professor Onassis' eyes are on me, expectant and needy. Ari knows my decision—at least, I think he does. But he still watches me with hawk-like vision. "I'm okay with gathering people to take to the Underworld. Truthfully, I don't think we have any other option."

  "Oh, thank the gods," Professor Onassis sighs.

  "She knows that we've been recruiting people," Ari begins to say.

  "You were eavesdropping a while then," Professor Onassis says.

  "Well, yeah. But I saw it in a dream, too."

  "How have your dreams been lately?" Cece asks.

  "Not good. I saw Kara die, felt myself die. Just a lot of darkness," I explain.

  "You felt yourself die?" Ari asks.

  "Yeah. It was a strange dream. Also, I got it when I was walking and passed out. Like it had to come right then. It almost felt like it was pushed into me."

  "That's very interesting." Professor Onassis rubs her palm down to her chin and narrows her eyes, as if she's deep in thought.

  "I think you made a very brave decision," Ari says. "I'm proud of you."

  "Thank you."

  "You two get out of here. An old lady needs her rest. We'll meet tomorrow afternoon with everyone and discuss plans."

  I lean forward over the bed and give Cece a hug. I'm not even sure why but I feel like we both need it. Her arms reach up and rub my back, as if she's the one consoling me. She pushes me back and smiles and then turns over, facing the window. By the door, I flick the light switch down, and her room cuts to darkness.

  I step into the hallway; Ari follows, shutting the door behind me. We walk in silence together to the front door. Ari and I both reach for the handle at the same time, and our hands touch.

  "Sorry," I say and step back.

  "Let me get it." He opens the door and lets me out into the warm night first. I pause at the steps, not wanting to leave Ari just yet. He must pick up on my trepidation because he tugs me against his chest and holds me.

  "Do you want to talk?"

  "No," I answer. "Can you just hold me?"

  "Do you want to come to my house?" he asks.

  "I kissed Ollie," I blurt out.

  "Okay…" he says, not letting go of me.

  "I just—I was with him—and then he—"

  "Eury," he says, taking my head between his hands. "You don't owe me an explanation. I understand you're trying to figure this out. I'm not mad."

  "You should be."

  "You're probably right." He laughs, and it makes me laugh.

  "It's not funny," I tell him, slapping his chest.

  "Come on. I'll make you some hot cocoa."

  Ari takes my hand, and we walk the short distance to his house. It's completely covered in a blanket of darkness, but after Ari unlocks the front door, he quickly runs and turns on the lights. I shut the door behind me and find my way into his kitchen.

  "Do you want to tell me about your dream today?" he asks as he begins to boil water. He grabs a kettle from the black cabinet underneath the counter and fills it from the faucet. I sit at his counter and drum my fingers on the dark granite as he turns on the stove top.

  "You probably won't like it."

  "It was about Ollie?"

  "Yeah. I was marrying him in a little white church."

  "What happened?" Ari asks, resting his elbows on the counter while we wait for the water to boil.

  "I was dropped in when he proposed, then I stayed in the cabin. We were just about to get married, when this pain erupted in my gut. I keeled over and apparently died."

  "I was there," Ari shakes his head, as if he's conjuring the image. "You were so beautiful. I remember that day."

  "Why do you think I dreamt about it now?" I ask him, looking for insight.

  "Were you with Ollie?" he asks.


  "Maybe it was just being near him. Maybe your indecision is conjuring times when you loved him and me. Have you had any dreams of me?" he asks, his voice hopefully.

  "Before my birthday I had a really long one."

  "Which life was it?"

  "Your favorite," I tell him. Ari stares at me. He's looking at me so hard and intently that I know he's trying to convey something. But I don't understand.

  The teapot starts screaming. Ari breaks our stare as
he turns to the stove. I watch as he slowly pours each of us a mug of steaming water and mixes the packets of hot chocolate into them.

  "Where's Cristos?" I ask as he places the mug in front of me.

  "He had to tend to Dimitri. We need him in this war, so Cristos went to get him and bring him back. Whether he likes it or not, we need him."

  "He doesn't want to fight. That seems out of character," I say to myself.

  "Honestly, he won't fight until you chose." I start to object, but Ari continues. "He's being stubborn. He thinks by making a stand, he's helping Orpheus, but he's just hurting us all. He'll come back with Cristos. I know it. I may be closer with Cristos, but Dimitri is still a good guy."

  "Is he your best friend?" I ask him.

  "After you, yeah." He laughs to himself. "Cristos has been by my side during every one of your deaths. I couldn't ask for a more loyal friend."

  "I'm glad you have him."

  "Me too."


  friendly faces

  I walk into the student center with Kara, and it has more people in it. I don't recognize some of the faces in the room. Ari said that my friends were coming in today, and I'm excited to see most of them. However, there are two faces that I dread seeing.

  Lisa and Shane.

  I haven't spoken to either of them since the funeral, and that was only a quick 'sorry' before I ran off. I can't help the guilt I feel every time I see them. Their best friend is dead because of me. It's something that won't ever change.

  "Are you zoning or what?" Kara asks, calling me back to reality.

  "Sorry. I'm just nervous, I guess."

  "Nervous about what?" Mikey asks from across the table.

  "Seeing people." I shrug my shoulders and return my attention to my waffles. I cover them in syrup and whipped cream until they're a sugary perfection.

  As I'm about to take a bite from my waffle, two hands cover my eyes, and I jump in surprise.

  "Guess who?" Kara says for whomever is covering me.

  "I don't know. Who?" I ask and turn so I can see the figure. It's Ollie with Junior by his side. Ollie bends and kisses me on the cheek, making my cheeks heat and pinken.

  "Missed ya," Junior says before walking around the table and sitting beside Kara. He kisses her on the lips, all crazy and passionate, and she giggles at his display of affection.

  There are five of us now at the table—Ollie, Kara, Junior, Mikey, and me. Every time the door behind me opens, I think it's going to be an old friend. The door opens, and I glance behind me as Ari steps into the student center.

  He openly smiles when he sees me, but when he notices the company I'm in, he averts his gaze to the ground and walks past the table. My heart clenches in my chest. I watch as he gets his food and sits at a table at the opposite end of the room.

  "So, Ryder, how are you feeling?" Ollie asks, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I watch Ari, who watches me with a pained expression.

  "I'm fine. You?" I ask back, my gaze never faltering.

  "I'm excited to watch all this go down," Junior cuts in, snapping in front of my face. He's nodding at me, and I nod back, faking a smile. I'm about to get up from the table when Cristos and Dimitri enter through the back doors.

  I relax knowing that Cristos is going to sit beside Ari. It would have hurt me to see him sit alone while I'm here surrounded by friends.

  "Hey, man," Ollie calls as he gets up from the table and greets Dimitri. I don't get up. "What changed your mind?"

  "My brother guilted me. I'm here, though. What's on the docket?" Dimitri glances at me and scowls right in my face. I narrow my eyes back, refusing to stand down. I can't believe he's here.

  "What's up, Ryder. How's life in limbo?"

  "What are you talking about?"

  "You know, two guys, one girl. No choosing."

  "Dimitri, shut up!" Ollie commands, his voice unrelenting and hard. If Dimitri were a human, Ollie would've shut him up fast. But, he's not.

  "No. You can forgive her all you want, but I don't have to."

  "What the hell is your problem?" Cristos gets involved, stepping up to Dimitri right in the middle of the student center. Everyone watches them, forks mid-air. Ari is right behind me, but a step back, like Ollie. We all wait on bated breath for the fight that's inevitably going to happen.

  "I came here for Ollie, but I don't have to put up with this," Dimitri says back, pointing at me. I lunge forward, wanting to slam him in the face, but Mikey holds me back. They're chest to chest now, both panting with adrenaline and rage. Cristos steps back first.

  "I think you should take him for a walk," Cristos tells Ollie.

  "Come on, man." Ollie takes Dimitri by the elbow and walks him out of the student center. The doors slam behind them, echoing in the hollow room. Everyone is deathly silent. No food is being eaten, no drinks are being slurped. I need a break from the drama.

  "I have to go to the bathroom," I say aloud and then sprint from the room. I take the first left out of the room and find the bathroom. I lean myself against the sink and try to breathe before I start bawling.

  "Rough morning?" a familiar voice asks.

  "Lisa?" I turn, and there she is, in the flesh. She looks better than before the break. Her hair is lighter, the auburn streaks redder with the summer sun. She's tan, too, making her skin look flawlessly dark.

  "It's me, all right. Here to fight for you." She opens her arms like she's waving to a crowd. She crosses her arms over her chest and leans her shoulder against the wall.

  "You don't have to. I wouldn't blame you if you didn't want to do this."

  "I'm not doing it for you. I'm doing it for her."

  "Okay. I understand." I turn away so she doesn't see the hurt on my face. I don't have the energy to hide it all right now.

  "I don't hate you," she says, her hand on my shoulder.

  "I don't believe you."

  "Despite this whole thing being your fault," I scoff at her, a sob getting caught in my throat, "I do like you. And Megan loved you. And I support you. We're friends, after all."


  She nods, her lips pursed together. "Really."

  "Thanks. It's just…I didn't know what you'd think of me. I guess I just expected the worse to happen. And then when you weren't here this summer. I don't know—"

  "Girl, what has gotten into you? I've never seen you ramble so much."

  "Sorry. I'm a mess."

  "Clearly." She tucks a piece of hair behind my ear and then pulls a paper towel out of the holder. She roughly rubs under my eyes and pinches my cheeks.

  "Do I look normal now?" I ask her, a strangled laugh bubbling out of me.

  "Not normal, but better. We'll get you fixed up in no time."

  "Thank you, Lisa. For everything."


  the build up

  Lisa and I walk back to the student center together. Our table is considerably fuller. It immediately reminds me of last year when I first came to DGA. The table was crowded and loud. Kara squeals and jumps up when she sees Lisa and darts towards us. Her arms wrap around Lisa's tall body.

  "Oh my God, oh my God; I missed you!" Kara yells as they jump together, moving around in a circle. I smile and stand back, watching them with pure elation.

  I let my eyes roam over the new faces, but they suddenly meet Ari's. He holds me there, refusing to let me see anyone but him. He stares at me with concern clouding his vision. He looks like he's about to stand and come over to fix me. I nod my head, letting him know that I'm okay, and he visibly relaxes.

  "Come sit, Ryder," Mikey says, and I saunter over to him. I take my seat next to him, letting him place his arm over my shoulders, and take a bite of a cereal bar. I say hello to Carter quickly, noticing him sitting next to Junior across from me.

  "So, fill me in on the summertime sadness," Lisa says as she sits beside Kara. Junior is on the other side of her, and the second that Kara sits, Junior kisses her temple and wraps his a
rm around her. "Clearly, that's still going on." She looks at me and rolls her eyes, sticking her finger in her mouth and pretend gagging.

  "Nothing really happened," I say, shaking my head at her.

  "Other than Ryder's sick birthday bash. You missed out." Mikey tightens his hold on my shoulders, tugging me towards him as he speaks.

  "What's the plan for today?" Junior asks.

  "Professor Onassis said we all should be in the training center around noon. She's going to discuss the game plan," I tell everyone.

  Lisa and Kara talk about their summers. Apparently, Lisa already moved her things into the dorm room next to ours. She will hopefully get a new roommate since Megan is gone, and it hurts me to think of Lisa having to be alone. I almost volunteer to let Kara and her room together, but the selfish part of me holds back. I just can't do it. I don't want to be the one alone.

  "Martin!" I yell as I see him enter the student center. I jump up from my seat and give him a hug, squeezing his skinny body. He chuckles, his voice low. I can feel it where I touch him. I let him go and step back.

  "It's good to see you, too," he chuckles as he returns the action.

  "I'm so glad you came."

  "Me too." He smiles, and I notice when I pull back and look at him that he's not wearing glasses anymore. He must notice my curious look, because he nods before answering. "Got some contacts, so I can see better."

  "You look great," I tell him honestly.

  "Come sit, Martin!" Mikey calls, patting the spot beside him.

  We walk over together and sit back down. I swear, I've been up and down, up and down a hundred times so far today. But I'd do it again to see Shane walk through those doors.

  Kara, Lisa, and I walk to the student center together at five before noon. The guys are about ten steps behind us, shoving each other around. I glance back and see Martin laughing with Mikey and Carter. I'm glad that they've accepted him into the group.

  "Stop freaking out," Kara says as she takes my hand in hers. I turn back around and walk with her. She squeezes my fingers, but her touch provides little comfort. My nerves are skyrocketing through my body, my stomach full of bubbles.


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