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Deadly Illusions (Hardy Brothers Security Book 3)

Page 9

by Hart, Lily Harper

  When Mandy insisted it wasn’t necessary, James finally relented and loaded her into his Explorer so he could take her straight home. She was so tired during the trek up the staircase, James ultimately lifted her into his arms and carried her the rest of the way, not putting her down until they were safely locked inside.

  “Do you want me to get you some pajamas?” James’ voice was weary, causing Mandy’s heart to flop over painfully.

  “I think I need to hop in the shower first,” Mandy admitted. “I smell like a dirty ash tray.”

  “I do, too,” he said. “Let’s go and get it over with.”

  Mandy arched an eyebrow. “You can’t be serious.”

  “About taking a shower? Yeah.”

  “That’s all you want to do?” Mandy looked doubtful.

  “That’s all I want to do,” James said. “After a good night’s sleep, I’ll probably feel differently. I can’t even wrap my mind around that right now.”

  Mandy closed her fingers around James’ wrist tightly. “I’m sorry you thought … .”

  “That you were dead?” James’ eyes were hard and pointed. “You’re sorry I thought you were dead because you ran back into a burning building to get a photograph?”

  Mandy took an inadvertent step back, the anger in his voice causing her to flinch.

  James ran a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry,” he said, his voice softer. “I didn’t mean to yell at you. You have no idea what not being able to find you was like. You knew you were okay. I didn’t. I refuse to fight, though. Let’s get in the shower, get cleaned up, and get some sleep. We’ll probably both still feel like fighting – and then making up – in the morning.”

  Mandy wasn’t sure what to think.

  “It’s going to be all right,” James said, running a hand over her matted hair. “I just … I just need to be able to go to sleep and know you’re there beside me, and things will be better after that. I promise.”

  Mandy bit the inside of her cheek, nodding. She turned and moved into the bathroom, dropping her clothes in a heap on the floor as James started the shower, turning the temperature up as high as they both could tolerate. He stripped out of his own clothes and slipped into the shower behind her, reaching for her shower gel as the water sluiced over them.

  Mandy stood beneath the steady stream, letting the water pelt her directly in the face. Her eyes were still burning from all the smoke, but her heart was in the most pain. James’ screams would haunt her for weeks – maybe years – to come. His heartbroken face would plague her nightmares. She felt guilty.

  She jumped when she felt James’ hands in her hair. Without opening her eyes, she detected the unmistakable scent of coconut as he massaged the shampoo into her golden locks. He drew in as close as he could behind her, massaging her scalp with his fingers. She wanted to purr like a cat – but the situation seemed somehow more serious than that.

  After the shampoo rinsed clean, James did the same with the conditioner, ultimately finishing up by filling her purple sponge with body gel and rubbing it over her body until all of the black soot washed away. On a normal night, the shower would have been sensuous. Tonight, though, it was sweet and poignant.

  When he was done, James shut off the shower and wrapped Mandy in a towel before heading toward the bedroom.

  “I’ll be there in a few minutes,” Mandy said.

  “What are you going to do?” James asked, his tone suspicious.

  “I have to blow dry my hair. If I don’t, I’ll wake up looking like Medusa.”

  James looked like he didn’t care, but instead of arguing he turned and walked back into the bathroom, rummaging through a drawer until he found the blue hair dryer. He plugged it in, pushing the toilet seat down so he could sit on it, and then motioning to the spot in front of him.

  Mandy raised an eyebrow, confused.

  “Sit,” James ordered.

  “I can blow dry my own hair,” Mandy said, clutching the towel closer to her chest.

  “Sit,” James repeated.

  Mandy reluctantly lowered herself toward the ground, but James snagged her by the waist and pulled her onto the toilet seat with him, making sure her rear was snug against his groin. He then flipped the hair dryer on before she could protest and started jerking the warm air over her hair.

  Mandy was keenly aware of just how upset he really was – and she felt ashamed. She hadn’t thought it was a big deal when she handed Emma the photograph. She’d been basking in her triumph. James’ reaction was startling, causing her to realize just how close she had come to breaking his heart.

  It took James about ten minutes to dry her hair. Mandy jumped when the hair dryer finally shut off. James’ forehead lowered to the back of her head briefly, and Mandy stilled so he could gather the strength he seemed to be lacking. After a few seconds, James pushed her up in front of him and deposited the hair dryer back in the drawer.

  Once they were in the bedroom, Mandy climbed between the cool, satin sheets and rested her head on the pillow. James flicked the light switch and, even though she couldn’t see him, Mandy could feel him as he slipped beneath the covers next to her.

  Most nights, Mandy slept on her left side and James snuggled in behind her. Then, sometime during the night, they both shifted so she ended up waking up with his left arm around her back and her head on his shoulder.

  Mandy wanted to reach out to him, to comfort him, but she was terrified to push him over the edge.

  It was James who finally reached for her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her body on top of his. He settled her so her head was pressed to his chest – the steady rhythm of his heart already lulling her – and her legs were clamped together between his thighs. He tightened his arms around her, giving her absolutely no wiggle room.

  “You’re never going to be able to sleep like this,” Mandy murmured, already drifting off. “I’m too heavy. You’ll be uncomfortable.”

  “Shh,” James admonished her. “I need to hold you, baby. I just … let me hold you.”

  Mandy sighed, snuggling closer to him and resting her hand on his solid chest. “I love you.”

  “You’ll never know how much I love you,” James whispered.

  That was the last thing she heard before sleep claimed her.

  FINN let himself into Mandy’s dark apartment with the key James had supplied before leaving Emma’s burnt-out former home. He flipped on the hallway light, ushering Emma inside, and locking the door behind them. Emma took a second to adjust to the light, blinking rapidly.

  “This isn’t what I expected,” she said.

  “What did you expect?” Finn asked curiously.

  Emma shrugged. “I don’t know. Something more … homey.”

  “She doesn’t really live her,” Finn reminded her. “Most of her stuff has migrated over to James’ place. There’s very little of her left here now.”

  “If they practically live together, why don’t they actually live together?” Emma asked.

  “It’s a safety net,” Finn explained. “If they officially move in together, that’s significant to both of them.”

  “But you said they spend every night together.”

  “They do.”

  “So they really are living together,” Emma said.

  “You’ll have to broach that subject with them,” Finn said. “Although, after tonight, I have a feeling their official living status is going to be on the fast track.”

  Emma smiled, the idea giving her a small sense of comfort. “Well, thanks for bringing me. I guess I can take a cab back over to the apartment to get my car tomorrow.”

  Finn grunted. “I can take you to get your car.”

  “I don’t want you to have to come all the way back over here,” Emma said. “That doesn’t seem fair. You’ve already gone above and beyond.”

  “Who says I’m leaving?” Finn asked pointedly.

  “I … I … .”

  Finn didn’t let the ready sigh escape his lips
. He was moving too fast. She wasn’t ready – and she’d lost everything she owned tonight. Crowding her wasn’t a good idea. “I’m going to sleep on the couch,” he said. “The bedroom is over there. I just need to get a blanket and pillow.”

  Emma’s shoulders slumped, her relief evident. “Oh. That’s nice of you. You don’t have to, you know. I’ll be perfectly fine on my own.”

  “Yeah?” Finn challenged. “Well, I won’t. I’m exhausted, and I’m not driving another mile tonight. I’ll be comfortable on the couch.”

  “Are you sure?” Emma asked, her lower lip quivering.

  “I’m sure.”

  It took Finn about ten minutes to settle down on the couch. He stripped out of his clothes – which smelled terrible – and stretched out on the couch wearing nothing but his boxer shorts. Emma was already in bed, the day sucking any energy she was holding on to out of her the minute her head hit the pillow. Finn was pretty sure she was already asleep.

  As much as he wanted to dwell on the night’s events – and the fact that Emma had opened herself up to him a little bit – he couldn’t keep his eyes open.

  Finn had no idea how long he’d been asleep when he jolted awake. Someone was crying. He bolted up into a sitting position and cocked his head to listen. It was Emma – and she was whimpering.

  He slid off the couch, his feet tangling in the blanket as he fought to keep his footing. He made his way down to the bedroom and pushed on the door – which Emma hadn’t closed or locked. He couldn’t see specifics in the dark room, but what he did see was enough to make his heart ache. Emma was thrashing in her sleep, making soft mewling sounds in her throat as she fought off some unknown assailant in her dreams.

  Finn wasn’t sure what to do – he just knew he couldn’t let her keep making that noise. It was breaking his heart.

  He stepped over to the bed, sitting on the edge cautiously and reaching over to touch her shoulder. “Emma?” She was still crying, so Finn slipped closer to her on the bed. “Emma?”

  Emma jumped as his body touched hers, her eyes snapping open.

  “It’s me,” Finn said. “You were crying in your sleep. Were you having a nightmare about the fire?”

  “Finn?” Emma choked out a half-expressed sob. “I don’t remember.”

  Finn was conflicted. “Do you want me to stay in here with you? I promise I won’t try anything funny.”

  This time, the sound coming from Emma’s throat was a mixture of laughter and tears. “Do you mind?”

  Finn shook his head wordlessly, slipping under the covers and pulling her close. The strange thing was, he’d been dreaming about this moment since he laid eyes on her – about the time he would finally be in a bed with her. The reality was much different than the dream – but somehow, it was even better.


  Emma woke slowly, stretching. She stilled when she felt a warm body beside her, and then the events of the previous evening hit her.

  She was sharing a bed with Finn Hardy. Sure, they hadn’t done anything, but the simple act of letting him hold her was the most intimate thing she’d done in years. Finn’s rhythmic breathing told her he was still asleep, so Emma cuddled closer to him, basking in the heat and strength emanating from his body.

  Finn shifted, tightening his arm around her. “Good morning,” he murmured into her hair.

  “Good morning,” Emma said, embarrassment rushing in to replace the warmth she’d felt only seconds before.

  Finn either didn’t care – or didn’t notice. He rubbed his chin against her shoulder, pulling her even closer – close enough so she could feel his morning erection poking into her back.

  After a second, Finn must have realized what was happening, because he loosened his grip and shifted his hips back slightly. “I’m sorry,” he muttered.

  She was uncomfortable, but his pitiable apology was enough to make Emma laugh out loud. She rolled on her side so she could face him, marveling how handsome and soft the hard planes of his face looked in the morning light. “I’m taking it as a compliment,” she said.

  Finn’s cheeks were filling with color. “I … um … .”

  “I really hope you don’t say anything to ruin the moment,” Emma said. “That would be a little sad after the gift you gave me last night.”

  Finn arched an eyebrow, confused. “Gift?”

  “Do you even know the last time I slept through an entire night?” Emma asked. “Because I don’t. I slept for eight straight hours last night. That might not seem like much to other people, but it feels like something extra special to me. So, do us both a favor, and don’t ruin it.”

  Finn winked, the gesture charming. “You got it.”

  Emma leaned her head back on the pillow, her stomach growling loudly. Finn snorted out a laugh.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked.

  “I guess so,” Emma said. “I haven’t eaten since dinner last night – and then I drank about a quart of something called a Skinny Girl margarita. Now, apparently, I’m starving.”

  “I could eat,” Finn said, his stomach chiming in with a rumble. “Why don’t we get cleaned up and go pick up some breakfast. I was thinking we could take something over to James and Mandy.”

  “That sounds good,” Emma said. “I really owe her after she risked herself for my photograph. She shouldn’t have done that. No photo is worth anyone’s life.”

  “Yeah, well, that’s not the way Mandy thinks sometimes,” Finn said. “Actually, that’s the problem.”

  “What’s the problem?”

  “She doesn’t think.”

  “She thinks,” Emma countered. “She just puts other people’s needs ahead of her own.”

  “Well, last night, when she put your needs in front of her own, she forgot to take someone else’s needs into account,” Finn said, his tone grim.

  “Your brother’s?”

  “Mandy should have realized that her dying would have killed him, too,” Finn said.

  “If it’s any consolation, I think she realizes that now.”

  “Yeah, but how much damage did she do in the process?” Finn asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Did you see James? Did you see him fall apart? Because, let me tell you something, I’ve never seen him fall apart before,” Finn said. “It freaked me out.”

  “I think it freaked her out, too,” Emma said.

  Finn was quiet for a second. “Let’s get ready. Mandy loves a big breakfast. Those two probably had a rough night. Some good food can only help.”

  “Do you think they’re fighting or something?”

  “I think that James probably let her get some sleep, and then unloaded like a freight train this morning,” Finn said.

  “Maybe we should leave them alone?” Emma suggested.

  “Or we could go and interrupt them and keep my brother from saying something truly awful that he’s going to regret,” Finn countered.

  Emma’s memory flashed to the sight of Mandy kneeling next to James after he crawled to her. “Yeah. Let’s go.”

  EMMA had never been to a security firm, so she was surprised when Finn parked in front of the building.

  “What are we doing here? I thought we were bringing them breakfast?” Emma lifted the greasy bag on her lap, tapping it for emphasis.

  “James’ apartment is on the second floor,” Finn replied, killing the engine. He jumped out of his Escalade and raced around to the passenger side door, opening it for Emma. He helped her down, offering to take the bag, but she held onto it tightly.

  “I’ve got it.”

  Finn used his key to open the main door, locking it behind them as they entered. He motioned to the steps, following Emma up to the second floor. Outside of the apartment, Finn paused to listen.

  “Are you eavesdropping?”

  “I’m seeing if I hear yelling,” Finn hissed. “I’m just being careful.”

  “What do you hear?”

  Finn shrugged. “Nothing.”

p; “Maybe they’re still in bed.”

  “Or maybe they’re pouting in separate rooms,” Finn said. “Breakfast might bring them back together.”

  He rapped on the door quickly, not waiting for – or expecting – an answer. He fit his key into the lock and pushed the door open, figuring it was better to just rip the Band-Aid off.

  James, wearing nothing but a pair of red, satin boxer shorts, was standing behind the couch facing the bedroom when the door opened. He turned toward them when he heard them enter, scowling. “What are you doing here?”

  “Checking on you,” Finn said, putting his hand to the small of Emma’s back and ushering her inside. “We brought breakfast. We figured Mandy would be hungry – and you might need a break.”

  James’ furrowed his brow, confused. “A break from what?”

  “Yelling at Mandy,” Finn said. “How hard did you give it to her this morning?”

  James cocked an eyebrow, a small smile playing at the corner of his mouth. “What makes you think I gave it to her this morning?”

  “Because you … you know … freaked out, man,” Finn said. “I figured you let her get a good night’s sleep, and then completely unloaded on her this morning.”



  “I’m not sure what to say,” James said.

  “Where is she?”

  “Um, she’s in the bedroom.”

  “Is she still alive?” Finn asked.

  “Last time I checked.”

  “What are you doing out here? Getting some space?”

  “Kind of,” James said, glancing over at Emma. “You can put that bag down on the counter.”

  Emma did as instructed, glancing around the apartment. It was small, but comfortable. She could totally see James and Mandy curling up on the couch and cuddling together – even if he was acting really odd right now.

  The door to the bedroom swung open, and Emma’s eyebrows nearly shot off her forehead when Mandy flounced out. She didn’t look like she’d been crying – or been subjected to a particularly rough night. In fact, if her red push-up bra, matching panties, and crimson garter belt were any indication – Mandy and James hadn’t been fighting at all.


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