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The Dark Kingdom Anthology

Page 42

by Krissy V

  “Alek, get Nina, and go into that hidden playhouse. Don’t come out no matter what you hear. We will come and get you. Always remember that I love you,” Mother says softly. She looks over her back, and then takes my hand.

  I nod, and follow her out into the hallway. She gives me another kiss, moves her hand, traces a cross over me in a blessing.

  I run down the hallway, I turn back, and I see her gazing at me from the first step of the stairs. Suddenly a gunshot rings out, and then I see her fall down the stairs.

  I cry out, tears fall down my face. I hear the screams downstairs, and then I run into my sister Nina’s room. I wake her up, and whisper.

  “Nina, let’s go into the playroom,” I say softly.

  Nina’s huge eyes open, and she turns to look at the door listening to the gunshots, the noises, and the screams as they echo down the hallway.

  “Alek, I want Mommy,” Nina says, crying softly.

  “I know, she’ll be here in just a little bit,” I say, taking her hand in mine.

  We run into her huge closet. I pull the hidden latch, and the carpeted door pops open. I grab her hand, and we walk down into the hidden playroom. I press the switch to close the door that drops back into place.

  I wake up every night, relieving that night in my dreams.

  “Alek, Nate reports that you’re ready. I want to see how your training has progressed, since you’re my number one assassin,” Father says, nodding.

  He pulls out a cigar from his black custom-tailored suit pocket, Dima, his soldier steps up to light it. Father inhales, and exhales the smoke, the distinguishable spicy scent envelops the room.

  I nod at him, waiting for him to give me my marching orders.

  “You’ll be ready to work after graduation,” Father says, squinting his dark blue eyes that are identical to mine. It’s more a statement than a question.

  “Yes,” I say nodding, clenching my jaw.

  “Then let’s see what you can do,” Father says, walking towards the gun range.

  After I’m finish at the range, my father walks over to me. He places his hand on my shoulder, beaming .

  “Alek, you’re my number one assassin, I’ll call you chernaya smert' (black death),” Father says, smirking. He hugs me clapping his hand on my shoulder.

  “Da (yes),” I say, nodding, clapping his shoulder.

  “The Elites will be pleased to learn that you’re ready to step into my shoes if ever necessary. The Prince of the Elites, Trent Konig, wants to arrange a sit-down and meet you,” Father says, taking a drag of his cigar.

  “Da,” I say, crossing my arms, waiting for him to stop talking so I can show him what he wants, and this little chat will be done. .

  “I’m proud of you son, you’re now ready in all aspects,” Father says, gazing into my eyes.

  I return his gaze, taking in his feelings for me, which is something I never did see, or much less felt. I’m so damn surprised. I fucking didn’t expect to hear him say that.

  “Spasibo otets (thank you, Father),” I say, taking a step back.

  “chernaya smert', I want you to have dinner with me and my associates this Friday at six,” Father says, nodding as he takes a drag off of his cigar.

  “Ok,” I say, crossing my arms over my chest. He’s never invited me to one of his business dinners before, and I’m not quite sure how to take it.

  “Take care chernaya smert',” Father says, patting me on the cheek and walking away.

  I clench my jaw, detesting the moniker he gave me. Fuck! He’s so damn proud that I’m an assassin, a fucking soldier mindlessly working to satisfy his damn greed. I’m his son, not a weapon he can just point at a problem and unleash.

  What the fuck?

  I watch him leave with his soldiers trailing obediently behind him like a group of puppies.

  I go into the house and shower. I have dinner with Grandma and Nina that night and all my troubles dissipate.

  Later that night, I sit with my guitar practicing. This is my favorite time of the day, well next to when I see Ruby .

  I’m writing a song, and I know it’s corny, but it’s about how she makes me feel. I strum the guitar strings, allowing my eyes to drift closed as I sing.

  I stop to write the words down. Ruby knocks on my window, and I set the guitar down next to my bed. I open the window and she slides one long leg inside and then her other leg.

  I take one look at her tear-stained face and pull her into my arms.

  “What’s wrong Princess?” I say, rubbing her back. I can’t stand seeing her cry.

  “She finally did it, she left without me. Father is beyond pissed off,” Ruby says, blinking. The tears roll down her smooth pale face.

  “Are you sure that she left?” I say, frowning.

  How could she do that? I know that she’s always threatened to do this, but I still can’t understand how she could just leave Ruby behind. I don’t understand. Ruby ’s dad is running to be Mayor.

  “Yeah, Father was in his office talking to the last guest. And Mother said that she wasn’t feeling well and retired early. I went to my room since the two couples left early. An hour later father came up after the guest departed and discovered that she left us,” Ruby says, tearfully.

  “I’m sorry Princess, maybe she’s only gone for a day or two,” I say, holding her close.

  God, I love this girl and hate to see her crying.

  “It’s like my mother doesn’t love me either! I know that she hates my father, and with good reason, but she left without me. She left a note on her bed, look,” Ruby says, gasping, talking between gasps. She hands me the note.

  I’m sorry Ruby, I couldn’t take you with me. Your father would kill me. I pray that you will forgive me. Love you, Mother

  “I’m sorry that she left you, Ruby. I know that we never talked about it, but did your father hit her or you?” I say holding her close.

  “Uh, no. He never hit me, but I think that maybe he did Mother, because sometimes she had bruises on her face or body that she tried to explain away, but her stories never fit.” Ruby says, closing her eyes.

  “Ah, well, maybe she felt that she had no other choice and that it’s best that she just left,” I say, rocking with her to calm her down.

  “Yeah, but what about me? She left me,” Ruby says, angrily.

  “I know, but maybe she’ll come back to get you. You wouldn’t want her to get really hurt if she stayed, would you?” I say moving my lips to press a kiss to her forehead.

  “No . . . but it doesn’t change the fact that it hurts that she left,” Ruby says, looking up at me with her huge hazel eyes.

  I don’t know what else to say or do, so I kiss her softly. Then our kiss turns deeper, and I move my hands up and down her back. I pull her closer to me as we fall onto my bed.

  Ruby pulls away from me and looks up at me blinking.

  “Alek, can I stay here tonight? I need to be close to you,” Ruby says, moving her arms up to my neck.

  “Yes,” I say, nodding. I gaze into her warm eyes, falling into her beautiful soul.

  God, she makes me feel good, safe, and like I’m someone worthy and not a piece of shit. She lights up my life.

  This is not going to be a restful night for me because I’m on fire, and I know that she wouldn’t want to make love.

  Not that we ever have, yet.

  But she does want me to make out, which is like putting gasoline on a four-alarm blaze.

  My hormones are going crazy.


  Yeah, this is fucking torture.

  But I can’t refuse her.

  Chapter Two


  A year later

  “What are you doing here Princess?” Alek asks turning to watch me as I climb through the window, just like I have a thousand times before.

  He stops playing his guitar watching me as I slide my other leg over his windowsill.

  “What do you mean Alek. I wanted to see you?” I say walking ove
r to him. I sit next to him on his bed.

  “It’s not a good idea,” Alek says, pushing his hair out of his eyes, his biceps flex. He sets his guitar next to the bed.

  God, he’s so freaking hot. I love his wavy dark brown hair that’s a little long, I often find myself imagining what it would feel like if I ran my fingers through it.

  I look at his beautiful dark blue eyes that get darker as he looks at me. I noticed a change in Alek, he looks at me a little different than he did before. I’ve noticed that he’s more intense than before, darker.

  Yeah, we’re older and not little kids anymore, but he’s still my best friend, and I love him.

  I wrap my arm around his waist, I fall back, pulling him with me, we fall onto our backs.

  “Alek, we’re almost finished with school and Father just informed me that he wants me to go to college in Washington,” I say, closing my eyes.

  “That sucks,” Alek says, kissing my cheek, and slowly moves down to kiss my neck.

  “Alek, why don’t you go with me? We can be together. I don’t think that I can live with you being so far away,” I say, holding him closer.

  Alek pulls back, and gazes into my eyes searching for what I don’t know. He looks upset.

  “I can’t go to college Ruby because my father has plans for my future,” Alek says, clenching his jaw.

  I can see that he’s pissed off. I move my hand up to cup his face, sitting up.

  “Alek, what’s wrong,” I ask, looking at his aggravation.

  “Nothing is wrong. But I do feel that we need to stop making out,” Alek says, pulling away. He runs his hand through his hair, allowing his eyes to slide closed.

  “Alek, tell me, what’s wrong? You never minded before. I mean you always want to make out,” I say moving my hand up to trace his beautiful full lips.

  “Yeah, but now it’s harder,” Alek says, closing his eyelids halfway, attempting to hide his lust, his need.

  “What do you mean? I still don’t get it Alek. I thought that you loved to make out as much as I do,” I say, moving my hand down to slide it under his t-shirt and up his sculpted chest.

  He gasps, closes his eyes as a groan escapes his mouth.

  He’s so handsome, strong, and taller than the other boys. He’s always training hard, he looks more like he’s a professional football player, but he doesn’t play football. He doesn’t want to and doesn’t have time for the game since he’s always training at home.

  “Yeah, I do but it’s hard to stop,” Alek says, moving his face into my neck. His hot lips drop soft butterfly kisses.

  “Who said I want you to stop? I don’t want you to,” I say pulling off his t-shirt.

  He pushes me onto my back, pulls my t-shirt up and over my head. He moves his hands to cup my breasts, gazing into my eyes, watching me closely for any signs of hesitation. He rubs his fingers over my tight nipples, then twists them.

  I’ve always known he loves my breasts and I love his mouth and hands on me. Exactly why I don’t wear a bra when I come over.

  Alek growls, takes my mouth in his, kissing me deeply, desperately. Our tongues swirl, spar, eager to continue the timeless dance of love.

  He moves his mouth down my jaw, nibbling and kissing my jawline, making his way down my neck.

  “Princess, are you sure? I wouldn’t be able to stop if I continue,” Alek says, stopping right before his lips reach my breast.

  He takes my nipple into his mouth, sucking and releases it to lick at the peak. He moves to the other nipple, grabbing my breasts with both hands.

  “Yes, I’m sure,” I say, soon as I catch my breath.

  He pulls back and pulls my yoga pants along with my lacy thong down, looking at my bare flesh as it’s revealed to him for the first time.

  He moves his lips down my thigh, kissing soft butterfly kisses. Slowly he kisses my aching flesh, licking down and up the honey coated flesh.

  Oh my god! My legs are boneless, it’s such an amazing feeling that’s spreading through my body.

  Slowly he sucks and licks my swollen flesh, driving me insane.

  “God Alek, that feels good,” I say, holding his head closer to my throbbing flesh.

  Alek slowly sucks, licks, looking at me, his dark blue eyes glitter like sapphires. He slides one finger inside, and then another watching my reaction.

  “Princess, let me get a condom,” Alek says, pulling his fingers away, rubbing my swollen flesh.

  “Uh, ah. . . .No, don’t use one. I want to feel all of you our first time. Don’t worry, I went to get on birth control,” I say, looking at him.

  “Fuck, you’re killing me,” Alek says, leaning down to suck my wet flesh.

  Alek pulls away, gazes into my eyes, searching for confirmation.

  “Are you sure that we’re going to do this?” Alek says, moving his hand to cup my cheek.

  I look at him, meeting his gaze head on as I push up, holding onto his shoulders, kissing his lips. I move my hands down his chest, kissing his neck moving my hands up his back, enjoying the warm smooth skin.

  “Yes, I’m sure,” I say, nodding licking his nipple.

  Alek groans, pushes away and stands looking down at me. His eyes slowly roam my body, taking me all in, stopping at my swollen flesh.

  “God, you’re so beautiful,” Alek says, taking off his pants.

  I look at his engorged flesh, and I sit up reaching for him. He hisses when I touch him, moving my fingers around the soft crown. My mouth waters, I look up at him through my eyelashes moving my hand down his length.

  “Alek, your cock looks so beautiful,” I say stroking him.

  Alek looks at me through the slits of his half close eyelids, gasping.

  “You’re killing me,” Alek says in a low raspy voice.

  God, he looks so sexy, a man and not a boy. I love him so much. I’m going to taste him now.

  I lean my head down, slowly lick his crown, moaning. I open my mouth, slowly suck the tip of his cock between my lips, moving his flesh further down my mouth.

  “Damn Princess that feels fucking good,” Alek says, growling. He moves his hands to gather my hair back from my face.

  I look up at him to see his eyes swirling with lust and love, I want to see him lose control. I continue to suck his cock, and then run my tongue underneath his cock.

  Alek starts thrusting forward and then stops. He pulls his cock out, shaking his head.

  “Later, you can suck my cock later. I need to be inside you,” Alek says, pushing me back on the bed.

  He moves up between my legs and rubs his wide crown where I long to feel him most.

  “Alek, stop teasing me. Get inside already,” I say, grabbing his hips.

  “Impatient much?” Alek says with a wry grin, thrusting deeply inside, seating himself to the hilt.

  “Fuck! That hurt Alek,” I say, closing my eyes. I inhale deeply, and exhale trying to relax.

  “I’m sorry, baby. There was no way around it, are you still hurting?” Alek says, kissing my neck, then kisses me. His hands caress my breasts and toy with my nipples sending a warm shock straight to my core.

  Wow, it’s starting to feel good.

  “Alek, I need you to move,” I say, moving my hands to cup his face. I smile shyly and pull him down for a kiss.

  He kisses me like a starving man, desperate and ready to ravish me.

  Alek moves tentatively at first, and then he goes wild, thrusting in deeper and faster.

  “Oh my god Alek! You feel so good,” I say, moaning. I hold onto his shoulders and I meet him thrust for thrust.

  Alek’s heated eyes look at me, his lips are slightly open as he pants, pushing inside faster. He looks so beautiful.

  “Princess, you’re so damn tight and wet. This is so damn good,” Alek says, gasping. He moves his fingers down to my swollen flesh pressing and rubbing as I see stars.

  We fall off the edge together, connected, one soul residing in two bodies.

  Chapter Three


  “Ruby, where are you?” Father calls, walking down the hallway.

  I sit up grabbing my pillow to hug it. I hate when he comes to talk to me, because he’s always drunk, and not very nice.

  He doesn’t hurt me, but I’m scared of him, I don’t trust him, especially since Mother never returned. He’s always mean, hurtful, saying awful things about her. I remember my mother would try to cover up the bruises, but I know that he did hit her. I didn’t see it, but I heard it and the next day I would see the evidence as it bloomed on her face, or arms.

  I move my hand to tuck my hair behind my ear. I’m so nervous, my hands shake. I can hear his steps echo on the tile floor, and then he stops in front of my door. He knocks, which I’m always thankful that he does that much at least.

  “Yeah?” I say, sitting straight, trying to appear calm and confident.

  “Ruby, I need to talk to you,” Father says, loudly.

  “Yeah, come in,” I say, looking at the door wide eyed.

  The door opens, as my father looks at me with his dark brown eyes. He takes a step inside my room and stops, pointing at me.

  “Ruby, I want you to pack your stuff because I’m sending you to Washington to my sister. She’s going to take you in until you go off to college,” Father says, taking a long drink from his tumbler of whiskey.

  “Okaaaay?” I say, completely confused, and unsure of what has transpired. I nod, hugging the pillow closer.

  “Yes, I’m a busy man Ruby. I’m going to spend a lot of time campaigning, and what not. I’m going to run for governor in a couple of years and I need to be ready,” Father says, nodding.

  “Okay,” I say, looking at his face.

  I don’t know how people trust him. He’s so false and mean. I can’t believe that the people fall for his lies.

  “Good, I’m happy that you’re always so obedient. You will like your Aunt Wilma and your cousins Darcy and Doris. You only have, what? It’s about four more months in high school? You can finish in Washington. And you can go to college up there, or you can pick somewhere in California.”


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