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Etheric Researcher: A Kurtherian Gambit Series (Etheric Adventures: Anne and Jinx Book 2)

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by S. R Russell

  “Well, if I remember my physics, you can change energy’s form, but you can’t just get rid of it.” Anne shook her head slowly as she pondered the problem.

  Could we send it to the Etheric place? Jinx gave up on her kibble and laid by the kitchen doorway. Anne would make her wait a few moments for her steak so it would be cool enough to eat without burning her mouth, so she relaxed.

  Let me think. Anne was quiet as she flipped the steaks. After ninety seconds she took Jinx’ out of the pan, followed by her own thirty seconds later. She added a potato-like vegetable, and her dinner was complete. Jinx’ meat got cut into four pieces to make it less messy to eat, and both girls settled in for their suppers.

  Even though Jinx had learned to eat slowly, her teeth were much better designed to chew meat than a human’s were. Jinx finished her steak in half the time it took Anne to eat her meal. Once they were both done and the dishes had been cleaned up, they moved into the public area and flopped down on the couch.


  “Your idea is good. I’m just not quite sure how to accomplish it,” Anne said. She spoke aloud for the noise, as opposed to any need.

  “I remember people on Earth claiming that certain gems or crystals, and even precious metals, could channel energy. I guess the best place to start would be to get a bunch of samples and see if they react to Etheric energy. If any respond, we’ll know they have some sort of connection. Then we’ll see if we can get them to transfer energy from this side into the Etheric. To someone who doesn’t know what’s happening it might look impossible, but we’d just be moving the energy to a different realm.”

  You could try using that energy to power your Etheric-based combat abilities, Jinx suggested.

  “It would be a good idea, but only if we could somehow store it. That way I could tap into it when I need it. I don’t need to have fireballs appear, just because someone kicked you, especially if I’m already using some sort of weapon.”

  Oh, good point. Jinx’ ears drooped a little.

  “No, it’s a clever idea,” Anne reassured her friend. “Step one, see if we can channel energy to the Etheric. Step two, find a way to convert kinetic energy into a form that will transfer. Step three would be to see if we can find a way to store that energy so I can tap into it for combat.” She smiled at Jinx. “See, we have a plan. Now we just need to see if we can make it work.”

  Jinx let out a long sigh. I bet this is going to be boring.

  “It might be,” Anne admitted, “but the good thing about it is that we have something to work on. That’s what the Empress hired me to do. Even if it is long and boring, at least I’ll be able to report on what we are attempting. I’ve hated it, being hired as a researcher and not being able to think up anything to research. At least now we’ve got a valid project!” She punched the air with excitement.

  Are we starting tonight? After that workout and steak, I’m ready for bed. Jinx yawned, emphasizing her point.

  “Yes and no,” Anne told her cryptically, then held up a finger to forestall Jinx’ response. “Meredith, please contact ADAM for me. I’d like to talk to him for a few moments at most.”

  Meredith’s voice came from the room’s speakers. “Message sent, Anne.”

  She smiled at Meredith’s response. “Thanks, Meredith.”

  Anne knew some people weren’t very polite to Meredith. They were part of a “why waste courtesy on a computer?” crowd. But despite knowing that Meredith was the station’s EI, Anne took a slightly different view. Anytime she had talked to Meredith the EI sounded just like a person, so Anne thought of her as an EP—Electronic Person—and treated Meredith the same way she’d treat any other adult.

  “You’re welcome, Anne. Have a good evening.”

  Before Anne could say, “Thanks, you too,” ADAM contacted her.

  >> Meredith said you wanted to speak with me?<<

  Yes, ADAM, thanks, Anne answered. Knowing the room had a microphone, along with its speakers, Anne asked, “Can we do this over the speakers so Jinx can hear too?”

  “Certainly. I apologize for not thinking of that myself.” ADAM’s voice now came from the room’s speakers.

  Jinx looked at the ceiling and barked her agreement.

  “You spent several years on Earth, didn’t you?” Anne asked.

  “Affirmative. I spent several years with Bethany Anne on Earth. Why do you ask?”

  “I was hoping that among all the information you acquired from Earth, you might have certain references. I’m wondering about materials that are supposed to be able to channel energy. Even unsubstantiated reports might help us. I’d like a list of articles on materials or compounds that I can test. I need to find something that actually works.” Anne tried to be as specific as possible so that she would get the broadest return from ADAM.

  “What are you attempting?”

  “Jinx can’t stand up against more foot-pounds of energy than she weighs. She’s tired of getting thrown out of a fight temporarily because of it. We want to see if there is some way to convert that force into energy. I want to discover if we can channel that force into the Etheric as energy, which hopefully would reduce the physical impact on her. I just don’t have a clue where to begin. Testing any materials either proven or rumored to channel energy is the best place I could think of to start, and I expect you have a much more comprehensive database than I do.”

  “You are probably correct. A complete search of everything I have will take seventy-three minutes, eleven seconds,” Adam informed her.

  “Wow, cool! You must have all kinds of information to go through if it’s going to take that long. Thank you so much!” Anne was practically bouncing with excitement.

  Careful, please, Jinx warned. I enjoyed my steak, but not enough to have it revisit.

  Oops, sorry! Anne settled down and stroked the top of Jinx’ head, which was tucked against Anne’s leg. “ADAM, would you please send your results to my tablet? I think Jinx and I are heading to bed.”

  “Certainly, Anne. Have you considered that if you are going to be doing a lot of research you might find having your own EI beneficial?”

  Anne’s eyes practically bugged out of her head at the thought of having an EI, then she sobered considerably. “I don’t know. It wouldn’t be like Achronyx, would it?” As an example of the difference between an AI and an EI, Anne could detect a chuckle in ADAM’s reply.

  “No, I doubt very much if your EI would be like Tabitha’s. You need to remember that Tabitha was a top-notch hacker before she joined Bethany Anne’s group. In her reality, computers are things she controls. I don’t think that attitude sat well with Achronyx in their early days together, something that undoubtedly helped mold his acerbic personality.”

  Anne smiled and nodded at ADAM’s comment, since she had been the target of Ranger Two’s biting wit. Anne giggled to herself, wondering if Tabitha were responsible for her Achronyx’ personality quirks. “Who do I ask about the possibility?”

  “Consider the request logged. I’ll talk with Bethany Anne about your need for your own computer support.”

  “Cool! Thank you so much, ADAM. If the Empress approves, would you share your information files with it?” Anne asked. She wanted the largest possible database, considering all the strange and probably esoteric research she hoped to do.

  “There is a slightly weird and somewhat disgusting human saying about teaching your elders to suck eggs. Rest assured that any EI I provide will be equipped with an appropriate database,” ADAM assured her.

  Anne’s eyes went wide once again as the implications of ADAM’s statement sank in. “Oh, wow, sorry! I didn’t know you’d be providing the EI.”

  “Humans have another saying. ‘If you want something done right…’”

  Anne completed the saying silently in her head: “do it yourself.”

  “Do it yourself,” ADAM finished.

  “Thank you, ADAM, for your help tonight, and for the chance of an EI to work with.” Just then the y
awn she had been holding back overcame her.

  “You’re welcome, Anne, and goodnight to you. The results you requested will be on your tablet when you wake.” ADAM cut their connection.

  “Wow, ADAM giving us our own EI should help a lot," Anne commented to Jinx. “Let’s head to bed. We can check ADAM’s results in the morning.”

  Anne stretched as she stood, and with Jinx at her side, she made her way to the bedroom.


  >> Bethany Anne?<<

  Bethany Anne, Queen Bitch and Empress of the Etheric Empire, suppressed a sigh at the interruption of her bedtime routine. Yes, ADAM?

  >> It seems that your Etheric Researcher has her first project. She wants to develop a system that takes energy from our world and transfers it to the Etheric. <<

  Is that even possible? And why?

  >> She’s trying to take kinetic impact energy and transfer it to the Etheric to reduce the energy transfer to a lighter person’s armor. <<

  Bethany Anne had been braiding her hair for sleep, but ADAM’s information caused her to freeze as she considered the implications. Fuck, could she apply the same technology to our ships?

  >> Unknown. However, if she gets something to work on a small scale it might be possible to get it to work as part of a larger application.<<

  Keep me up to date. Bethany Anne resumed braiding her hair, then stopped again when another thought came to mind. Why are you bringing this to my attention now?

  >> Anne has asked me to research some information for her, and I can only provide that sort of assistance when we are in the same space as the Meredith Reynolds. << ADAM went quiet. He had a bet with TOM on how long it would take Bethany Anne to connect the dots. One point seven-four seconds later…

  She needs her own EI.

  >> That is consistent with my analysis of the situation. And thank you.<<

  For what?

  >>I bet TOM that it would take you less than two seconds to come to that conclusion.<<

  What were the stakes?

  >>TOM will be funding Anne’s new EI.<<

  You make it sound like she needs something special.

  >>Considering her first project, my heuristic analysis indicates a seventy-eight-point-three-nine-percent chance that she will eventually need an AI as an assistant. I want to give her something that can either grow that much or be upgraded as needed to continue to meet her demands.<<

  Wow. Bethany Anne took a moment to finish her braid and tied it off with a strand of leather that used to be Michael’s. She had to bite her lip to keep the tears at bay. Whenever she used or saw something that reminded her of her missing friend and lover, she wanted to cry. All right, I will trust you to take care of the situation. Is there anything else going on that I need to know about?

  >>Nothing that requires your attention before morning.<<

  Right, Bethany Anne sent as she climbed under her covers. Goodnight. I’ll talk to you both in the morning.


  Anne and Jinx rose early, since it was a school day, and after a quick breakfast they headed to class. Anne let Jinx’ pressure against her leg guide her while she looked over the list that ADAM had sent her.

  Holy crap, she said to Jinx. I hope Bethany Anne doesn’t freak at the cost of this.

  Why, is it a lot of expensive stuff? Jinx asked her.

  Almost every precious or semi-precious gemstone known to mankind is on the list, along with most precious metals. I’m going to have to look up some compounds to even know what they are, and those’re just the Earth-based elements! In addition, ADAM has a list of compounds and gems he’s become aware of since we’ve been in Yollin space. We’re going to need a vault to store everything.

  Jinx’ ears flattened reflexively at the whine in Anne’s mental voice. How are you going to test them? Jinx asked her person, then had to react quickly when Anne responded to the question by stopping suddenly.

  Anne had noticed the backward flex of Jinx’ ears and realized she was complaining more than explaining. She took several seconds to compose herself and give Jinx’ question the respect it deserved.

  I’m guessing that if we want to route the energy to the Etheric, whatever we end up using has to respond in some way to Etheric energy. Anne’s answer was slower than her normal conversational speed as she thought through the possibilities. I think I’ll have to channel Etheric energy through whatever we test and see what happens. We might find out that the substance we need has no reaction at all.

  How do you figure? Jinx was getting confused now.

  If we’re looking for something that can move energy into the Etheric, having something that shows little or no reaction might be an indicator that it’s moving the energy somewhere. Anne hoped her explanation made sense. She was thinking of the problem in terms of electricity. If you had highly conductive wire that was the right size for the current being sent through it, you didn’t notice any change to the wire.

  I guess that makes sense. Do you expect the process to be destructive? Jinx asked.

  A “Huh” came through their link, then there was a second of quiet before Anne answered, No, I wouldn’t expect so. What are you thinking?

  Jinx couldn’t help but wag her tail. She knew she didn’t think like a human, but it still gave her a thrill of satisfaction when Anne treated her as an equal. If you are not destroying things, you can ask to borrow the items for testing. Give the Empress’ people a list of things you want to test, and ask for so many a week. If you get an EI like ADAM hinted, have it record your tests. Then you just return anything that doesn’t work.

  Anne stopped again, purposely this time, and bent to kiss Jinx on the head.

  Brilliant! she told her friend, and then they had to concentrate on the crowd of teens heading into the school.


  Anne was glad her time in the Pod-doc had tuned up her brain as well as fixing her body, because she was only half-listening to her lessons. The rest of her concentration was devoted to figuring out a way to test samples. It became apparent that she wasn’t even half-listening when Jinx interrupted her thoughts.

  The answer is “perceive.”


  Mr. Fredericks asked you a question, and the answer is “perceive.”

  “Perceive, sir,” Anne parroted what Jinx had told her.

  Anne had an extremely difficult time keeping a straight face when her teacher nodded and said, “I’m glad to see you are paying attention, Miss Jayden.”

  “Yes, sir. Thank you, sir,” Anne said as Mr. Fredericks turned to question a boy sitting in the back. He seemed more focused on whispering to the pretty girl in front of him than listening to the teacher.

  Thanks! Anne sent the heartfelt message to Jinx.

  De nada, came Jinx’ mental voice. Are you trying to figure out how to test the samples?

  Wait, “de nada?” Anne queried.

  I think it sounds better than saying “It’s nothing” or “No problem,” Jinx replied.

  We all have idiosyncrasies, so you’re certainly entitled to yours. And to answer your question, yes, I’ve been thinking about how to do testing. Because of that, I wasn’t paying attention, so thanks again. Anne told her as she reached a hand down to give Jinx a surreptitious rub behind the ears.

  The rest of the school day proceeded without further incident, and Anne and Jinx eagerly joined the multitudes exiting the facility.


  “Meredith?” Anne said quietly after she and Jinx had cleared the crush of students heading to their homes.

  “Yes, Anne? What can I do for you?” the station’s EI answered through Anne’s implant.

  “ADAM sent a list of items to my tablet. You can read that, right?”

  “Citizens of the Etheric Empire have certain rights to privacy,” Meredith told her. “I can access those files with your permission, but unless Security had reason to suspect you of unlawful behavior, I would not do that.”

  “Oh, that makes sense. It’s fin
e, Meredith. You have my permission to read the files ADAM sent me last night,” Anne assured the EI.

  “That is quite the list, Anne. I assume you need some information, since you have brought it to my attention.”

  “Yes. I’m going to need to borrow samples of those items for testing. Who is the best person for me to contact to get them?” Anne asked Meredith.

  “Is this in conjunction with your work for the Empress?” Meredith replied.

  “Yes,” Anne responded. “I guess I should have told you that first thing.”

  “That’s all right,” Meredith reassured the girl. “It just becomes more official in this instance. I think Cheryl Lynn would be the best person to contact. She has enough authority to authorize the release of those items to you. Additionally, she probably knows who to contact to acquire them.”

  Anne skipped a few paces down the corridor in excitement. “That’s great, Meredith! Could you message Cheryl Lynn for me, please, and ask her to contact me at her convenience?”

  “Certainly. It’s done, Anne,” Meredith informed the girl. “Is there anything else I can help you with?”

  “Thanks, Meredith, but that was all I needed at this moment. Have a great evening,” Anne said to the EI.

  Meredith had spoken with Anne enough over the past few months to know that Anne didn’t differentiate when she talked to people. Four-footed, electronic, or organic, Anne treated them all with the same politeness and respect. So instead of pointing out the ridiculousness of wishing an EI a good evening, Meredith responded with a simple, “You and Jinx also, Anne.”


  Jinx and Anne had reached their home and Anne had finished her homework before her tablet chimed with an incoming call.

  “Hello?” Anne said after touching the screen to accept the call.

  “Hi. Anne, right?” a woman’s voice said from the tablet.

  “Yes, that’s me. Is this Cheryl Lynn?” Anne responded.

  “Yep. Good guess.” Anne could hear the smile in Cheryl Lynn’s voice.

  “Not terribly difficult,” Anne told her. “I was expecting you to call, and I don’t get many calls from adult women.”


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