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Life at the Ranch

Page 8

by Malone, Misty

  She was crying, and he was pretty sure she wasn't even aware he'd ended the spanking. He rubbed her back again, and leaned down to talk softly into her ear. When she realized the spanking had stopped she was able to calm down gradually. Then he lifted her, sitting her on his lap. He wrapped her in his arms and guided her head to his shoulder. She allowed it, but she wasn't very receptive to him. He was concerned, and started talking to her softly.

  “Honey, it's all over now. Lean against me and let me comfort you. You're a very special lady to me, you know.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead. She didn't say anything. He continued talking to her softly, but she didn't respond much. She didn't try to fight him or get away, but she didn't seem to cuddle into him, either.

  “Alicia, are you okay?”

  “I don't know. I'm sore.”

  “Other than a sore bottom, are you okay? Do you want to talk about anything?”


  Bo wasn't comfortable with the way she was acting, but he wasn't sure what to do. Maybe she just needed time to digest everything. He and Wyatt had talked a little while they were anxiously waiting for the girls earlier. He knew Wyatt had spanked Kayla a few times. Maybe Alicia would talk to her tomorrow and that would help. He wanted to try and get her to talk to him, but he knew that sometimes she needed to think things through in her head before she was ready to talk about them. He hoped this was one of those times. Maybe it would be better not to push yet, but give her some time.

  With that thought, he gave her another little hug and a gentle kiss on the top of her head. “Are you ready to go in and have some pizza with Wyatt and Kayla, or do you want a little more time first?”

  She sighed, but sat up. “No, let's go get this over with. It's going to be embarrassing.”


  She looked at him like he had three heads. “Because they know what we were doing.”

  “They know we were doing the same thing they were doing.”

  “It's still embarrassing.” She had stood up and was almost to the door before he caught up with her and took her hand in his. He closed the door behind them and they walked hand in hand up to the house. Wyatt and Kayla were already in the living room. She was sitting on his lap in a chair, and they were kissing when they walked in.

  Bo cleared his throat, and they both looked up. “Come on in and sit down,” Wyatt said casually. “What does everyone like on their pizza?”

  “I'm good with anything,” Bo said as he sat down on the couch, pulling Alicia down to sit beside him.

  “Me, too,” she mumbled.

  Both men's eyebrows shot up at her monotone answer, but neither said anything.

  They had their pizza, but Alicia was notably quieter than normal, despite everyone's efforts to lighten the atmosphere. When Bo told her good night before going to his house, she returned his kiss, but it was missing much of the passion she generally put into them.

  Bo didn't sleep well that night. He wasn't sure what he should or should not do. He finally fell asleep, hoping she thought it out in her head, and soon.

  Chapter 6

  Wyatt and Bo were both busy doing chores the next morning and didn't get a chance to talk at all until they went in for breakfast. Bo was anxious to talk to Alicia this morning, but she wasn't in the kitchen or the dining room.

  Maria saw him looking around. “She's not here. She left early this morning.”

  He was instantly concerned. “Where'd she go?”

  “I don't know. All she said was she'd be back later tonight, after supper. Is she okay?”

  “Why do you ask?”

  “She acted like something was wrong. Is everything okay with her?”

  “As far as I know,” Bo answered. “But she didn't tell me she wouldn't be here, so something's not right.”

  Wyatt waited until they were alone again before talking to Bo. “I wanted to talk to you this morning. What happened last night?”

  “I'm not sure exactly,” Bo admitted. He went on to explain his concerns about last night. “Any suggestions?”

  “Let me call Kayla and see if she's heard from her.”

  A quick phone call gave them a little information. “She's at Kayla's,” Wyatt said. “She couldn't say much, but apparently they're talking.”

  “I hope she'll talk to Kayla, because she wouldn't open up to me last night. I don't know what to do. My instincts tell me to go over there and get her, bring her home, and sit her down and talk. But if she's not ready to talk yet, that might make things worse.”

  “I hear you, Bo. I'm not sure what to tell you, either, other than let's see how she is when she gets home tonight. Maybe I can talk to her.” Bo was not happy, but he nodded.

  * * *

  “That was Wyatt, wasn't it?” Alicia flounced down in a chair in Kayla's living room.

  “Yes, it was. Bo's worried about you.”

  “No, he isn't. Not really.”

  Kayla sat across from her friend. “Why do you say that? What happened last night?”

  Alicia looked around again before answering quietly, “I told you. He spanked me.”

  “I know that. And you don't have to worry about whispering. Mom and Dad are on vacation for another two weeks. It's just me and Loretta, and she's in town this morning. Now, let's get back to last night. You told me he spanked you, but what has you so upset?”

  “Kayla, did you hear me? I said he spanked me. And he wasn't just playing around, either. It really hurt!”

  “Was that the first time he spanked you?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “You didn't have any idea he might spank you before?”

  “Well, maybe, but not like that!”

  “What exactly does that mean? Did he tell you he would spank you?”

  “Yes, but I didn't know he was serious. And I certainly didn't know it would hurt that much.” She stomped her foot. “It really hurt!”

  Kayla had to fight back a chuckle, which upset Alicia. “I can't believe you. This isn't funny.”

  “I'm sorry, Alicia, but when you stomped your foot just now, you looked exactly like the picture I have in my mind when someone says the term spoiled brat.”


  Alicia was obviously upset. She got up to leave, but Kayla tried to quickly calm her. “Sorry, but think about this from my standpoint a minute, Alicia, and remember, I'm your friend. I want to help.” Alicia frowned, but sat back down and didn't stop her when she continued. “I understand what you mean when you say a spanking hurts, trust me,” Kayla said, rubbing her bottom. “It still hurts this morning. Does yours, too?”

  Alicia's eyes told Kayla what she needed to know. “Apparently not, or not too bad, at least. You're lucky. But then again, he probably didn't have as much to spank you for.”

  “Wyatt spanked you last night?”


  “And you're not upset with him?”

  “No.” She looked at Alicia several seconds, before going on. “Let me explain something to you. I haven't told anyone else this, so please don't repeat it. I hope it helps you understand how I feel.”


  “You know I was married once and my husband was killed.”

  “Yes. I'm so sorry.”

  “Thank you. But what I want to tell you is – it's kind of – I'm sorry, let me start again. This is hard.”

  “Kayla, if it's hard, you don't have to—”

  “Yes, I do, Alicia, because it's important to me. I've seen you and Bo together and you belong together. I know you're struggling with this spanking thing, and if I can help you with that in even a little way, I want to. That's how strong I feel about you and Bo belonging together.”


  She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, squared her shoulders, and began. “My first husband's name was Daniel. I loved him very much, and he loved me. However, as with most couples, we didn't always agree on everything. When we didn't, we'd argue. The argument would often
turn loud, and we were soon yelling at each other. When you're that upset and you're yelling at each other it's real easy to say something you don't really mean. We both did that, and we about broke up over it.”

  “I'm sorry, Kayla.”

  “Thank you. We knew we'd hurt each other, so we sat down and talked about it. We confessed we'd both said things we didn't really mean, and decided then that we loved each other and we weren't going to yell at each other any more.”

  “That was good.”

  “That's what we thought, too, but it wasn't.”

  “It wasn't? Why not?”

  “Because instead of yelling at each other we just didn't talk. I'd get mad, he'd get mad, and instead of finding a way to deal with it, one of us would leave, or we'd go to different parts of the house and not talk to each other.” Kayla could tell Alicia was thinking about what she was saying. “We didn't yell at each other, but shutting each other out was just as bad, maybe worse. That was the real reason I didn't date for years after Daniel died. I didn't think it was worth it.”

  “That's sad.”

  “I agree. But then I met Wyatt, and he's different. I admit that when I get upset I start yelling. It's a bad habit, but it's what I did with Daniel, and he yelled back. Now if I get upset and start yelling, Wyatt spanks me before I have a chance to hurt our relationship. I feel bad for yelling at him, but after the spanking is over he forgives me and we cuddle. He holds me and I feel so safe, and so cared for, I can't describe it. It's just so much better than when I was with Daniel.”

  “I guess, but it still hurts, doesn't it?”

  “Yes, but not for long. He spanked harder than normal last night because he's talked to me about this same thing before. But even at that, I only feel it when I sit down, and it's a good reminder. It also reminds me how much he cares about me and is watching out for me. Feeling loved and protected is so much better than not speaking.”


  “Think about it some today, Alicia. Wyatt called because Bo's worried about you. Which feels better; knowing he cares about you or he wouldn't be worried about you, or if you two would have had a yelling match last night and weren't talking today? If you go over there today, I guarantee he'll talk to you. He'll take you in his arms and comfort you. Ask yourself seriously, which would you rather have?”

  She nodded. “You're probably right. I'll have to think about it.”

  “Of course. If you have any questions, please ask me. Or better yet, ask Bo.”

  She nodded. They visited another hour, when Kayla had to go meet one of her fellow teachers. They were planning something special for the beginning of the school year.

  When Alicia left Kayla's house she went into Lindale. She bought a sandwich and took it to the park. She stayed there all afternoon, thinking. While she was there her phone rang. It was Bo, but she just didn't feel ready to talk to him yet, so she let it go to voice mail. She listened later to the message he'd left, and then listened to it again as tears welled up in her eyes.

  She expected to hear him chewing her out for not answering her phone, and for leaving before he came in for breakfast, and not telling him she was going. But he did none of that. He told her he understood she needed to do some thinking about yesterday. He said he was sorry to hear that, but that he understood. He said he was worried about her, and asked if she would please call him to let him know she was okay. He assured her he would be happy to talk with her about any part of yesterday or their relationship and promised he would be honest. He ended by saying he would be looking forward to seeing her again.

  When she listened to it the second time, she could hear the sincerity in his voice. She spent the next half hour thinking about the message and what it meant. She decided to go back to the ranch, but she didn't think she wanted to face him tonight, so she waited until after they would have had supper.

  When she went back to the ranch, there were no lights on in Bo's house, so she assumed he was still in the main house with Wyatt. She went to the barn and started brushing Patsy, and as usual, the large animal had a way of calming her.

  As she was brushing her, she heard one of the hands, she believed it was Brooks, talking on his phone a couple stalls over. From his end of the conversation she assumed he was talking to a friend who was a ranch hand on another ranch. They were talking about what they were going to be doing the next day or so. Listening to him talk to his friend, it was evident he enjoyed working at The Winding Waters, and working for Bo.

  Brooks finished his call, finished feeding the horses, and went to the bunkhouse. Alicia was thinking about what Brooks had said. He'd told his friend Bo had been working with him, teaching him how to break a horse. It was hard work, he'd said, and he and Bo would both probably not be up to doing anything but sleeping tonight. He said Bo was very good at what he did, but very patient in teaching the craft. She thought about that. She had to admit Bo was very patient.

  She was putting her brush up, ready to call it a night, when Bo walked in. She froze, expecting him to be upset that she was hiding in the barn, and hadn't called him. But instead, he approached her slowly, and gently took her in his arms and pulled her in against his chest. “I'm so glad you're okay, Alicia. I was worried.”


  “I know you're upset about last night and wanted time to think. I understand that. But I didn't know how upset you are, or where you went. For all I knew, you could have been upset and out driving somewhere, not thinking about the road, and been in an accident. I worried about you. Thank you for coming home so I know you're okay.”

  “You're not upset with me?”

  “Upset? I'm terribly upset, but it's mostly worry. I'm sorry you didn't feel you could come to me to talk. I wish you felt you could trust me enough to do that. But since I'm the one that caused you to be upset, I guess I understand you going to someone else. I wish you would have let me know you're okay, but again, I can understand that you're not to the place in our relationship yet where you can trust me.”

  “I'm sorry if I really made you worry.”

  “If? Honey, I care a great deal about you. Of course I worried about you. Just like I worried last night when you and Kayla weren't home and we couldn't reach you. Wyatt and I were both going out of our heads worrying about you two. You're two very special ladies to us, even if you don't realize it yet.”

  They were standing in front of Patsy, who chose that moment to whinny and nudge both of them with her head. “See? Even Patsy agrees with me. You're very special to her, too. She's never been brushed this much, and she's loving it.”

  Alicia chuckled and stroked Patsy's neck. Then she cuddled back into Bo's arms, and she swore she not only felt warmth in his arms, but strength and safety. She liked that. She liked that a lot. But she still wasn't sure if she could live with the possibility of another spanking.

  Bo held her for a couple minutes. “Are you ready to go in the house?”

  “Yeah, I think so.” He turned them toward the door of the barn, when she had a thought. “How did you know I was in here?”

  “I saw you drive in about an hour ago. I waited in the house for you, but when it was obvious you weren't coming in right away, I assumed you would be in here, with Patsy.”

  “But you didn't come out right away.”

  “If you came out here you obviously wanted more time to think, or weren't ready to see me yet, so I gave you a little space. But I can only worry so long, and I had to see you, see for myself that you're okay. See if maybe you're ready to talk yet.”

  “Not yet,” she said, “but I've been doing a lot of thinking.”

  He nodded. “Just don't over-think it. When you're ready to talk, I'll be ready to listen, and answer.”

  “Thank you.”

  They'd reached the house, and he stopped outside, but turned her toward him. “Will I see you at breakfast in the morning?”


  “Good.” He leaned down and gave her a goodnight kiss, but kept it qui
ck. He'd sworn to himself he wouldn't push her.

  She went inside to find Wyatt waiting for her. “You okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I'm fine.”

  He nodded. “You had Bo going crazy worrying about you. You want to talk?”

  She shook her head.

  “Okay. If you ever do, just say so. We can talk.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I'm glad you're okay. See you in the morning.” He turned to leave, but turned again. “We will see you in the morning, won't we?”


  “Okay. Just checking.” He turned and went upstairs to his room, leaving her alone downstairs. She looked around, but nothing interested her, so she turned off the light, checked the door to be sure it was locked, and went to bed.

  Alicia went downstairs the next morning, not sure what to expect. She was afraid things would be awkward, but she needn't have worried. Bo and Wyatt acted as if nothing had changed. Wyatt kissed her cheek, while Bo greeted her with a quick but nice kiss on her lips. They talked about ranching, like normal, what they were going to do today and who would take which men to help them.

  Alicia called Kayla, and they planned to put their meal they were going to fix on hold. She still wasn't sure quite how she felt. She had definite feelings for Bo, but she just wasn't sure she could handle what went with dating Bo.

  She spent much of her day thinking about him, without meaning to. Everywhere she went something reminded her of him, or something they'd done together. She went to say hi to Patsy, and she remembered the first time he took her to the barn, and how gentle he was with her, making sure she felt comfortable around horses, and how patient he'd been showing her how to brush them down.

  She went to lay out by the pool and read a little bit, and she kept recalling the day they'd decided to take a swim in the pool. They'd laughed and played, but he'd turned instantly serious when she ran from the pool one time, trying to get away from him. He'd given her a talk about why it was dangerous to run on the pool deck, where it was slippery.


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