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Limitless (Journey Series)

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by C. A. Williams

  Just a few months ago, he had proposed to me at his graduation party in front of all his family and friends. After getting over what I think was a small panic attack, I had finally answered Chase back with a yes. A million different things had been running through my mind, but I knew that in the long run Chase was the only guy I would ever want to marry. Whether he asked me then or ten years from now, I was always going to say yes.

  As soon as that simple word left my lips, Chase scooped me up and ran towards the house, leaving the party behind. I’m pretty sure it was some sort of record that he set and we ended up in his old bedroom at his mom’s house. Apparently, my answer turned him on, but I wasn’t complaining.

  We rejoined the crowd that had started to disperse, leaving just Chase’s immediate family behind which was still a pretty good size with all of his sisters. Ally and Teddy had slyly disappeared, probably together. Ew. I really did not want to know what those two were doing. Like ever. But I had a very serious discussion with Ally about it after I was able to hunt her down. Those two were still doing whatever they were doing, so I guess none of my ranting about Teddy’s promiscuous ways actually got through to her.

  All of his sisters pounced on us immediately wanting to see the ring; which was amazing, something that I had never imagined being on my finger. It had an antique look to it, which was confirmed by Chase as his grandmother’s, and he added a few special touches to make it completely my style.

  Then, they all started questioning when the wedding would be. Really? We had just gotten engaged but it didn’t surprise me as much as it should have. Chase liked things to move quickly and apparently, so did his family. It must be genetic or something.

  So after a lot of talk for a few weeks, Chase and I finally decided that we wanted a beach wedding. And what better place to have it then the all- inclusive resort trip Mary and Chris had gotten us all for Christmas?

  Which brought us back to why we were at the airport so freaking early. After much discussion it had been me that actually suggested we set the big day right before Chase started his new teaching job and I went back to school to finish up my last semester for my nursing degree. Why not?

  So here we were in August, getting ready to head out to get married. I don’t think it had completely sunk in yet, because for some reason I wasn’t nervous. Yet. I’m sure the nerves would set in soon enough, but I just had to ignore them. Chase was perfect and he was all mine.

  “Here Leah, I know you probably need this.” Ally came up from behind us and shoved a to-go cup of steaming hot coffee at me with a bright smile pasted on her face. No wonder she was my maid of honor. Except she was sort of annoying me right now with how she was so bright and cheery. Seriously, something was wrong with her.

  She sat down next to Caleb, who was sprawled across two seats, sound asleep. He hadn’t woken up once since we left the house, checked in our baggage, and went through security. Why couldn’t I do that? Chase would’ve gladly carried me if I had suggested it.

  Along with all of Chase’s family, Ally, Remy, Mark, and Teddy were also coming along on the trip. I tried to tell them all they didn’t need to come since I knew it was kind of an expensive trip but they all insisted they wanted to be there. And really I was glad, we were sort of like a dysfunctional family and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Ally’s parents couldn’t make it. I understood that it was a little short notice, but I was a little sad about them not being there. They had been a family to Caleb and I while I finished high school and Mr. James had really helped out during the first year of college.

  But the group we had going, was a large one and we were all flying together. Combined with all of the kids and some of the obnoxious adults, namely Teddy, I was sure this was going to be a very interesting and long plane ride.


  We touched down in Jamaica and were welcomed at the airport by a driver with a huge cargo van that surprisingly fit all of us. The weather was balmy with a tropical feel to it. It was still warm back in Indiana but this felt different and I couldn’t wait to get out onto the beach. I had been studying the brochures and website ever since we decided when we were going for sure and had been working back and forth with a planner from the resort to hammer out all of the details for the wedding.

  “I think that’s everything.” Chase gave the driver a pat on the back and handed him a tip after he slammed the back doors shut, which was loaded down with all of our luggage. The only thing bad about getting married down here was all of the stuff we had to haul down, so to say we had a lot was kind of an understatement. When Chase had paid for baggage at the airline counter, I had quickly turned my head the other way so I wouldn’t have to see the damage being put onto his credit card.

  “Mommy I’m hungry, when are we gonna eat? And I want to go to the beach and build sand castles and play in the water. And Chase said that we could get boogie boards, where do we buy those from? I want a red one.” I placed a hand over Caleb’s mouth to quiet him down, he hadn’t stopped talking since the plane took off and I hadn’t been able to get a wink of sleep. Mary turned around from the bench seats in front of us to give me a knowing look. How that woman dealt with so many kids was beyond me.

  “Don’t worry Caleb, we’ll be there in a bit and do everything you would like to do. How about you look out the window and try to see the ocean?” Mary leaned back to pat him on the head and the rest of the kids all tried to get a look by smashing their noses against the glass of the windows and looking at the scenic view. It was the first time I had heard any form of silence since we had left. I think I needed to borrow some of Mary’s patience.

  We pulled up to the resort, which looked like something straight out of a movie. Mary and Chris had really splurged on this place. I couldn’t believe that this was where we would actually be getting married. It was kind of surreal.

  The lobby was decorated with lush wicker furniture done in tropical patterns and sleek tiled flooring. There were actually no windows stopping you from the ocean and you could feel the breeze coming in while we all gathered around the check in desk.

  The water was an almost see through blue and the beach had pure white sand with cabanas dotted up and down the private stretch. It was truly heaven. And we were getting married here. I wasn’t the type to get giddy, but holy shit!

  After being shown to our rooms, we were finally able to get settled in for the next seven days. Luckily, Mary hadn’t insisted on being traditional and Chase and I were in our own honeymoon suite, even before the wedding.

  Mary and Chris were keeping all of the kids, including Caleb, in three adjoining rooms with Chase’s older sisters helping out. Mary insisted on it being that way so we wouldn’t have to worry about anything on our trip and just to have some fun like a normal young couple.

  Ally and Remy were rooming together while Mark and Teddy shared another room. Mark and Remy were still dating and going strong, but I really didn’t want Ally and Teddy to share a room, they were far from official with each other and both had already been talking about scoping out the beach later on for some new hookups.

  I think they had some kind of competition going on to see who could pick someone up first. My money was on Ally. I still didn’t get the appeal of Teddy. He was a nice guy and yeah, he was good looking but the things I knew about him made my skin crawl.

  “So, you think you’re ready for this, baby?” Chase asked as he unpacked his suitcase and hung things in the oversized closet that was tucked in the corner. I swear it was as big as our bedroom back home. This place seemed to pull out all of the stops, especially in the honeymoon suite.

  “Well, I would really hope so. It would be kind of awkward to leave you at the altar down here and then have to wait for a plane ride home,” I teased. Really, there was no doubt in my mind but I’m sure Chase was a little nervous that there was. To say he had been shocked that I had accepted his proposal, was kind of an understatement.

  He came over to me after h
anging up his tan tux that we had decided on and twisted my hips around so I was pressed against his body. I breathed in his deep soap scent that I loved so much and squeezed my eyes shut to savor the smell. Hopefully, when we got old and gray, that smell would still be there. It was one of the things I loved about him so much, it was just so comforting.

  “Are you doing okay?” he whispered against my neck in between warm kisses. I bunched up his shirt in my hands willing him not to stop, trying to keep his head where it was but of course, he pulled back to look at me intently with those familiar green eyes.

  “Yes, I’m okay. The real question is, are you okay?”

  After Mr. Barnum or should I say, Roy, left, I was kind of eerily calm about the whole situation. When Chase got home from hanging out with the guys, I explained what happened and he went a little crazy, to put it into nicer terms. He paced the living room back and forth so many times I was sure there would be marks in the carpet.

  After he finally got done grilling me about what Roy said word for word about twenty times, he went off into the small office we had set up and clicked away on the computer, researching for hours. I’m pretty sure I saw a few grey hairs on his pretty little head by the time he finally came out.

  “Let’s not worry about it until we get home, ‘kay? We can deal with the real world when we get back. For now, let’s worry about what we should wear to this little shindig planned for us tonight, and better yet what our friends have planned for us.”

  Chapter 3


  Leah was right, I needed to forget the whole Caleb situation for now and just enjoy our time together. I mean, we were down here to get married and pretty soon Leah would be my wife. How fuckin’ crazy was that? Just thinking about that guy though pissed me off and made my chest tighten. Roy Barnum, what kind of name is that anyway? One for a douche bag.

  Any guy who had touched Leah’s mom had to be an idiot. I had heard countless stories from Leah about her mom’s scandalous ways. She was an uncaring woman who didn’t give two shits about her own kids and was only ever worried about her next lay and to make sure there was plenty of booze around the house.

  I was convinced he was just putting on a show for Leah. She said he was dressed nicely and looked to be clean cut. Yeah, well you can’t always judge people by their appearances, right? Leah had thought I was some sort of bad boy player when she had first met me, just because I had some tattoos and a tongue ring. I had been with a few girls, nothing out of the norm, but I left the whole player thing up to Teddy. I had been his wingman for years.

  Hopefully, Leah’s mother was just mistaken about this Roy character and we wouldn’t have to deal with all of that shit.

  For now, I just needed to worry about Leah. And she was looking freaking sexy right about now. I couldn’t believe that was my soon- to- be- wife. She had left to go get ready with Ally and Remy after finding something to wear and I didn’t see her again until we met up for the pre- wedding blow out that Ally had planned. She had rented one of those cabana things right on the beach with a fire pit in the center.

  “Damn baby, how did I get so lucky?” I wrapped her in my arms the minute I saw her, grabbing a nice handful around back before she pushed me away with a giggle. She had her hair down just how I liked it, all curly and loose on her bare shoulders and Ally had somehow convinced her to wear the shortest red dress I think I had ever seen, along with a pair of black heels that were so tall and pointy I’m not even sure how she was walking right now.

  “This is awesome, wouldn’t you just love to live here?” I pulled her down onto my lap on one of those chaise lounge things and the rest of the crew joined us.

  “Here, these are for you two.” Ally placed a tiara with a veil on Leah’s head and a button that said bride-to-be on it, while I got my typical black hat that I liked to wear but had the word groom scrawled across it in white.

  We had a personal waiter that brought anything from the beach bar to us and then Ally had some of those fire breathing dancers come out along with hula girls in grass skirts.

  “Now that’s what I’m talking about. Let the entertainment begin,” Teddy yelled out, while throwing a shot back and standing up to dance alongside the girls. I noticed Ally behind him rolling her eyes and her arms crossed tightly over her chest. I really wasn’t sure what was going on with those two, it was like they were fighting being in a relationship together or something, even though they seemed to have an undeniable attraction. Anyone with two eyes could see it.

  After that, we made our way to one of the on-site clubs. I knew this kind of place wasn’t Leah’s typical scene since she didn’t drink much but she seemed to be okay with whatever Ally had planned. When we got in, Ally talked to the front bouncer who then showed us to a VIP section. This girl had really hooked us up tonight.

  “Oh my god Ally, this is awesome!” Remy squealed out from Marks lap. The place was two levels and the VIP section was on the top. It looked like there were a few different bar sections and just like with the cabana we got our own personal waitress who immediately took our drink orders upon arrival.

  “Leah, let’s go dance!” Ally jumped up grabbing Leah and Remy’s hands and with one swift kiss from Leah, she was gone.

  “So dude, you ready for tomorrow? Getting cold feet and all that shit?” Teddy asked as his eyes scanned the crowd beneath us. His normal groupies weren’t around that knew him so well but he still had girls falling all over him just about everywhere he went. I was pretty positive that he would be leaving with at least one tonight.

  “Yeah, I think I’m good, Teddy. No cold feet here to worry about. What about you and Ally, you thinking about starting anything up with her?”

  “She’s better than half the shit you bring home anyway, Teddy, why don’t you give it a shot?” Mark chimed in while handing us each another shot that the waitress had just brought over. I needed to seriously slow down or Leah was going to have to carry my wasted ass back to the room. I had other plans for tonight, so that would not do.

  “Trust me, Ally is loads of fun but you guys know better than anyone I’m not ready to settle down. Especially if the band is going somewhere. Who wants to have to keep it in their pants when you’re on the road? Not this guy.” I just laughed at him as I scanned the crowd of dancers until I found Leah’s small body moving to the music alongside Ally and Remy.

  Since I had left the band, Tyler had joined. And Leah liked to remind me that he had nothing on me, but the guys had actually been doing good, booking more gigs and bigger locations. They even got contacted to be the opening act on a tour. Leah asked if I missed it or if I wished I would be going with them but I was glad I got my teaching job. And I was about to marry the hottest and smartest girl around. I wouldn’t change anything even if I could.

  “Chase, come dance with me,” Leah yanked on my hand with a seductive smile and I wasn’t about to do anything but follow. She led me through the crowd of people and I placed my hands on her hips while she moved them to the music. Even with those tall ass heels on, the top of her head still only came to my shoulder. I could tell what little liquor she drank had gone straight to her head by the way she was laughing the whole time and leaning her body against me, but I didn’t mind.

  I twisted her body around so her back was to my chest and wrapped my arms around her small waist. She kept pressing her body closer and closer to me, which really wasn’t a good thing since there were so many people around, even though I liked it. A lot.

  I had to take advantage of her aggressiveness even if that made me an asshole. She normally wasn’t like this in public.

  I trailed kisses down her neck while she wrapped an arm around the back of mine and I whispered in her ear, feeling the shivers run right down her body. “You really should quit that or were gonna get kicked out of here. I don’t think they’ll like what I’m about to do to you right now.” My dick twitched in my pants, like it was trying to make a point. I’m sure she could feel it too, through that t
hin ass material that was molded to ever curve of her body.

  She giggled at me and turned her body around again, bringing her lips just inches away from mine. “Are you ready to ditch this place then? Ally will never have to know.”

  I scooped her up in my arms just the way she liked it and made a beeline through the crowd. I didn’t have to be asked twice.

  Chapter 4


  “There you are, Leah Rossi! I know you sneaked out on me last night and just left without a goodbye. I bet you think you’re so sneaky, but you’re not. You’re lucky it’s your wedding day or I’d beat the shit out of you right now. I don’t think a black eye would be too pretty in the wedding pictures though.” Ally huffed out a breath, before climbing into the pedicure chair beside me and dipping her feet into the steaming water with a sigh. Remy was already on the other side of me after we had met up for breakfast. Apparently, Ally had a later night than the both of us. I wonder who exactly it was with.

  “Just relax, Al. Me and Chase don’t get much alone time, so we’re going to take advantage of it while we can. We had fun with everything you planned out, so thank you.”

  “Well, I guess that’s okay then, as long as you had fun before and after.” She wiggled her eyebrows at me, not even needing an answer for that. She knew perfectly well all about Chase’s amazing skills. I’m pretty sure she was sick of hearing about them.

  “So Rem, you excited to start school? Can you believe we’re almost done?” Remy and I both had equal amount of credits so we would be getting our nursing degrees at the end of the fall semester.

  “Yes,” she answered back while handing the technician a bottle of bright red nail polish that she had picked out, which matched her hair perfectly. “I just can’t believe that we’re almost finished, its surreal. Then I just have to figure out where I want to go and start applying for jobs. Who knows where Mark will be or if we’ll end up staying together.”


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