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No Safeword: Matte - Happily Ever After (Safewords)

Page 35

by Candace Blevins

  As before, he set his clock to announce the minutes.

  One of the coaches had duct taped a circle on their mat, and Ethan told her she’d need to stay inside the circle.

  “A foot outside, or tossing me and having me go out is no big deal, but no running from me.”

  Sam nodded and he started the time.

  He came at her fast and strong, and caught her off guard, but she was determined to last the entire eight minutes. She managed to get away from him and land a few punches while she was at it.

  He had her on the ground when his phone announced “three minutes remaining,” and it gave her a burst of energy, which she used to wriggle out of his grasp and reverse the hold into a textbook triangle choke.

  Ten seconds later, Ethan ‘The Caveman’ Levi tapped out.

  Sam let him go and backed off, and watched him gasp for air as his eyes unglazed.

  When he sat up and she was sure he was okay, she tried to keep her smile from beaming too terribly large as she said, “You didn’t tell me what I’d get if I forced you to tap out.”

  She took a breath and tried again to school her smile. It didn’t seem to want to tone itself down.

  He shook his head. “You get to decide the position, the hole you want fucked, and you get to come as often as you want. Damn, but Karen Johansen’s going to be in a world of hurt.”

  “I’m glad you think so, but we both know it could go either way. She’s good and has a lot more experience than me.”

  “And you just kicked my ass.”

  “But you can’t hit me or kick me. It isn’t a fair fight.”

  “I’m nearly three times your weight, and over a foot taller.” He shook his head. “If it isn’t fair, it’s stacked more in my favor than yours.”

  He stood and walked towards the door. “Come on, Bruiser. Let’s move this to the playroom.”

  “Oh, hell no. Not you, too!”

  He stopped and turned to look at her.

  She smiled and said, “Sir.”

  * * * *

  Six weeks of training flew by, and before Sam realized it, Ethan was telling her it was time for their last scene until after the fights.

  This time, he took Sam to the cabin instead of sending the coaches away.

  She stopped on the front porch and said, “This is where we first had sex, first stayed up and talked forever, had our first breakfast.” She looked in the front door and remembered standing here to admire him as he did push-ups midair on the gymnastics rings thrown over the support beam.

  He hugged her and kissed her forehead. “I know. I miss it, but I’m happy to be living with you now.” He looked around. “Nice to come back every once in a while, though.”

  “I really hope you don’t have a repeat of our first night planned. I mean, if you want to fight in the back I will, but we’ve sparred so much—”

  He interrupted, “Don’t worry, I feel the same. I look forward to a time when we aren’t sparring so often, so we can have fun with it like we used to.” He unlocked the door, motioned her in, and said, “Clothes off,” before she was three feet inside.

  He gave her a decent sized enema, made her hold it five minutes, and told her she had forty minutes to be sure she was empty.

  When she came out she saw clear plastic on the bed and floor around it. He had her help him put a sheet over the plastic, and then ran a flat moving strap down the center of the mattress, flush with the top of the sheet from the headboard to the footboard.

  “That should do it, let’s head out to the back porch until our guests arrive.

  “Guests, Master?”

  “Yes, I need some assistance with a project, and Tara has offered the services of one of her boy-toys. She’ll be here as well, but the she won’t touch or Top you, so it shouldn’t be weird between the two of you later.”

  He was right. Sam was used to being around friends at play parties, and as long as it was side-by-side play it wasn’t usually awkward later. Still, she wanted to argue she should have had a say, but knew their current contract didn’t give her the right. The reminder of just how much she belonged to him, and the authority he held, set her juices going and she wished she dared reach down to play with herself, but knew he wouldn’t approve.

  He strung her up on the porch just as he had on their first night, and proceeded to flog her towards subspace. He used her favorite flogger at the perfect tempo, and had her moaning in bliss right off the bat.

  When she finally heard a car on the graveled drive, she wasn’t totally gone, but was happy and floaty.

  Ethan must have told Tara to come around back, because he didn’t stop flogging as she saw movement. She turned her head to see her friend with a man several inches taller. Tara’s slave was naked except for a collar and an elaborate leather cock ring. And a leash attached to the cock ring.

  Ethan gave Sam a few dozen harder strikes, enough to make her go from moaning to half-screaming, and stopped to talk to Tara. “I assume he’s ready?”

  “Yep, all cleaned out and hasn’t been allowed an orgasm in five days.”

  She looked at her boy-toy and said, “This is Master Ethan and Miss Sam.” She looked to Ethan and said, “This is Toy.”

  Ethan released Sam’s hands and supported her as he turned to the go into the cabin. “Well then, bring your toy so we can play. I have things partially set up, didn’t want to spoil the surprise by setting everything up.”

  As they stepped into the bedroom Sam opened her mouth to ask what was going to happen, but Ethan shook his head before she had a chance to speak. “No words unless you’re asked a direct question, Samantha.”

  Sam nodded, and climbed onto the bed when he pointed.

  In just a few minutes Ethan had her stretched sideways across the bed, her shoulders on the moving strap and her hands connected to it near her shoulders. He connected her feet to her wrists and said, “They won’t be there the whole night, but I need to keep them out of the way for now.”

  He turned to Tara and asked, “Is your boy ready?”

  “Toy, you’ll be catheterizing Miss Sam here. As long as Master Ethan doesn’t tell you to do something that breaks infection protocols, or in some way puts Miss Sam in danger, you’ll do as he says. If he gives an order you aren’t comfortable with, alert me.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  Sam’s insides flip-flopped and she looked to Ethan and shook her head, begging him with her eyes, though she knew it would do no good.

  Ethan gave her his sadistic smile, and Sam closed her eyes and tried to breathe through her fear.

  This was going to happen. She had no way to stop it, short of safewording in front of other people and forcing his hand, which she had no intention of doing. She may as well dig deep and find some control, and not embarrass herself or her Master.

  Toy took his time opening the sterile package and laying everything out.

  Sam had at first thought the man looked like an accountant, but decided he must be a nurse like Tara.

  His hands were methodical as he organized everything, opened her labia, swabbed her clean, and finally inserted the catheter. His eyes didn’t meet hers, he’d been given a job to do and he was following orders.

  His cock had been hard when they’d arrived, and when he started, but she didn’t lift her head to look at it as he worked on her. She didn’t want to know.

  She hated the way the tube felt going in, and whined and squealed as he pushed, but concentrated on being still.

  He inflated the balloon to lock it inside her, and looked to Tara, who said, “Okay then, up on the bed beside her. You’re next.”

  They situated his hands the same as Sam’s, but let Sam’s legs down and attached her left ankle to Toy’s right ankle, and then they strung the two submissive’s outside legs to the bed posts.

  Tara went through practically the same procedure on her boy to put the catheter in, and then had Ethan do exactly as she did as they pushed sterile water into their submissives’ bladde
rs and then closed off the tubes, trapping the water.

  “It feels like I need to go really bad, Master!” she exclaimed.

  Tara chuckled and said, “Explain it to her, boy.”

  “They put saline solution in our bladders, and then clamped the tubes so we’re stuck with it. We won’t get relief until they allow it, Miss Sam.”

  Sam looked to Ethan and felt her eyes grow huge as he pulled enema equipment out and began hanging it on the convenient wall hooks. Most vacationers renting the cabin probably thought they were for robes, but Sam was sure Master James had other uses for them.

  Toy’s wrist cuff was bound to the same strap as Sam’s, and he touched her hand with his and looked at her sideways in question. Sam put her hand into his and appreciated the connection as Ethan and Tara pushed double balloon nozzles into their asses, and inflated the balloons.

  The water went in fast, and Toy complained, begged, and pleaded while Sam whined, moaned, and screamed — but neither Tara or Ethan relented. Sam squeezed Toy’s hand in support when he was hurting, and he did the same for her.

  The dual sensation of being filled with water in her bladder and colon was too much, but Sam had been forbidden words and couldn’t tell her Master how she felt. She took a breath and ran through her various hurts and pains from head to toe, and acknowledged Ethan likely knew exactly what he was putting her through and didn’t need her to tell him.

  Tara produced straws and medical tape, and Sam’s eyes once again grew large as Ethan pushed short but fat straws into her nostrils and taped them in place. They weren’t in very far — just enough to make his point about filling her holes.

  He’d lit a jar candle earlier, and now lifted it high over her stomach and poured melted wax into her bellybutton before handing the jar to Tara, who did the same with her Toy.

  Ethan showed her some earplugs and fit them into her ears. “Can you hear me?”

  Amazingly, she could, and she nodded and said, “Yes, Master.”

  “Good. They’re made for swimmers. I wanted you to hear us, know what was coming next.”

  Another cramp hit and Sam tried to keep her left leg still so she wouldn’t yank Toy around. She screamed and leaned her body up as much as possible, but Ethan only patted her leg.

  “The water isn’t going anywhere for a while. We have two more holes to fill.”

  He showed her a dildo gag, and had her lift her head so he could secure the strap around the back of her head before inserting the silicon cock in her mouth and fastening the buckle. The thick dildo was long enough to trigger her gag reflex, and she had to concentrate on sucking and swallowing almost constantly, or risk embarrassing herself by gagging over and over.

  Tara had been doing the same things to Toy, beside her, so he was also being slowly filled, hole by hole.

  Ethan pulled his shorts off and Tara exclaimed, “Holy mother of all that is holy! We need to take some of the water out of her bladder before you stick that thing in her! I figured the amount for a normal sized instrument, and that is… not normal. I mean, holy shit! That is….” She shook her head and added, “If Toy wasn’t restrained so well I’d make him get on the floor and show obeisance.”

  Ethan just stood and looked at her until she wound down, and then asked, “I want her to be full, do I really need to take water out?”

  “Oh yeah. I’m surprised girlfriend has enough room inside of her petite-self for your mammoth cock without the enema and the catheter. Let’s take at least half the water out, because I’m not comfortable with her being anywhere near this full if you plan to stuff that monster-truck of a dick inside her.”

  Sam wanted to hug Tara, but all she could do was keep sucking on the dildo gag, and try to stay relaxed and still so the enema didn’t hurt any worse.

  The idea of being filled in every hole, of him showing her she was just a vessel, a sex object to be used and filled…she wanted his cock, needed him to fill her last hole, but had been terrified of how it would make her already full bladder feel.

  She sighed in relief as Tara talked Ethan through releasing some of the water. When he finished she handed him a piece of medical tape, saying, “Here, tape the catheter tube to the inside of her leg with a good bit of slack, get it up and away so you don’t bump it or accidently pull it.”

  Tara looked to her Toy and ran her hand up and down his cock. “Too bad for you, all the water stays in your bladder. Ethan is a genius. I love the idea of filling all of your holes, showing you exactly what you’re good for.”

  She stroked his cock a few more times before saying, “As Ethan fills Sam’s last hole with his cock, I’ll be putting more holes in your cock and balls. I do love needle play, and Ethan tells me the nearest neighbor is miles away, so you can scream and scream and scream.”

  Toy tried to talk around his dildo gag without success, and Sam rubbed his hand with her thumb and tried to soothe him, but he looked to her with terror in his eyes.

  Sam looked at Ethan, concerned, and Ethan said, “He has a safeword, and a way to give it when gagged. Worry about yourself, and whether I might decide to borrow some of Tara’s needles, if she has extra.”

  “Oh, I have plenty,” Tara said, ever helpful.

  Sam closed her eyes, but immediately opened them when she felt Ethan’s cock at her entrance.

  “That’s it, look at me as I enter you. Your last empty hole.” He groaned as he pressed in, and Sam’s noises echoed his.

  “Ah yes, warm enema, warm water in your bladder, and such a hot cunt between.”

  He pushed in, changed his angle, pushed some more, and when he was finally all the way in he looked into her eyes and said, “You’re mine. Every inch of you belongs to me, and you will remember it over the next couple of weeks.”

  Sam sucked the dildo, nodded, and whined. She was so damned full. The relief she’d felt when he let the water out of her bladder was gone and she once again had to pee so bad it hurt. The enema wasn’t as big as he’d given her before — she didn’t look pregnant, but there was a visible bulge from the water and she felt every ounce of it threading through her gut as her colon was forced to accept and hold it.

  The straws didn’t hurt, but she could see and feel them, and the tape itched the end of her nose. The plugs in her ears, the long dildo gag, and the damned wax in her belly button…it was just too much.

  “You don’t have permission to come, by the way.”

  He said it so casually, as if it were nothing, and she went from not even thinking about being close, to suddenly being inches away from release. Not near enough to be at risk, but much closer than she was before he forbid it.

  He pulled out, pressed back in. Slow, measured, deliberate.

  “My bladder, my ass, my pussy. My wife.”

  Again, he pulled out and pushed back in — faster, but still with more control than any other man would likely manage under the circumstances.

  She heard Toy whine a few seconds before breaking out into a scream beside her, and she lifted her head to see a needle poking through the skin of his shaft. It went in one side and out the other, but only pierced the skin and didn’t go through the meat of his cock. Still, it must hurt something awful because he’d broken out in a sweat and was shaking his head back and forth as she brought another needle towards his cock.

  Ethan fucked Sam in slow motion and asked, “You aren’t close?”

  Sam shook her head. As horny as she was, and as bad as she wished she could be close, she needed to pee and it hurt too bad to tip over the edge in bliss.

  “If I let some of the water out of your bladder, will you be able to come?”

  She shrugged her shoulders and nodded at the same time, hoping he’d understand she thought she might, but wasn’t sure.

  Ethan pulled out, fiddled with her catheter, and she heard water going into the garbage can again.

  He pressed back into her, and while she still felt a little in her bladder, she could enjoy it so much more this time. She moaned and he s
aid, “That’s my girl. Tell me when you’re close.”

  She thought he meant she was going to be allowed to come, so when she was close and ready to tip over, she grunted and moved her hips, hoping he’d understand.

  He pulled out and took a step back; his sadistic smile telling her knew exactly what she was telling him.

  He held up a short, fat, dildo. “Tara has a few really long needles, and she says I can put this inside of you, and then push the needle through one lip, and then the other, to trap the dildo inside your pussy.”

  Sam got a look at the needle, and while it was long, it was teeny tiny around, and she breathed in relief as her hips rotated and begged for attention — even if it meant a needle. It would hurt, but would be mostly healed by tomorrow.

  Tara was using larger diameter needles on Toy’s cock, and she felt for him.

  Ethan slid the fat dildo into her pussy, swiped one of her pussy lips with a wipe, used the piercing forceps to pull the labia out and hold it, and counted backwards before he stuck the needle through. He put it through close to her body, which made it hurt worse, but she knew the dildo would try to push its way out later and she’d be in a whole different kind of hurt.

  He made a production of cleaning her other lip and situating the forceps. There was more pain as the needle pierced her other lip, and she squeaked, but still didn’t scream.

  The back of Ethan’s hand had been holding the dildo in, and he slowly pulled his hands away now.

  The dildo tried to slide out, and the needle caught it. Sam grunted and whined at the pull and stretch, but Ethan only put something on both ends of the needle, to both hold it in place and keep it from poking her in the thighs.

  He rolled the needle down a little and she felt it catch. He smiled as he met her gaze, “I made a little channel in the back of the dildo, to make sure it can’t slide out from under.”

  Yeah, this wasn’t a spur of the moment thing.

  Toy gasped and screamed again, and Sam once again lifted her head to see what was going on, but the motion tried to push the dildo out, and she screamed around the cock-gag as she put her head back on the bed and forced her body to relax so the dildo in her pussy would go back in.


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